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Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor

Page 104

by Rue Allyn

  Above the cave were breaks in the rock, where over the centuries rainwater had worn paths from the ground above, leaving natural skylights that allowed slender shafts of light to bounce off the water below. Kara loved coming here. It was the one place she could shut out the world completely. The only sounds came from the water gently running through the cave.

  Dropping the lead rope and giving Gally a pat, she stepped around an outcropping of rock to an area with a small ledge in the rocks. On it was a towel. She usually brought a fresh towel each time she came here.

  She loosened her hair from its braid, stripped off her gun belt and her clothes and stepped into the pool. The cool water felt good against her heated skin. She could feel her hair wet and heavy fanning about her in the water. Her troubles, like the desert dust washed away in the spring water. Swimming easily, she rolled over on her back and stared at the dust motes dancing in the sunlight above her.

  That’s how I feel, like I have no control over anything happening to me. I just seem to be floating around at the whim of any breeze.

  Hawke. What am I going to do about him? Or better yet, what am I going to do about my feelings for him?

  She continued floating as she worked through her dilemma. Every time she came back to the same question. Was she in love with him?

  I know he’s the most fascinating man I have ever met, she thought. In spite of her desire to dislike him, she found she enjoyed talking with him. After he told her about his sister and the pain he felt for her, she was forced to look at him in a different light. There was none of the pampered soft aristocrat she thought him to be. At every turn he surprised her with his willingness not only to try something many in his position would consider beneath them, but to laugh at himself if he failed. His compassion to townspeople he didn’t even know during the fire forced her to see him as a whole man, not someone out to steal her ranch. He was not a shiftless remittance man. He was not some caricature, but a man of many depths. She desired him. His touch made her feel in ways she had never felt before. But did she love him? And did he love her?

  She swam over to a rock outcropping illuminated by sunshine. Pulling herself out of the water, she stretched out on her stomach, the heat of the sun-warmed rock relaxing her. Her mind turned to the night at the hotel and her response to his touch. She lightly ran her tongue over her lips, remembering the feel of his mouth on hers. Heat suffused her body thinking how his hands felt on her skin. How the weight of his body pressing her into the mattress felt so right. The memory of his mouth skimming over her breasts was so vivid she felt her nipples pucker in response. The heat from the rocks made her long for the heat of his body. Need to feel him touching her, loving her, overtook her. Lying in the warmth of the sun she let her mind run free.

  Her body ached for his touch. It was one thing she was sure of.

  I wish he were here.

  Whoa there, missy, she reined in her wayward thoughts. You are here to decide what you are going to do, not indulge in overheated fantasies.

  With a mental shake she closed her eyes.

  Admit it. You are in love with him.

  She had known it for a long while, but her stubbornness refused to let her admit it, even to herself. What she needed to sort out in her own mind now was what she was going to do about it.

  Rolling over to her back, she folded her arms behind her head. The heat of the sun caressed her skin, reminding her of Hawke’s incredibly warm hands. Once again she could feel his hands caressing her, arousing her. Desire heated her flesh and pooled low in her belly, between her thighs. She wanted him. She could no longer lie to herself. The thought rang clearly in her mind. I love him, and I don’t know what I have been so afraid of.

  It felt like she’d been in a dust storm, unable to see, and suddenly it stopped and the air was clear again. It all made sense to her.

  I’ve been such a fool. Here I thought I was a modern woman not afraid of change. But change is what I feared most. I love him and I want to be with him. It doesn’t matter where.

  Saying those words, even silently, brought comfort and she felt the tension leave her body. All she had to do was love him. That was the only important thing. The rest — her fears about change, her fears about leaving the ranch — weren’t important.

  Deep in her thoughts, she did not hear the quiet nicker of greeting from Gally to the other horse.

  • • •

  Hawke stood transfixed by the vision in front of him.

  The entrance to the cave had been difficult to find. He now understood Kara’s remark about being invisible. Once inside he was amazed at the size of the cavern.

  Shafts of sunlight cut the gloom and illuminated Kara’s naked form on the rock. She lay with her head resting on her arms and one leg bent at the knee. He thought of the selkies in Scotland. Magical seals who turned into beautiful women to tempt human lovers. She lay on the smooth red rock, her skin gleaming in the sunlight, soft and golden, begging for his touch. Her lips were parted softly and her lashes lay dark against her cheek. Quietly, he removed his clothes and entered the cool water, swimming silently to the rock where she lay.

  • • •

  Kara opened her eyes with a start, sensing someone else in the cave. Turning her head, she saw Hawke coming towards her. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him as he rose slowly out of the water. She wasn’t sure if he was real or just a figment of her overheated imaginings. Water sluiced down his body, drawing her eyes like a magnet. She watched the droplets run over the chiseled muscles of his chest and down over his belly into the water lapping at his hips. She yearned to trace those watery paths with her tongue. Looking into his eyes, she knew nothing was going to stop him from making love to her. Slowly, she smiled at him. She didn’t want anything to stop him.

  She knew she would love him forever. Her heart was his. As he took her into his arms, the coolness of his wet skin against her sun-warmed body sent shivers coursing through her. Looking into eyes hot with desire, she felt the flame of her own arousal ignite. Reaching up she caressed his cheek and smiled softly.

  “Make love to me, Hawke. I need to feel you. I love you.”

  “I love you, Kara,” he whispered softly, lowering his head to kiss her. Their lips met softly, the newness of their feelings conveyed through their joined mouths. Kara slid her hands up his arms, around the smooth muscles at his back. Putting one hand behind his head, she deepened the kiss moaning softly against his lips.

  Hawke groaned in response. Their tongues caressed as their hands roamed restlessly over each other’s bodies. Hawke cupped her breast and bent to capture the sensitive tip in his mouth. Kara arched against him. Acknowledging her need, Hawke slid his hand down across her belly to rest against her mound. Slowly he rubbed his hand back and forth, building the ache within her. She pushed herself into his hand pleading for release. He captured her mouth once more. His tongue echoed the movements of his finger as he slipped into the moist heat of her body.

  Kara clung to him. Sensation swirled through her. Waves of desire shot from her breast to the apex of her thighs. The tingling ache made her wrap her legs around his body, tugging, trying to bring him closer to her.

  She wanted to feel him buried deep within her. She slid her hand over his abdomen and began stroking his shaft.

  “I need you inside me, Hawke,” she whispered against his lips, her hand sliding up and down the hardness of his erection. Opening her eyes, she stared into eyes stormy with desire. “I love you and I want you.”

  • • •

  Hawke groaned, fighting his own need to bury himself deep within her. He continued rubbing her sensitive nub while stroking her inside with his finger.

  Unable to wait any longer, he positioned himself between her thighs, and slowly glided into her. Capturing her lips with his, he entered her fully, then pulled almost all the way out, before repeating the slow movement again. The moist heat and the tightness of her body made it hard for him to go slow.

  Kara was m
oaning softly against his lips, arching against him, urging him to move faster.

  “Open your eyes and look at me, love,” Hawke softly commanded. “I want to see heaven in your beautiful eyes when you fly.”

  She looked at him, eyes dark with desire. Her neck arched and her head dropped back as the tension built higher and higher.

  “Fly with me,” she said, her voice breathy against his lips, “I want you with me.”

  Hawke increased his rhythm and she surged to match him. Their bodies moved as one, their breath mingled. Their eyes locked, lost in a world of swirling passion and heat. Feeling her climax, Hawke buried himself as deeply as he could in Kara’s tight heat and let go. They flew into the shimmering waves of their pulsating release.

  Never had he felt such a shattering release, even more powerful than the first time. Tightening his arms around her he rolled them over so she was on top but he was still buried in her.

  Kara lay with her head upon his broad chest. Arching back, she crossed her forearms across his chest and propped herself up to look at him.

  “Exactly how did you know where to find me?”

  “Consuelo told me. When she said you were going swimming in a cave, I thought the woman daft.” He smiled, stroked her cheek, and then looked around the cavern. “It’s quite fascinating, this private grotto of yours. I would have never found it without direction.” Cocking his brow he grinned at her gasp as he squeezed her lightly on her rear. “Just think of what we would have missed if I hadn’t followed you.”

  “Did you follow me with seduction on your mind?” She tried to roll away, but he held her firm.

  “Nay, lass. Don’t get your hackles up.” Hawke chuckled. “I meant to follow only to protect you, but entering the cave and seeing you lying there like a golden goddess.” Sensual heat flared in his silvery eyes. “I couldn’t resist.” Slipping his hand behind her head he drew her down for a kiss. “I canna resist still.”

  He meant it to be nothing more than a gentle caress and was surprised when Kara deepened the contact.

  Ever one to accommodate a lady, he let her take control.

  • • •

  Knowing he couldn’t resist her anymore than she could him made her feel less vulnerable. His lips touched hers and she knew she would never have enough of him. As they continued kissing, she realized he was not leading, but letting her set the pace. She pulled back, searching his face. He gave her a slow disarming smile and lightly stroked his hands up and down her back.

  “Why did you stop, my love?” The smoky timbre of his voice wrapped around her. “I’m yours to do with as you will.” His eyes glittered with desire. Raising a delicate brow, she sat up fully, only to be reminded that she was straddling his hips and their bodies were still joined.

  “As I will, hmmm.” Her hands traced a leisurely path across his chest and abdomen. Leaning over, she began placing kisses and licking the warm, slightly salty, tasting skin of his chest. Remembering how she had reacted when he had kissed her breasts, she began lightly nibbling his flat male nipple. She was fascinated with the play of his muscles under her fingertips and the sharp intake of his breath as her hands wandered lower, where their bodies were joined. It was her turn to gasp as she felt him grow hard within her once more.

  “I said you could do with me what you would, lass.” He smiled, “I didna say I would not react.”

  He ran his hands up her smoothly muscled thighs and grasped her gently around the waist, and proceeded to show her how to move to give them both pleasure.

  “I never thought I would have reason to thank whoever taught you to ride astride.” Hawke groaned as she rode him. “I also never thought I would be jealous of a horse.”

  His lips captured hers, searing her to her very soul. Kara felt the pressure build again. Increasing the rocking of her hips, she felt Hawke moving beneath her, his hands on her hips steadying her. She threw back her head and arched her back as her body throbbed with release. Deep in her womb she could feel Hawke’s seed pumping into her body. He pulled her to his chest and rolled her beneath him, resting his weight on his arms, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

  The silvery rings in his eyes seemed to glow, and Kara felt like he was looking into her very soul.

  Hawke leaned down, gave her a swift hard kiss on the lips, and slid over to lie beside her. His arm cradled her head as he pulled her tight against him. His hand rested against her belly. He continued to look at her without speaking. A sudden shyness crept over her at his silent gaze. She tried to look away, but his hand came up and tilted her chin up so she would meet his eyes.

  “Kara, love, I was not just speaking in the heat of lust when I said I love you. I meant it.”

  His thumb lightly caressed her lower lip, his eyes searched her face. “Coming to the New Mexico Territory, I neither wanted, nor expected, to find love. Yet here you were. The most fascinating, exasperating, and fiercely independent woman I had ever met, and despite all of your attempts to run me off.” He smiled. “I found myself thinking of nothing but you.” He caressed the side of her face as he continued. “I know you were afraid of what has been happening between us. To tell you the truth, it has frightened me as well.”

  Her brow crinkled in confusion.

  “What frightened me is the thought of you not sharing the same feelings. You own my heart and you can either crush it or cherish it. Kara … I want you to be my wife.”

  He loved her.

  Kara felt her heart swell, and tears sprang to her eyes. She couldn’t believe what he was saying. She had been fighting against her attraction to him for so long. And now, seeing the love radiating from his eyes, she couldn’t remember why she had fought so hard or been so afraid.

  Overwhelmed by all the emotions, she couldn’t speak. She placed her hand over his heart.

  “You say I own your heart, but I will tell you now, that the heart you own is mine.”

  Leaning over she kissed him.

  Breaking the kiss, she rested her forehead against his, trying to regain the breath his kiss had stolen. “I will be your wife, Hawke, but … .”

  He kissed her before she could finish her sentence. He continued kissing her on her lips, her face and her neck, whispering words of love. Kara hugged him to her, kissing him in return, knowing he made her whole. It really wasn’t important where they lived, as long as she could always feel like this in his arms. The intensity of her emotions sparked the fire of desire in her again. She arched into the large warm hand on her breast. Grasping his head in her hands, she looked deep into his eyes.

  “I love you.”

  He rolled over nestling his hips between her thighs, and as he slowly glided into her heated body, he leaned down whispering against her lips.

  “I will always love you.”

  Lost in each other’s embrace, lip-to-lip, breast-to-breast, one heart, one soul they flew together again.

  Chapter 29

  The rapidly cooling air as the sun lowered in the sky, and the whickering of the horses woke them. They rinsed quickly in the chilly waters, knowing if they didn’t return to the ranch soon, Case would send out a search party.

  Hawke was pulling up his pants when the sharp click of a gun being cocked echoed in the cave. Kara was on the other side of the rock outcropping where she had left her clothes. She ducked down frantically looking for her gun, hoping whoever was out there hadn’t seen her. She was dismayed to hear a familiar, menacing voice come out of the darkness.

  “You just come out from there real slow like, Miss Kara.”

  A shiver of fear raced through her. She hoped never to hear that leering voice again. Standing slowly, clutching the towel tightly around her, and using her clothes to shield her from his reptilian stare, Kara stood up and looked into a face that haunted her dreams.

  “Well, now. I seemed to have found me a couple o’ lovebirds.” Black stepped into the light, his eyes shifting back and forth, examining the couple in front of him. “Yep, looks like my luc
k might be changin’. Imagine my surprise finding this place.” A wicked grin split his face when he saw Kara wrapped only in a towel. “And you, all ready for me.” His gaze raked over her. He wiped a dirty hand across his mouth like someone who had just bitten into a juicy piece of meat.

  Kara felt the fear rise like bile in her throat. She tried to move closer to Hawke, inching her way over to him, but Black leveled the gun barrel at Hawke’s chest.

  “Stop right there. It’d be a pure pleasure for me to put a slug in that big bastard after what he did to me, but I’m not ready to kill him … yet.”

  The clenching of his fists and the twitching of the muscles in his jaw were the only outward signs of the fury Hawke was controlling.

  “I should have wrung your neck in the barn.” His growl echoed on the cavern walls. “Don’t think you’ll live this time, Black.”

  “Mighty brave words mister,” Black chortled as he jiggled the gun. “You seem to be forgittin’ who’s holding the gun. Might be I should just shoot you now. That way I don’t have to worry about you while I break the little bitch and ride her hard.” He looked over at Kara licking his lips. “But then you’d miss all the fun havin’ to watch.”

  Black motioned to her with his other hand. “You come over here to me. I promised you a ride you’d never forget.” His eyes narrowed his tongue darted out, like a snake tasting the wind. “Right nice of you to have yourself all naked for me, honey. Now get over here, or I’ll shoot the Englishman — but not in the heart.” The barrel of the gun dipped towards Hawke’s midsection. “Nope, I’ll gut shoot him and he’ll die nice and slow and painful like, but he’ll still able to watch me take what he thinks is his.”

  Still clutching her clothes in front of her, Kara began moving slowly towards Black. She desperately hoped he could not see her fumbling under her clothes to get her hand around the grip of her gun.


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