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Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor

Page 43

by Rue Allyn

  Their baggage was scarcely unloaded from the carriage when, from atop the portico, the front doors of the manor flung open and a girl of about twelve hastened down the stairs.

  “Papa!” she cried, with open arms.

  “Audra!” Lord Kingsley called, as he knelt and embraced her.

  Felicity beaming from her expressive eyes, she explained, “I saw you from the window of the drawing room. Desmond and Mama are there.”

  “Are they?” he said, delighting in her youthful animation.

  “Yes,” she affirmed. “And you will never guess! Cousin Pierson also is with them.”

  This piece of news, he was clearly unprepared for. The change in Lord Kingsley’s air was dramatic. His shoulders stiffened visibly and his expression hardened. He shot a glance toward Kingsley Manor that Rhianna imagined could turn the sky black.

  Audra was not unaware of this and looked at him questioningly. “Papa?”

  Her observation seemed to recover him, enough, at least, to better conceal his emotions.

  “Well, we mustn’t keep them waiting, shall we?” he replied. “Audra, I would like to introduce you to Miss Rhianna Braden.” A synchronous curtsey followed, before he added, “You remember her father, Mr. Braden, who visited me while I was sick.”

  “I do remember him,” Audra confirmed to her father. “He was a very dull man.”

  “Audra!” her father reprimanded. “Do you not know Mr. Braden passed away not two months ago?”

  At this, she lowered her chin and looked up with a remorseful gaze.

  “Forgive me, Miss Braden. Please accept my condolences.” Rhianna nodded her acceptance of this apology, and Audra, addressing her further, added, “You seem nothing like him. I like you exceedingly well.”

  Rhianna could not help but be drawn to Audra’s unaffected personality, despite her candid comments.

  “You should know,” Rhianna replied, with a grin, “I like you exceedingly well, also.”

  Audra curtseyed again with a wide smile. “I think we shall become the best of friends.”

  “Come,” Lord Kingsley announced, as the servants gathered their bags, “it has been a long journey. Audra, why not lead the way inside?”

  • • •

  She dared not breathe. Everything about the entrance hall, from the white marble floor to the winding staircase, from the crystal chandelier to the various classical artifacts and columns was just as she had imagined it should be.

  “Thank you, Henry,” said Lord Kingsley to the doorman, his resounding voice awakening Rhianna with a start. “See to it that Miss Braden’s things are placed in the lavender guest room.”

  These orders were immediately carried out. Meanwhile, Audra grasped Rhianna’s hand in hers and led her eagerly to a set of double doors.

  Another servant approached and addressed Lord Kingsley. “Whom may I say is arrived?”

  “Miss Rhianna Braden, Alfred.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  His gloved hands reached for the doorknob, whose door Rhianna supposed led to the drawing room. Before she took her first steps inside, laughter issued forth from behind the doors and, to her surprise, it sounded as if there were only two persons, although she imagined there would be three. A man’s laughter, in particular, stood out as an intimidating sort of roar and she wondered if this laugh belonged to the “Cousin Pierson” whose visit, from Lord Kingsley’s reaction, was so unwelcomed. Rhianna drew a defensive breath as they prepared to meet with those inside.

  Alfred entered and Audra followed with a bounce in her step, pulling Rhianna along with her into the drawing room. Her eyes quickly scanned the four walls, absorbing as much as possible of the feminine decor, French windows, built-in bookshelves, and relaxed, informal arrangement of furniture.

  “Lord Kingsley, Miss Kingsley, and Miss Rhianna Braden,” Alfred announced.

  The party of two in the gold-and-blue-themed drawing room did little to ease Rhianna’s discomfort, as it seemed the addition of the announced three brought their pleasures to a cease. Both the woman and the man seated before them appeared ill at ease, and they did not, at first, hide their sentiments well. Rhianna had the feeling of having intruded on their good time.

  “Darling …”

  The woman placed her drink on a table beside her and rose from her seat beside the fireplace, whose surround and central plaque were of a neoclassical design with fluted pilasters and marble inserts. The Kingsley coat of arms, featuring a white rose — the symbol of love and faith — was portrayed on the overmantel.

  “Welcome home,” she continued. “I see you have brought back with you a guest.”

  “I have.” Without expression, Lord Kingsley added, “I confess, I was surprised to hear she is not the only one.”

  This last comment, in direct reference to Cousin Pierson, did much to cause uneasiness to the entire company.

  “Well,” the woman replied, “as you see, it is only Desmond and me.”

  Had Rhianna not been so conscious of the tension in the air, she might have imagined the woman’s response rather smooth.

  Introductions followed. The woman was presented as Lord Kingsley’s wife, Lydia, and the man as the Kingsleys’ only son, Desmond. Only Audra seemed sorry to see that Cousin Pierson had left, whereas Lydia and Desmond appeared indifferent and Lord Kingsley seemed irritated, as before.

  Rhianna continued to feel intrusive, but her reception was one of graciousness. Despite the initial awkwardness, Lady Kingsley and Desmond recovered enough to prove even friendly. Sympathies for her losses were bestowed, refreshments offered, and attention was given to her comfort. Their meeting was not long, for the hour was late, and Rhianna was soon persuaded by Lord Kingsley to retire for the evening.

  Even exhausted as she was, sleep, for a time, was out of the question. A friendly, young servant named Katie settled her into the so-called “lavender room,” tended to the coal fire, and left before Rhianna could wrap her mind around where she was. But the following few hours of quiet and uninterrupted contemplation and exploration were not sufficient to allow the reality of her situation to sink in. The clock chimed two when, after thoroughly inspecting the bedchamber, from the canopied bed and mahogany storage pieces to the lavender wall tapestry and settees upholstered in silk-embroidered wool, Rhianna concluded that several weeks would not be enough to convince her of where she was, and she at last went to bed.

  • • •

  Rhianna had not been asleep long when she awoke to the sound of galloping horse hooves and rolling carriage wheels. With a glance toward the window, she wondered that anyone would be out in the dark of the early morning. Indeed, for what reason would someone be traveling during the predawn hours in what sounded like a panicked hurry?

  Far too curious not to investigate, she arose from her bed and crossed the Persian rug to the windowsill. Pushing aside heavy, lavender drapes just enough to peek through, Rhianna could see the dim-glowing, swinging lanterns of a carriage as it raced away from the manor. Whoever its passenger was clearly had reason to be quick and was already some ways down the approach. Had Rhianna waited a moment longer, she would have missed the scene altogether.

  Apparently, someone had reason to be out before daybreak. Her mind was at once awake and formulating theories. Her first thought was that there was some sort of emergency and Rhianna hoped no one was ill or worse. Tragedy had been no stranger to Rhianna as of late. Yet, something gave the impression that this was not an emergency, at least, not of that particular sort. Something about this event seemed … darker. She told herself it was the dead of night — not to mention her first night in a new place — that inclined her to think the occurrence more mysterious than it was in reality. But her attempts to be sensible failed and she returned to thoughts of schemes and intrigue.

  The room was noticeably warm from the heat of the fire. Mindlessly, Rhianna reached to open the window. It opened an inch or so, before a hook latch prevented further movement. She sighed, as all mann
er of scandalous thoughts were broken and she had no choice but to give the window more attention than she wished. Using her fingers as her eyes in the dark, she ran them along the edge of the sash in search of the bolt.

  To her surprise, she heard murmuring below.

  Rhianna held her breath and listened. Whether they were men, women, or both, she could not decipher from their muffled voices; and though the full moon gave off sufficient light to the ground below, her view was obstructed. Only two shadows along the portico were visible.


  The latch bounced against the sill before falling to the ground two floors below. Rhianna jumped, hardly aware she had found the latch when it broke at her fingertips. With her hand pressed tightly against her chest, she heard the second clink as it hit the stone ground.

  The voices silenced and the shadows disappeared. An eerie sensation overcame Rhianna and she feared that those very shadows might be climbing the wall after her. Absurdity, of course. Still, nothing seemed to quell the impression that she was much too near something that she was not intended to be near.

  Rhianna eased away from the lavender curtains and cringed as she crossed the creaky floor to her bed. Had it been creaky before? She couldn’t remember. Pulling the covers up to her neck, she listened for voices that never resurfaced and hoped that morning wasn’t far off.

  • • •

  At breakfast, Lord Kingsley expressed his hope that Rhianna had passed a comfortable night in the lavender room and seemed very pleased to find it was so. Rhianna sensed no change in his manner or hint in him regarding the events of the early morning. No, even as Lydia Kingsley and Desmond’s eyes seemed glued upon her at his inquest, Guilford Kingsley was unaltered and she continued to find herself at ease, at least, in his presence.

  The morning room of Kingsley Manor was everything it ought to have been, its atmosphere the superlative example of leisure, ideal in all ways for breakfasts, writing, and reading. Rhianna took her time, enjoying every moment, as well as the vast selection of dishes that lay before her. Some she was not familiar with and gratefully she accepted occasional, whispered hints from Audra, who watched her intently, apparently aware of her every puzzlement.

  The day was to afford a tour of Kingsley Manor. Lord Kingsley was happy to conduct it and Audra was equally happy to join them, offering her own commentary along the way. Neither, however, was as delighted as Rhianna, who could think of no greater joy than getting to know the geography of the house and committing to memory each and every minute detail. It was also no great disappointment that Lydia and Desmond Kingsley were otherwise engaged and would not be joining their small party.

  Kingsley Manor, a thirty-bedroom mansion, required they set out early to see as much of it as the day would allow. Rhianna’s experience thus far consisted of the great front hall, the drawing and morning rooms, and the stairs and hallway leading to her lavender chamber. Lord Kingsley began his tour with the principal rooms on the ground floor, starting with the dining room — large, tastefully decorated, and not overly ornate, with finely carved, wainscoted, oak-paneled walls, which even with its crimson tones and masculine artwork could do no wrong. Then they walked through the gallery, a grand, well-lit room on the east side of the manor, with a high ceiling and equally high windows. Although no portraits were hung beyond immediate family, the gallery housed some magnificent pieces of art. Rhianna could have spent considerable time leisurely walking that long room, and was sorry to leave it, even after spending more than an hour there.

  Over the course of the day, they continued to move throughout the house and immediate grounds, viewing the formal garden at the back of the house, library, and billiard room. It was clear that not just one tour, but several additional tours would be required. Visits to the kitchen, brew house, and wine cellar, as well as the schoolroom, theater, and ballroom on the upper levels would be conducted in the near future.

  Rhianna, although having seen enough in one day to keep sleep away indefinitely, looked forward to touring the rest of what was within Kingsley Manor’s walls. But she also longed to see what lay beyond them, not the least of which included the conservatory, stables, dairy, and apple orchard. Until then, she allowed, a little private exploration would most certainly hold her over.

  • • •

  With only a short time to dress, Rhianna hurriedly extracted her best mourning attire from the hanging rail of the mahogany corner cabinet. Various emotions swirled within her, but the foremost of all was excitement.

  When the hour struck, she exited the lavender room and headed for the dining room. To her surprise, she found Desmond Kingsley waiting for her on the balcony. A tall man of twenty-eight, Desmond’s features were distinctly his mother’s, with an aquiline nose that fit his narrow face, and skin unusually rough for his age and station. Rhianna couldn’t say she particularly disliked him, but something about him made her uncomfortable.

  “I hope we did not wake you last night,” he stated blandly.

  There was no mistaking his meaning. With his words, Desmond Kingsley identified himself as one of last night’s shadows and Rhianna felt her pulse quicken.

  Before she could reply, he added, “My cousin, who has been staying with us as of late, is an early riser.”

  She made the connection to Pierson quickly. It seemed his departure from the manor had not happened as rapidly as it appeared the previous night, and no wonder. If he had been staying at the manor, and not merely visiting, he must have had bags to pack. Secretly, she wished she had caught a glimpse of the man who escaped in the early morning hours.

  Smiling nervously, Rhianna said, “I am sorry I did not chance to meet him. Will he soon return?”

  “It is difficult to say. His business was urgent, hence, the early departure. He can always be counted on to leave at a moment’s notice.”

  “A lofty attribute, to be sure.”

  “To be sure,” echoed Desmond, “so long as it does not interfere with the comfort and rest of others.”

  Anxious to end this conversation and be on her way, Rhianna authorized him not to worry. “I thank you for your concern, Lord Kingsley, but it is quite unnecessary, I assure you. My only, brief trouble last night was that of an overly warm fire — nothing an open window could not relieve. In all, my night was comfortably spent.”

  This seemed to satisfy him, but Rhianna could not help but feel his intention was to intimidate. Or was he simply concerned with the comfort of a guest? This question made her wonder if she could accuse him of the preceding motive. After all, Soleil had warned her many times of her overactive imagination.

  “Are you on your way to dinner?” she asked.

  “I will soon join you. Do you know the way?”

  “I do.”

  “Very well, Miss Braden, I look forward to seeing you shortly.”

  Leaving this encounter perplexed, Rhianna chose to believe in Desmond’s innocence and guided herself downstairs to the dining room. Her mind, however, filled with conjecture, was not ready to rest.

  Guilford and Lydia Kingsley were already seated with Audra at the long, Chippendale table with its carved, cabriole legs. She was motioned to sit in a chair with a vase-shaped back splat and, though her tight corset made it difficult to sit and breathe at the same time, she took her place beside Audra. Her genuine compliments on the furniture unearthed the knowledge that it had belonged to Guilford’s mother, and though Lydia seemed irritated at the mention of her, he was delighted at Rhianna’s appreciation for the style. An inquiry into his mother’s situation further revealed that she had passed, but Lydia’s sour countenance deterred Rhianna from any additional pursuit of the subject.

  Desmond soon after appeared and an elaborate dinner of several courses was served. The first consisted of two main dishes, venison and beef sirloin, accompanied by vegetable pudding, macaroni pie, preserve of olives and larded sweetbreads. It was a spread fit for royalty and appealing in both presentation and taste.

  Still, Rhianna re
coiled inwardly at dirtying so much of the Kingsley china as the entire company began the meal. This same dilemma tormented her a second time, as the next course of salmon and chicken fricassee, potatoes, almond pudding, and syllabub, bought a new set of china and crystal to sully.

  With all the soups, side dishes, and pastries, Rhianna totaled twenty-five plates per course. All was perfection and, at the end of two hours, after consuming many delicacies, Rhianna was certain she could not look at another fruit tart for some time.

  Conversation had been light and easy, led mostly by Guilford Kingsley, with occasional whispers from Audra, who apparently had been for some time deprived of a confidant and had many important things to communicate to Rhianna about her doll collection. Rhianna, a very willing listener, expressed her genuine interest and they quickly decided that a viewing of Audra’s display was not only necessary, but should be expeditiously planned.

  The rest of the evening passed uneventfully, as did the night. After dinner, Rhianna was invited to cards. She played for a time, though she looked very much forward to removing her corset, as well as escaping the company of Desmond, whose eyes seemed frequently upon her. Exhaustion was settling in from the full day and, as much as she wanted to savor every moment in Kingsley Manor, she took her exit at the earliest opportunity.

  • • •

  Early the following day, Rhianna expressed her wish to pay her respects to the departed. The barouche was immediately offered to her, though she politely declined. The day was turning out lovely and Rhianna preferred to walk, much to the alarm of Audra, who did not believe in taking any such physical pains to arrive anywhere. She urged Rhianna vehemently to take a horse, insisting that horseback riding could be equally good exercise as walking, as well as refreshing. But this was a solemn occasion that demanded reflection, and Rhianna considered nothing so given to meditation as walking. On such grounds, Audra allowed, albeit unwillingly, that walking might be permissible.


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