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Kinetic Energy (Forbidden Love Book 2)

Page 21

by Hayley Faiman

  I shift my gaze up to his and give him a smile. “I’m happy, so happy.” I don’t tell him about my wedding thoughts, it’s too early for that, but a girl can dream.

  We finish eating, our conversation staying light, and Thomas keeps his hand on mine, his finger rubbing my new ring. I feel my stomach drop and flip as soon as I take my last bite of food and I let out a groan. Standing quickly, I excuse myself to the restroom.

  Once I’m inside the lounge, I hurry to a stall, and everything I ate comes right back up—again. It’s been happening, every single night, like clockwork. At first, I thought that it was a stomach bug, now I’m not so sure. I’m actually terrified that something is really wrong with me, and I know that I need to make an appointment with a doctor, but I don’t know that I want to know if I’m really sick. I want to live in denial, I think.

  When I’m finished, I flush the toilet and make my way over to the sink to clean up a bit. I swish water around in my mouth and then clean my face off before attempting to look at my reflection. “Not that I don’t blame you, because he is a fine specimen, but what are you doing little girl?” a woman asks.

  I look over at her and cock my head to the side. She’s beautiful. Thin with dark blonde hair and delicate features. She looks like she’s around my mom’s age, but she’s dressed extremely elegantly in a dark blue pencil legged pantsuit. I feel like a cheap floozy next to her—I feel exposed, and young… incredibly young.

  “Excuse me?” I ask, trying to keep my hands from shaking.

  She smirks, her beautiful face twisting into something evil. “You are nothing but a toy to a man like that, Ines. Poor little Cuban girl, thinking that she’s found her white knight. Is that the way it is?” she asks giving a loud cackle of a laugh. “When he’s finished fucking your tight cunt, he’ll move onto someone younger and tighter,” she smirks.

  I shake my head, refusing to believe her words, squaring my shoulders I level her with a glare. “Jealous?” I ask.

  I have sisters, I know how mean girls can be. I’ve seen some doozies, and this bitch is just trying to intimidate me. She crosses her arms over her chest and shrugs. “You have him today, and you better enjoy it while you’ve got it, because trust me it won’t last long. There’s a reason I allowed him to play all of these years.

  “I knew he wouldn’t be faithful, not ever. I knew with all the young girls surrounding him that he’d want a taste of something fresh when he needed it. Why do you think I never had his child? Sure, he’ll tell you it’s because I was focused on my career, but wouldn’t you be too, if your man was fucking every eighteen-year-old he could get his hands on?”

  While her words do feel like a punch to my gut, I take a really good look at her. She is pretending to be truthful, pretending to just have a girl chat, especially since her first attempt to send me running didn’t quite work. She’s changed her tactics, but she’s done it all wrong. She should have planted those seeds of doubt first, not used them as her closer.

  “I’ll take my chances,” I murmur.

  She snorts. “Once he finds out you’re knocked up with his kid, he’s going to send your brown ass packing,” she quips and then she strolls away, leaving me standing there with my mouth hanging open.

  My hand automatically goes to my belly and I frown. I couldn’t be, could I? I mentally try to count back how many days it’s been since my period and my belly swoops with another wave of nausea. No, no, no, no, no. I shake my head, almost violently, and then I turn to face the mirror again. My eyes are wide, my face pale, and realization has swept through me.

  I am pregnant.

  Holy fucking shit.

  I should be terrified, especially after that woman’s words. That woman, who I know must be Danielle since she knew my name. Looking down at my hand resting on my stomach, that peach stone winks at me and all of my fears melt away.

  He loves me, he loves me enough to propose to me because he doesn’t want to waste another minute of his life, he wants to be with me. I know he wants children, he’s mentioned them before, and Danielle is wrong—so wrong. Thomas loves me, not because I’m eighteen, but because I’m Ines Nazario and for no other reason.


  Ines comes back from her long stint in the restroom, and I’m relieved to see her coming my way, but one glance at her face and I know that something is wrong. I frown as she gives me some bullshit smile and sits down across from me. I wait a beat for her to say something, but she doesn’t. Not wishing to push whatever it is in public, I lift my hand and ask our waiter for the check.

  I pay the bill, and help Ines from her seat, then hand-in-hand we walk toward the exit. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and tug her against my side to try and keep her warm on the short walk to the car. She still hasn’t said a fucking word, and I can feel the anger filling me with each step we take.

  Once we’re in the car, I drive home quickly, my temper rising with every second that passes silently. I don’t know what happened in that bathroom, but I’m about to fucking find out. I feel irrational, and yet, I know something had to have happened.

  “We aren’t going to the movies?” Ines asks when I pull into the driveway.

  Waiting for the garage to open, I slowly drive inside, closing it before I turn the engine off. “No, we’re not going to the movie,” I snap.

  Opening my car door, I unfold from the vehicle and slam it behind me. Wisely, Ines is already out when I round the front and head toward the house. I can hear her high heels click behind me as I walk inside. I don’t bother turning any lights on. Quietly, I walk into our bedroom and only then do I flip a light switch. I turn around my breathing heavy, panting, as I try to calm my temper, and anger.

  “Thomas?” she asks, sounding unsure, and perhaps a little scared.

  I shake my head. “You better start fucking talking, Ines,” I demand. Waiting, I watch her, my eyes focused on her lips, but they don’t move. “You walked out of that bathroom and you looked shaken, you also haven’t said a fucking word to me since. I’m not always a patient man, so you’re going to need to talk to me.”

  Her expression goes from surprise to almost relief. I clench my hands into fists and place them on my hips as I impatiently wait for her to speak. She doesn’t say a word, instead, she slowly closes the distance between us.

  Placing her hands on my chest, she tips her head back. “Danielle cornered me in the bathroom,” she begins. I open my mouth, but she shakes her head. “She was saying things to try to get to me, but I didn’t buy it, Thomas. She was purposely trying to rattle me, but you love me, and not because I’m young but because I’m me, don’t you?”

  My entire body relaxes, the tightness in my muscles just leaves me. Lifting one hand, I cup her cheek, and the other I place on the middle of her back. Lowering my face, I run my nose alongside hers. “I don’t love you because you’re young,” I state, trying not to chuckle at the ridiculousness that is that question.

  Fucking Danny and her goddamn games.

  “She just caught me off guard, I’m sorry if I seemed off,” she murmurs.

  I grunt, feeling like a fucking asshole for throwing a temper tantrum. I was worried though, scared even. “You’ll still marry me?” I ask in a whisper.

  “Tomorrow if I could,” she breathes.

  I grunt. “Fifty days, the day after the fucking divorce is final, you’ll be my wife,” I announce.

  She hums her response and slides her hands up my shoulders, and around my neck. “Let’s not talk about divorces, mediations, or anything else. Let’s just celebrate our engagement.”

  I slide my nose alongside hers and inhale her sweet scent. “That sounds fucking perfect.”



  I feel light feathery kisses travel down my spine, stirring me from my sleep. Then those kisses are suddenly between my legs, my body is rolled onto my stomach, slowly. I moan as fingertips grip my hips and tug them backward, a wet, warm tongue slides through my cente
r, only to flick my clit.

  “Thomas,” I groan, my voice still deep and husky from sleep.

  “I’m going to be away from this sweet pussy for two days, Ines. Quiet, and let me enjoy this,” he says and then his face is right back between my legs.

  I don’t say anything else, content to let him enjoy himself because it feels amazing. I push back against his face, my body ramping up, and searching for its climax. I rise to my palms, my breasts swaying as my hips roll against his mouth. Closing my eyes, I let out a long sob when I come, my thighs shaking and warmth filling me from the inside out.

  Thomas’ fingers stay firmly gripped around my hips. He shifts behind me, his cock pressing against my center, before he slowly sinks completely inside of me. He fills me, stretching me, as we both let out a simultaneous moan.

  I yelp when he pulls almost completely out of me and then slams back inside, his thrust punishing to my relaxed, post-orgasmic state. On the second slam of his hips, I groan, and on the third, I rear back to meet his pelvis. I lift back to my palms, straightening my arms as I meet each stroke of his cock with my own.

  “Come again, sweetheart,” he grinds out through clenched teeth.

  Shifting my weight, I slip my hands between my thighs. I graze his inner thigh with my nails and am rewarded with a loud hitch in his breath. Then I move my fingers to my clit and start to firmly rub circles, enjoying the way it feels, his cock filling me, his hips slamming against my ass, and my fingers touching my clit. It doesn’t take me long until I’m panting, and on the edge of my second release.

  “Fuck, come,” he growls. My pussy clenches tightly around his dick, and my fingers fist in the bedding, as I throw my head back and cry out with my release. “Shit,” he shouts, and then he stills, his cock buried inside of me and I feel it grow as he comes.

  Falling forward, I press my cheek against the mattress and he slowly glides in and out a few more times. He slips from my body and tugs me against his side as he flops down. I rest my head on his chest, my body warm and sated.

  “I have to get up and get ready,” he grumbles, the regret obvious in his voice.

  I throw my arm and leg over his body, attempting to pin him in his place. “Do you have to?” I ask.

  He wraps his arms around me and places his lips on the top of my head in a kiss. “I do, angel eyes.”

  I let out a huff, and crawl over him, straddling his thighs. “If you must, then I suppose you must,” I sigh.

  “You’ll be okay with me gone?” he asks for the millionth time between last night and this morning. “I left you some cash, don’t be stubborn, use it if you need to. Text me when you leave, when you arrive at class, and when you’re home,” he repeats, again. His hands find purchase on my hips and he gives them a squeeze.

  “I’m not a baby, Thomas. I’ll be fine,” I state. His jaw clenches and I lean forward to press my lips against his. “But thank you for being concerned and caring. I’ll text you my every move,” I whisper against his mouth. He grunts and presses his lips to mine.

  “Thank you,” he grumbles.

  He gently lifts me from his body and lays me down on the bed. I watch as he stands, and then I continue to watch as he gets ready for his trip. I hate it, I hate every second he dresses. I despise it when he picks his luggage up, and when he kisses me goodbye. He’s going to see her, that bitch who came all the way here to cause problems.

  “I love you, sweetheart,” he murmurs from the doorway.

  I sit up, pulling the sheet over my naked breasts and I give him a small smile. “I love you too, Papi. Do not give her an inch,” I state.

  He gives me a wide smile, it reaches his eyes and everything. “Not a goddamn inch, Ines. Especially not after last night,” he grunts. “See you Tuesday night, be ready for some fun.”

  He doesn’t say another word. He turns and walks away from me, I watch his perfect ass in his jeans and let out a sigh. Then I glance down at my ring and smile. I have plenty to do to keep me busy while he’s away, and I should be glad to have a bit of privacy, especially for the test I need to take. I need to know what’s going on, and I need to be able to freak out alone, then I can get my shit together and tell him one way or the other. Letting out a breath, I cringe, I also have to call my family.

  Deciding to take a shower before I tackle the rest of my list, I stand up and make my way toward the bathroom. It doesn’t take me long to shower and dress for the day. I choose to wear a pair of worn comfortable jeans and one of my favorite oversized t-shirts. It’s low cut and shows off too much cleavage, but then again, so does everything else.

  I run to the drug store, grabbing the money that Thomas left for me before I leave the house. When I arrive, I’m surprised by how many tests there are, and I buy the one that says ‘early response.’ Although, according to my calendar, it isn’t really early at all. I’m actually a month late, something that isn’t completely uncommon for me, but uncommon enough that I’m pretty sure I already know what these tests results are going to yield.

  Hurrying home, I rip the package open and follow the instructions. I set it down on the counter, then I walk away. I don’t want to know the answer yet. I want to live in denial for a few more moments, at least. Picking up my cell phone I scroll through my contacts and find my mom’s name.

  “She lives,” my mother breathes. Then I hear her call out to Kosmo that it’s me on the phone. “What the hell is wrong with you, girl?” she scolds.

  “I’m sorry Mom. I’ve been so busy, so much has happened,” I say. I’m afraid to speak in a regular voice, afraid that my mom is going to be angry with all the news I have to tell her.

  She harrumphs, then urges me to tell her everything—absolutely, everything. “I met someone,” I announce.

  “Tell me about this boy, oh my gosh, that’s so wonderful,” she practically squeals.

  Clearing my throat, I close my eyes to tell her about Thomas, who is definitely not a boy. I’ve hidden enough from her that I feel like I need to be completely honest. “I love him, Mama,” I say. “He’s not a boy though. He’s a man.”

  “How much of a man?” she asks, her voice losing some excitement.

  Opening my eyes, I look at my reflection in the dresser mirror across from me. My cheeks are pink, and my eyes are bright, I’m so happy and I already know when I say this, that she won’t understand it—she won’t understand how Thomas can make me as happy as I am.

  “He’s one of my professors, he’s in his forties,” I admit. Then before she can say anything else, I quickly add, “We’re in love, and we’re engaged. We’re getting married in fifty days and I want you and the whole family to come.”

  There is silence on the other end, and then I hear my brother start cursing in Spanish. I only know the bad words he says, and nothing in between them, but I know that he’s not happy and that Mama must have put me on speakerphone without me realizing it.

  “Mama,” I whimper.

  She clears her throat. “You’re insane,” she announces. “This is not right, nothing you’ve just told me is acceptable, Ines. Not only is your engagement period extremely short, and this relationship is far too rushed, I refuse to accept it.”

  “I’m eighteen, and we’re in love, please don’t judge him before you’ve met him. I think you’ll really like Thomas,” I plead as my eyes fill with tears.

  “Absolutely not. After everything this family has been through with your sister, this is what you do? You go off to college, and you get married less than six months later? You haven’t even lived a speck of your life yet, Ines. He’s lived an entire lifetime before you even entered this earth. I’m sure that he’s a man that I would find pleasant, since he’s in my fucking dating pool,” she practically shouts.

  “You better get your little ass home, sister,” Kosmo growls into the phone.

  I can hear my mother sobbing from somewhere in the background, but I can tell that I’m no longer on speakerphone and I’m glad for it. “I’m not coming home, K
osmo. I love Thomas, and he loves me. We’re getting married. I wish that you all would come, it would mean the world to me,” I whisper through my trembling lips, as tears fall from my eyes.

  “No, Ines. As a family, we cannot support this hasty decision you’ve made. We haven’t talked to you in weeks, you’ve been avoiding all of us. What does that say? It says you know you’ve been behaving badly, that you’re wrong and you know it,” he states.

  I shake my head. “No, that’s not what it says, Kosmo. I knew you would all freak out and I didn’t want to hear it from you. I’m happy, so, so very happy,” I state, wiping the tears from my eyes and stiffening my spine. “We’re getting married, with or without your blessings. I want you all to be there, and you will all be invited, but it’s happening. We love each other.”

  I end the call, not wishing to hear anything else. Then, I curl up in my bed, and I cry. I need a moment to just feel sorry for myself, then I’ll be okay. Closing my eyes, I let my sobs lull my body to sleep.

  My eyes crack open what feels like minutes later. I glance at the open bathroom door, but I ignore what’s waiting for me on the other side. I’m not ready yet. With my phone still clutched in my hand, I’m not surprised to see that nobody from my family has called me back to talk to me.

  Thomas hasn’t called me either. I’m sure he’s been traveling and meeting with his attorney, possibly grabbing an early dinner. Pressing my lips together, I scroll through my contacts, needing someone to talk to, someone to share my excitement with, someone who will take my mind off of that little test in the bathroom for a few more minutes.

  When I see Jessa’s name, I tap it with my thumb and listen to it ring.

  “Hey,” she murmurs after the second ring.

  I suck in a breath and amp up my voice, trying to sound extremely excited. “I’m engaged,” I shout, going a little over the top.


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