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Honky Tonk Hearts Volume 2

Page 23

by The Wild Rose Press Authors

  “Damn.” The distressed cowboy rubbed the back of his neck.

  Darcy went up on her knees and kissed his bare shoulder, her belly brushing his naked backside. “Do you think he’ll be okay? I don’t want any of your brothers to hate me.”

  Nicked turned to face her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “They could never hate you. Trent and Sam will be okay. Chris is probably only in shock at finding us together. I’ll talk with him.” Resting his chin on her head, he continued. “How did he get in anyway?”

  “I don’t think we locked the door last night. Guess I had more important things on my mind.”

  A kiss touched her forehead. “We should head to the barn and meet with the guests.”

  Trailing her hand down his back to his buttocks, she squeezed.

  “I guess they can wait a few more minutes for us,” he growled.

  “Us? You mean I can keep my job? I wasn’t sure.”

  He held her away from him, his eyes narrowed as he studied her for a long moment. “Is that what this was about?”

  She pulled out of his hold. The blunt words inflicted more hurt than if he’d slapped her. “How could you think such a thing?” She grabbed the T-shirt off the foot of the bed and pulled the cotton over her head. Damn the stupid man. Did he not see how much she cared for him?

  “If you stopped and looked at it from my side you’d understand.”

  “What I understand is you aren’t the man I thought you were.” A horrible pang of hurt seized her. It was as if he plunged a knife into her heart while the shadows swallowed her lonely soul.

  “Forget I said anything.” A hand clasped her arm, drawing her into him.

  Yanking her arm away, she sidestepped. “No. I can’t believe you think I’d stoop so low. I’m going to take a shower then I’ll come down to the barn. You can let me know the status of my employment when I get there.”

  “Darc...” His big, imposing form stepped toward her.

  “No.” She held up a hand. “I need time to myself, and I think you should figure out what you want. I know how I feel for you. I know I kept my amnesia from you, but if you believe I’d stoop to such levels to keep a job, you don’t know me at all.”

  Tears pricked the corner of her eyes. Refusing to allow him to see how much he hurt her, she hurried to the shower and slammed the door. A second later, his boots clunked on the wooden floor, then the screen banged shut.

  Stepping under the warm spray, she released the tears she held at bay and let the water wash her heartache away. This past month, she’d made things happen. She had taken control, left her past behind her, and embraced her new life. The best part was feeling her love for Nick grow every day. No, the greatest part was having his strong arms around her, feeling his love back.

  What I thought was his love.

  She sank to her knees in the porcelain tub. If he turned her away now, her life was over—again.

  I’ve pulled myself up out of the dark before, I can do it again.

  For the next two hours, she mulled over the past month, causing more and more heartache until she threw herself into cleaning up her cabin in order to keep occupied. She wiped off already clean counters, stripped the sheets from her bed, anything to prolong the time facing Nick. By the time she was sure other people would be at the barn, she almost had her emotions in check.

  “Figured you’d be down sooner or later. The guests are getting acquainted with the horses and picking out their mounts.” Chris stood at the entrance, cocking his head to the side, he touched her shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Perfect.” But her gaze drifted to where the eldest Matthews talked with a female guest.

  A tender hand pressed to her back. “Want me to knock him out?”

  Touched by Chris’s concern, and thankful he wasn’t mad at her, Darcy grinned. “I’ll be okay.”

  “That’s what I like to see.” He pulled her close to his side. “You really fell for him, huh?”

  She nodded and bit her lip. Not here. Not now. No more tears, damn it.

  “You’re sure you don’t want me to punch him in the jaw?”

  She shook her head and stepped away in time to see the one who stole her heart move in her direction.

  No. Not now. Not yet. Her heart pounded in her chest. Refusing to engage in a confrontation with him in front of everyone, she started in the opposite direction, but stumbled when his voice sounded directly behind her.

  “Okay, everyone.”

  His hand circled her arm, halting her escape and sending a jolt of heat up her arm.

  “Time to get this show on the road. Lead your horse out of the barn. Once we check everyone’s tack, we’ll be off,” Nick continued to the group. “I’m not real good with names, but I promise to try my best. In case anyone forgot, my name is Nick. That’s Trent.” He nodded to his brother in front of him. “He was your guide the last time y’all were here. Chris and Sam will be staying behind to tend the ranch while we’re gone.” He pulled Darcy closer. “And this is Darcy.”

  He squeezed her shoulder, and she made a project of repositioning her hat.

  “She’ll be going with us.”

  Her gaze flew to his face, noting the grin on his lips as his eyes caressed her.

  Nick hoped the lift of Darcy’s lips indicated her forgiveness. He wanted nothing more than the day’s activities to get underway so he could find a second to be alone with her.

  Reluctantly letting her go in order to accomplish the task, he crossed to Sam as his brother finished checking one of the horses.

  “I want to know every detail of the meeting,” Nick informed him, keeping his voice low. “Text me.”

  “I know.” Sam stepped back, shaking his head.

  “Better yet, I should stay here. You go camping. Or send Chris.” But then what about Darcy? Wishing he could take back his accusations of why she had made love with him, he glanced her way.

  “No. For once, you’re going to quit taking this ranch on yourself.” A beefy hand landed on his shoulder. “You need to trust us, trust your gut, and trust your feelings for Darcy.”

  Nick backed up. His brother’s newfound superior tone left little room for argument.

  “Don’t you think I blame myself for not seeing the trouble before it struck?” Sam continued. “You aren’t the only one who feels guilty. Just thank God Dad has avoided any further heart problems, and I didn’t lose my hand, and Trent wasn’t killed.”

  “You felt guilty.”

  A hand rose. “Let me finish. April had a chemical imbalance. She was severely bipolar and refused to take her medicine. Dad let stress get to him instead of talking and letting Mom or us help lessen the burden. Do you want to be like him? Hell, at this rate, you’re going to end up having the heart attack Mom’s trying to help Dad prevent.”

  All these years, he’d focused on how he failed everyone, not once considering anyone else shouldered the blame.

  “Think about it. Besides, that woman needs you, and for some unknown reason wants you.” A finger jabbed him in the chest. “And I hope to hell you know what you’re doin’ with her.”

  He gave a contorted chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. “That makes two of us.”

  “Because if you screw this up, I’m gonna kick your ass.”

  Nick turned to face the reason for his heartache. A thrill ran through him at the prospect of holding her again. No other woman’s kisses made his toes curl with want nor had he possessed the desire to stick to a female’s side through thick and thin, the good and the bad. He’d help her through this. Be there for her at every turn. She was now the reason he breathed. She was his life.

  “Everyone’s ready,” Trent confirmed, approaching with his horse.

  Nick moved to his mount, adjusted the girth, and made sure his tack was in order. He glanced up to see that everyone was ready when he spotted Sam approaching the group by the barn, a dark-haired man close behind.

  His brother’s serious expression brought Ch
ris and Trent across the dirt.

  What now?

  Nick ambled over to Darcy and reached for her ice-cold hand as his brother neared.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Guys, this is Lance Brooks. He...” Sam shifted his weight. “He says he’s Darcy’s husband.”

  A cold wave of anguish swept over Nick as the words echoed through his being. Pressing his lips together, he glanced to Darcy, and released her fingers.

  Her face turned ashen. “ husband?”

  “Hi, baby. I’ve missed you.” Lance pulled her into his arms. “Took me forever to find you.”

  Nausea rose in the pit of Nick’s stomach.

  “Thanks for taking care of her.” The guy addressed him with a smug smirk before turning back to Darcy. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He tilted her head up and placed a full open mouth kiss on her lips, his eyes open, watching Nick.

  Fist clenched, breathing became difficult over the raging boil of his blood. He spun on his heel before he released his frustrations on her husband’s face.

  Husband? Darcy’s married? The earth shifted under his feet, and his stomach dropped. No, this wasn’t right. He glance back to where Lance caressed Darcy’s face. She didn’t look like she was happy to see him.

  Lance glared at Nick then drew back, both hands now in her hair, and went in for another kiss.

  Bile rose in his throat, and he stepped toward them. No way was he going to stand there and let the man paw all over his woman.

  “He’s her husband, Nick.” Trent grabbed his arm, his voice only loud enough for Nick to hear.

  A sharp pain ripped through his chest at the apparent truth. He yanked his arm away, unable to stand around and watch the reunion.

  “Come on, let’s get this show on the road,” he snapped. “The guests are getting antsy.”

  “W-what about me?” Darcy called, running to join them.

  Nick glanced to his brothers and noted the sympathy in their faces before they lowered their heads.

  A thin, cool hand touched him, and he turned. Confusion, hurt, and fear crossed Darcy’s features. Unable to help himself, he wrapped her in his arms one last time and wished for everything to go away, for Lance to go away.

  “You stay and get reacquainted with your hus...husband.” Acid ate at his insides.

  He kissed her forehead and placed her away from him. Forcing himself to walk away, he mounted his horse.

  “Please, wait.”

  She started his way, but Lance grabbed her roughly by the arm. “Come on, sweetheart, let the cowboy do his ranch thing. We have lots of lost time to make up for.” He pulled her to him, knocking her hat to the ground. “I can’t wait to get you to the hotel.”

  Her distressed voice cried out, and Nick was off his horse in an instant. His blood pressure reached the boiling point. Husband or not, the man needed a few lessons on how to treat a woman. Especially Darcy.

  “Let go.” Darcy attempted to pull her arm away and stomped on the man’s foot with the heel of her boot.

  “We don’t treat women like that around here,” Nick growled from behind the slimeball holding his girl.

  His brothers came up behind him.

  “Nothing to concern yourself with. I’m sure once we have time alone, Darcy’ll remember how it is between us.” He snarled. “We have a long, long history. Don’t we, baby?” His hand roamed down her backside.

  “Get your hands off her, now.” Never before did he think himself capable of choking the life out of someone with his bare hands.

  “I don’t think this is any of your business, cowboy.” Lance released her abruptly and stepped toward him.

  Darcy stumbled, but he saw Chris catch her arm and steady her.

  “Darcy is on my ranch, and I won’t have anyone manhandle her.”

  “No one but you right?” He laughed, then spit. “Oh yeah, I’ve been scoping the place out from the day she started here. I’ve seen you two together, dancing, riding.” He glared at Nick. “Pawing at each other on her couch.”

  “You son of a—”

  “ watched me.”

  The panic in Darcy’s faint voice provoked Nick to move between her and this lunatic.

  “You don’t have to go with this guy, ya know,” Chris told her, and put his arm around her shoulders. “You can stay here with us.”

  Lance stepped up to Nick. “Yes, she does. You think I’m going to leave her here for him to screw some more?” The husband pointed in Nick’s face.

  Darcy couldn’t believe what was happening. Instinctively, she went to Nick and touched his arm. He flinched, and she withdrew her hand. Did he think this man was telling the truth? All those times she imagined someone watching her, it was this man? Lance? Her husband?

  Her skin crawled...and a bright light flashed.

  A man and woman standing in front of the barn, hugging her as she approached.

  “You’re a natural. You were born to ride. Isn’t that right, Lance?”

  She turned and smiled at the boy. A younger version of the man standing before her.

  Her vision swam. Darcy swayed as the standoff continued.

  “I think this has gone on long enough.” Sam moved between the two men. “I think it’s time you leave. Trent, see to the guests. Chris and I will talk with Darcy and see what she wants to do. If she doesn’t want to leave with you, she’s not.”

  Nick didn’t move, neither did his gaze waver from the man.

  “I’m not leaving without her.” Lance stepped in her direction.

  Nick stepped to block Lance. “We’ll just see about that.”

  A teenage boy held her down, trying to kiss her.

  “Get off!” She screamed and kicked until the door of her bedroom crashed open.

  “Lance, what are you doing? Get off of your sister.”

  Violent eyes squinted as the boy snarled.

  Lance was her brother?

  With a strangled cry, she wheeled away from the group.

  Her ears rang.

  Her vision blurred.

  She stumbled and covered her ears to block out the ringing.

  “Darcy?” Chris’s voice sounded far off in the distance.

  She heard her name being called again, then Nick’s as the sound mixed with the buzzing just as everything vanished into blackness.

  Chapter Twelve

  Darcy struggled to return from the darkened corner of her mind. The pounding in her skull discouraged her from opening her eyes. She moaned.

  “I think she’s waking up,” a familiar male voice stated from above her.

  “Darcy, Darcy?” Nick’s deep voice came from a distance.

  She blinked, fighting against the urge to close out the blinding light.

  “Hey, sleepyhead, come on.”

  Her vision cleared slowly, from Chris, to the crowd gathering, to Trent, and to the warm body holding her. “Nick?”

  “Right here, darlin’.”

  His tone rumbled in her head, which was pillowed against his chest.

  “What...” She licked her dry lips.

  “Here, sip this.” Trent handed her a bottle of water.

  With Nick’s assistance, she grasped the plastic container in her shaking hand. The cool liquid made its way to her mouth, dousing her parched throat. “What happened?”

  “You passed out,” Chris answered and hunkered down beside her.

  Her heart jumped as she looked up into faces of people she didn’t know. “Who are all these people?” She struggled to sit up, panicked.

  Strong arms tightened around her. “The guests, remember? We were about to go camping.”

  Deep concern shown on Nick’s handsome face, causing her to touch his stubbled cheek.

  “I think that’s my job, cowboy.” Her so-called husband appeared above her.

  “Come on, people, get back with your horses. Just a little setback,” Sam called. “She’s gonna be fine. We’ll get this show on the road in a few minutes.”

  Mind reeling through the commotion, her head snapped up. Memories, voices, faces came rushing in. Lance wasn’t her husband. She rubbed her temples as the hammering in her skull increased. Trying to understand it all, the fog cleared and pieces began to come together in her mind. Images of her mother marrying her stepfather, his son, Lance.

  Lance was her stepbrother.

  “We’re not married,” she informed them. “He’s my stepbrother, not my husband.”

  Nick pulled back with an expression full of questions.

  A lump of emotion rose in her throat. After all this time, she knew her past, where she came from. And it all paled in comparison to the anxiety she felt about her future with Nick. God, did she have a future with him? Did he feel as strong a connection to her as she did him? Uncertainty filled her, causing a tear to slip down her cheek. She shut her eyes and snuggled into his warmth, blocking out the doubts, savoring the safety of his embrace.

  “I’m serious. I remember. I remember everything. I’m not married to him or anyone else.”

  Her chin was raised and a hard kiss landed on her mouth. She smiled at Nick, her heart overflowing.

  He lifted her to her feet, placed a strong arm about her waist, and rested his forehead on hers with a sexy little smile on his sinful lips.

  She was free to love Nick, to be with him.

  Lance approached from the side. “Get your hands off my wife.”

  “You sure you’re okay,” Nick asked her.

  She nodded.

  “Sam, hold onto her.” When his brother stepped to her side, Nick released his hold. The fist he landed on Lance’s face laid the disillusioned man flat out on the ground.

  “Sam, do something.” Although her stepbrother deserved it, she didn’t want to see anyone hurt any further.

  “Nick, stop,” Sam shouted, but made no effort to intervene.

  “I think you broke my nose. I’ll sue you for this.” Lance touched the sides of his injured part.

  “Go ahead and do that.” Nick opened his fist and shook out his fingers before flipping the other man over. He clasped Lance’s wrist behind his back. “Chris, throw me a rope and someone call the police. Tell them we have a stalker and all-around dirtbag trespassing on the ranch.”


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