Beth and the Barbarian

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Beth and the Barbarian Page 17

by Honey Phillips

  The other man shrugged. “Maybe it was my turn to help you, my brother.”

  Brother. The word echoed in Dragar’s head. They had been brothers once but he had pushed it aside with his shame. Even after he returned, he kept himself distant, unwilling to face the pain of losing that feeling again. And now he had it back—or perhaps he was the only one who hadn’t realized that he had never lost it. He inclined his head.

  “Brother.” Dragar grinned. “Now go feed your mate.”

  Their room was dark and silent. He could barely see Beth’s small body in the enormous bed. He undressed and slid under the covers, deciding not to wake her if she slept but unwilling to wait to hold her in his arms. He slid carefully across the sheets, only to find her huddled in a rigid ball at the very edge of the bed. She resisted when he tried to pull her close but he ignored her struggles. At least he tried. As always, her resistance started to inflame his body and he clamped her arms to her sides as his cock stiffened.

  “Why are you here?” she hissed.

  “Because you are my mate and you sleep with me.”

  “I don’t want to sleep with you.” She squirmed against him and he rolled on top of her, keeping his weight off of her but not letting her move away. “Aren’t you afraid that you’ll get carried away? That you might make the terrible mistake of making love to me and accidentally getting me pregnant—if I’m not already?” Her words were angry but he could hear the underlying tears. Goddess, Jakkar was right.

  “Little one, listen to me.”

  “No, let me go.” She started to struggle harder. He groaned and rocked his erection into the warmth between her legs. She gasped and arched up in response but immediately pulled back. “Stop that.”

  Sighing, he ordered the lights up to dim. The sight of her face, flushed and tear-stained, tore at him but he needed to see her.

  “Little one, listen to me.” She shook her head and opened her mouth but he covered it with a firm but gentle hand.

  “I’m sorry that I reacted the way I did. I was…I am…worried. You’re so small, too small to have a baby.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she bit him. Startled, he pulled his hand away and she took advantage of his surprise to slip free and scramble out of their bed.

  “Damn you, Dragar, you have done this for the last time. Don’t you realize how many times you have hurt me emotionally because you’re so damn worried about my size? I’m smaller that you because I’m a woman. But women have sex. Women have babies.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “You keep saying that, but you keep doing it anyway. What is it going to take to convince you that I can handle anything you can dish out?”

  “I’m sorry,” he said again. “I never thought I would be gifted with a mate, especially one as precious as you. I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.”

  For a moment her eyes softened, but then her anger returned. “I don’t believe you. If you’re going to stay here, I’m going to find somewhere else to sleep.”

  His own rage surfaced. “You will do no such thing.”

  “Why not?” She glared and turned away from him. His instincts took over. One hand seized her wrist and the other tore the flimsy nightgown from her body. The sight of her delectable naked body did nothing to cool his anger.

  Her eyes widened. “Wh…what are you doing?”

  Without bothering to respond, he grabbed her, threw her across his lap, ignoring her attempts to wiggle away, and delivered two hard smacks to her ass. The slaps echoed in the quiet room and she squeaked. Horrified, he stopped but he didn’t release her. His hand prints were a vivid pink against the creamy white of her sweet little ass. As he tried to find the words to apologize, he realized two things—he was rock hard and he could smell her arousal. He remembered how she had responded to him on Sigrast, even though he only given her two light strokes that time.

  Now she squirmed across his lap, but he didn’t think she was trying to get away. Before he could change his mind, his hand came down twice more across those luscious curves. She jerked and caught her breath on a sob. He slid his hand between her legs. As he suspected, she was wet and swollen, pushing against his hand.

  “I think you like this, little one.”

  “No, I don’t.” The huskiness in her voice betrayed her.

  “Do you want me to stop?”


  Praying that his hunch was correct, he spanked her again, delivering six more strokes before he stopped. Given the size of his hand and her small frame, her whole bottom was now flushed with color. He pushed her further over his knee, spreading her legs so he could confirm his suspicions. Her labia were flushed and damp and he could see the hardened nub of her clit peeking out from under its hood. He ran a teasing finger lightly over the impudent bud and saw the shiver cross her delicate back.

  Lifting her up back up onto his lap, he saw her wince as her bottom landed on his thigh but he ignored the immediate feeling of guilt. He suspected that if he apologized now, she might indeed leave him. When he placed a gentle finger under chin and raised her face, her eyes were wet and her cheeks flushed, but the anger had disappeared.

  “I know you are strong, little one. If you will try and have patience with my fears, I will do my best not to hurt you again.” He placed a hand across the slim curve of her stomach. “I can’t think of anything I want more than to have a child with you.”

  Beth threw her arms around his neck, covering his face with kisses, before drawing back abruptly. “I don’t know for sure that I’m pregnant.”

  Looking at her glowing face, Dragar knew he had made the right decision. He gave her a slow, wicked smile, and turned off the lights. “Then perhaps we should increase our chances.”

  Beth caught her breath at the look on Dragar’s face, disappointed when he turned off the lights. “I want to see you.”

  “And I want to see you—but I don’t want anyone else to have that pleasure.”

  Before she could question him, he brought his hand to her breast, squeezing the small mound with an unyielding pressure that brought her arousal soaring back. She had never thought she would enjoy being spanked—and perhaps enjoy was not quite the right word—but she couldn’t deny that her body had responded. He rolled her nipple between his fingers, applying a firm pressure right on the edge of too much. She moaned and pressed into his hand.

  “You will have to be quiet.”

  “Quiet?” Her thoughts scattered as he slid his hand between her legs, using two thick fingers to spread her open so his thumb could tease her needy clit. She arched her back, trying to force him to apply more pressure. Instead, he gave a dark chuckle and rose with her in his arms.

  “Not yet, little one.”

  Before she could question him, he opened the doors and strode out onto the balcony. Ornamental screens blocked the sides but the front was open to the lush gardens below and she could see out across the far wall to the city spreading out before them. The balcony was in shadow but small lights twinkled along the garden paths and she could see lights shining in the barracks that lined the garden walls.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered. A cool, flower-scented breeze swept across her body and she was suddenly, thrillingly, conscious that she was naked. Her already stiff nipples tightened until they ached.

  He laughed again as he cupped her breast. “I thought you would enjoy this, my sweet little exhibitionist.”

  Before she could protest, he turned her so that she faced outward and lowered her down so that her hands could grip the balcony rails. Her feet didn’t quite reach the ground but he remained behind her, supporting her body with an arm under her stomach.

  “Dragar!” Panic and exhilaration warred for dominance and her breath came in excited little puffs.

  “Ssh,” he soothed as he stepped closer, and she could feel the hard bar of his erection against the heat of her freshly spanked bottom. “No one will see you. No one will even look up here. As long
as you are quiet.”

  And with that, he grasped her hips in his hands and plunged into her with one long, hard stroke. As always, her body struggled to cope with the invasion and she bit her lip in an effort not to cry out. He paused for a fraction of a second to let her adjust, before starting a series of hard, demanding thrusts. The night air whispered across her exposed front, making her supremely conscious of her nudity as she clutched the railing with both hands. He felt even larger than usual, taking her from behind this way, and she began to shake as her climax approached.

  Dragar curved over her, the warmth of his body against her back only emphasizing her exposed front, and whispered in her ear. “Do you like this, little one? Knowing that there are others below us, others who might look up and see you bent over before me? Who might see you naked and vulnerable, as you struggle to take my cock in your tight little pussy?”

  As he spoke, a burst of laughter echoed across the garden. His naughty words and the thrill of possible discovery sent her over the edge and her body convulsed as a short, sharp cry escaped her lips. Dragar groaned and started pounding wildly into her pussy, his thrusts wild and erratic. All she could do was hold on, still quivering from her own climax, skating a fine edge of pleasure and pain as he went deeper, harder, until at last he exploded inside her, the warm rush of his seed sending her into a second shuddering climax.

  Dragar collapsed over her, his hands slipping around to cradle her against his chest. His harsh breathing vibrated against her back and she nestled back into him as much as she could in the awkward position. A warm feeling of contentment spread through her sated body.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He gave a startled laugh. The resulting movement caused a pulsation in his still embedded cock and she clenched around him. With a muffled groan, he lifted her free and straightened up, cradling her against his chest as they slipped back through the curtains into their room. Without releasing her, he settled them onto the bed and kissed her gently.

  “I am the one who should thank you.” Cupping her face in his big hands, he studied her in the dim light. “Thank you for giving me another chance. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for making me feel no longer alone.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes as she reached out a finger to trace his scarred cheek. “I was just saying thank you for trusting me enough to push my boundaries.” Her mouth trembled but her smile was genuine. “But what you said is just as true for me. I thought I would spend my life alone, and now I have you. I love you, Dragar.”

  “I love you, my Beth.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Beth couldn’t keep the smile off of her face despite the ordeal still ahead of them. They were going to have a baby. The doctor had been more than a little surprised, but quite certain. He had promised Dragar that the news would be kept quiet until after the trial. Her fingers tightened on Dragar’s arm and he stopped. He was still looking dazed and she realized that he hadn’t really expected it to happen so quickly.

  “Are you sure you are happy that we are going to have a child?” she asked.

  “Little one, I am thrilled. And scared.” He held up his hand as her eyes narrowed. “I know you will be fine but I am going to worry. Be patient with me.”

  “As long as you keep making love to me like you did last night, I’m willing to put up with an occasional lapse.” She smiled at him from under her lashes, and then gasped as he pulled her hard against his chest. He bent to take her mouth in a slow, demanding kiss. She opened to him and melted against his body, enjoying the hard length of his erection pressing into her soft stomach. Tightening her arms around his neck, she wiggled closer, rubbing the hard points of her nipples against his chest.

  “If you keep that up, I’m going to take you right here,” he growled. She relaxed against him, no thought of denial in her mind, but he reluctantly released her. “Little one, we are in a public tunnel.”

  She blushed but a wave of heat swept through her and she swayed toward him. He shook his head. “This curiosity of yours will be the death of me. Come. We have an appointment to keep.”

  The reminder splashed ice water over her rising desire. Biting her lip to keep it from trembling, she nodded and took his hand. They were walking through an ornately carved tunnel to the Place of Judgment. Dragar had explained that the long stone passageway emerged directly into the amphitheater. Most of the crowd would already be in place when they arrived.

  As they approached the rock arch at the end of the tunnel, she could hear the noise of the crowd and feel the emotions starting to press on her. She stumbled and Dragar threw her a worried look.

  “I’m all right,” she said quickly. “But there is a big crowd, isn’t there?”

  “Yes. Are you sure you want to be here?”

  “Of course, I do. I belong at your side.” She paused, trying to separate the emotions traveling over her. A lot of curiosity, some anger, and a little hatred—but not as much as she had feared. She relaxed a little. “I’m good. Let’s go.”

  Jakkar and Anna were waiting at the entrance. Kylesh was cradled on Anna’s hip.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Dragar told Jakkar.

  “Yes, I do.” He looked at Anna and his face softened. “I want to.”

  “Well?” Anna demanded. Beth smiled and the other woman let out a delighted squeak and hugged her. “Congratulations!” Beth returned her hug, tears trembling on her lashes, while Jakkar clasped arms with Dragar and congratulated him.

  They were still smiling when a long note sounded from the arena. Together they stepped forward.

  Bright sunlight beat down on them and Beth stopped, blinking as she tried to get her eyes to adjust. The Place of Judgment was just as it had appeared in her painting—a huge natural amphitheater carved out of jagged black rocks. The sky above was not solid white as it had been in her image, but covered with swirling red clouds. A hot, dry wind swept over them and she could smell the rock baking in the heat. They had emerged at one end of the great bowl, stepping out onto a natural slab of stone elevated above the surrounding rocks. Beyond the platform, Sardorans were packed into every open space. A semi-circle of men and women were seated at the far end and Beth felt her stomach knot at the sight. They were the Council of Elders.

  As they moved to the center of the platform, one of the Elders stood.

  “Controller Jakkar, why are you here? This session is to judge Chief Dragar’s actions.”

  “Chief Dragar is here to be judged because he has claimed a human mate. I have also claimed a human mate.” Jakkar’s voice was strong and firm.

  “We are aware. However, given your…reputation, we have allowed the claim. Chief Dragar, on the other hand...”

  “Chief Dragar is my clan brother. He is an honorable warrior. Whatever decision you make with regard to him, I will accept on my behalf as well.”

  The crowd muttered and Beth caught the flashes of approval. Dragar made a half step forward but Anna grabbed his arm. “We discussed this, Dragar. It is the right thing to do.”

  “He was just supposed to speak on my behalf,” he protested.

  “He is speaking on your behalf. As they say on Earth, he’s putting his money where his mouth is.” She laughed at his confused expression. “Your mate will explain later. Let him do this.”

  While they were talking, the Elders had held a brief discussion. With obvious reluctance, the man who had protested sat back in his place.

  Another man stood. “Chief Dragar, you have been accused of claiming a mate who is not of Sardoran blood.”

  “I have.”

  “You are aware that such a claim is forbidden.”

  “I am.”

  “Why have you defied our traditions?”

  “Because she is my mate. The bond would have existed without the Claiming Ceremony but it would have been wrong to deny her the ceremony. The full ceremony was performed on Sigrast Station.”

  “Yes.” The man’s face twisted in disapproval. “Kieva
n Rus was kind enough to advise us of the fact. Why have you returned here?”

  “In order to record our mating—as is proper for every Sardoran warrior.”

  “You are aware that we could declare you Outcast for this. The sentence would remain until you repudiated this human.”

  “Then it would remain for the rest of my life,” he growled. “I will not put aside my mate because we have become too steeped in tradition to understand when circumstances have changed.” He gestured around the space. “This is our world, our home. But this world is dying. That does not mean that we are dying. We have lost many but that does not make us less. Thanks to Controller Jakkar, we have a new world, a new home. I believe that with that new world comes the opportunity to change our traditions. I have discovered that home is not just a place. It is where you belong. With your clan. With your mate.” His hand tightened over Beth’s. “I have found my home and I will not lose it again.”

  There was moment of silence. One of the Elders stood. He regarded Beth with disdainful eyes. She glared at him and he looked shocked, then slightly amused.

  “You mentioned that we have taken heavy losses. We need to rebuild our people. How can we even be certain that this race is truly compatible?” His deep voice rolled across the rocks.

  Jakkar stepped forward again, leading Anna and Kylesh, but before he could speak the Elder waved his hand.

  “Yes, yes. I understand that you have succeeded in fathering a child but our scientists have agreed that it was a rare phenomenon. One child does not disprove my point.”

  “Make that two children.” Jakkar curved a possessive hand around Anna’s waist.

  Dragar pulled Beth in front of him and repeated the gesture. “Make that three.” The pride and happiness in his voice was so obvious that tears sprang to Beth’s eyes as the arena exploded with comments. The Elder eyed them, then nodded and sat, conceding the point.

  Another Elder stood. He didn’t even glance at Beth. “The ability to breed is hardly the only qualification required of a mate.” He managed to make it sound as if even discussing the subject was distasteful. “A true mate instills courage and discipline in her offspring.”


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