Beth and the Barbarian

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Beth and the Barbarian Page 18

by Honey Phillips

  Activity to one side of the platform attracted Beth’s attention. With a jolt of surprise, she saw Rianen emerge from the group of warriors clustered there. She jumped up onto the rock and strolled casually across the broad space, stopping at Beth’s side and grasping her hand. “Little sister.”

  Her greeting was easily heard across the crowded arena and a low buzz of comments resulted from the familiarity. Beth smiled at her and squeezed her hand.

  Rianen turned to face the crowd. “Elder Anakol speaks of discipline. I can assure you that this human has immense discipline.” Grasping Beth’s shoulder, she turned her so that her back faced the audience. “Even though she is not a warrior, she chose to have Dragar’s clan mark inscribed on her—in the traditional way.” She swept Beth’s hair aside, revealing the intricate design. Another, much louder, series of comments erupted from the crowd.

  As Beth swung back around, she saw the elder’s face darken. Was he angry? Rianen bent down and whispered in her ear. “Elder Anakol prefers the traditional ways; however, his mate refused to be marked this way and made him use the device instead.”

  Beth cast a rueful glance in the man’s direction. “So he is going to hate me even more now?”

  “You’d be surprised. He honors you for your choice.”

  The crowd had quieted slightly and Dragar stepped forward. “My mate is also courageous. As Rianen says, she is not a warrior—but she stood by my side against twelve Serigali.” He paused for a just a second to savor the astonished faces. “She killed four of them.”

  The crowd exploded. Out of the corner of her eye, Beth saw the elder return to his seat. Her heart thumping against her ribs, she waited. No one else stood up. Did that mean the questions were over? Was it time for the vote? Fighting her fear, she slid her cold hand into Dragar’s large, warm one. He tightened his grip and she felt the strength flowing off of him. Rianen was on her other side and Jakkar stood shoulder to shoulder with Dragar, Anna and the baby firmly within his arm. Together they looked out over the amphitheater. A sudden warmth surged through her and her fear disappeared. Whatever happened here, she had found the family she had always wanted.


  2 months later

  Beth stepped back from her easel and curved her hand over the slight bulge of her stomach. A tiny flutter responded to her movement and a smile split her face. Today was the first day she had felt the baby move. She couldn’t wait until Dragar got home so she could tell him. With a puzzled frown at the emerging painting, she crossed the large, sunny room to make a cup of tea.

  The home that Dragar had built for them on Sardor Two had a remarkable resemblance to her cabin back on Earth—with a few Sardoran improvements. Skylights topped the large vaulted space but these were made out of an impenetrable crystal, as were the many windows that surrounded the room. He had also insisted on adding a large bedroom, a roomy bath with endless hot water, and a cozy nursery. Cradling her mug, she went to the nursery, eying the half completed mural with satisfaction. She had combined a rocky Sardoran landscape with a blue Earth sky, then scattered colorful animals among the rocks. Some were in full view, other half-hidden amongst the rocks pleased her. Dragar enjoyed finding the hidden ones and she was just contemplating where to place the next figure when she heard his distinctive footstep.

  “Little one?”

  “Coming.” She walked back to the main room, pausing a moment to enjoy the sight of a half-naked Dragar as he stripped off his leather vest. Since their mating bond had been approved and his status confirmed, he had assumed command of the battalion of soldiers assigned to protect Sardor Two as they prepared for the upcoming migration. He often spent the morning training with them and now his skin glistened in the warm sunlight. She couldn’t resist wandering over to run her hand over the broad sculpted expanse of his chest, stroking his scars with a loving hand, before letting her fingers trail down from his chest to tease his stomach. As always, he responded to her touch, his eyes darkening and his cock straining at the tight leather of his pants. Her fingers traced the growing bulge and he growled, putting his hand over hers and using her hand to massage his rapidly hardening shaft.

  “Do you need me again?”

  At her blush, he laughed and cupped her breasts over the thin fabric of her dress. Already swollen from her pregnancy, the sensitive flesh immediately responded to his touch, her nipples hardening against his palms. A needy ache began to pulse between her legs. The hormones running rampant through her body left her in a constant state of arousal, one that Dragar was more than happy to attend to. He lifted her into his arms and she wrapped her legs around him, moaning as the damp heat between her legs met the hard warmth of his ridged stomach. She squirmed, dragging the tight buds of her nipples across his chest.

  He lifted her higher so that he could reach her mouth, parting her lips so he could tantalize her with slow, drugging kisses. The caress of his tongue against hers just ramped up her arousal and she wiggled impatiently, trying to slip her hand down to release his cock.

  “Are you in a hurry, little one?”

  “Yes. Please, Dragar.”

  To her dismay, he lowered her to the ground, letting her feel every inch of hard muscle on the way. “I don’t have much time. I really just came home to eat.”

  Her mouth dropped open. He’d never refused her before. Pregnancy enhanced rage flashed over her so quickly, she missed the teasing light in his eyes.

  “You don’t want me now that I’m pregnant? Is that it?” Dismay filled his face and he stepped forward but she backed away. “Don’t you come near me, you…you… barbarian.” He frowned, his eyes starting to lighten, but she was too angry to care. “Just leave me alone.”

  Part of her knew that she was acting irrationally but that part was buried beneath anger and hurt and frustrated lust. Without waiting for a response, she whirled and fled the cabin. Most of the homes in the new colony were built along a towering mesa on one side of a large lake. Dragar had built their house in the woods on the far side of the lake, close enough to visit easily but far enough away that the emotions of the others didn’t bother her.

  As she stood on the porch, trying to let the calm beauty of the surrounding forest soothe her temper, she heard a loud roar from inside the cabin. Instinct took over and she started to run. Thick beds of orange moss softened her footsteps as she fled through the black trunks of the native trees. She heard Dragar behind her and her breath caught, a rising tide of excitement washing away the last of her anger. As his hand touched the back of her dress, she twisted to one side and heard the shoulder seam rip.

  The silver vines that climbed the trees caught at her hair but she ducked and kept running, her throbbing clit a constant pulse between her legs as the thrill of the chase sent her arousal soaring. Dragar was right behind her as she slipped through a gap in the trees too narrow for him to follow. He growled and this time he caught enough of her dress to tear it open down her back. She felt the fabric fall away, leaving her in only a small pair of panties as she fled further into the forest.

  Only temporarily delayed by the detour, he was right behind her again as she emerged into a small clearing at the base of the cliff. There was nowhere else to run and she backed up against the rock, her eyes wide and her pulse pounding. Deep down, she knew he would never hurt her, but now, watching him stalk across the clearing toward her, every inch a warrior, shivers of delicious dread raced down her spine. Her fingers clutched the rock wall, seeking support as her knees weakened.

  “Never run from me,” he ordered, his voice a deep, rumbling growl that turned her nipples to stone. Despite the urge to escape, she didn’t move. “You think I’m a barbarian? Perhaps I should show you how much of a barbarian I can be. Is that what you want, little one?” Her mouth too dry to answer, she could only stare at him, supremely conscious of her almost naked body.

  For a fraction of a second his face softened as he stepped closer. But then he pulled out his knife and her heart rate increased. �
��Don’t move.”

  Despite her trembling legs, she managed to freeze in place. With slow precision, he slit the sides of her panties so they fluttered to her feet. He parted her folds with two thick fingers, sliding them between her legs before drawing them back. They could both see her arousal coating the digits before he raised them to his mouth and tasted the evidence.

  Satisfaction gleamed in his eyes as they darkened with desire. “On your knees.”

  Grateful to relieve the strain on her shaking knees, she sank down on the soft moss. Kneeling before him only made her more conscious of his size, but looking up at his face reassured her. Despite the stern warrior mask, she could tell how carefully he was watching her and her tension eased, leaving only excitement behind.

  “Now open your mouth.”

  At his order, she cast a nervous glance around the small clearing. They were alone but she knew that the warriors frequently hunted in these woods. What if someone stumbled across them? As the thought occurred to her, she actually felt the slickness between her thighs increase.


  “No talking.” With one hand he released his cock, using the other to tangle in her long hair and draw her forward. She had only a second to catch his wild scent before the broad head parted her lips. Usually when she pleasured him with her mouth, he let her take it slowly, clenching his fists while she licked and teased as she tried to accommodate his size. This time he simply kept thrusting until he hit the back of her throat, letting her choke for a second before he withdrew slightly. Now that he was seated, he put both hands in her hair, using it to guide her head as he fucked her mouth. Her nipples throbbed and her pussy ached, and her whole world narrowed to the thick shaft driving into her mouth. Her hands came up to cup her swollen breasts, trying to relieve the ache, and he gave a dark chuckle, never pausing in his stokes.

  “That’s right, little one. Touch yourself while I take your mouth.”

  She shuddered and he pressed deeper, further than he’d ever gone before. Her throat convulsed around the wide tip and he groaned, his pace increasing. Abandoning her breasts, she brought her hands to his hips, urging him deeper into her throat. She could feel his resistance and knew he was still tempering his strength but she pushed forward, taking as much as she could, swallowing repeatedly around the hard bar of flesh, until he exploded with a roar, sending jets of seed down her throat as she gulped desperately, trying to swallow it all.

  As soon as the last drop left his cock, he pulled free. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, he laid back on the moss and lifted her over his body, tugging her down on his still erect cock. Pleasure spiked through her and she came, her tight channel fluttering wildly around his thick shaft as she gave herself over to the exquisite pleasure. When she regained her senses, he was watching her, eyes swirling with passion.

  “You’re so beautiful. I love seeing you like this.”

  With a start, she realized that he had positioned them so that she faced the woods. If someone emerged from the woods, they would see her whole naked body, her pussy stretched open around his cock, her breasts swollen and ripe. They both felt her channel clench and moisten. She tried to lean forward but he easily held her in place.

  “Is that what you want, little one? For a hunting party to come upon us and see your luscious little body?”

  She shuddered. Perhaps it was because Kievan had witnessed her deflowering, perhaps it was because she was an artist, used to watching others, but the thought of someone watching her still filled her with a strange excitement. Her hips jerked restlessly, trying to rub her throbbing bud against Dragar’s hard body. Instead, he slid his hands up her sides, rough palms leaving a trail of awakened nerves, until he could cup her aching breasts. He played, twisting and pinching the taut peaks until she was panting. Then with a last tugging pull, he abandoned her nipples, moving his hands to her hips and placing a thumb against her needy clit as he began raising and lowering her over his now fully erect cock. Without his restraining hands she could have leaned forward, but she didn’t, relishing the air on her exposed body.

  “Play with those pretty little nipples.” She moaned and lifted her hands to her breasts, squeezing and tugging the ripe buds. “Harder.”

  His words sent another spike of desire through her and she pinched harder, shooting spikes of pleasure straight to the aching flesh between her legs. The sliding sensation as he withdrew, the hard plunge as he entered her, the constant pressure against her clit, the fantasy of a watching audience but the reality of Dragar’s presence beneath her—they all combined to send her soaring. He pressed down on her swollen nub and she exploded, white light sheeting across her vision as her body convulsed, clamping down on his cock so hard she could hear him groaning through the roaring in her ears.

  As soon as her body softened, he flipped them over, driving into her with hard thrusts that would have sent her flying across the moss if she hadn’t circled her legs around his hips, clinging desperately as her passion rose to meet his. One of his hands went to her shoulder, the other to her hip, holding her down so she couldn’t move, only tilt her hips up to meet his strokes. A particularly hard lunge tipped her over into ecstasy, just before he roared and exploded.

  His body rested against hers for a long moment as they both tried to catch their breath. When he finally lifted his head, an odd expression crossed his face. Her heart sped up. She knew her pale skin would show every trace of the both the chase and their love making, and prayed he would understand how much she had wanted it. While he always satisfied her, he had been so gentle with her since they discovered her pregnancy that she occasionally missed the raw passion of their earlier encounters.

  “Your mouth is swollen.” He brushed a finger across her lips. “Your nipples are red.” Another finger swept across the still tight buds before he leaned back and parted her legs. “Your pretty little pussy is swollen and red.” Two fingers this time, teasing the oversensitive flesh and she couldn’t conceal a flinch. She tensed, waiting for his reaction.

  “I love it,” he growled. “I love seeing the result of my hands on your body. I love you, little one.”

  With a happy smile, she relaxed beneath him. “Not afraid of hurting me anymore?”

  “I’m always afraid of hurting you,” he said seriously, and her heart thumped. “But I trust you to let me know if I am. I trust myself to know when to stop.” He slid a slow finger back across her clit and she winced and raised her hips at the same time, but he only laughed. “And I know when you’ve had enough. Come, little one. Let’s go home.”

  Dragar carried Beth back to their cabin, cradling her in his arms, despite her protests that she could walk. He stopped frequently to kiss her, delighting each time in her response. When they emerged from the forest, he paused briefly to enjoy the sight of their cabin. A feeling of satisfaction washed over him, thrilled that with the return of his holdings, he had been able to provide his little one with the home she deserved.

  Once they were in the privacy of their house, he reluctantly put her down, nestling her in the soft cushions of the couch. Her pale skin glowed against the dark fabric and he admired the new curves she was developing. The marks on her body didn’t bother him at all in the face of her glowing, happy face.

  “I can’t believe you did that.” She gave him a sleepy smile. “What if someone had been hunting?”

  “You needed me. That was more important.” He turned away to hide his own smile. Rianen, now his second in command, had been ordered to keep the area clear all afternoon; however, his little one didn’t need to know that. No one except him was ever going to see her naked again but he didn’t mind indulging her wanton streak. He had planned a slightly different game for the afternoon but everything had turned out even better than he expected, although he regretted that she had gotten so upset before he could suggest that they take their love making outside. Still, her rage and the resulting run had only added to the excitement. For both of them, he thought, looking bac
k over his shoulder at her relaxed posture and purring contentment.

  Turning to the kitchen to fetch her a drink, his eyes caught on her new painting. “Little one, what is this?”

  “Do you like it?” She gestured from the easel to the pink and gold painting he had brought with her from Earth. “I was looking at that this morning and I had the urge to try painting it again, but it turned out differently this time. There is a definite pattern.”

  Trying to understand what about it had caught his attention, he studied the painting. Something about it felt familiar, but it was just out of reach. Throwing a blanket around her shoulders, she came to stand next to him, looking at her new work before turning to the one on the wall with a thoughtful expression.

  “Have you ever seen a Bliss stone?”

  “No,” he answered absently, still staring at the painting on the easel. “I’ve heard about them, of course. They’re the latest designer drug, calming but also arousing—and very expensive.” Her words finally penetrated. “How do you know about them?”

  She bit her lip and looked down. “On the station, Kievan gave me one.”

  “He did what?” he growled.

  “Don’t worry. He took it off as soon as he realized what it was doing.”

  A vein pulsed in his temple and the world started to pale. “What was it doing?”

  “Um.” A delightful pink covered her small face but he was too enraged to pay attention. “Well, it did make me feel kind of excited.”

  “That bastard.”

  “Calm down, Dragar. He didn’t take advantage of it, I promise. And it did help with handling the emotions of the crowd, even after he removed it.” He growled again and she continued quickly. “But the design in the stone, it was very similar to my first painting. I just don’t understand how it relates to this one.”


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