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Trouble Has a New Name

Page 5

by Adite Banerjie

  ‘What do you have in mind?’ he asked curiously.

  She blurted out before she lost her nerve completely, ‘Will you pretend to be my fiancé for the next few days?’


  NEEL SURVEYED THE poolside as the guests began to mingle. Strings of rope lights and flotillas of earthen lamps in exquisite floral arrangements had transformed the pool into a sparkling centrepiece. All around, tables were laid out and hurricane floor lamps created an ambience of intimacy. Makeshift poles had been erected in the corners to support a latticework of golden strings from which hung colourful paper lanterns. The light reflected beautiful patterns in the water. The scene was celestial, as if the stars had come down to earth to add their glitter to the celebrations.

  His eyes homed in on Rayna like a missile seeking its target. She was stunning in a cream-coloured off-the-shoulder blouse and crimson skirt that hugged her curves in the right places. The stark simplicity of her attire was softened by the ruffles around the hem of her skirt, which showed a tantalising glimpse of long bronzed legs encased in four-inch heels. Her hair cascaded down in thick auburn waves and he felt a gut-wrenching need to tangle his fingers in their velvety softness. As if sensing his eyes on her, she looked at him. Neel felt himself being held in her thrall…the other guests melting away as the air between them crackled with energy. He couldn’t pull his gaze away and the connection broke when she turned to respond to something Milee said.

  He had come across his share of stunning women and had dated several but none had been able to cross the emotional boundaries he had drawn around himself. It was as if some kind of alarm went off whenever he was in danger of getting too involved and he withdrew. None had left him feeling restless and wanting like Rayna did. After years of rigid control, he’d believed no woman could cross the barriers he had set up. His relentless workaholism, his single-minded focus on burying the past and its painful memories, his burning desire to purge himself of all feeling had made sure of that. He relished his self-control and jealously guarded the solace he found in being free of emotional ties. If that made him cold and unfeeling, it more than served his purpose.

  So why did Rayna’s casual proposition break through his carefully erected barriers? Why did he feel as if a sharp-edged knife had ripped away the scab of an old wound? The intensity of that long-ago hurt left him gasping. And with it the hot sensation of shame and public humiliation, being stripped of all dignity and self-worth, had come rushing back.

  His reply had been sarcastic and searing. ‘So you need a ‘boy toy’ to flaunt to your friends after all, do you?’

  He had seen something flash—was it hurt?—in her eyes before being replaced by anger at his insinuation. ‘Contrary to what you think, I’m not some kind of a sex maniac who jumps the first attractive man she meets.’

  Her long eyelashes lowered, hiding her expression. ‘I’m in a bit of a situation, but don’t let that bother you. I can take care of my problems with or without your help. I’m sorry I offended you.’

  As she pushed away from the table and made a move to leave he caught her wrist. ‘Take it easy. Why don’t you tell me about your “situation”?’

  Her breasts heaved slightly under her thin cotton T-shirt as she tried to pull her wrist out of his grasp. His eyes strayed to her voluptuous curves before he pulled away his gaze reluctantly and let go of her.

  ‘Forget it,’ she shot back. ‘It’s pointless discussing this any further. I should have known better than to ask a perfect stranger for help.’

  He shrugged. ‘Don’t expect me to fall in with your plans without giving me some explanation.’

  She got up to leave. ‘You have made it very clear the whole idea is repulsive to you… Thanks for the drink.’

  She had stormed away, leaving him with a mass of feelings. What bothered him was his own irrational response. He’d dismissed her proposal and that should have been the end of it. Instead, he was obsessing about her and why she needed a fake fiancé. He wanted Rayna and he was teetering on walking down a path he knew would only lead to disaster. The hot flames of desire that engulfed him now would make him burn and crash sooner or later. And to think he’d believed there were no chinks in his armour!

  His ruminations came to an abrupt halt when he spotted Milee beckoning him to join them.

  After the way their last conversation had gone, Rayna would have preferred it if she never set eyes on Neel again. Yet here she was, tingling with nervous anticipation as she watched him take long panther-like strides towards her. The impeccable cut of his charcoal-grey Armani suit accentuated his toned body, bringing out the sheer sexy animal grace of the man. Her mind did an instant flashback—of him in those utterly torrid swimming briefs. Jeez!

  Neel barely acknowledged her presence with a slight nod before turning his attention to Milee.

  ‘You’re looking gorgeous,’ he complimented Milee.

  ‘Thank you, Neel—’ Milee preened ‘—but you should compliment Rayna for coming up with such a wonderful concept—an outfit that is part saree, part gown!’

  Chris added, ‘Truly brilliant, Rayna. I just can’t seem to take my eyes off my bride.’

  Milee gave him a loving look as she punched him lightly on his arm. ‘Hmm…I’m glad you find my dress riveting.’

  Everyone laughed at the not-so-hidden innuendo in her statement.

  ‘Thanks, guys,’ said Rayna, ‘but all credit must go to the designer. And of course to Milee—only she could look divine in it.’

  They were soon joined by Julie Miller, the team leader of the LLC crew, who gushed, ‘I can’t wait to explore the resort and start shooting tomorrow morning.’ When Neel brought her up to speed on the property and its features, she asked, ‘Have you selected the presenter for the show? Is she here at the party?’

  Neel was nonplussed.

  ‘Oh, I discussed the format of the show with your PR agency,’ Julie said.

  She went on to explain that the programme would feature the top ten boutique resorts in Asia. Each hotel would be presented by a local person who would highlight its unique features.

  Milee instantly turned to Rayna and said, ‘That won’t be a problem at all. Rayna would be perfect as a presenter. She works in the fashion industry and has done a stint anchoring fashion-related programmes on Indian TV. Haven’t you, Rayna?’

  Rayna simply nodded and glanced over at Neel, a challenge in her eyes. ‘Yeah, sure… I’m happy to do it as long as Neel has no objections.’

  ‘It would be my pleasure.’ He paused to give her a sharp look. ‘Seems like it’s my lucky day.’

  Rayna felt her cheeks burn at his subtle reference to her proposition. But she was no coward—and she was determined to put the whole embarrassing episode behind her.

  Julie was soon sounding her out on the details of the shoot. The schedule promised to be hectic. The bad news was she would have to spend more time with Neel. The good news was that it would keep her away from the Agra crowd and Sid. Neel was definitely the lesser of the other two evils, she reassured herself.

  Moments later she was enveloped by the suffocating aroma of rose essence—the ittar which was Agra Aunty’s preferred weapon of mass destruction. As one plump hand squeezed her shoulder and folded her in a tight embrace Rayna nearly gagged on the sickly sweet notes of her arch-enemy’s trademark perfume.

  She wriggled away from her embrace. ‘Namaste, Aunty! How are you?’

  Neel had steered Julie towards the bar as they animatedly discussed plans for the shoot. Milee and Chris were deep in conversation with Vijay Tandon, the media baron, and his daughter Shivani. She braced herself to face the inevitable inquisition from her old tormentor.

  ‘You have completely forgotten about us, Rayna beta,’ Agra Aunty scolded. ‘You haven’t visited us in more than two years.’

  Rayna mentally corrected her. She’d stayed away from her home town for two years, ten months. And she had no regrets on that score. Almost instantly, she found herse
lf surrounded by her old schoolmates and excited squeals of ‘oh-my-God-look-at-you’ and delighted ‘how-are-you?’s’ rang out. At one level, Rayna was happy to meet up with the old gang, but soon enough they would be prying for information, wanting to know all about her private life, bless their small-town gossipy hearts. There was little about her life that wasn’t public knowledge in Agra.

  Milee was the only one in their group of friends who had actively supported her decision to leave her home town to study in big bad Mumbai. Robi Da, her brother, who was twelve years older than her and who had taken on the role of guardian after her parents passed away, had initially encouraged the idea but backed off when his wife, Sudha, rejected it outright. ‘We don’t have any relatives in Mumbai and what will people say if you start living there on your own?’ her sister-in-law had argued.

  None of Rayna’s arguments, threats and pleas had worked. When Robi Da tried to interject on Rayna’s behalf, Agra Aunty—Sudha’s maternal aunt, who revelled in her self-appointed role of the family elder—had wholeheartedly supported her niece and Robi Da had finally caved in. She couldn’t help feel bitter that if her parents had been alive they would never have stopped her from chasing her dreams.

  She wondered what would upset Agra Aunty more—the fact that she had been planning to move in with Sid or that they were no longer together? For one wicked moment, she even toyed with the idea of announcing these two facts for the sheer delight of watching her horrified expression. But she killed the thought. It would only give Sudha Bhabhi the opportunity to gloat that she’d been right all along—Rayna would make all the wrong decisions and mess up her life.

  Agra Aunty squeezed her enormous frame into a chair and began her interrogation. ‘Radhika tells me you now have a fiancé?’ Without waiting for confirmation, she continued, ‘Actually, it’s a good thing, you know. It’s high time you settled down. You are old enough to get married and raise children. This modelling-shodelling will get you nowhere.’

  Rayna knew she wouldn’t be able to get a word in edgeways and she didn’t bother making the effort. Some people did actually suffer from verbal diarrhoea, Rayna thought uncharitably.

  Agra Aunty, meanwhile, thundered on. ‘Beta, you should first inform your own family. How bad will it look if the whole town knows about it before your Robi Da and Sudha Bhabhi?’

  As soon as the old battleaxe paused for breath, Rayna jumped in. ‘Aunty, why don’t you ask Radhika where she got her information. As far as I’m concerned, I haven’t made any such announcement.’

  Rayna had chosen her words carefully—she neither wanted to confirm nor deny anything. Keeping it all fuzzy and opaque worked for her. With guys like Aziz Shah, the tabloid troublemaker, on the prowl she wasn’t taking any chances.

  Agra Aunty was ready with her answer. ‘I saw it in the papers. Your brother was so upset. It was I who stopped him from calling you back to Agra. I told him, “Let it go. If this were true—”‘

  Rayna cut in impatiently. ‘You shouldn’t believe everything you read in those gossip rags, Aunty. It’s all cooked up and served for gullible readers.’ She stopped herself from adding like you! ‘But one thing is for sure. This wedding is definitely going to be in the news.’

  Now Agra Aunty was all goggle-eyed. ‘Is Shah Rukh Khan coming? Will he be dancing at the reception?’

  At least she was now off Rayna’s case. With a hint of mischief, she said, ‘You never know. The Princess of Junagadh is one of the guests.’

  Agra Aunty’s eyes were now as big as saucers. ‘She is here?’

  Luckily for Rayna, the princess decided to make her entry right on cue.

  Rayna made good her escape and hurried away in search of a secluded corner. She wondered why she let herself be rattled by Agra Aunty. She should have been used to her tattling ways by now. She had caused nothing but trouble for Rayna from the day she had walked into their house, close on the heels of Robi Da’s and Sudha Bhabhi’s marriage. She’d had an opinion on everything and Sudha Bhabhi treated her aunt’s words as the gospel truth. Milee and Rayna had devised the Agra Aunty moniker for her because her attitude epitomised all that was typically small town and Agra-like.

  Finding an isolated spot that overlooked the ocean, Rayna perched herself on the parapet that skirted the low wall. The old memories came crashing back—the time when Agra Aunty had kicked up a fuss about her beloved dog, Oona, and had even threatened to give her away to some acquaintance of hers. But Rayna had dug in her heels. ‘This is as much Oona’s home as mine,’ she had announced. ‘If she goes, I go too.’ After that Agra Aunty had never said a word about evicting Oona. One of the few victories that she could boast of in her longstanding battle with the annoying lady! But trust her to put Rayna in a rotten mood. She could already feel a headache coming on and she took a few deep breaths to push away the dark thoughts.

  Neel’s rich, smooth-as-chocolate voice washed over her. ‘So, why are you hiding out here?’

  Who would think a hotel named Nirvana on the Beach offered anything but peace of mind!

  ‘You’re mistaken,’ she said calmly. ‘I’m just enjoying the beauty of your lovely resort.’

  ‘Somehow, I got the impression that you were trying to avoid me.’

  ‘Wrong again. If that were so I’d never have agreed to do the shoot with you.’

  His eloquent shrug made it clear he wasn’t impressed. ‘The lady doth protest too much.’

  Rayna wondered why he was hell-bent on aggravating her. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

  ‘Trying to figure out what makes you tick. I thought you didn’t want to see my face again after I’d refused your proposition. What gives? How come you still want to help me out?’

  ‘Wrong yet again. Let me make it very clear—I’m not helping you. I agreed to do it only for Milee’s sake. Since she suggested my name to Julie in front of everyone, it seemed a little weird to refuse.’

  ‘I’m a bit confused. How exactly would you define weird?’ he teased.

  She refused to rise to the bait and pursed her lips.

  ‘Proposing to a guy you have just met doesn’t fall in the category of weird?’

  Rayna exhaled noisily. ‘Why don’t you let it go? You refused. End of matter.’

  He smiled enigmatically. ‘Let’s say I’m reconsidering your proposal.’

  ‘Oh!’ His words took her completely by surprise. Did he mean it? Nah! He’s just toying with you! ‘Suddenly you no longer have a problem being a boy toy?’

  She wished she could take the words back. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.’

  The cold look in his eyes and the awkward silence that followed made her jittery. ‘My brother always says I have this annoying habit of shooting my mouth off. I guess it will be best if I leave now.’

  As she made to get off the parapet, he put his arm around her waist and practically lifted her off. She pushed against him and felt the hard planes of his chest through his jacket but he held her close. Heat slithered in her veins. His breath fanned the hair on her forehead and her own turned shallow. The blood pounded in her ears as she stole a quick look and stopped short at the hot intensity of his gaze. His eyes were focused on her glossy parted lips. He drew his thumb softly over her cheek and her heart tripped a beat before increasing its pace. She was fused to the spot, rooted by his touch, his gaze. She involuntarily leaned a little closer to him. Her lips were a heartbeat away from his.

  His breath was on her lips as he whispered in a husky voice, ‘Your brother should have warned you…you get burnt if you play with fire.’ And then he let her go.

  Neel dragged himself away from her with difficulty. Ever since she had propositioned him, he could think of little else. It had been like an incessant drone in his head that had him imagining a thousand ways he would ravish her. All evening his eyes had followed her. As soon as she had left her group of friends, he had sought her out. He refused to believe that any woman could rip away his self-control like this. But the mome
nt he was beside her, he could feel his resolve blow away like grains of sand swept by a gust of wind. He wanted to crush her crimson lips with his, seize her in his arms and make wild love to her on the silver sands under the starlit sky.

  Raking his hand through his hair, he noticed with grim satisfaction that she was in no better shape than him. Her lips were parted, she was slightly out of breath and she clutched at the railing, leaning against it for support. For all her sophistication and devil-may-care attitude, she seemed almost vulnerable. For someone who had made such a cheeky proposition to him, right now, she didn’t come across as a woman who had enough artifice to flaunt a fake fiancé. Remorse stabbed at his heart for taking out his sexual frustration on her.

  His voice softened. ‘Hey, are you all right?’

  His words were like a douche of iced water. Her cheeks burnt with embarrassment as she turned away from him, trying to regain her composure. In a choked voice she said, ‘Fine…just fine.’

  Yeah, right! Except that her knees were wobbling like jelly. Even more shocking was the realisation that, ever since she had clapped her eyes on him, she had been fantasising about him. What would it be like to run her fingers through his hair, feel his hard jaw against her cheek and taste his lips? She had been breathless with anticipation and then…there was nothing! If she could be so turned on by his…non-kiss—did such a thing even exist?—what would happen if he actually kissed her? No, no, no, Rayna. Don’t even go there!

  Here she was—supposedly this uber-cool, high-society chick who acquired boy toys for a hobby—swooning at the thought of being kissed! What was it about this infuriating guy that made her behave like a befuddled fool? She gave him a look that she hoped was suitably haughty. ‘Listen, you made it very clear that you have no desire to be my fake fiancé. So there’s no need to get all cosy and cuddly in front of an audience.’

  His eyes sparkled with amusement as his voice lowered a notch into a deep husky whisper. ‘It was solely for my benefit, sweetheart. Just a little check to see if there’s enough chemistry going between us to pull off this “we are an engaged couple” act.’


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