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Page 12

by Patria L. Dunn

  Bright sunlight once again shadowed the trail and woods around her with a golden hue, bringing out shades of color that she’d never even noticed until now. Her eyes searched in every direction as she climbed at an easy jog, but it wasn’t until she reached her normal three mile mark, that she spotted signs of the chase from the night before. Wolf tracks were plain to see, their prints imbedded deep in the soft moss at gaping distances, showing the length of their sprint. It took four running steps for her to cover the ground that they covered in one bound, her tracks and theirs disappearing off into the woods to her right.

  Hannah gave one quick look behind her, her heart hammering in her chest at the thought of leaving the safety of the trail again, but she’d come this far already. She walked carefully, listening for anything that might alert her of danger, but except for a few birds singing, all was quiet. Two more hills up and she spotted what she’d been looking for from the start. A strip of torn red fleece dangled from a tangle of thorns ahead, the leaves surrounding them disturbed as if someone had lain there. Hannah remembered the fall she’d taken, the stinging on the back of her hands when she’d reach out in the dark and gotten snagged. She’d heard the fabric of her jacket rip as she’d jerked free, and was sure that there were a few more pieces left to be found.

  More wolf tracks were visible around the bush, leading higher up into the hills until they disappeared altogether in the thick underbrush. Hannah tucked the piece of ripped fabric in her pack before extracting the knife, clutching it in her fist before continuing on. She was traveling at an angle now, her shoes slipping in still damp leaves, her sore hands once again throbbing when she broke what could have been a nasty fall.

  She’d walked another half mile before she spotted a second piece of red fabric, this one too high up for her to reach from the ground. She’d remember climbing what she thought was another hill, but in broad day light she could now she that it was a stack of jagged rocks that she’d scrambled up and over. The pile stood at least twenty feet high, the ledge extending further around than what she could see from this angle. Wolf tracks were everywhere the semi rocky ground wasn’t, even larger bear tracks smearing most of them out.

  Hannah forced herself to breathe deeply, working her way around the massive clump of stone until she was certain that she’d found what she was looking for. Crawling vines covered most everything in the forest, but here they unified above her in a lush waterfall of leafy green, spilling over the top of the rocks, forming a thick curtain that reached all the way to the ground and continued over the next hill. From here looking up, she silently thanked her good senses for not trying to jump down in the darkness that had cloaked the area the night before. The lip of the cave would have been nearly invisible had she not known where to look, the ledge even tinier than she’d remembered. It was sheer luck that she’d fallen right where she had, and even better luck that she hadn’t plummeted the remaining fifteen or so feet down onto the jagged pebbles she now stood on.

  Her breath caught as she remembered just where the bear had left her standing, her gaze traveling to where the hidden stairway started. Guilt bubbled in her stomach as she looked around for any sign of life before taking her first step forward, the knife now held in front of her for immediate protection. The vines parted easily, the toe of her shoe stubbing as it connected with the first stone step almost immediately, causing her to nearly trip and lose her balance. She choked back a cry, swallowing hard as she stepped up onto the narrow staircase, the curtain now hiding her from anything in the woods.

  Cool air greeted her as she climbed slowly, her heart hammering so loudly in her chest now that it was the only sound she heard. Even with daylight forcing its way in across the mouth of the cave, it still took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dimness she now stood in, her gaze traveling up to the smooth ceiling overhead. Ancient symbols she hadn’t noticed before, decorated the upper reaches of the stone, lining a trail that led down the confined passage way, the meaning of the markings lost on her.

  Hannah shivered involuntarily as she peeked around the corner and promptly fell back. A quick glimpse sent goose bumps racing down her arms and legs, but there was nothing ahead except the same door she’d discovered last night. She considered turning back, her mind racing at the possibilities the next few moments could bring. She’d come searching for the cave and the bear, but had yet to figure out what she would do once she found them. And now here she was, still unaware of whom the home belonged to, and armed only with a knife that could probably use a good sharpening.

  Just do it! Hannah chided herself, squaring her shoulders as she turned the corner and forced her feet ahead. She’d never stop wondering if she didn’t, and her father wouldn’t let it go once she told him the truth. She had to know.

  Her fist poised to knock on the thick wooden door, her thoughts suddenly frantic as to what she would say if it was answered. For once her feet acted without her telling them too, backing her away just as the door swung open with a whoosh.

  Hannah did stumble this time, the knife falling with a sharp clank onto the stone beneath her as her mouth fell open in shock.

  It was Jake standing before her, his half naked, dripping wet body nearly filling the doorway as he took a step towards her, his own expression matching the shock she felt.

  “What are you doing here!?”


  Jake winced as Hannah shrank back at the threatening growl in his throat. That same aching feeling he experienced whenever she was around, painfully shooting and exploding from every nerve ending as he inhaled sharply, her scent claiming his senses. He’d never been prepared for his encounters with her, but right now he was thrown completely off guard, the shrieking warning of the ancient wards still ringing in his head. He’d only ever heard that sound once, and that was when he was just a young boy and his father had shown him how the hand carved markings on the cave’s entrance worked. Rone had placed them there so that they would never be surprised by an intruder when they were home, but Jake had never been more surprised than he was now.

  “J..J..Jake?!” Hannah finally managed, her green eyes growing wider as they slipped down over his bare chest to the towel he had clutched around his waist. “You live here!” she accused, her index finger jabbing towards the cavern behind him.

  “You shouldn’t be here!” Jake snapped, shaking his head vehemently; more so to block the thoughts that were now racing through his head from his father, than at her. “You didn’t learn how dangerous these woods are after last night?! Why would you…?” he trailed off with an irritated growl, his slip caught by Hannah, sending fire into her eyes.

  “You were here the whole time?! Impossible!” Hannah declared, her brows knitting in confusion. “And how did you know I was chased by wolves?” she demanded, fire flashing in her eyes at the stony glare he fixed on her.

  “I didn’t,” Jake denied, already knowing that she wouldn’t let it go at that.

  “Liar!” Hannah gritted out, taking a step forward so that there was only a foot between them.

  Jake’s breath held, his bare skin igniting at the sheer closeness of her. His enhanced senses had kicked into overdrive, the sound of her pounding heartbeat melting his resolve to stay as far away from her as possible. He could smell the fear she tried so hard to cover, hear the way her breath struggled to steady itself against the emotions she must surely be feeling right now. He wanted to tell her everything, but he couldn’t. He’d made a promise.

  “Your tunnel saved my life,” Hannah whispered, her eyes searching his face as she spoke. “I…I was out and running, and I stopped to rest. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know it was dark, and the wolves! The wolves were humongous! Not like any wolves, I’ve ever seen Jake. They were the size of bears, maybe bigger!” Hannah cried, her hand trembling as she swiped at the tears that were threatening to fall.

  She needed him to believe her, but he didn’t need to believe, he already knew. Her story was tumbling o
ut in a rush now, so fast that he wanted to pull her to him and tell her that he would protect her always.

  “The door was unlocked, and they were right out there, so I came in,” Hannah admitted, her head lowering in embarrassment. “I didn’t touch anything I promise, but right there!” She pointed towards the dining table. It was a bear! I swear it! And…”

  Another collapse Jake! I need you. I maimed it a little, but by the time it gets to you, it’ll be fully healed. Where are you?!

  Rone’s voice was strained, booming in Jake’s head, swallowing Hannah’s words as flashes of the most recent collapse played out. Jake swallowed hard as a glint of snarling teeth snapped near his father’s face and then disappeared in a swath of mangy grey fur. He had to move now!

  On it… Jake threw back at his father, the wheels in his head turning as he focused on Hannah once again.

  He couldn’t leave her here; his mother would be back any moment. Sending Hannah back to the cabin wouldn’t work because for one, she would never go without some sort of an explanation, and two the wolf might find her before he found it. The only choice he had was to take her with him, and hope that he could hide her at his new found thinking spot until he took care of this problem.

  “You want to go for a walk?” Jake interrupted Hannah, already turning on his heels to head towards his bedroom for clothes.

  He was already dressed and pulling on his shoes before she finally responded, her voice hesitant, but relieved.



  Hannah studied Jake’s back as she followed behind him, back down the passage leading to the mouth of the cave. Unlike her, his skin was partially uncovered in loose fitting shorts and a tank top that hugged his broad upper frame like a second skin. Muscular was barely the word for the impeccable physique she hadn’t noticed before under his normal school clothes. His biceps and calves rippled with his natural gait, belittling every other teenage boy she’d ever seen. His silky thick brown hair had developed a curl at the ends from the dampness that still clung to it and she couldn’t help but stare in wonder at the base of the thick neck that it stopped at. No wonder his last name had become his nickname at school. ‘Bear’ suited him just fine.

  “So did you hear anything I said back there?” Hannah questioned, almost jogging to keep up with Jake as they left the cave and started up further into the woods. “And where’s the fire?” she called out, following his lithe footsteps over fallen trees, and hidden roots she would have probably tripped over had he not been in front.

  “Yeah I heard you,” Jake tossed back over his shoulder, his eyes and ears on alert for what he knew could be coming at any moment. “And it’s all the more reason to stay out of these woods. You can’t just…”

  “No!” Hannah cut him off, catching up to him so that she could grab his arm.

  He bristled as he caught the sparks in her eyes, her tone accusing when she spoke.

  “You can’t just blow me off like that. You know about the wolves don’t you? And the bear!? Jake what are you hiding..?!” Hannah pushed, blowing out a frustrated sigh when he jerked away from her, his head turning towards the closest ridge of the northern pass above them.

  “Nothing,” Jake answered with a shrug, pointing up the steepest of the hills yet. “Can you climb?” he asked, already starting up the slope before waiting for her answer.

  “No!” Hannah snapped, her arms folding in defiance as she held her ground.

  A glance over his shoulder and Jake bit back the curse he wanted to growl out in frustration.

  “You asked me on a walk, but we’re not walking we’re practically running. And speaking of running, you haven’t answered one question that I’ve had. Do you know how much courage it took for me not to go screaming for my father to bring his gun out here?” Hannah shook her head, pointing back the way that they’d come. “That bear saved my life, but just like the wolves, that bear wasn’t a bear. Well not like any bear I’ve ever seen. He…”

  “I’ll answer your questions, I promise,” Jake interrupted her, his lips pulling into a grim line at the faint sound of a distant howl.

  Hannah’s human ears hadn’t heard it, but Jake could bet that the wolf had a little less than ten miles to cover, and at its size and speed, he had fifteen minutes tops before it would be on them.

  “I will explain everything, but right now, you have to follow me,” he sighed extended his hand for her to take.

  “Everything?” Hannah hesitated before placing her hand in his, their eyes locking for a moment when he nearly jerked away from her.

  “Yes…” Jake nodded, pulling her up next to him. “Everything.”

  Hannah blushed as the warmth of his breath washed over her face, her eyes pulling away first before nodding in agreement. “Fine.”

  Jake almost sighed in relief as he released her hand, starting once again up the hill. Being near her did things to him that he couldn’t begin to understand just yet. Touching her for the first time had nearly knocked him on his feet, his knees weak from the fire that seemed to course through him. It was more than just an attraction. It was territorial. The way he felt about his home and his family. It blazed just as bright as that, when it shouldn’t have. And this was not the time to start sorting it all out.

  Jake lengthened his stride, glancing behind him ever so often to make sure that Hannah was keeping up. She wasn’t quite on his heels, but she climbed without complaint, her breathing and heartbeat as steady as it was on one of her jogs. Just over the ridge, he could have her hidden and safe in a matter of minutes, they just needed to move a little faster.

  Be careful Jake! This one is just as strong as the last, if not stronger. Can’t leave… The Inspector saw something… Asking questions…

  “Is that the glass lake?” Hannah exclaimed as she reached the top of the ridge just behind him, her hand shielding her eyes from the blinding sunlight that now shown down unhampered by the overhanging trees in the forest.

  Jake glanced out at the span of water in the distance and then behind him, catching the excitement in her face as she pointed. Her normally tight ponytail had loosened itself, fly-a-way tendrils escaping in golden wisp that framed her face perfectly. The green of her eyes were brighter than he’d ever seen before, and had it been any other time he would have offered to take her down to it.

  “Lake San Cristobal,” Jake nodded. “It’s so crystal clear, that on a day like this, the surface gives you a perfectly inverted image of the landscape above.”

  “I saw it on the map from the one stop shop. Sam had it marked as a ‘must see’” Hannah’s brow lifted hopefully.

  “One day soon, I’ll show you, but…” Jake’s words halted, the hairs on the back of his neck bristling at what he had missed before.

  The wolf’s howl hadn’t been as distant as he thought. They were getting smarter, and the woods had many valleys that allowed deceiving echoes to reach those who were close. While he’d taken a risk, heading directly into the wind, thinking there was time to head the wolf off; the wolf had instead tricked him, catching their scent and flanking them at an adjacent climb. There was no mistaking the crunch of claws against the semi rocky terrain, the low growl that Hannah definitely heard now.

  Her features twisted in alarm as she spun around to search the forest below them, her eyes widening in question when Jake closed the distance between her and him in three giant steps.

  “Hannah, I need you to trust me right now and run!”


  “I need you to go! NOW!” Jake growled out, kicking off his shoes as he backed away from her with a shake of his head.

  “I don’t understand?!” Hannah’s voice quivered as she reached for him, fear in her eyes as her gaze slipped over his shoulder. “You can’t leave me now…PLEASE!”

  She was frozen in place, her body now trembling as she spotted the wolf coming across the top of the ridge behind Jake, his teeth bared. He’d be on them in seconds, and Jake was shaking alm
ost as badly as she was, his face more livid than afraid as he glanced behind him and then back to her.

  “I didn’t plan for you to find out this way Hannah,” Jake gritted out, his words pained as he fought to control the shift that had already started. “Just go! Please! RUN!”

  The last word came out as a terrifying roar, his clothes shredding from his body as the shift changed him in an instant, his form writhing as he whirled to catch the brunt of the wolf’s weight. They collided with an earth jarring thud; Hannah’s piercing screams lost in the ferocious growls being exchanged between the two animals. Jake’s massive body shielded her from the reaching swipe of dangerous claws that would have surely ripped her face apart, the passing wind of the near miss sending her stumbling backwards, her hands reaching for anything that would keep her from tumbling.

  Run Hannah RUN! Jake’s voice was clear as a bell in her head, jerking Hannah’s eyes to the humongous ball of sandy brown and mangy grey fur that was now clamoring in the opposite direction.

  Her thoughts buzzed -vivid flashes of herself jogging through the woods, sitting at the creek and even staring straight ahead in government class- assaulting her already overwhelmed mind, causing her body to react before she even thought to make it cooperate.

  Sharp rocks met her soft palms as she scrambled across the uneven ground of the ridge on her hands and knees, her body sliding downwards faster than she could control it. Hannah bit back tears as the material of her shirt tore away from her belly, allowing stinging cuts to rip across her sides, pain singing through her ribs with a vengeance.

  Jake was on his hind legs now, the wolf advancing from the fall he’d taken, intent on reaching the pass on the other side. Hannah’s form was but a dot in the dense covering of the forest as she found level ground, her golden blonde locks and tattered red running jacket disappearing from sight within seconds of her bursting into a full on sprint. Jake threw his muzzle up in a challenge; his arms open to welcome his attacker as he let a fierce roar bellow from the depths of his gut. The fire he felt burning within him had never been so wanting as it was now. Had the wolf not been immortal, he would have killed him with the first jab of his lethally sharp claws.


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