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Ruins of Fate

Page 13

by Jamie A. Waters

She nodded. “If you don’t want to take over Daryl’s camp, then I want to start over somewhere else with you. But I owe Wes for what he did for me just now. He wants to start a new camp, but he doesn’t want to run it. This could be an opportunity for us.”

  Leo frowned. “Daryl’s camp will fall apart if we leave, and he’s not ready to step aside yet.”

  “I know,” Skye whispered, thinking about everyone in Daryl’s camp that she cared about. She didn’t want to lose them, but they were all adults who could fend for themselves. Veridian and Kayla needed her; they were her priority. “This has to be your decision, Leo.”

  He sighed. “Tell me about Wes.”

  “I only just met him, but I need to try to get him some medical attention. The only reason he was injured was to protect us. I told him I had some items I could use to trade for medical supplies at an Omni trading camp.”

  Leo’s frown deepened. “The trading camps are shut down.”


  “I don't know what's going on, but they've suspended trading,” Leo said, running a hand over his short hair. “I heard rumors from some of the camps I visited. There's a problem of some kind at the towers and they've recalled the traders. Daryl's in a panic over it, and Alanza’s hysterical because it’s almost certain Niko won’t survive another day.”

  “There has to be a way to get some supplies,” Skye whispered, trying to quell her worry. Too many people would suffer if they weren’t able to trade with the Omnis. “Without them, we’re out of options.”

  Leo was quiet for a long time. “I might have a solution, but it’ll be risky.”


  Leo took a step closer to her. “You know the layout of the southeast trading camp. Do you still remember their security setup?”

  She jerked her head up. “What are you thinking?”

  “I need you to trust me, baby,” he said, brushing his thumb across her cheek. “The trading camps may be shut down, but you know the access codes and how their system works. We can still get those supplies, just not by trading for them.”

  Skye stared at him in shock. “They would have changed the codes. It’s been years, Leo.”

  “We can hack into it,” he said, taking her hands in his. “We don’t have a choice. I'm not going to lose you. If you want to keep both kids with us, we need to make our offer to Daryl extremely attractive. If we hit a trader camp, Daryl won’t have a choice. And if not, fuck him. We'll start over again… with each other.”

  Skye frowned, glancing toward the door where Wes was waiting. Leo wouldn’t propose something so dangerous unless he truly believed it was their best option. If they failed in this, they’d lose everything—including their lives. Above all else, she trusted Leo.

  Turning back to him, she nodded. “Wes needs supplies too. Let's get Hobb's body out of here, and then we can make plans. I'm not willing to lose you either.”

  Chapter Ten

  Skye worked on mapping out the layout of the trading camp while Leo set up the on-board console on the cargo vehicle for Veridian and Kayla. Wes had eagerly agreed to Leo's plan, intent on trying to acquire as many of the supplies he'd need to get his camp off the ground. The young scavenger Wes had brought along had proven to be eager and competent so far, but they'd see how he handled being in the field. After all, Mack was only a handful of years older than Veridian.

  Chance had agreed to keep an eye on Mack, but the more people they had to help, the better their luck might hold. They'd each need to play a vital part to accomplish their goals. Part of her couldn’t believe they were actually considering such a bold move against OmniLab, but their plan was daring enough that it might just work. At least, she hoped.

  Skye considered the design and made a few small changes to bring it more to scale. It had been eight years since she’d worked in Tyler's trading camp. Even if they made some changes during that time, it was unlikely they'd completely revamped their protocol or even the camp setup.

  Wes leaned over her shoulder and pointed to an area on the diagram. “What's that room?”

  “Crew's quarters,” she said, modifying the design to account for different variables. “They set up individual areas based on the number of people working in the camp. It can hold up to thirty people, but it's not usually that full. We can avoid that area completely, provided we get access to the main control center.”

  “And if we can't?”

  She blew out a breath. “Then we're screwed. There's no way to know how many people are still there. We need to lock it down, and that requires access to the control center. Even if they recalled the traders to the towers, I don't think everyone would have gone.” She paused, considering the diagram for a long time. “OmniLab never did a recall while I was there. I just can't imagine them taking a bunch of ruin rats to the towers. A few of us went to the towers to pick up supplies, but we weren't even allowed in the front door. They took us to a holding area in the garage where they transferred pallets to our vehicles.”

  Wes smirked. “I knew your expertise would come in handy. I just didn't realize how much.”

  She smiled. “Yeah. If we survive this, I'll accept the compliment. Until then, don’t jinx it.”

  Leo booted up the system and configured it to sync with their comms. “And we're live. Chance, where are we with the transport?”

  “It's all checked out, boss,” Chance replied with a mock salute. “The engine power’s been boosted. Mack's got a good eye for mechanical work. We're good to go.”

  “Don't call me ‘boss.’” Leo grabbed the canteen and took a drink.

  Skye grinned. “I don't know. I kinda like the sound of that. It's pretty hot.”

  Leo arched his brow. “You can call me that. I'll kick Chance's ass if he calls me that again.”

  She laughed and pushed the map toward Leo. “This is about as accurate as it's going to get. Everyone going inside needs to memorize the layout.”

  Mack walked over and studied the diagram. He was barely thirteen, but ruin rats had to grow up quickly. Unfortunately, he was still in that phase where he was convinced he was invincible. This whole thing was one big adventure to him.

  “You really worked for those assholes, huh?”

  Skye didn't answer Mack right away. Instead, she glanced over at her son who watched the conversation with curiosity. She'd only told him a few things about his father. Once he was older, she planned to share more, but it was hard enough for Veridian knowing his father lived in the towers and they'd never have a chance to meet.

  “Not all traders are bad. The trader I worked with was fair. His replacement was something of a bastard though. You can't judge them all based on the same cutout.”

  Wes made a noncommittal noise. “So what's the plan? How are we going to approach their camp?”

  “That's going to be a little tricky,” Skye admitted, pulling up the diagram showing the outside area. “They have ground sensors circling about a two-mile radius from the camp. It's set to pick up any transportation units, so we'll have to go on foot.”

  Chance gaped at her. “You want to try walking it? The sun’s going to be up in another couple of hours. If something goes wrong or we don’t make it out of there in time, we’re screwed.”

  “There’s no ‘we’ in this scenario,” Leo said, leaning over the diagram. “Skye and I will be the ones to walk it. You, Wes, and Mack need to wait here with the cargo vehicle until we send a signal. Veridian and Kayla will remain here as well. Too many people on the initial approach will increase our chances of being caught.”

  Wes frowned. “The trading camp will pick up the signal from the cargo vehicle the minute we cross the perimeter.”

  Skye nodded. “We should be able to get you the frequencies to mask your signal. You’ll just need to sit tight until we get through the perimeter and into their camp.”

  Chance rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I’m not particularly fond of sitting on the sidelines, but it sounds like that’s our best option.”
br />   Leo frowned, studying the diagrams showing the outside and interior of the camp. “They have cameras when we get closer. Can we avoid those?”

  Skye sighed. The cameras were going to be a problem. “We're going to try. I've routed a path we can take to avoid the outlying cameras based on where they used to be located. There were a few holes in their security back then, but it’s been years since I last worked inside the camp. It’s going to be a risk.”

  Kayla peeked over her shoulder. “Electricity hums. Can’t you listen for it?”

  Skye frowned and glanced down at her. “What do you mean, sweetheart?”

  “Are we really going to listen to a kid?” Mack asked with a scowl. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. You can’t hear cameras.”

  “Hey, don't talk to her like that.” Veridian stood and moved beside Kayla in a show of solidarity. Leo started to step forward to intervene, but Skye shook her head in warning and held up her hand to stop him. Leo frowned at her but remained silent, his expression mildly curious.

  If Veridian and Kayla were going to work together, they needed to cement their bond now. They'd need to depend upon each other if things went bad in the future. She wanted them to have something like what she’d found in Leo. There wasn’t anyone she trusted more, and no one should have to be alone in this world.

  Kayla glared at Mack and put her hands on her hips. “You're a kid too. And I know what I’m talking about.”

  “Like hell,” Mack muttered, crossing his arms over his chest, but he didn’t argue further. It was enough. Mack might be irritated with Kayla, but he wouldn't take on both children. Leo arched an eyebrow, and Skye smiled. She’d have to explain everything to him later.

  Focusing on Kayla again, Skye kept her voice gentle as she asked, “Can you tell me what you meant about a hum?”

  Kayla hesitated, her shoulders relaxing now that Mack had backed off. “Electricity and equipment make noise. The family camp was really quiet when they shut off the UV guard. I thought maybe you could hear the cameras too.”

  Skye's eyes widened at the implication. “She's right. If we can configure a commlink to listen for the frequencies being used by the cameras, we might be able to identify any holes in their security. But even if we can't hear them, we may be able to jam the signal at least to slip through. We can also use the same tactic on the cameras mounted to the building.”

  “Well, I'll be damned. The kid might have a point,” Chance said, reaching over to grab a commlink. “It’ll just take me a minute so you can read the signals.”

  Skye beamed a smile at Kayla. “Well done. You’ll be an expert in no time.”

  Kayla straightened at the praise, and Veridian bumped shoulders with her. He leaned in close and whispered loudly, “We're gonna be the best scavenging team ever.”

  Leo made a noise of agreement. “Let's see about making it through today first. We'll work on the scavenging bit later. Veridian and Kayla, you're going to stay on the transport with Chance.”

  Veridian frowned. “I can help.”

  Kayla nodded. “We both want to help.”

  Skye smiled at them. “Good. That's exactly what we need. You're going to have a very important job.”

  Kayla and Veridian exchanged a determined look between them. Skye bit back a smile and motioned them over to the console Leo had configured. “We need you to monitor the radar. If anyone appears on it, I need you to let us know right away so we can hide. But it's very important that you don't speak over our communication devices unless there's an emergency.”

  Veridian nodded solemnly. “We won’t.”

  “Can’t you use a different channel so you can talk?” Kayla asked with a frown, staring at the screen. “They can’t check all of them.”

  Skye smiled and ran a hand over Kayla’s hair. Kayla was a little too clever. She’d frustrate the hell out of the traders when she got older. “You’re right, but they automatically scan them for chatter. If they hear us, they’ll focus on us to see why we’re in the vicinity. We need to keep a low-profile. Maybe one day we should think about using code words. Why don’t you and Veridian start coming up with some you can use when you start scavenging together?”

  Kayla nodded and leaned in to look at the code Leo had put on the screen. Veridian started pointing things out to her and telling her what they meant.

  Skye glanced over at Leo to see his brow creased with concern. Unlike the children, they both knew if anything went wrong, there was no coming back from it. Being blacklisted from all OmniLab trading districts was the best scenario. At the worst, they’d be executed and the children would be on their own. She turned to look at Veridian again, knowing it was a real possibility she wouldn’t be able to watch him grow up.

  Chance put his hand on Skye’s shoulder and squeezed it gently before handing her the commlink. “They’ll be okay. I’ll look out for them. You just focus on what needs to be done.”

  Veridian met her gaze. “Mom, we’ve got this.”

  “Right,” she agreed, forcing herself to turn away. If she hesitated any longer, they might lose their window of opportunity. Most trading camps kept to a set shift schedule. They should be changing shifts in another few hours. The goal was to get inside while people were tired and not as alert and before the next shift woke up. They’d still meet opposition, but they might be able to get in and out to minimize the potential loss of life.

  It didn’t sit right with her at the thought of possibly harming those who worked in the trading camp. Some of them might have been her co-workers at one time. If their situation wasn’t quite so desperate, Skye never would have agreed to this.

  Leo motioned her over to the speeder. She nodded and followed him. Everyone else would wait outside the perimeter while they attempted to disable the surveillance. The cargo vehicle Chance was driving had been temporarily retrofitted to boost the speed with the engines from two of their other speeders. It was the only way they could manage to take everyone on one vehicle and still be able to transport any supplies they acquired.

  Skye climbed on, scooting forward so Leo could get on behind her. She knew of a nearby ruin just outside the surveillance perimeter where they could hide the speeder. Pulling away from the other vehicles, she headed back toward the Omni trading camp and the memories that went along with it.

  “That should be the last of the outlying cameras,” Skye whispered to Leo.

  They were crouched near a boulder not far from the trading camp. From this position, she could see the storage area entrance where the Omni trading camp kept their vehicles. Once they crossed the threshold, they’d be entering the point of no return.

  She glanced over at Leo. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “We need those supplies. I’m not risking losing you again,” Leo said quietly, studying the trading camp. “I can make it the rest of the way on my own. Why don’t you go ahead and turn back? I’ll give the signal when it’s safe.”

  She shook her head and put her hand over his. “We’re partners. I’m not going to risk losing you either. If we’re doing this, we go in together.”

  Leo turned toward her and cupped her face. “Those kids need you, Skye. Let me do this for you.”

  She swallowed and looked up into his eyes. It was just like him to try to take on the world to protect her. “They need both of us, Leo, and I need you. Our chances are better if I go in with you. If there’s anyone I used to know, they might listen to me. I’m not letting you walk in there without me.”

  He searched her expression for a long time before sighing. “You’re an incredibly stubborn woman.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “You’re equally as stubborn.”

  “Those fucking dimples of yours,” he muttered with a trace of a smile. “I can’t say no to you. Come on.”

  Her smile deepened, and she got up from her crouch and scrambled over the rock to move closer to the camp with Leo following behind her.

  Most ruin rats lived in tempor
ary camps or abandoned buildings, but the Omni traders used more permanent establishments as their base of operations. There were four trading camps in total, and the areas around the Omni towers were divided into different districts. Each trader oversaw operations being conducted within their particular district.

  The vehicle storage room was a covered area that led directly into the camp. There were only two entrances into the trading camp, the main one and the emergency exit. With the emergency exit being completely sealed off except from the inside, their only option was to walk through the front door.

  Skye stopped right outside the storage area and put her hand on Leo’s arm in warning. He froze, waiting for her signal. She studied the floor of the garage and then focused on the walls. In the right light, you could see the normally invisible detection beams as they moved up and down. They needed to hurry, but timing was going to be everything. Once she spotted them, she motioned toward the beams and mimicked their sweeping movements with her hand. Leo nodded, indicating he saw the beams too.

  “Now,” she whispered and darted forward. They dove to the floor to miss the security beams and crawled the rest of the way into the garage. No alarms. With her heart pounding in her chest, Skye got to her feet and moved silently toward the far wall.

  Leo crouched down beside one of the speeders and began removing the cover to the onboard computer system. While he was working on trying to obtain the codes to send to Chance, she scanned the length of the garage. The number of speeders and vehicles was less than what she’d expected. It was likely only ten people remained within the camp. At least half of them would be sleeping, while the rest would be winding down and looking forward to getting off shift.

  Unlike some of the ruin rat camps, the trading camps primarily scavenged during the daytime. But they always had at least a few people working around the clock on various projects. In addition to scavenging, the trading camps were just that—focused on trading for artifacts with the ruin rats. Each artifact they obtained had to be assessed, catalogued, and then carefully packaged before being sent to the towers. Every week, supplies had to be picked up from the towers, inventoried, and then stored in preparation for trading with the ruin rats.


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