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Craving Tori: White Timber Pack

Page 7

by J. J. Marstead

  The growl of victory sounds out through the cabin. My brother barks at me and I look over to where Tori is and my stomach drops. Caleb and Samuel are both there, looking her over. My wolf goes on alert and I pounce over to them. I stand over my lifeless mate and snarl at them both to move away.

  Caleb shifts with his hands raised in the air, showing he’s not a threat. I try to calm down enough to shift. Tori needs me right now. I feel my body start to tingle, indicating the shift is happening. My skin is soaked with sweat. I’m breathing roughly beside Tori. I reach out and touch her hand, it’s cold. My head spins, I’m terrified. My wolf whimpers inside my head.

  My brother puts his hand on my shoulder as I stare down at my barely breathing mate. My head looks up at my big brother with tears beaming. “I can’t lose her, Caleb. She’s so cold,” I mumble, heartbroken my mate had to endure this abuse.

  “I know,” my brother replies.

  Samuel looks down at Tori, then to me. “Can I look her over?” he asks. I nod my head but my wolf is snarling inside my head, not wanting any male around her. Samuel is trying to help. I reassure my wolf.

  I move away and so does Caleb, giving Samuel enough room to look her over. Samuel looks up, defeat written all over his face. “She’s lost so much blood and the abuse put her body on shutdown. I’m sorry.”

  What does he mean, he’s sorry? There must be something he can do to help her. I look around the room. Caleb is beside me trying to be strong. Samuel is beside Tori, shaking his head unsure about what to do. My father, Issac, and Noah stand near the door with mournful looks on their faces. When my eyes hit my father's, I break.

  “Dad, she’s not going to make it, is she?” my voice is low and broken.

  My father has a grim look on his face as he looks at Tori, then back to me. “I’m not sure, son. I don’t want to say this, but Tori’s human. What she went through, it’s likely impossible for her to survive this.”

  After hearing those words, my body shakes and I end up shifting. I jump on the bed beside my mate and mourn. My wolf whining and whimpering, weeping for our mate as her breathing begins to slow even more.

  Samuel clears his throat, causing my head to snap up. “I might be able to save her,” he mentions and my head perks up.

  “I’m not sure if it’ll work, she’s borderline dead already.” I can’t help but growl hearing that.

  Samuel sighs. “I can try and change her,” he says, pausing for a second before he continues, “She wouldn’t be human any longer, she would be a vampire if the change works.”

  My wolf eyes widen as I look between my mate and Samuel. I want her to live, but I don’t know what she’ll do, or how she'd feel about becoming a vampire, but I have no other choice. I can’t survive without her. If she dies, my wolf will be left broken and alone. I would eventually end up going feral. I nod my head at Samuel.

  “Ryan, you’ll have to be able to let me touch her,” he says, and I release a mighty growl, baring my sharp canines.

  “Not in the way your thinking,” Samuel says. He sighs before continuing, “I have to bite her neck, then pour some of my blood down her throat.”

  My wolf can’t seem to look past that. I have to fight with my wolf, but it seems I’m losing the battle. He doesn’t want him anywhere near her.

  I snap out of it when I feel a prick on my shoulder. I look up and see my father holding a syringe in his hand. My wolf snarls. My father growls back at me and my head bows, showing respect for our alpha.

  I can feel my head begin to get heavy. I try fighting to stay awake, but it’s no use. My head hits the bed and before I know it, I’m out like a light.

  My world turns black and the last thing on my mind is: will Tori make it?

  I groan, shifting my body. My head feels heavy and fuzzy. I look down at my body and notice I’m in human form, everything comes crashing down on me. Killing Tori’s ex, my mate lying on the dirty mattress lifeless, Samuel saying he can maybe save her. My father sticking me with a needle. I shoot up, looking around. I’m in my room at my parents. What happened? Did Samuel turn Tori in time? Or did she pass, leaving this world?

  My wolf whines for our mate. I still feel her, but it’s different. I can’t explain it. I run to the door and open it. My father is there standing before me. I scowl when I look at him because of what he did.

  “Son, I had no choice. Your wolf wouldn’t let Samuel near enough to help her,” my father sighs.

  I grit my teeth from snarling at my father, my alpha. I close my eyes and take a deep, calming breath.

  “Where is she?” I ask, swallowing down the bile in my throat.

  “She’s fine. Samuel turned her just in time. She’s downstairs,” my father mentions.

  I go to move past him, but he halts me in my steps with his hand on my arm.

  “She’s changed some since she’s turned. It took everything in Samuel to command her to leave you be until you woke up. The mating pull is much stronger for her now.”

  I nod my head and make my way downstairs.

  Once I’m at the landing, the scent of my mate washes over me.

  Chapter Ten

  I feel like my body is floating on clouds. Am I dead? Did Steve really kill me? So many unanswered questions. I feel my body start to wake and I slowly open my eyes. My gaze taking in the room, my sight is sharper now for some reason. What happened? I look around and notice I’m at my mate’s parents house, the guest bedroom to be exact.

  How did I get here? I don’t remember much of anything everything seems to have faded away. My mate being the last thought going through my mind before everything went black. I hear movement, but I don’t see anyone. What’s happening? Seems like my hearing has heightened for some weird reason, too. Maybe I’m dead and I’m a ghost or something.

  I stare at the door as the sound gets closer, watching to see if they’ll stop and open the door. A second later, there’s a knock on the door. I go to open my mouth to say something but my throat is dry. I swallow first before answering.

  “Come in,” I whisper, my voice rough.

  My throat is slightly burning now. What is that about?

  The door opens and Samuel pokes his head in. My mind is screaming, maker. I don’t understand. I look at Samuel confused. I can see it on his face he has something to say. But before he gets a chance, I smell something sweet and delicious. It makes my mouth water. What is the smell? I lick my lips and run my tongue over my front teeth. My eyes widen and I gasp.

  “Oh my God!” I cry out. Samuel comes in and walks over to me. I have tears in my eyes. Oh my God, I’m a vampire. I see Elizabeth come in and she tries to run over to me, but Samuel stops her. She looks at him confused and he shakes his head.

  “Why won’t you let me see her?” I demand, glaring at him.

  Samuel comes closer, leaving Elizabeth near the door. He looks down at me.

  “Because you're unable to control your thirst right now. You need to feed before I let Elizabeth near you,” his gruff voice hits my ears.

  I would never hurt Elizabeth, ever. I don’t care what he says, I wouldn’t attack her right now. She’s pregnant and she’s my best friend. She means way too much to me to do anything stupid like that. “I would never, in a million years, hurt Elizabeth,” I hiss, pissed off at him for even thinking of it.

  Elizabeth pushes Samuel out of the way and walks over to the bed. She sits down, reaching out with her hand, and touches my arm. I break down, the tears just flowing from my eyes. She wraps her arms around me and holds me while I weep. Samuel is still standing where Elizabeth pushed him, and he’s tense with her being so close to me.

  “I won’t hurt her,” I mumble.

  Samuel gives a firm nod. “You're not craving anything with Elizabeth being so close to you? Your senses are heightened now.”

  I shake my head and frown. “I’m hungry, but I would never harm her. How did this happen anyways?” I ask.

  “Well, Steve ended up stabbing you in the side,” h
e starts, then looks at me. I lightly gasp trying to remember, but nothing comes to mind. I must’ve been out of it at that point.

  “Your body was badly beaten, and you lost so much blood that the only way to try to save you was to turn you,” Samuel mutters. I look at Elizabeth and she has tears in her eyes while nodding her head.

  I look down at my hands. My poor mate, he must have been going out of his mind. I feel a strong pull to find him and check on him.

  “Where’s Ryan? I have to see him.”

  Samuel nods but holds out a bag of blood to me. I look at him funny and he sighs. “You need to feed before you see your mate,” I end up hissing at Samuel, annoyed that he thinks I’ll hurt anyone, let alone my mate. He snarls at me and I jolt back like a scorned child.

  What the hell?

  “You haven’t fed yet and now that you're a vampire, you’ll want to mark him and his blood will do things to you, umm-” he stutters, shifting on his feet while rubbing the back of his neck.

  I look at him confused. What the hell is he talking about?

  Elizabeth shifts on the bed and shakes her head. “Oh, for fuck sakes,” she looks at me with a smirk. “You’ll be hornier than before,” she shoots out and my eyes go wide.


  I bite my lip, my fang digging into my bottom lip. My eyes widen and I pull my lip away from my teeth. Oh my God. What are my parents going to think of me now?

  “What am I going to do about my parents?” I mumble, putting my head down. Worried they’ll hate me now.

  “Your parents will still love you. They’re on the way down here as we speak. They were so worried. We told them that something happened, but we didn’t tell them all the details of you... changing,” Elizabeth mentions with a faint smile. I nod my head and see Samuel holding the blood bag out to me.

  Elizabeth looks at it then looks at me. “I’ll wait downstairs.”

  She hugs me once more before leaving the room. Leaving me with Samuel. I take the blood bag from his hand and undo the cap. The smell hits me hard and I feel my mouth water. I look up at him and he nods, encouraging me.

  I bring the bag to my lips and suck on the tip, the blood comes rushing through the little hole and floods into my mouth. I close my eyes and groan, holding the bag against my lips, savoring the taste. Two seconds and the bag is empty. I sucked it dry.

  I open my eyes and see Samuel holding another bag out to me. “You’ll need another if you want to be around others.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not hungry. That bag was enough for now,” I say, getting off the bed. I look down once I stand and just notice now that I’m dressed in new clothes I’ve never seen before. I look up at Samuel.

  “Elizabeth and Mary washed and changed you while you were turning,” he mentions. I glare at him and he puts his hands up. “I would never do that to my mate, let alone yours,” he mutters. I nod my head because I know he’s telling the truth, I think Elizabeth would have his balls. “Your mate would have my head,” he adds and I snicker at the thought.

  I have a sudden urge to get downstairs. I don’t want to be confined to this room.

  “How is Ryan doing with all of this?” I motion with my hands up and down.

  Samuel seems hesitant to answer me. I pause from moving towards the door.

  “What happened?”

  “Umm… Ryan wasn’t letting anyone near you when we found you. And for me to save you, I had to bite you and share my blood with you. He was ready to take my head off in his wolf form. His father had to stick a syringe in his shoulder to get him to doze off.”

  I hiss under my breath. My poor mate was trying to protect me and he ended up sedated.

  “Ryan isn’t up yet, but he should be soon,” Samuel mentions.

  It’s been an hour since I’ve been downstairs, waiting patiently for my mate to wake up. I’m itching to see him. Everyone is sitting in the living room. Mary burst into tears when she saw me come down the stairs. Darren even looked a little choked up when he got a good look at me. Knowing they were all worried about me, warms my cool heart. I can’t believe I have so many people who care for me.

  “What happened to Steve?” I ask and everyone goes still silent.

  Elizabeth looks at Caleb and Samuel, while Mary looks at Darren. Elizabeth elbows Caleb and he looks at his mate, then to me. “Ryan killed Steve at the cabin after we broke in.”

  I release a happy sigh. “Good, because if he wasn’t dead, I would kill him myself,” I hiss. I can feel my nails getting longer and my fangs lengthen in my mouth.

  A few minutes go by and then I stop and inhale deeply. I smell the most amazing smell I’ve ever scented. I turn my head towards the opening of the living room and see my mate standing there with wide eyes. My mouth drops as I stare openly at him, everything about him is more enhanced. My mouth waters taking in his appearance. I feel my fangs lengthen, I can’t help but lick my dry lips. Ryan’s eyes widen, taking in my fangs, but not from fear. I can see the lust written on his face.

  My body is fully aware that he’s near, my nipples become painfully hard and my pussy pulses with need. Damn, I want him badly. I have the urge to mark him right here in front of everyone. My face slightly burns just thinking of it.

  Soon, mate. My mates voice rings out inside my head. My head snaps up and I look at Ryan in shock. Did he just speak to me through our bond?

  I can hear Ryan’s groan escape as he sees the flashes of what I want in my mind. I grin, biting my lip. I move so fast that I even surprise myself. I turn to look at everyone, and Darren nods to Mary and they get up, leaving the living room. Caleb, Elizabeth and Samuel follow close behind them. Giving me time alone with my mate.

  I want nothing more than to have him upstairs and have my way with him.

  “God, I thought I lost you,” Ryan mutters.

  “I thought I lost you, too, but nothing can take me away from you,” I reply.

  My hand reaches out, touching his arm. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His hands shoot out and grab a hold of me. He brings me flush against him and breathes in my scent.

  “Your scent has changed,” he says, pausing before he continues, “You smell fantastic, Tori.” He groans when I place a kiss to his neck. The vein throbbing in his neck, calling to me.

  He pulls away and looks down at me.

  “I love you, Tori,” he says with tears in his eyes.

  “I love you, too,” I reply, my voice hoarse. The emotion of everything hits me full force.

  Chapter Eleven

  Seeing my mate alive in the flesh, I’m blown away. She’s… wow, she was everything to me before but now it’s as if everything about her is more. She might not be human anymore, but she’s still my mate nonetheless. And she’s here in my parent's living room looking at me with a hungry look on her face. Damn, I’m glad to see her alive.

  I notice her licking her lips, her fangs hanging out of her mouth. My cock hardens. I want those fangs on me more than anything right now.

  Soon mate. I say through our bond.

  She grins and moves so fast, before I know it, she’s in front of me. She looks back at everyone and they all disappear within seconds.

  She reaches out and touches my arm. I close my eyes, thanking my lucky stars she’s here. The electricity runs through my body from her touch. I grab her and hold her to me. I was so close to losing her, I don’t want to let her go.

  “God, I thought I lost you,” I mutter.

  “I thought I lost you, too, but nothing can take me away from you,” she says truthfully.

  My nostrils flare, taking in her scent. “Your scent has changed,” I pause, then continue, “You smell fantastic, Tori.” I groan when I feel her lips on my neck. I pull away and look down at her. “I love you, Tori,” I say with tears building in my eyes.

  Tori smiles. “I love you, too,” she replies.

  We take a seat on the couch. She can’t seem to keep her hands off me, but I’m the same. I don’t want to let her go and
have her slip away. Her skin is a little cool against mine and flashes of finding her on the dirty mattress come to mind. She must have read my mind before she takes her hands and places them on either side of my face.

  “It’s over. I’m here and we can be happy now. We can move on and leave the past in the past,” she says softly.

  I nod my head because she’s right. She’s here, she’s different now, but she’s here. She’s still mine as much as I’m hers.

  She takes my hand and stands up, pulling me up with her. She looks down at me with lusty, haze-covered eyes. “I need you,” she whispers.

  Knowing she needs me… something inside of me snaps, and I grab her by the back of the legs and pull her up. My hands resting on her ass as I jog towards the stairs. She giggles against my neck before placing a few light kisses. She licks my neck and I tremble with need. I need to get her in my room, naked and moaning under me. Then to feel her fangs against my neck. I shiver just thinking of them on me.

  When she was human, I held back when it came to the bedroom. I didn’t want to end up hurting her, but now I’ll be able to give her everything I have, and I hope that it’s enough.

  Once we’re in the bedroom, I move over to the bed and place her down. I jump on her and she let’s out a giggle. Her lust-filled eyes are staring up at me with hunger. “Are you going to make me scream, mate?” she purrs, her finger running down the side of my face.

  I grin, looking down at her. My eyes shifted. “Oh, Tori, you’ll be screaming my name all night long, baby,” I growl.

  Her eyes twinkle with mischief. “What are you waiting for then?” she challenges.

  I raise a brow at her. “Not a damn thing,” I mention before bending my head down to capture her lips with mine. Her soft groan gets swallowed up as I work my tongue into her mouth. She’s touching me everywhere with her hands and it’s sending electrifying shocks through my body. I grit my teeth, I want to savour this and not rush it, but it’s getting fucking hard when my mate is trying to take the reigns.


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