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Embrace: The Secret Billionaire Asher Christmas Duet, Two (The Dark Christmases Book 9)

Page 3

by Z. L. Arkadie

  I folded my arms. “Why not?”

  “Because …” he started then stopped.


  He shifted to stand closer. To those passing by, we appeared as if we were two people on the verge of kissing.

  “Here’s what you won’t discover by reading the book,” he said. “And remember what I said about my grandparents.” He flicked his eyebrows up twice.

  I jerked my head back as if his words had physically shocked me. “What are you insinuating? You and I both know the dangers of first-degree incest, like severe birth defects, schizophrenia, blindness …”

  Jake held up a hand to stop me. “I was joking, Penina.”

  I shook my head emphatically. “Well, I’m not joking, Jake, or whatever your name is.” I wasn’t going to say Asher out loud, especially after the bookshop clerk knew who he was. “We had sex,” I whispered. “We fucked, and now we’re fucked.”

  After a long pause, Jake took a deep breath. “Let’s just have a good time. We’ll wait for the results. And we’ll figure out our next steps.”

  I crossed my arms, shaking my head continuously. It was as if he didn’t get the gravity of what was happening between us. “You know, you alluded to the fact that we’ll figure it out three times already. What the hell does that even mean?”

  Jake rubbed the back of his head again. “I don’t know, Penina. You’re beautiful, that’s for certain.” He swallowed, and his gaze seemed to swallow my face appreciatively. “You don’t look anything like my father, though I’m very certain you’re Valentine’s daughter, and I’m sorry about that, because he’s still alive. He’s in prison, thanks to my brother, but he’s still alive.”

  My eyes grew wide. “In prison?”

  “Yes. He was my father’s accomplice.”

  “Accomplice in what?”

  “It’s in the book.”

  Frowning, I glanced down at my purse. “And I look like this guy?”

  “His daughter, Julia.”

  My mouth was caught open. I blinked hard, and my eyes got stuck closed. “Daughter?”

  “Penina …” He said my name so beautifully. “I’ve been waiting to make love to you because I know you need confirmation that we’re not related. I already figured it out, so if you’re not going to let me kiss you or take you to bed, then please, let’s go fucking dance and have some fun.”

  It was when Jake and I danced to the second song the band played that I realized we were out in public together and not that far from the hospital. Anyone who knew us could see us together, though I hadn’t spotted anyone I knew, and when Jake dipped me and brought me up, narrowly avoiding tonguing me passionately, I understood why he felt it was safe enough for us to enjoy the festival. Most people who worked at the hospital would avoid a touristy event on a Friday afternoon.

  Jake was a great dancer, though. He was naturally smooth, very much aware of how his body bent, curved, and gyrated to the musical notes. It was sexy how he moved his hips. I was hoping to God we weren’t related, especially since his dick was hard each time he rubbed it against me. Apparently, he was sure we had no blood ties. If only I could take his supposition and run with it.

  Then I remembered something and grabbed him by the shoulders. “Jake, tonight’s Courtney’s party!” I shouted above the music. That was another reason hardly anyone from the hospital would be at the music festival, especially those from our ward. They were all getting ready for the highly anticipated soiree of the summer.

  Jake slapped himself on the forehead then took me by the hand, leading me through the crowd. When we made it through the gate and were walking quickly along the river, he drew me close. Without a word, his tongue was in my mouth. As our lips pushed against each other with fire and desire, I decided he was right. My father was a monstrous man locked up in prison for being Jake’s father’s partner in crime, which in turn made him a letch. Our tongues whirled around each other without restraint. My head climbed toward the darkening sky. His mouth tasted so good. With each stroke of the tongue, I found it harder to stop kissing him. We were winded and not at all concerned about who was watching us as his mouth broke from mine. Then we pressed our foreheads together.

  “So … I imagine you don’t want to go public until we have the results,” he said.

  After that kiss, it was as if all my raw lust and yearning for Jake had risen to the surface. If I spoke, I would mug his mouth with another deep kiss. If I didn’t get control of myself, I would suggest we skip the party, head back to his penthouse without a moment to spare, and bang like rabbits, bears, and lions.

  “When will you get them?” I asked breathlessly.

  “Soon,” he whispered. “Si put a rush on the results.”

  I immediately pictured everyone who worked in the lab. They were all headstrong. They hated rush lab orders. God forbid they worked beyond the scope of the normal protocol.

  Jake smirked. “You rolled your eyes. Were you aware of that?”

  I shifted my gaze away from his face to think about it. “No, I wasn’t aware.”

  “There are lots of small habits I’ve noticed about you, and rolling your eyes is one of them.”

  “You’re crazy,” I said, smiling from ear to ear. It felt good to know someone was truly seeking to notice my patterns. It made me feel wanted.

  I wanted to put my hands together and pray to the Almighty not to let us be siblings. It would be the worst joke fate had ever played on me.

  We stopped by Café Du Monde so that Jake could buy me beignets. The line reminded me of lines for a ride at an amusement park. However, Jake asked me to wait while he went to the kitchen. He said he knew a guy. No wonder the locals had figured him out. It was difficult to hide out in a place like New Orleans. The town constantly called its residents out to play. And it seemed that between the guy in the bookstore recognizing him and knowing a guy at one of the most popular spots on Decatur Street, Jake, who was obviously adventurous, had been out exploring the town.

  Jake returned to me with two bags, each holding two hot beignets heavily dusted with powdered sugar. We strolled back to my apartment, eating and talking.

  “Why don’t you drive your own car?” I asked.

  “Because I hate driving.”

  “Do you know how to drive?” I bit into the warm pastry and chewed, watching him curiously.

  His eyebrows flicked upward. “What do you think?”

  I tilted my head. “Was that a flirt?”

  Suddenly, his cell phone chimed, and he winked as he answered it.

  “Yeah, Si,” he said then listened.

  Whatever Chief Brown said next made Jake squeeze my shoulder. All the color had drained from his face.

  “The results?” I mouthed.

  Jake shook his head, answering me, then said, “I’ll be right there.”

  Just as Jake was beginning to learn my quirks, I was starting to know his. He was definitely rattled and trying to hide it, especially when I asked if everything was okay.

  “Someone needs a consult,” he said.

  He tried to convince me to let Kirk take me from my apartment, where I would collect my things, to the penthouse to get dressed. I let Jake know I didn’t want to add all of those extra steps to my evening. I would rather walk back to my place, shower, and take a cab to Courtney’s party. I was surprised he gave me no pushback. Instead, he kissed me on the forehead and said that he would see me later.

  I was alone in my place and not stressing over needing to know if my mother was alive or why Jake seemed so anxious when he walked away from me. I flopped down on the foot of my bed then lay back. I wasn’t that enthusiastic about getting ready for Courtney’s party, either. A time existed when I would’ve done anything to be there, but all I wanted to do now was close my eyes, go to sleep, wake up in the morning, start rounds, and at some point the next day, learn about the test results.

  “Or …” I said. I looked around for my purse, but then my phone played the chime that let
me know that I had missed a call. The sound came from outside of my bedroom, so I got up and shuffled to the living room and retrieved my device from my desk. Shit, I left it earlier. I listened to the voice message from Jake, who said he would see me later at the party, was counting on me being there, and that I should not choose going to bed over attending. I tossed my head back and laughed. How did he know I would grapple with going to sleep over interacting with Court and Rich? Then he sent me a text message that read And don’t go anywhere near Greg Carroll.

  I blurted a laugh and texted back, Don’t worry, brother. No more professional athletes for me.

  I stared at the screen of my phone, waiting for his reply.

  I’m not your brother, and I can’t wait to show you. And you’d better believe no more athletes. Only one neurosurgeon from here on out.

  I shook my head.

  You have loads of confidence, brother, I typed and sent.

  I’m right. Don’t worry. Penina, I think I love you, he wrote.

  I stared at his text with bulging eyes. I had no idea how to respond. It would be easier to say it back if I knew definitively that he wasn’t my brother. I pressed my lips into a hard line. Whether he was a brother or lover, I knew one thing for certain.

  I think I will always love you, no matter what, I replied.

  He responded right away with a thumbs-up and Heading in. Save me a seat beside you.

  Okay, I wrote.

  Then he sent me another thumbs-up.

  I stood very still with the phone in my hands, hoping, praying, and praying some more that Jake was right. I looked like that Julia Valentine person. Then it dawned on me that the woman might be my sister. Only I was the result of a monstrous act committed by her father toward my mother.

  A sick feeling began to spark in the pit of my stomach. I was beginning to wonder if I could truly have a good time at the party with all the shit that was still up in the air. But Jake said he’d be there. I certainly didn’t want him showing up at the party with me at home and leaving him as fresh meat for all the groupies that swarmed Rich and his friends like flies did shit. That was when I got a new burst of energy and traipsed to the bathroom to shower.

  I had on a royal blue A-line dress that made my cleavage look like two succulent apples. Rich used to go crazy with lust whenever I wore the dress. Once, he sucked my tits all night and was so turned on by gorging on breasts that he actually came. Not only was that the power of that particular dress, but it was also the closest he’d ever come to doing me in the raw.

  Of course, I wasn’t wearing the dress for Rich. I’d put it on for Jake. For a moment, I thought it would be sort of cruel to seduce him, but then, at a party like the one I was attending, I had to bring my A game or shrink amongst all the tits, ass, and camel toe that the groupies were willing to put out there for Jake to salivate over.

  “Shit,” I muttered. I hated that I was suddenly worrying about insecure and vain shit like that.

  I applied more dramatic makeup than normal and took time to curl my long hair. All of my layers had grown out, which meant as soon as I had the time, I would make an appointment at Barbara’s Beauty Salon, which was across the street from my building, to get them back. Before leaving, I went to my calendar to make a note that I should check my schedule and contact Barbara for an appointment.

  The letter from the DNA company captured my attention. I wondered why Jake hadn’t wanted me to simply follow the instructions and make the call. I almost thought it had something to do with not giving his brother control. I sensed some sibling rivalry. Then I remembered him mentioning that his ex-girlfriend was in love with his brother. Perhaps that was it. Maybe that was why he’d run away from his ultra-rich family.

  I liked Jake an awful lot and loved him too, but I would not let that get in the way of doing what was best for myself. The letter said that the line was open twenty-four hours a day. So I cast all of my trepidation to the wind and dialed the number.

  I could feel my insides shudder as I waited for someone to pick up the phone. I went rigid when the ringing stopped and a voice came on the line.

  “You have been identified as having a first-degree DNA connection with subjects of a special fund set up for victims and the family members of victims who have suffered sexual assault by one Randolph Christmas and/or Arthur Valentine. A restitution fund has been set up on your and many others’ behalf. At the sound of the beep, please speak your identification number and verify your phone number, and we will be able to release your parentage results once your credentials are verified and entered into our system. This will take between twenty-four and forty-eight hours. Also, be aware that you have the right to decline monetary or any sort of restitution paid from this fund, but we encourage you to accept compensation. And finally, your indemnity fund agent will send you an email to schedule your initial call. Thank you for taking the time to call us.”

  Then came the beep that officially ended the recording.

  I struggled with whether or not I should speak my number. The prerecorded voice told me where I could find the number on my letter and to speak it then press pound when I was finished.

  Finally, I thought, What the hell.

  I said, “One-five-three-three-six-zero,” then I pressed the pound key and left my phone number. The recorded voice thanked me and informed me that I could end the call.

  Chapter Five

  Penina Ross

  There was a knock on my door as I raced around the condo, looking for my keys and wallet. I couldn’t find either in my purse. As usual, I was a basket case.

  “Who is it?” I shouted, searching my purse again.

  “It’s me, Kit Kat,” Zara sang.

  “Reese’s Pieces!” I exclaimed as my hand landed on my keys.

  I shuffled to the door and opened it.

  We hugged, then I stood back to get a complete picture of her. She was wearing a strappy and slinky black cocktail dress, which made her three times as much the ravishing beauty as she already was.

  “You look positively gorgeous,” I said.

  “No, but look at you,” she said. “And I mean in every way. You know I was the one who let Dr. Sparrow into your apartment,” she said.

  I recognized her tone. Zara was about to pry. “I know,” I said as I spotted my wallet on the sofa, wondering when the hell I had put it there. Then I thought that it might have fallen out of my purse when I tossed it onto the sofa earlier when Jake was with me.

  “What’s really going on between the two of you?” she asked.

  I bit my bottom lip, fighting the urge to blurt our relationship from the beginning to the end, along with the fact that Jake might be a first-degree blood relative of mine, and that despite that, my body yearned for his touch.

  “But don’t say anything yet,” she said, checking her watch. “Let’s share a cab and get our asses over to Court’s. We’re already late.” Then Zara raised her eyebrows twice quickly. “Unless you already have a date.”

  I caught myself at the beginning of rolling my eyes. Shit, Jake was right. If he hadn’t brought it to my attention, I would never have noticed myself doing it.

  “Nope, Jake’s in surgery.”

  Zara leaned back, stretching the corners of her mouth downward. “Jake, huh?”

  I could feel an intense frown scrunching my face.

  “Wait, then it’s no more Jake?” she asked.

  “Shit,” I said throwing my hands up next to my ears.

  “What?” She sounded worried.

  “Deodorant. How the hell could I forget to put deodorant on?” I raced to the bathroom.

  “You see, I no longer find myself in the state that you’re in,” Zara said as I rolled the deodorant stick under both my armpits.

  “Lucky you,” I called as I added a dot of my expensive perfume while I was at it. I had no idea what brand it was. The salesgirl had told me it was popular and smelled divine. I tried it, and she was right. It had a delicious scent as long as I didn’
t overdo it. So I added a gentle dot to the other side of my neck.

  Zara shouted, “Come on Pen, jeez.”

  I took one more look in the mirror and gave myself a thumbs-up. Jake is going to love my tits in this dress.

  “Here I come.”

  Even though we wore heels, Zara and I did a fantastic job of power walking to the elevator. As we got in, I knew she couldn’t wait to question me profusely about Jake. Pretty soon, I was going to feel as though I were a witness on the stand, being asked all sorts of objection-worthy questions by the prosecutor. That was why I decided to bombard her with questions before she could start with me.

  “So how’s your boyfriend?” I asked her.

  “What boyfriend?” Her tone was lackluster.

  “The one you were with when we last spoke. He was in the shower, and you were whispering, saying that you were in love with him.”

  She scrunched her face. “I said that?”

  “Yes, you did. I guess it’s no longer the case?”

  The elevator doors opened.

  “It’s still the case,” she said, eyes to the floor, as she walked out. “Well, it’s almost the case.” Then she groaned. “Maybe not.”

  Something was very wrong with Zara. I was on the verge of taking her by the shoulders, something we did when we wanted to get each other’s full attention, but as soon as we stepped out into the warm night, I was stopped by the sight of a black limousine. The back door was already opened, and Kirk, the driver, was smiling pleasantly with his gaze bouncing between Zara and me.

  “Dr. Sparrow would like to make sure you arrive safely at your destination. May I take you there?” he asked.

  In many cases, I never knew what sort of eye candy a man was until one of my girlfriends stared at him as if he were a lollipop. Zara’s gaze constantly flitted over to Kirk, and his did the same, as he often stole looks at her through the rearview mirror. The energy flowing between them was strong, and I almost felt like a third wheel.


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