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Beth and the Barbarian

Page 12

by Honey Phillips

“We’ll work on that,” Rianen promised. She tapped her fingers thoughtfully. “A new outfit might not hurt. I have some credits available and I can probably get Omazz to help.”

  “You can’t spend your money on me.”

  “Of course I can. You’re officially my sister now. And besides, I consider it a challenge. There’s more than one way to defeat a warrior.” She winked at Beth, and Beth laughed.

  When Omazz brought breakfast, Rianen stepped outside to have a brief conversation with him. She refused to give Beth any details. After breakfast they exercised again. Beth was still sore but the exercises warmed her muscles and by the time they finished, she felt much better. Rianen went to take the first shower and the sight of her clan mark gave Beth an idea.

  “Who did your clan mark?” she asked as soon as Rianen returned.

  “My first Chief. It’s tradition.”

  “Have you done them?”

  “Sure. I did several of my squad.” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Why?”

  Beth took a deep breath. “I want you to give me one.”

  “Are you sure? It’s going to hurt.”

  “I don’t care. I want his mark on me.”

  Rianen surveyed her thoughtfully. “It would make him even more possessive.”

  “Good. That means it will be even harder for him to resist me.”

  A smile curved Rianen’s lips. “That’s true.” Then her face fell. “But I don’t have a pattern. I’ve always used one.”

  “Not a problem. As long as you can get me something to draw with, I can give you the design.”

  “You remember the details?”

  “Of course.”

  “And you’re sure about this?”

  Beth nodded emphatically, pushing down the flicker of fear. When Omazz brought lunch, Rianen had another conversation with the big guard. He returned shortly with paper and inks, as well as a box which he handed to Rianen with a bow. Beth took the drawing pad and drew a smaller version of Dragar’s mark. She handed the sketch to Rianen.

  “Excellent. It’s very detailed.” She hesitated, then pointed to a section of the drawing. “These lines aren’t part of the standard design.”

  “I know—but they are part of Dragar’s mark. That’s what I want.” She saw the realization cross Rianen’s face.

  “You are an excellent mate, little sister. I’m glad you are part of our clan.”

  Beth watched as the other woman opened the small box, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. First Rianen pulled out a bowl which she filled with ink. Next she pulled out what looked like a small branch, embedded with needles. The butterflies turned into birds.


  She could only nod, afraid her voice would betray her. Rianen positioned Beth face down on the bed, then rapidly sketched the design on her skin. The first flick of the needles shocked Beth and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Rianen kept a steady rhythm, tapping the needles with a quiet precision. It was uncomfortable but Beth adjusted to the sensation more quickly than she had expected. The design took over an hour and left Beth feeling shaky but satisfied. Rianen finished by cleansing the area gently and spreading a thick green gel over the design. Rather to Beth’s surprise, the residual burn faded immediately. Tired from her restless night and holding still for the tattoo, she drifted off.

  When she woke up, Rianen was watching her with a smile that Beth immediately mistrusted. “What?”

  “Your outfit arrived,” she said innocently, gesturing to a package on the table.

  Eyeing her suspiciously, Beth opened the box. All that was inside was a few scraps of black silk and a bunch of silver chains. “I can’t wear that.”

  “Oh yes you can. It matches your cuffs.”

  Rianen alternately bullied and cajoled her into wearing the outfit. She insisted on arranging Beth’s hair. Considering she didn’t have any hair herself, Rianen did a remarkably good job and appeared to enjoy herself immensely. Beth was pacing the room by the time J’Ssett appeared.

  He entered the room and hesitated.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Beth wasn’t quite sure why she was panicking but his hesitation alarmed her.

  “The warrior says it will not be necesssary for you to come to him tonight.”

  “What?” Pain twisted Beth’s heart but was replaced almost immediately by a blinding rage. He wouldn’t even see her? That was so not happening. “Take me to his room.”

  He paused. “You are under the protection of Kievan Rus.”

  “So? If you’re worried that he will hurt me, don’t be.” Beth’s voice was low and dangerous. “By the time I’m through with him, he’s the one who will be hurting.”

  Rianen cheered. J’Ssett stared at Beth for a moment and then his shoulders started to shake. It took her a minute to figure that he was laughing silently. She glared him and pulled her cloak tighter around her neck

  “Take me to him now.”

  J’Ssett controlled his laughter, bowed deeper than ever before, and led the way.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dragar slammed the door to his room. For some twisted reason, Kievan had housed him within his own apartments. The room was large and luxurious, with an enormous bed draped in white silk. The end wall was glass and looked out into the center of the cylinder where he could see the lights from other rooms. The bathroom was equally large and luxurious, and he prayed that an hour under an icy shower would help to relieve the fire coursing through his body. Every instinct he possessed demanded that he seek his mate but he couldn’t risk it. He was not going to hurt her again. The pain in his body could be ignored but the pain of hurting the woman he loved wouldn’t heal.

  He was two steps into the room before he caught her sweet scent. It was even richer and more enticing since they had mated. Liquid fire ran through his veins. Unable to prevent himself, he turned. Beth was standing by the window, one hand on the back of a large, white chair and the other resting on her cocked hip. His mouth dried and his cock throbbed painfully as he took in her outfit—what there was of it.

  A silver collar circled her neck, matching the mating cuffs still fastened around her slender wrists. Silver chains descended from the collar to cover her breasts, separating each time she took a breath to reveal plump pink nipples. Another chain circled her slender hips and disappeared into the pale gold curls between her legs—a fact he could see quite clearly since the outfit’s skirt consisted only of a long, narrow strip of sheer black silk attached to the hip chain. The black heels made her long, bare legs look even longer.

  “It’s not necessary for me to come to you tonight?” The ice in her voice tore at his heart but she shook her head as he opened his mouth. “How dare you?”

  She stalked toward him. He couldn’t back away. He couldn’t think. All he could see were her enticing nipples bouncing toward him with each step.

  “I thought we were a couple now. You don’t make the decisions for us.”

  He tried again to open his mouth, even though he knew no words were going to come out, but she wasn’t waiting.

  “And if you tell me that you don’t want to hurt me one more time, I’m going to scream. Do you really think anything you do to me physically would hurt as much as you rejecting me?”

  Her words stung enough that he managed a response. “I’m not rejecting you.”

  “Yes, you are, and I’m not finished.”

  She was so close now that her intoxicating fragrance surrounded him. His body screamed mine. He grabbed the wall, determined not to touch her.

  “I am a grown woman. I know what I want. I want you. I wanted you last night.”

  “I hurt you.” His hand was clenching the wall so tightly that he felt it start to give beneath his fingers.

  “You left some bruises. You didn’t hurt me.” Her tone finally softened. “I wanted your hands on me. I wanted your mouth on my breasts. I wanted you thrusting inside me. I was so hot, so wet. I still am.” She slid her hands down across her breasts
, briefly circling each taut peak. One hand slid between her legs and emerged, fingers glistening. She reached up and stroked her sweet nectar across his lips. He was paralyzed, unable to move.

  “I’m your mate, Dragar. I want you; I hurt for you. But I’m tired of begging. If you can’t overcome your fear for me, then we need to part.”

  She turned toward the door. For the first time he saw the silver chain descending into the deep crevice between her buttocks, saw the fragile line of her slender back, the intricate black wings of her clan mark. No, not her clan mark—his clan mark, down to the scars that interrupted the design. Possessive pride surged through him. She was showing the galaxy that she was his.

  “You are never going to leave me,” he roared. “You are mine.”

  She paused and looked over her shoulder. “Then you are going to have to fuck me and prove it.”

  A tidal wave of silver lust poured over him. He grabbed her waist and lifted her to his chest. She gasped and her legs wrapped around him. He slammed her back against the window, frantically freeing his cock. He pushed the chain between her legs aside, scraping it over her swollen clit, and thrust inside her. She was so tight, so hot, so wet for him, and she cried out as he entered her—but he couldn’t stop. Her hands clutched his shoulders, small nails digging into his skin as he surged into her again and again, forcing her back against the glass. His hand reached between them and tugged the chain so it rubbed her with each stroke. She cried out once more and convulsed around him, her already tight channel squeezing his shaft so strongly it was almost painful. He thrust again and came so hard his vision blurred, flooding her with his seed.

  Her hands had moved from his shoulders to his neck. She wrapped herself around him, pressing soft kisses into his neck and his chin and anywhere else she could reach. His legs felt shaky but he retained enough strength to carry them to the bed before he collapsed, pulling her small body on top of his and holding her close.

  “Mmm,” she sighed. “I definitely like this mating thing.”

  The obvious satisfaction in her voice thrilled him. He finally allowed himself to believe that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. This tiny, perfect creature belonged to him. Her body not only accommodated him but welcomed him. Despite the intensity of his release, his cock was already stiffening again.

  “We’re not through yet,” he growled, and she shivered happily.

  “In that case, I should tell you that there is another part to this outfit.”

  “It certainly seems to be missing something,” he said drily.

  “Wait here.” She slipped away before he could protest. He turned his head to watch her, enjoying the sight of the silver chains flickering against her creamy skin.

  She returned and knelt next to him. “Here. Rianen wouldn’t tell me what they were, but I can guess.” She gave him handful of metal while she made some quick adjustments to the collar of her outfit. The chains cupping her breasts fell away but she left the collar on. He looked down at the silver in his palm and smiled.

  “Little one, you are a constant surprise.”

  Leaning forward, he fastened his mouth around one pink nipple and sucked it deep into his mouth. She moaned and he sucked it harder, relishing the sweet taste of her skin and her soft cries. When her nipple was dark pink and distended, he slipped the silver clamp around it, watching her carefully as he tightened it. He stopped as soon as her eyes widened.

  “Too tight?”

  She bit her lip but shook her head. He repeated the same process on the other nipple.

  “Very pretty,” he approved. The two clamps were joined by another silver chain and he flicked it gently, watching as the slight tug made her eyes widen again. Then she smiled, the innocently seductive smile that made his heart turn over, and dropped to her hands and knees.

  “Rianen said not to put me on my back because of the clan mark. Would this work?”

  Beth looked back over her shoulder as Dragar growled and rose up behind her. His chest gleamed from their early exertions and each sculpted muscle flexed as he leaned toward her. The scars twisting across his chest only added to his masculine allure. He was beautiful—and he was hers.

  With one hand he urged her legs apart. He ripped the thin silk veil away with an impatient noise but left the chain sliding between her nether lips. It was embarrassing to be spread so wide, to know that he was studying every detail of her wet, swollen pussy, but it was also exciting. She shivered and tilted her hips back toward him.

  “Don’t be impatient, little one.” The low rumble of his laugh added to her excitement and she wiggled a little more. “Be still.” He fastened his large strong hands around her thighs. She loved it when he held her so forcefully. She felt open and needy and tried to wiggle again. His hands held her in place easily.

  “Please, Dragar.”

  “Since you ask so nicely.” A broad, wet tongue swept the length of her cleft and she moaned. He stroked her over and over with his tongue, long, gentle strokes that rolled the chain against her swollen flesh. Her pussy ached, wanting more.

  “Can you hold still?” he whispered. She nodded even though the warm rush of air from his breath made her shiver. He released her legs and she tried desperately to remain still, to not press back against him. His fingers danced lightly over her and she shuddered. He probed delicately at the snug entrance to her channel and she fought to keep from moving.

  “So beautiful. So soft and pink.”

  His finger moved higher, teasing the sensitive opening between her buttocks.

  “So pink here, too. Would you like a little silver plug opening you for me?”

  She couldn’t stand it; she bucked against him, trying to bring her needy flesh closer to his hands. A hard palm smacked one soft cheek and she gasped. The brief sting faded almost immediately but her arousal only increased. She bucked again. He laughed and smacked the other cheek.

  “Also very pink and pretty, but I don’t think I’m helping you keep still.”

  His hands returned to her thighs and he spread them further apart. With a sob of relief, she felt the broad head of his cock probing at the entrance to her pussy. She tried to thrust back but he held her immobile and she could only wait. At last he entered her, moving so slowly that she felt every inch as she stretched around him. The torturous progression fired every nerve ending. She couldn’t move, only shiver with pleasure as he took possession of her body. When he finally reached the end of her snug channel, he curved one hand around her stomach and slid it between her thighs. He stroked her clit as he held her impaled on his cock, still unable to move, unable to do anything except feel. Holding her firmly in place, he reached up with his other hand and tugged gently on the chain dangling between her nipples. The sudden shock of pain pleasure was too much. She shattered around him, the room spinning madly. Her body tried to jerk but he held her still, absorbing every ripple of her climax until she finally calmed.

  Releasing the nipple chain, he moved his hand to her hip. The other hand still cupped her firmly between her thighs. She still couldn’t respond as he stroked slowly in and out of her. She no longer had the strength to support herself and her upper body collapsed against the bed. The changed angle thrust her ass higher in the air and sent him deeper with each thrust. The hand on her hip moved over and his thumb teased her puckered rosette. Her hips flexed, seeking more of the tantalizing touch. He groaned and pushed his thumb into the tiny opening. She shattered again, too weak to do more than gasp. The slow strokes didn’t stop and she rode the waves of pleasure mindlessly. Finally, he swelled inside her. He groaned out her name and she felt the hot jets of his seed bathing her womb.

  He slipped from her body with a satisfied sigh and pulled her into his arms. She nestled closer, exhausted and utterly content.

  A soft knock sounded at the door.

  “What?” Dragar growled.

  J’Ssett’s soft voice answered. “It iss time for the female to return to the barrackss.”

�s arms closed around her. “It’s not going to happen, J’Ssett. I am spending the night with my mate. If Kievan wants to challenge me on this, tell him to come himself. And he had better be armed.”

  There was a quiet noise that might have been a muffled laugh.

  “Very well.”

  Beth looked at Dragar anxiously. “Is Kievan going to challenge you?”

  He chuckled and pulled her closer. “I doubt it. He likes being an asshole but I don’t think he really wants to fight me. But if I have to kill him to spend the night with you, I will.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Beth stood in the shower, relaxing into the warmth of Dragar’s hands as he washed her gently. The bathroom of Dragar’s suite was enormous, and completely covered in polished white stone. The giant shower had more than enough room for both of them, with water pouring from multiple jets. She winced a little as he ran the cloth between her legs, and his eyes darkened. She smacked his shoulder. “Stop it.”

  “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m sore; I’ll be fine.” She sighed. “I thought we got past this last night.”

  “I got carried away. I wanted you too much to worry about it.”

  “And now you don’t want me anymore?”

  He looked down at her and growled. Grabbing her hand, he pressed it against his rigid cock. “I always want you, little one.”

  “Good.” She stroked him gently, loving the feel of soft skin over the hardened flesh beneath. “I want you, too.”

  She dropped to her knees, one hand still stroking him, as her other hand cupped his balls. His wild musk was stronger here and she nuzzled her cheek along the length of his shaft. She looked up and his eyes were blazing silver, his fists clenched at his sides. Still watching his face, she licked him, tracing the pulsing veins with her tongue. At the tip she swept the drops of fluid into her mouth, reveling in the wild, salty essence.

  A low, continuous growl was coming from his chest. Smiling, she circled the broad tip with her tongue over and over, pausing only to dip into the weeping slit.


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