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Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Yeah, honey, I’m okay.” He wanted to wring Suz’s neck. She was making him a laughingstock of the whole fucking club, and because of Strawberry, he’d let her do it.

  A knock sounded at the door, and he went toward it. Flinging the door open, ready to beat the shit out of whoever opened the door, he reeled back when he saw Leanna. The moment she caught sight of his face, she took a step back.

  “Erm, Suz called me. She said I needed to take Strawberry for the night.” She didn’t look at his face.

  “Fucking bitch.” He released the curse before he could stop. “I’m sorry. Come in.”

  She hesitated, staring at the door before looking at him.

  “I’m really sorry for scaring you.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She stepped into his home, and the moment Strawberry saw her, she charged at Leanna.

  The smile that had been on Leanna’s face returned.

  “Hello, pumpkin.”

  “Hello, snuggles,” Strawberry said.

  Crazy’s throat closed up at the affection between the two.

  “You’re staying with me tonight,” Leanna said, placing Strawberry on the ground.

  His daughter squealed, rushing toward the bedroom. “You don’t have to take her.”

  “Suz told me you wouldn’t be home and neither would she. I’d rather take Strawberry home than stay here. This isn’t my place.” She wouldn’t look at him. Her arms were folded beneath her breasts, and he hated the fact she wouldn’t look at him.

  “I didn’t know it was you at the door,” he said.

  “It’s okay. We all make mistakes. I hope I never leave you feeling like that. You were kind of scary.”

  He doubted there was any “kind of” about it. Crazy had scared the living shit out of her. When he found Suz, he was setting some fucking ground rules. He was tired of this shit, tired of her. If he caught her with another fucking man, he was finished.


  Breaking from the kiss, Zoe moaned, biting down on his lip. She pushed his jacket off his thick arms, relishing the feel of his hard muscular chest. The shirt that he wore was thin so it didn’t mask any of his hard chest.

  “I missed you this past week,” she said, tugging his shirt over his head.

  He shoved her bag onto the floor, followed by her jacket. Next he had her shirt over her head and flicked the catch on her bra.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, moaning. He cupped her tits, running his thumbs over the peaks. She’d never considered herself to be so overcome by sexual arousal. A few moments with Raoul, and she was ready to fuck.

  “We’re going to play.” He took hold of her hand, placing her palm on his chest. “Touch me, Zoe.”

  She caressed over his abdomen before moving up his chest, to touch his cheek. He cupped her breasts, bending down to take her nipple into his mouth. She gasped as he bit into her nipple, sucking hard.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to stay still. Cream slicked her pussy.

  Groaning, she tilted her head back, unable to hold herself up.

  Raoul moved from one breast to the other, lavishing each hard bud with attention. She couldn’t focus on anything. The pleasure was too much and yet not enough.

  His fingers dug into her hips, going for the button that held her jeans up. In quick, jerky movements, he had her completely naked. He stepped back, and she opened her eyes as he removed his jeans.

  The moment his cock was free it sprang forward, pointing up at her.

  “Do you see what you do to me, baby?” he asked, taking hold of his cock. He ran his hands up and down the entire length. “This is what thoughts of you do to me. When you’re not here, I’m fucking rock hard. This last week I’ve been beating myself off imagining myself inside you once again.”

  Zoe closed the distance, but instead of reaching out and touching him, she sank to the floor in front of him. “Let’s give you something else to imagine,” she said, gripping the base of his cock. Leaning forward, she flicked her tongue over the tip of his cock, where copious amounts of pre-cum eased out. She moaned at the musky, salty taste but didn’t stop. Licking down each side of his cock, she got him slick with her saliva before taking the whole tip of him into her mouth.

  Moaning, she took as much of him as she could before drawing away. Glancing up at him, she saw his eyes were wild. The lust blazed heat, sending goosebumps erupting all over her skin.

  “You’ve got no idea what you’re fucking doing to me.”

  She didn’t answer, moaning as he wrapped her hair around his fist. He took control, drawing her close to his cock. She opened her lips, sucking him into her mouth.

  “You look so beautiful, sucking my dick. You’re completely naked. I could do whatever the fuck I want to you and no one could stop me. I brought you here tonight to claim you, Zoe. The brothers all know you belong to me. Duke was here to see that I’d brought a woman to take as my own. You’re not a club whore. You’re mine.”

  Each word he spoke only heightened her arousal further.

  “No, don’t close your eyes. Look up at me as you suck my dick.” He touched her cheek, encouraging her where to look.

  She didn’t look away and took as much of his dick as she could. He hit the back of her throat, and she tried to swallow him down. Only when she gagged did he release her to pull away.

  Bobbing her head onto his length, she loved the power she held over him in those simple moments.

  “Fuck, yes, suck my dick, baby.”

  He thrust his hips, and she met those thrusts, loving the taste of him in her mouth.

  All too soon, he tugged her head away, lifting her up into his arms. She was surprised at how easily he could throw around her size sixteen body. He threw her onto the bed, but he didn’t let her go. Raoul placed her on her knees so that her ass was in the air. Before she could say anything, he slid his cock in deep. He was so big that she gasped at the slight pain his invasion caused. It had been a week since she’d last had sex, and her body hadn’t the time to grow used to him.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight. I’m never going to get bored of this or of you.”

  She glanced over her shoulder to see him staring at where they were connected.

  “So fucking perfect and beautiful.”

  He was a vocal man.

  Raoul gripped her hips, slamming inside her, over and over again. He hit a spot so deep inside her that it was almost too painful for her. She screamed as he strummed her clit as he fucked her hard.

  “You’re not wearing a condom,” she said, remembering he’d not taken the time to protect them both from pregnancy.

  “I’ll take care of it. You don’t know how good this feels. Your pussy is so fucking slick and wet. I could stay here all fucking day.” He slowed down his thrusts, taking his time to push in then out.

  She stared back at him, seeing his gaze was still on his cock. Zoe jerked away from him when she saw he held a phone between them. That wasn’t something she wanted to think about. She grabbed a pillow placing it in front of her. “What are you doing?”

  “I was filming us together.”


  Zoe had heard many tales of how women ended up on some porn sites. They’d not talked about doing anything like that.

  You’re overreacting.

  She doubted it.

  “I want us to watch it.” Raoul sat beside her. “We’re doing this long distance thing—”

  “It’s not that long.” She interrupted him in order for him to see the distance wasn’t really a bad thing.

  “Baby, when it’s late, and we’re both tired, we can watch this.”

  She stared down as he pressed play on the film. Zoe at first looked away. It showed his naked cock sliding in and out. There was only a minute’s worth of footage, but it was enough to have her blushing.

  “Watch us.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close.

  “I don’t know if I can watch.”

  “I can. Your pu
ssy is so tight. Look at me. I have to stretch you to get you open.”

  His cock did look huge as it slid in and out of her. Slowly, she started to get aroused. Their moans echoed around the room.

  “I’m not ready for that yet.”

  “Okay. I’ll put it away. I was only filming it for my own personal use. I wouldn’t share it with anyone.”

  She believed him. He cupped her cheek, lowering her to the bed as he locked his lips with hers.

  Moaning, she tried to turn to face him. He held onto her hip, keeping her in place.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Trust me.” He rubbed his nose against hers.

  Easing down, she stared up at him. He lifted her leg behind his ass, exposing her. She looked down to see him grip his still erect cock, placing the tip at her core. Raoul fed the tip of his dick inside her.

  Gasping, she watched as his cock slid inside her core with ease. She was so wet that he didn’t even need to play with her. When she was about to move her leg, he held her still.

  “No, watch us together.” She kept her gaze on his cock that was slick with her cream. His fingers glided over her clit, teasing her.

  She couldn’t handle the teasing for long. It had been too long since he’d touched her. Biting down on her lip, she tried to thrust onto his cock. He wasn’t having any of it. Raoul slapped her pussy. “Don’t fucking move. You’re all mine, Zoe.”

  Nodding her head in jerky movements, she agreed.

  He slammed inside her, stroking over her clit. She cried out, watching his cock that was so slick with her cream.

  “This is how I want you, Zoe, soaking wet, begging for my cock.”


  “Let me hear you scream. I want you to scream for my dick.”

  Zoe couldn’t keep the sounds from the lips a moment longer. Crying out, she exploded as her release took over, shaking the very foundations of her soul with how amazing it was. He drove his cock deep within her pussy and played with her.

  Within minutes he followed with his own release, pulling out of her pussy and jerking his semen onto the lips of her pussy and stomach. When it was over, he leaned down, sucking her nipple into his mouth.

  “I would never share a video like that with anyone, Zoe. I want you, and it would be ours.”

  She was panting for breath from the explosive orgasm.

  “I know.”

  “Then let me film us together. It’s what I want.” He kissed up to her neck, sucking on her flesh.

  “I don’t know. What if something goes wrong? I don’t want just anyone to see me.” Zoe hated the thought of being laughed at.

  “No one will know. It’ll be between us. Give me this, baby.”

  Against her better judgment, she agreed, sinking against him. “I’m dirty.”

  “You’re not on the pill?”

  “No. I’ve never had a need for the pill before. I didn’t see the point of being on it.”

  “I’m going to keep getting you sticky if we don’t sort it out.”

  “I’ll book an appointment and get on the pill.” She ran her fingers across her stomach. “I’m sticky.”

  Raoul ran his finger through his cum, lifting it to her lips. “Taste me.”

  At first she wrinkled her nose. “I don’t want to taste your cum.”

  “I taste yours.”

  She’d seen him licking his fingers clean. “What a way to make a girl embarrassed.”

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  Opening her lips, she took his finger, tasting his salty essence. He rubbed his finger along her tongue, and all the time she stared into his eyes, swallowing him down.

  He didn’t taste bad at all.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  Zoe didn’t say what she was thinking. You’re the life of me.

  Chapter Seven

  Raoul rolled Zoe over, kissing from her tits down to her stomach before landing on her pussy. He opened her thighs, teasing her clit into his mouth. They had yet to leave his room. The party was in full swing downstairs. The floor vibrated with the loudness of the music.

  “Please, Raoul, let me come.”

  “I’ll let you come when I’m ready to let you come.” He slid his finger deep inside her pussy, relishing the sigh that came from her lips. Turning his finger, he stroked over her G-spot, watching the arousal heighten within her. “That’s it, get close.”

  When she was on the verge of coming, he pulled out, pressing a kiss to her swollen clit. “Why are you torturing me?”

  “I’m getting you ready.”

  “For what?”

  “For us to go downstairs. I’m not going to hide the club from you.” He licked his fingers clean, moving toward his drawers. Zoe had always been different, and he’d known it from the moment he first saw her nearly attacked six months ago. He picked out a pair of boxer briefs along with a shirt. “Put these on.”

  He tugged on his jeans and didn’t bother with a shirt.

  “I don’t know if I can use my hands.” She shook from the pleasure he’d given her.

  Raoul took the boxers from her quivering hands, sliding the material up her thighs. She lifted up so he easily slid the boxers over her ass. He kissed her mound over the material. The musky scent of her arousal was easily detected. Raoul wanted to press his face against her mound and never stop licking her.

  “I can’t think when you do that.”

  Lifting her up, he slid the shirt down her arms, stroking over her tits as he did so. He left his jeans unbuttoned.

  Taking her hand within his, he led the way out of his room. Part of him wanted to push her back into the room so she wouldn’t see the other side of the party. Unlike Duke and Pike, he didn’t intend for her to have the truth hidden away until the last minute.

  Tell her about Holly.

  He couldn’t do it. Their relationship was still new, only a week old. Raoul knew in his heart that there was no other woman like Zoe out in the world. She’d come into his life and taken away everything else of any importance.

  His only focus was on taking care of her.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Raoul didn’t even realize that he stopped on the stairs. “It’s nothing.”

  Rounding the corner, Raoul pulled her against his side, refusing to let her go. The club was thriving with sexual activity. He saw Knuckles was getting his cock sucked by Baby as he watched the show by the pool table. Tori was being fucked by three men. Her screeching was already getting on his nerves.

  “Okay, wow, this is nothing like the parties at campus,” she said. “Yeah, totally lame ass parties.” Cupping her ass, he held her tight to his side.

  “No one is going to touch you. They wouldn’t dare.”

  “Oh my, doesn’t that hurt?”

  Samantha was on her knees with Pie slamming his latex covered dick into her ass. These were the parties he’d once loved.

  “It depends if he got her ready. Some women need to be aroused before they get fucked in the ass. Others, they can take it without any foreplay.”

  He found a seat next to Daisy and Floss. Both brothers weren’t wearing any shirts and had their buttons undone, showing they’d already played a long time.

  Zoe curled up against his side.

  There were times he was amazed with how easily he’d adapted to having a woman of his own. Not so long ago he’d have pushed away any woman who curled against him like Zoe was now with her head resting on his chest.

  “This is new for you,” Daisy said, pointing down at Zoe.

  She wasn’t paying attention. Her gaze darted around the room taking in every deliciously sinful happening.

  “Yes.” He dared his brother to speak against what was going on.

  Instead, Daisy threw his hands up. “You’re the third fucker gone.”

  “Shut up.” Raoul was gone, long gone of any fucking sense.

  Kissing Zoe’s head, he watched Crazy f
ucking one of the club whores on the stage. The sight shocked him. Ever since Crazy had been married, he’d not played or partied like he used to. From what Diaz told him, Suz was fucking anything with a dick, but Raoul didn’t want to get in the middle of shit that happened with Crazy.

  He wasn’t called Crazy for nothing.

  The bastard when angry went fucking crazy, insane crazy.

  “What’s going on?” Raoul asked, nodding at Crazy.

  “He came in, grabbed one of the bitches off Knuckle, took her to the floor, and he’s not let her go since. He’s brought her off three times, and withheld her orgasm for the last hour. Something’s on his mind, but I don’t know what it is.”

  Crazy pulled out of Rita’s pussy and slid his dick into her ass, fucking her with a ruthlessness that surprised Raoul.

  Glancing down at Zoe’s face, he saw she was turned on by the scene. Her nipples pressed against the front of her shirt.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked.

  “I don’t really know what I’m seeing right now. Is that his old lady?”

  “No. That’s Crazy, and she’s one of the club whores.” Raoul slipped his fingers under the material of the boxers finding Zoe soaking wet.

  She gasped but didn’t pull away from him.

  “How do you become a club whore?” she asked.

  “I thought you’d want to know more about becoming an old lady.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “There’s a huge difference.” He slipped a finger into her tight pussy, groaning with the ease that she gripped him.

  “Tell me.” She sighed breathlessly, and he watched as Crazy pounded into Rita’s ass. Something was clearly bothering him. He took his marriage vows seriously even if Suz hadn’t. “Please.”

  “A club whore is voted in by several members of the club. She’s fucked one after the other. We take her in turns, fucking her, sinking our dick into her mouth, ass, or cunt.”

  Zoe tensed. He pressed his thumb to her pussy to try to relax her. She eased against him.

  “She becomes club property, pleases the men, and in return we all take care of them.”

  “Is she being initiated?” Zoe asked, nodding toward the pool table with Lori.

  “No. There’s only three men there, and in order for anyone to be initiated into the club, Duke has to be present or Pike. Neither of them are.”


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