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Beth and the Barbarian

Page 6

by Honey Phillips

  “Warriors begin formal training at age seven. Usually we train in our home district but my father had died not long after I was born and my mother wanted a new mate. She sent me to a different district.”

  “At seven?” She sounded horrified, but he merely shrugged.

  “It used to be standard practice and it’s still not uncommon. That is the central square in Angarholt, the district where I was sent.” He hesitated. “I never went home again. She caught her mate and they went campaigning together. They died together.”

  “Oh, Dragar.” She tried to hug him but he closed the sketchbook, moved her away, and stood up. He didn’t want to think about that day and how lost and abandoned he had felt. Angarholt had turned out better than he had expected. Jakkar’s family had taken him in and he had made a friend and found a home. But the image of that day was just another reminder that everything he loved would be taken from him. He was destined to be alone.

  “Every image you get from me represents loneliness. Perhaps you should consider why.”

  Dragar stared at the holograph, trying once again to concentrate on the image and not on the female curled on the bunk. How could one small woman be such a distraction? He knew she was unhappy and he knew it was because of what he had said. But it had been the truth and she needed to know that there was no future between them. The knowledge didn’t stop him from feeling like he had betrayed her.

  Beth shifted on the bunk and her sweet scent wafted through the air. His body responded instantly and he slanted a glance at her out of the corner of his eye. She was focused on her sketchbook and his shirt had slipped off her shoulder, exposing her delicate collar bone and the slight upper swell of her breast. His cock started to press painfully against the leather of his loincloth. From the moment he had seen her tiny body wrapped in his shirt, his possessive impulses had been raging. He liked having his mark on her, even if it was just a shirt. He gripped the chair arms, trying to control the impulse to stride over to the bed and make his claim irrefutable.

  By the time they sat down to eat, his head was throbbing as hard as his cock. After a silent meal, he headed for the san, desperate to relieve at least one source of pain but as soon as his hand closed around his rigid shaft, he knew it wasn’t going to help. Swearing, he simply leant against the wall and let the hot liquid flow over his head. He finally emerged and froze. His reprogramming efforts had been successful and she had been able to dim the lights but there was still more than enough light for him to see the vision waiting for him.

  Beth was lying on the bed on her stomach. Her head was resting on her arms and his shirt had worked its way up far enough that he could see the bottom curve of her ass, her creamy skin a shocking contrast to the dark fabric. She heard him come out and looked over her shoulder, eyes wide and dark. He reached for his loincloth but her voice halted his movement.

  “Please…” She bit her lip. “Please let me look at you. I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to but I’ve never really seen a…seen you before.”

  He hesitated and she rolled up on to her knees in one graceful motion. “Come here.”

  Dragar knew it was mistake but he moved to the bunk and dropped down beside her. He reached for the blanket but her small hand grasped his wrist.

  “Please,” she repeated.

  “Very well.” He laid back and closed his eyes, trying to pretend that he didn’t feel her gaze as an almost physical heat against his skin. She was quiet for a long time and then he felt the warmth of her hand, hovering close to shoulder.

  “May I touch you?”

  He couldn’t think of anything he had ever wanted more. Growling an assent, he opened his eyes and watched as her pale fingers fluttered down to touch his arm with a feathery caress. Forcing himself to lay still, he let her explore him, her fingers like a hot wind across his skin as she stroked his arms and investigated the contours of his chest. Moving closer, she caressed his legs in long, gentle motions. By the time she reached his groin, he was shivering, waiting for her touch. She slid her fingers along the sensitive line between hip and thigh and paused, hovering at the base of his cock.

  “May I?” she whispered, and he could only nod his head, hands knotted in the covers.

  More delicate touches—her fingers tracing the length of his shaft and darting beneath to cup the heavy weight of his balls. He groaned and she paused. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No.” It was all he could manage and she studied his face with worried eyes. He met her gaze and she looked startled for a second before giving him that innocent, seductive smile. She cupped him again and this time her hands were sure and confident. His hips jerked involuntarily.

  Leaning closer, she studied his cock and he could feel her warm breath tickling the responsive skin. She tried to close her hand around his throbbing length but he was too big and her hand was too small. It didn’t matter. He had never felt anything as exquisite as her soft touch. Then she pulled her hand up the rigid length and he almost exploded. Three more times she repeated the agonizingly gentle movement and then he felt her breath again, whispering across the thick head of his cock.

  “I’ve never done this before. Tell me what to do.”

  Lifting up on to his elbows, he watched as she swept her small pink tongue across the weeping head. The sight was unbelievably erotic but the moist warmth of her tongue was even better. His whole body convulsed. She paused and then lifted her head and looked at him as she licked her lips.

  “You taste wonderful.”

  “Little one, you are testing my self-control.” His voice was hoarse and her eyes widened.

  “Am I doing something wrong?”

  “No, you’re perfect. Do that again.”

  She smiled and lowered her head. Her tongue swept out again and she started licking him, circling the head and moving up and down his shaft in long slow strokes. One hand was still fisted around the base of his cock while the other caressed his balls. Her delicate touches were tantalizing and frustrating at the same time.

  “Put your mouth around me.” He couldn’t stand it any longer.

  Her full, pink lips closed around his cock and the swollen head slid into the hot depths of her small mouth. He knew he was too big for her but his cock jerked up into her mouth anyway. To his amazement, she didn’t flinch away but took him deeper. His hands were fisted so tightly into the blanket that he could feel the cloth tearing but he kept his body immobile. Slowly feeling her way, she took him deeper still and he groaned again. His cock hit the back of her throat and she drew back slightly but didn’t release him. Instead, her lips closed more firmly around his aching shaft and she slid her mouth back up. The tight suction felt incredible. She raised her head almost to the point of releasing him and then dropped back down. Over and over she repeated the motion, starting to moan low in her throat. The vibrations added to the sensation and he knew he wasn’t going to last.

  “I’m going to come,” he warned, afraid of overwhelming her. He expected her to pull back but instead she sucked harder, her lips stretching around his swollen cock. The pressure increased at the base of his spine and his balls tightened and then he exploded. His hips jerked uncontrollably and he felt the hot liquid erupting from his body. Her mouth was hot and avid and he could feel her taking his seed deep into her throat. She kept swallowing, still moaning, until he collapsed back on the bed. Her mouth softened and she licked a few last times and then gave a satisfied sigh.

  “That was amazing.”

  He barely had the strength to move but he pulled her slight body up until she was sprawled on top of him.

  “Definitely amazing,” he agreed. He held her for a few minutes, feeling at peace with the world, and then she squirmed a little and he realized that he could feel the heat of her moist cleft against his stomach. Her fragrance drifted upward, intensified by her arousal, and he hardened again instantly. Perhaps it was time to give her a little more training.

  Lifting her body until she was sitting on his, he pulled
his shirt over her head. As always, the sight of her naked body took his breath away. Her big pink nipples were already swollen and he teased them gently. Gradually he increased the pressure until she started gasping, thrusting harder into his hands. He could feel her slickness increase as she rocked her pussy against his stomach in time with the pull of his fingers.

  Rolling them both over until she was on her back, he slowly moved down her body. He intended to take it slowly, but as soon as he settled his body between her legs, she thrust up against his mouth. He laughed softly, enjoying the way she shivered as the vibrations hit her engorged nub. His tongue gently stroked the sensitive flesh as he worked one thick finger into her opening. She was still incredibly tight but her body accepted the intrusion much more easily this time. Excited that his suspicion about her ability to adapt to him had been correct, he tried to add another finger.

  Once again, her body resisted but he was determined to stretch her further. He sucked her clit into his mouth, stroking it firmly with his tongue. She started writhing almost immediately and he pulled harder on the sensitive bundle of nerves. She arched against his hand at the same time he pushed down. The resistance suddenly disappeared and then she opened to him as she came, crying out his name as she pulsated around his fingers.

  Satisfied, he lifted his mouth and froze. Even before he looked down, he could smell her blood.

  “Goddess, I’m sorry, little one.”

  Dragar’s voice sounded really strange and Beth forced her tired eyes to open.

  “Why are you sorry? That was wonderful.” She smiled at him but he didn’t return the smile. He looked pale and sick.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Hurt me? What are you talking about?” She didn’t understand the problem. He sounded so stricken.

  Mutely he raised his hand and she saw traces of blood on his fingers. Oh. She had felt some pressure and a stinging pain as she pressed against his fingers but it hadn’t seemed important compared to the magic of his mouth. If anything, the minor pain had helped send her over.

  “Dragar, I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me.”

  He didn’t seem to be listening, still regarding his fingers with horror. She sighed and sat up.

  “Look at me. Please.”

  He finally raised his head but it took her a minute to find the words. She knew she was turning pink.

  “I think you broke my hymen.” His guilty look didn’t change. “I’m a virgin.”

  Now it changed; he looked more appalled.

  “You’ve never been with a man?”

  “No. I…I never wanted to. Not before I met you.” Her cheeks were so hot they must be flaming red by now. “I’m glad you did that. It means it will be easier when you-when you…”

  She was at a loss for words and he was shaking his head and backing away.

  “Don’t worry, Beth. I will never hurt you again.”

  “I know you won’t—” But he had disappeared into the san. He returned with a damp cleansing cloth, gently cleaning between her thighs but not touching any other part of her body.

  “You don’t understand. I want—”

  “I am not going to hurt you.”

  He wouldn’t listen and she finally gave up. Her heart sank as he lowered the top bunk and carefully lifted her into it.

  She tried one more time. “I don’t want to be up here. I want to be with you.”

  “It’s not a good idea. I can’t control myself around you.”

  “I don’t want you to control yourself!” She was on the verge of tears but he just shook his head and moved away. He turned off the lights and settled into the lower bunk.

  Beth had never felt more alone as she laid there in the dark. The tears finally came, slipping down her cheeks as she cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Dragar had been sitting in the command chair for a long time when Beth finally woke up. He had lain sleepless in his bunk for hours, listening to her quiet sorrow and fighting the urge to go to her. She had finally settled into a restless sleep but he hadn’t been able to follow her example. Instead, his mind churned restlessly as his honor and his desire fought a pitched battle. The knowledge that she had never been with a man filled him with dismay as well as an unwilling delight. He was delighted because, while he had expected her to have been with others, the thought of another male touching her sweet flesh made rage start to throb in his temples. But he had just assumed that she had been untouched for a while and that he could slowly and gently remind her body how to accept a man. If she had never been breached at all, there was no way he would ever be able to stretch her to the point where she could accept him without pain.

  He had finally given up on sleep and returned to the controls. He kept the lights low since he could see well even in the dimness and tried to concentrate on his analysis without any particular success. The auto-pilot was still on track and in three more days, he would be handing Beth over to Jakkar and Anna. The ever-present loneliness would be so much worse now that he had experienced the delight of a companion.

  Beth stirred finally and he turned, intending to help her from the bunk but she slipped down without even looking at him. She walked into the san, still naked, and Goddess help him, his shaft hardened immediately at the sight. His mind might recognize that she was an impossible dream, but all his body wanted was to throw her on the bed and plunge into her hot, tight depths. He cursed himself for a fool, but it didn’t stop him from watching the door until she emerged and drinking in the sight of her bare flesh. She pulled on her pink panties and thin top. He felt an unexpected pang of disappointment when she ignored his shirt and instead pulled on the shirt she had brought from earth. Finally, she brightened the lights but she only made a mug of cafir and retreated to the bunk.

  Fine. It was probably just as well if she ignored him; it would be easier for both of them when it came time to separate. At least that’s what he tried to tell himself. It didn’t work. By the time mid shift approached, he was fuming. She hadn’t even opened her sketchbook, just sat on the bunk staring into space with a lost look on her face. How dare she act so sad and hurt when all he was trying to do was protect her? The fact that she didn’t appreciate his restraint grated on him.

  Eventually she stood up and, after a brief hesitation, made food for both of them. She didn’t announce the meal but simply placed it on the table and starting picking at her food.

  He stalked over and sat down next to her, deliberately crowding against her body. For the briefest second he felt her soften but then she jerked and pulled away. He immediately yanked her back.

  “Why are you doing this?” She was starting to get angry. Good. It was better than that limp sadness. “You made it quite clear last night that you didn’t want to touch me.”

  “I’m trying to protect you,” he snarled, frustration surfacing.

  “Well, I don’t want to be protected. And you don’t get to decide when you can touch me.”

  “It’s my ship. I can do whatever I want.”

  “It’s my body.” She started pulling away in earnest now and his warrior instincts roared to life. He pulled her into his arms, subduing her easily, and held her while she struggled. She could barely move but the feel of her squirming against him sent arousal shooting through his veins. Her eyes widened and she stopped moving as she felt his erection thrusting against her.

  “Stop doing this.” Her voice was low, still breathless from her struggles.

  “Doing what?”

  “Reacting to me. Making me think you want me.”

  “I do want you,” he gritted out between clenched teeth.

  “No, you don’t. As soon as you found out that I was a virgin, you couldn’t get away fast enough. I’m sorry I don’t have enough experience to satisfy you. Take me back to Earth and I’ll screw every man on the planet if that’s what makes you happy.” She was shouting now and he could only stare at her as her words penetrated.

  “You think tha
t’s what this is about?”

  “What else would it be about? I know I’m probably not very good, but you could have taught me.” The anger had vanished as quickly as it had appeared and her voice was shaking.

  He sighed and gentled his grip, cuddling her instead of holding her down. After a brief resistance, she softened and nestled closer. Her small body felt so right in his arms. He rested his head on hers and tried to explain.

  “Beth, I call you little one for a reason. You are so tiny and delicate. If we were to mate, I would hurt you.”

  “You haven’t hurt me so far,” she argued.

  “Not even last night? Honestly?”

  “I felt what you did but just for a second and…” Her cheeks turned pink. “It felt exciting. I came really hard.”

  Dragar stared down at her. It was true, he had felt her coming but he had been so horrified that her blood was all that had registered.

  “I was trying to train your body to accept me,” he finally admitted. “Perhaps with time…” Even as the words left his mouth he realized the problem.

  “I can wait if I have to.” She was smiling up at him, not noticing the pause. “Maybe you should train me some more, right now.”

  “Little one, we don’t have that much time. We will be landing on Sardor Two in less than three days.”

  Her face fell and she looked away. “Couldn’t you stay there with me? At least for a while?”

  Dragar considered it. There was really no reason he couldn’t stay with her until she was settled. His self-appointed mission wasn’t making any progress. Under other circumstances, he would have been happy to stay with her forever, but he had nothing to offer her.

  “Perhaps for a little while. But I will have to leave. And you won’t be able to come.”

  Beth looked at him, her eyes wide and solemn. “I will take whatever time you can give me.”

  His throat tightened but he shook his head. “Little one, you deserve much better than me.”

  “I don’t want anyone else. Dragar, I have been waiting for you my entire life; I just didn’t know who I was waiting for. Now I do. And if I have to keep waiting for the rest of my life, I will.”


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