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Embrace: The Secret Billionaire Asher Christmas Duet, Two (The Dark Christmases Book 9)

Page 11

by Z. L. Arkadie

I nodded gently and pointed at one of the chairs at his desk. “May I?”

  “Please do,” he said.

  I carefully sat in the chair. I kept my lips pressed into a humble smile. He was the chief of surgery, so respect was in order.

  “I haven’t told anyone, though,” I said.

  He nodded then smiled. “Good. That was going to be my next question.”

  We chuckled together. That was a good sign.

  “But I’m not here to talk about Jake … I mean Asher,” I said.

  “Then you know he and I have been friends since childhood?” he asked.

  I closed my mouth and swallowed. Apparently, I was done talking about Asher, but he was not.


  “And you’ve received our fellowship offer?”

  I had to think. “Oh yes, Deb mentioned it.”

  He remained pressed back against his chair, studying me shrewdly. It was never good when the chief looked at anyone that way.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked, suddenly feeling flushed.

  “You do know that Dr. Christmas will no longer be practicing here come Monday?”

  I jerked my head back as if the news had punched me in the nose. “What? Does he know that?” Even though our night had been interrupted by Julia Valentine, I was sure that if Asher knew he was leaving the hospital, that would’ve been one of the first things he told me.

  He shook his head. “No,” he said quietly. “So …” He cleared his throat. “My offer to you has nothing to do with him. You’re an excellent surgeon.”

  “Yeah, but honestly if Jake … I mean Asher isn’t going to be around, then …”

  He held up a hand. “What about Roland Agnew?”

  I froze momentarily. “What about Roland Agnew?”

  His fingers formed a steeple again, and he tapped the tips together while grinning proudly. “You’ll be working directly under Roland and part of EBHI if you accept our fellowship.”

  “Wow,” I mouthed.

  Roland Agnew was the world’s leading expert in radiosurgery and neurosurgical oncology. He’d also founded and chaired the Expansive Brain Health Institute, whose headquarters was in Baltimore, Maryland. I had applied for a position with EBHI, along with all the other neurosurgeons in the universe, none of us caring if it was a residency, a fellowship, or an attending position.

  I narrowed an eye. “But the EBHI is in Maryland.”

  “You’ll travel to and from.” He scratched the side of his face. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, isn’t it? Not to mention an extremely competitive position. And it’s all yours, if you want it.”

  I cracked a tiny smile. He was being cocky simply because he knew only a fool would turn down the chance to be an EBHI fellow.

  “Yes,” I said quickly. There was no other answer but that one. “I agree. I’ll take it. I’m a fellow—I mean, I’ll be a fellow.” But then I thought of Asher, and all my excitement dwindled as I collapsed against my chair. “But why does Asher have to leave?”

  “Because he’s back to being a Christmas. There’s no way he’ll be able to practice in a hospital ever again.”

  “I don’t get it,” I said, frowning.

  His head tilted as he studied me. “You really don’t know much about their family, do you?”

  I shook my head. “Only what I’ve learned recently. I’m not good at storing famous people in my knowledge base.”

  He grunted. “I see. Well, we’ve already had disturbances because the press and the public are now aware that Asher is on our staff. We’ve been forced to reassign his surgeries and …” He sighed and shifted in his seat as if talking about Asher was causing him physical pain. “Listen, Asher knows he can’t frolic through the hospital as if he’s a normal person. And if he thinks he can, then he’s deluding himself.”

  I had a feeling the chief was practicing the argument he’d use to convince Asher to quit his job on me. If he knew the Asher I’d come to know, then he would realize Asher couldn’t be forced to do anything he didn’t want to do. And my remaining a fellow at the hospital didn’t help the chief’s case, which was why his claim that the offer had nothing to do with Asher made no sense at all. However, it wasn’t my job to figure out who was pulling the strings. The offer had been made. I would’ve been a fool not to take it. And it was time to focus on my new patient.

  “Greg Carroll,” I said abruptly.

  The chief’s brows furrowed. “The American football player?”

  “Yes,” I said and told him about Greg’s symptoms and his need for discretion.

  “This hospital has a contract with all local sports teams to report any medical treatment of their players to their organization. It’s a standard part of Carroll’s contract.”

  I grunted thoughtfully. “That doesn’t sound legal to me.”

  “It isn’t. It’s more of a good-faith contract.”

  I grimaced as I shook my head. “I want to help him. Is there anything you can do to help me do that?”

  The chief drew in a deep breath as he pressed his tension-filled lips together. Finally, he released the air trapped in his lungs. “Well, I’m certainly not a stickler for the rules, as you’ve come to know.” He winked at me.

  Flutters of hope moved through my belly. “And the hospital is under new ownership. The Christmases may not agree to the same”—I drew air quotes—“‘good-faith deal’ as the previous administration.”

  He stroked his chin, frowning thoughtfully. “True. Very true.”

  “And he’s a VIP.”

  “Right, right.”

  I grinned, knowing for certain the chief was going to help. “He’ll need a VIP team. People who know how to—”

  “I understand, Dr. Ross. Carroll will get his team.”

  I sat up tall, posturing myself to get moving on it fast. “He’s in the hospital, ready to get started.”

  The door swung open. I twisted around, and the sight of our visitor made my face light up.

  “Who’s in the hospital, ready to get started?” Asher asked.

  “Greg Carroll,” Chief Brown said. “And, Ash, we have to talk.”

  Asher aimed his scowl at me. “Greg Carroll?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Penina Ross

  Asher stood behind the chair next to me, gripping the top of it. My gaze fell on his hands. He had a tiny scar on the knuckle of his middle finger, and the fuzzy hair that grew there was a lot lighter than the hair on his head. His fingernails were immaculate too. A man with such clean hands—that was sexy. How odd though that I’d never taken a moment to acknowledge such small things about him.

  Asher drummed the leather. “Si, we’ll talk, but first, I’m going to need to consult with Dr. Ross.”

  Chief Brown soured his expression. “Consult with Dr. Ross about what exactly?” He eyed Asher as though he was challenging him to come up with a good lie.

  “We have to talk about Greg Carroll.”

  The chief nodded at the empty chair. “Good. Sit. Let’s talk.”

  They smirked at each other until the chief shook his head.

  He flung up a hand. “All right, then. Bugger off.”

  I had just gotten my first view of how close they were as friends. They were two people who could communicate without words—that was pretty close.

  “Penina, let’s go,” Asher said with the sort of gusto reserved for someone who was assured he would get what he wanted.

  I took a moment to finish processing what I thought about Asher demanding I go with him. First, the previous night, he’d let me leave and never even called to make sure I’d gotten to bed okay. That was a dick move. Secondly, and most importantly, I was in the middle of helping a patient.

  “Excuse me, Dr. Christmas, I presume.” I said “presume” because referring to him as Dr. Sparrow still rested on the tip of my tongue.

  Asher put his mouth close to my ear. “I’m sorry about last night.” He kissed my cheek.

  “Um,” I sa
id, touching where his lips had left their mark. What was I going to say?

  “Where’s the patient, Dr. Ross?” the chief asked.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off that hypnotic but cocky grin on Asher’s face. He looked different, too—more relaxed and happier.

  “First floor, exam room 38,” I said finally.

  Next, I had to send Greg a text letting him know that, just as he’d snuck into the hospital and kidnapped me out of the hallway, he should be discreet when making his way to the eighth floor, room 809, and Chief Brown would be waiting for him there.

  Greg replied quickly. And you?

  Asher scowled at his reply. “Don’t answer that,” he said.

  I glanced at the chief. I’d never been so casual while in the room with him. It felt odd, and perhaps that was why I was embarrassed to be sitting next to my jealous boyfriend. And the more I thought about how he’d abandoned me the previous night, only to show up the next morning looking as fresh as a powder puff, the more I was sure he had definitely landed himself in the doghouse.

  “I can’t just ignore a patient,” I said, typing out, Later. I have a consultation.

  “Okay,” I said and slipped my phone into my white medical coat then stood up.

  My phone dinged again, and without considering how upset answering it would make Asher, I looked to see who it was.

  Then I’ll wait.

  Suddenly pissed, I hit the microphone button and said tersely, “You can’t wait. Go meet the chief. Now.” I pressed send.

  Chief Brown and Asher looked at me as though I had lost my mind.

  I’d thought we were going to Asher’s office and had no uncertainty about what we were going to do next. The anticipation made me sensitive down there. He still looked unhappy about my communication with Greg, but that was for him to work out within himself. Greg was my patient. I couldn’t just ignore him or pass him off, not yet anyway.

  I followed Asher into a stairwell. It was the less populated route to wherever we were going. People would be looking to see us together after the previous night. For a number of reasons, Asher’s being a famous Christmas included, we were the spectacle of the day.

  “About last night,” I said as we climbed the stairs.

  “Penina, I said I was sorry,” he said as he stopped in front of a door that always remained locked.

  Asher took a ring with six or seven keys on it out of his pocket, found the one he wanted, and unlocked the door. I raised my eyebrows, surprised he already had that level of access.

  “If you’re apologizing for leaving me wanting you last night, so much so that I gorged on a pint of ice cream—”

  He smirked. “You wanted me?”

  My eyes grew wider. Did I confess that out loud?

  Asher pushed the door and held it open. “All you had to do was ask me to stay, and I would’ve.”

  I believed him. He would do anything for me, which was an odd thing to feel because I had never been able to rely on anyone other than Christine the way I’d grown to count on him.

  I folded my arms. “But what about your ex-girlfriend, my sister?”

  “I’ll handle her.” He pointed his head toward the dusky hallway.

  His nearness made me dizzy as I crossed the threshold. “How?” I asked, wondering where he was taking me.

  He let the door close and took my hand as we walked quickly down the empty corridor.

  “I’ll do what it takes.”

  My curiosity continued to grow as we passed closed unmarked doors. “What does that mean, Jake?”

  “It means I’ll handle Julia, and there’s no need for you to get involved. As a matter of fact …” We reached an elevator, and he pushed the only button associated with it. “I don’t want you knowing her.”

  I put my hands on my hips. “I know Julia and I aren’t going to braid each other’s hair and swap boyfriend stories, but I’m pretty sure it’s not your place to demand that I not get to know her.”

  “She’s dangerous, Penina,” he said, raising his voice.

  “I gather that by all that you’ve told me about her.” My volume matched his.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “I believe you.”

  His features tightened. “Good. Then stay the fuck away from her because she will do whatever it takes to come between us.”

  I sighed sharply. “I understand that, Jake. I mean, Asher. Plus, not only am I a big girl, but I’m pretty astute.”

  The elevator doors opened, and he extended an arm, holding them open for me.

  I stepped in. “And by the way, where are you taking me?”

  He entered. “Somewhere private.”

  As the doors closed, Asher curled an arm around me and tugged me against him. His hot and tasty tongue pushed its way past my lips. I moaned against his mouth as my head spun. His hard body against mine made my legs turn to jelly. Then he put the finishes on our kisses as the door slid open.

  Breathing heavily and eyes afire from lust, he said, “I don’t want to talk about Julia or Greg right now. Get my drift?”

  I gulped and nodded. Then we stepped into the hallway. What happened next occurred lightning fast.

  The backs of my hands are pressed against the wall as Asher pins my arms above my head. Time slows as we stare into each other’s eyes. His warm breath collides with mine. It holds the scent of faded mint and an aroma that’s naturally his.

  “I can’t get enough of your face,” he whispers.

  “Likewise,” I say back.

  Then our lips connect and stroke each other softly. We add soft, tasty, and hot tongue. My head spins as our kiss deepens. Deeper … More of his mouth consumes mine. I moan. My cells burst into flames. My pussy throbs.

  I sough as his solid erection rubs against my pubis, demonstrating what he wants to do next.

  “Shit. We’re not going to make it,” he mutters and tugs at the band of my sensible pants. “Take those off.”

  No need to tell me twice. I slide my trousers down my legs and take my panties with them. When my garments bunch up around my feet, I see that Asher and I are stepping out of our trousers and underwear at the same time.

  I can’t help myself as I grab his beautiful cock. The tip is glistening with precum. Back and forth, I shift it. It’s so solid in my hand.

  “Up,” he commands, grabbing my ass to hoist me off my feet.

  I wrap my legs around his waist. We’re like a machine made of instincts. I lean back, and using the space between my soaked pussy and his rigid cock, he grabs his erection and stuffs it into me.

  I sough as he soars through me. He’s holding me up by my thighs, shifting me against him. The sound of sex, my pussy colliding with his cock, echoes along with our heavy breathing and moans of pleasure.

  I was so eager to have him inside me that sparks of orgasm flicker through my most sensitive spots. I tighten my pussy around his enormous girth.

  “Ah,” I cry as he smashes me against him.

  “Please don’t do that. Unless … Fuck!” he shouts and jerks my hips against his fullness.

  I count them. One, two, three, four, and five thrusts, and he drops his head back and cries out to the Almighty.

  Other than our chests rising and falling as our breathing slowed, we stood motionless.

  “That went fast,” he whispered. “I promise to make it up to you tonight.”

  I tasted his neck, sucking his skin between my teeth, licking as I gently released it. “You gave me nothing to complain about.”

  “Mmm,” he hummed. “So …”

  I took large, deep breaths, savoring his scent as I waited for him to finish whatever he was going to say. “So?”

  “Were you alone with Greg Carroll?”

  I opened my dazed eyes a fraction wider. “Yes.”

  “I don’t like him being around you when I’m not here.”

  Sniffing, I rolled my eyes.

  “Did you just roll your eyes?” Asher leaned back to get a view of m
y face. I was glad he was smiling, because it meant he couldn’t have been serious.

  “Probably,” I said.

  He initiated a tender, heart-soaring kiss. “I love you, Penina,” he whispered at the end of it.

  Penina, you feel the same way too. Say I love you.

  My heart and mind warred with each other. Asher and I had had a tough week. It had been one bombshell after the other. We’d gone from his sort of breaking up with me after the masquerade party, to Gina’s showing up and claiming she was his girlfriend, to my believing I might be his sister, to my actual sister’s—half-sister’s—being his ex-girlfriend. It was a lot, and it made me leery about what could possibly be around the corner, waiting to throw another monkey wrench into our relationship.

  “I care for you, too, Jake.” I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I mean Asher.”

  He frowned. “You don’t have to say it back.”

  “No,” I said and kissed him tenderly. “I want to say it back. I feel it. But I just learned your real name three days ago.”

  He tucked a wayward strand of my hair behind my ear and kissed me on the cheek.

  I gulped then took a beat to the think of the right reply. “I love Jake Sparrow.”

  Asher smirked. “And Jake loves you too.”

  I snorted. “You’re so clever.”

  We kissed again, and when we came up for air, I tossed my head back, and the spottily painted ceiling caught my attention.

  “Where are we, anyway?” I asked.

  Asher looked up too. “This is where EBHI is going to be.”

  Asher led me to an on-call room equipped with a shower and three beds. He said it was where he would’ve taken me if we’d had the willpower to get there. I was moist and sticky between my legs, so I decided to take a quick shower. I was going to take one alone, but as the stream began to flow, I stripped out of my clothes, and so did Asher. We got in the shower together and soaped each other up then shampooed each other’s hair. He had a lot of fun stroking my pussy all in the name of helping me clean the kitty—and I enjoyed reaping the benefits.

  “Tonight, I would like for you to meet my sister. She’s in town.”


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