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Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor

Page 116

by Rue Allyn

• • •

  The next day was filled with activity as Lucas set out to have the property surveyed and Mindy prepared for her visit with the Boone ladies.

  She decided to walk to the general store to buy new gloves, and couldn’t help but notice the townsfolk decorating the streets for the upcoming Independence Day. A large banner was being raised over the dusty main street: July Fourth Celebration!

  “A lot of excitement about the holiday,” she commented to the proprietor.

  “Oh, yes,” said the gray-headed man behind the counter. “We do the Fourth up right. We have a barbeque and a dance, and games, and contests of skill. People come from miles around to join the celebration.” He smiled with obvious pride.

  “I’d love to see it, but I don’t think I’ll be here that long,” Mindy murmured.

  “It’s worth staying for,” he said with a wink.

  • • •

  Boone rose later than usual. He was disgruntled and irritable. Ever since the incident with Mindy and Lucas in the bar, he couldn’t get the two of them out of his head. It was funny how Mindy always made him want to hit something. This time, he was afraid it was Lucas. He finished his morning chores with a scowl.

  Boone had finally heard from the managers of the stage line. He had been encouraged to find a couple of cowboys to join him, and then head off in search of the money and the Byler brothers. He had plans to head into town as soon as he cleaned up after his morning meal.

  At the breakfast table, his mother was impatient. “Gary Boone! Why do you have to wear your boots into the house! I swear, you’ll be the death of me, yet.”

  Boone looked up from his eggs and ham. “What did I do this time?”

  “Those boots are filthy, and every time you wear them in the house you track mud and dirt to kingdom come.”

  Boone leaned back in his chair. “Let me get this straight. You want me to take off my boots before I come in the house?”

  “Well, it wouldn’t hurt you!”

  Boone glanced around. Something about the house seemed different. Everything sparkled and gleamed. His mother always kept a tidy home, but it looked as if she were preparing for a visit with the queen. “You having company today?”

  “I am, and your dirty ways don’t make it any easier.” Mrs. Boone was scurrying around like a beaver. She came to the table and picked up his plate.

  “I wasn’t done with that yet.”

  “Well, now you are.” She scraped the leavings off into a slop bucket and plunked the plate in a dishpan full of soapy water. “Don’t you have something to do? I don’t need you underfoot today.” She seemed nervous for some reason. Boone shook his head. Women!

  “I’m planning to head to town here in a minute. Will that suit you?”

  “That’ll be just fine! Now get up from the table, and get on with yourself. I need to get that cleaned up.” Boone slid from his chair as she began wiping the spot where he’d been eating. “Go on.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Boone shook his head again.

  As he walked toward his bedroom, she called, “And you’ll need to find something to do in town for a while!”

  “Yes, ma’am!”

  Boone washed up and put on a fresh shirt. Once outside, he saddled his horse and climbed up. It was a beautiful day. The blue sky stretched from horizon to horizon and was full of puffy white clouds. If only his attitude was as clear and bright.

  He set off down the road toward town, trying to get a certain girl off his mind.

  • • •

  Becky picked Mindy up at ten forty-five with an excited smile. “Are you ready?”

  “Yep. Just let me get my reticule.” Mindy glanced around the room to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. “Okay, I guess I’m ready,” she said as she pulled on her new gloves. Her luggage had arrived, so she’d been able to don one of her nicest dresses. She wore an afternoon ensemble of a long blue skirt with a slight bustle, and a white blouse with a square neck and ruching.

  “Then let’s head out!”

  The two women climbed into the buckboard and began the short trip to the Boone home. As they neared the homestead, they saw a lone rider approaching at a slow gallop. As he drew closer, the girls saw that it was Boone.

  Mindy nodded, but Becky waved and smiled from ear to ear. Boone stared, openmouthed.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Becky hopped down from the wagon. “Let me take you in and introduce you to … Mrs. Boone … and then I’ll come back and see about the horses.”

  Mindy wore a faint smile. She twiddled her hands.

  Becky smiled. “Are you nervous? Don’t be! We won’t eat you.”

  Mindy ran her eyes over the traditional farmhouse. It was a white one and a half level, with a wide veranda. Several trees competed to cover the house with their leafy, green branches. Mindy sighed. So this was where Boone was raised. It looked like home.

  Mrs. Boone came out onto the front porch, waving. “Halloo!” she called. “Come on in!”

  Mindy glanced at Becky, who smiled again and nodded. “I promise. No biting.”

  As she stepped onto the porch, Mindy immediately felt at peace. Mrs. Boone was warm and welcoming, and greeted her with a familial hug. “I hope you won’t mind,” she said. “It’s just that I’ve been excited to meet you!”

  “Me?” said Mindy.

  “Yes. I’ve heard good things about you, and I have a feeling we’re going to get along famously. Come on in!” She led the way into a comfortable house, and gestured at her surroundings. “It’s not much, but it’s where we live. While you’re here, I insist you make yourself at home.”

  Mindy studied the older woman. She was dressed for company, but in a simple afternoon frock. It was a green on green dress with a large bustle. The sleeves had been rolled back and the front was lightly dusted in flour.

  “I see you’ve found my secret,” Mrs. Boone said, as she followed Mindy’s gaze. “I don’t believe in servants. I do my own cooking and cleaning. As a matter of fact, I’m running a bit late with our meal. Do you cook?”

  “I can find my way about a kitchen.”

  “Good! Then you’ll come help me!” Without another word, Mrs. Boone spun around and headed toward the hub of the house. “We’re having chicken and dumplings — I hope you like them. My broth is calling me; I need to drop in the dumplings. And if you don’t mind, I’ll let you peel tomatoes and pour the glasses.”

  Mindy sighed with relief. Activity! She didn’t know what she would have done if she’d had to sit on a starched sofa making inane conversation!

  Mindy jumped into the work and soon she and Mrs. Boone were chatting like old chums. Becky arrived, carrying fresh flowers from the garden. She gave them a good soak and began arranging them in a vase for the table.

  “Of course, I meant to have all this done before you arrived,” Mrs. Boone said, blowing a stray wisp of gray hair from her forehead. “But the best laid plans … ”

  “I understand,” Mindy said. “My mother is the same way. She tries to make everything perfect for company but ends up forgetting the most important things … Oh! I don’t mean that you … ”

  Mrs. Boone laughed. “You’re exactly right. The house got a good once-over, but here I am asking our company to help in the kitchen!”

  “I love it, actually. These tomatoes look wonderful and the dumplings smell delicious.”

  “Mrs. Boone makes the best dumplings in Marion County,” Becky said with pride.

  The trio made a good team and soon the ladies were seated at the dining table. Mrs. Boone said grace and they began to eat.

  Mindy made yummy noises, and both Becky and her mother grinned. “I told you they were the best dumplings!”

  “The green beans are delicious, too!” Mindy said. “How long have you been here?”

  “Oh, about twenty years now, I suppose. We moved here when Gary was about nine or ten. Becky wasn’t even born then.” Suddenly, Mrs. Boone seemed to realize what she had said and l
ooked up to find Mindy’s curious gaze on her. “Of course. She wouldn’t have been. She’s years younger than Gary. I suppose she would have been … born … later. Don’t you think, Becky?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Certainly. I certainly agree.” Becky coughed. “Would you care for more tea, Mindy?”

  Mindy’s gaze traveled from one woman to the other. Something had made the two strangely uncomfortable all of a sudden. She placed her hands in her lap while they struggled with words.

  “I think Becky was born … near here. Weren’t you, Becky?” Mrs. Boone was saying.

  “Yes. Quite close. Yes.” Becky coughed again, a choking sound, and then said, “Mindy, won’t you have more dumplings?”

  Mindy’s eyebrows arched, but she said nothing.

  The meal passed without further disruptions and afterwards, the ladies adjourned to the living room.

  “Tell us more about you, Mindy,” Becky said. “All we know so far is that you were on the same stage as Gary when it had the wheel accident that left you all stranded. He came in with a head wound but had little to say about what happened or the people with him. You know how men are.”

  “Well, there’s not much to tell. I’m from a small town in Mississippi. I live with my mother and three brothers. I have three sisters who are married and I have three adorable nieces and nephews.”

  Mrs. Boone smiled at Becky and then said to Mindy, “I’ll bet you’re good with children. You have a very pleasant way about you.”

  “Oh! I love children. I’ve always wished for my own, but things have never quite worked out in that regard. I’ve never found a man that was suitable … or that found me suitable.” Mindy laughed. “I’m getting used to my ‘old maid’ status now.”

  “But you’re still a young thing! If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?”

  “Twenty-three. Long on the shelf, I’m afraid.”

  “Not at all! As a matter of fact, I think I know someone who may be interested.” Mrs. Boone met Mindy’s gaze. “Someone close to you.”

  “Yes. Lucas seems to be a fine man. We’ve spent quite a bit of time in each other’s company. I like him very much.”

  “Lucas?” Becky and Mrs. Boone said together. “Who’s Lucas?”

  “The man who … ” Mindy paused. “But then, who were you talking about?”

  Mrs. Boone looked at Becky and then straightened her shoulders. “Mindy, there’s something you should know. Becky and Gary are not married.”

  Mindy gasped. She’d heard of these things before, but had never thought to run across it!

  “No, no!” Becky said. “I’m married, but not to Gary. He’s my brother.”

  Mindy glanced from one woman to another. Her red face flushed even more. She felt like the biggest sort of fool. “You mean … ? I’m not sure I understand.”

  Mrs. Boone looked at Mindy with gentle eyes. She stretched out a hand. “I don’t know why Gary would tell you such a thing. But there’s something else you should know. As his mother, I feel I know my boy very well, and I think — ”

  Mindy stood up. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’d like to go now.”

  Mrs. Boone stood. “But, Mindy, please let me finish.”

  “I think I’ve heard enough. Perhaps I do understand … Boone is not married to Becky. The child I saw with him is not his own. He lied to me.”

  “But don’t you understand there has to be some reason? Boone — Gary — is not a liar by nature.”

  “I think I understand that, too.” Mindy said. “He didn’t want to tell me that he wasn’t … ” She looked at Becky. “I’m sorry. I’m feeling ill. Could you take me home?”

  “Of course.” Becky stood up and headed for the door. “It’ll only take me a moment to prepare the wagon.”

  Mrs. Boone started to speak, but Mindy cut her off. “I think I’ll wait outside if that’s all right. Thank you for a pleasant lunch.” Mindy held out her hand in a formal fashion.

  Mrs. Boone sighed. “Mindy, this is not at all how I had hoped today’s luncheon would go.”

  Mindy continued to stand with her hand out and Mrs. Boone accepted it. “Thank you for joining us, Mindy. I hope to see you again soon, perhaps under better circumstances.”

  Mindy turned and headed for the front porch. The air there felt stale and hot. She fanned herself with one hand, feeling a bit nauseated. As she waited for Becky and the wagon, she saw a rider approaching and could tell by the way he sat the horse that it could be no one else but her Tormentor.

  Boone stopped the animal in front of the house, slowly dismounted, and took off his hat. “Mindy.”

  Mindy nodded, but said nothing. She stared past his head into the distance, willing Becky to hurry, with her hands clasped tightly in front of her.

  Boone stepped up onto the porch. He held his hat in his hands, circling it. “I came to talk to you.”

  “I have nothing to say to you, Gary Boone.”

  “But Mindy, I didn’t mean for things to get so … ”

  “Well, they did, didn’t they?”

  Becky arrived then, tearing around the house with the wagon.

  “If you’ll excuse me?” Mindy marched down the stairs, lifting her blue skirt as she went. She climbed into the buggy, saying only, “Please take me home.”

  Becky looked back at Boone with daggers in her eyes. He shrugged and then threw his hat to the ground.

  Mindy maintained her dignity until she arrived back in her hotel room. There, she finally broke down, throwing herself on the bed and weeping until she had no tears left to cry.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  When Boone stepped into the house, his mother was waiting. “See what you’ve done!”

  “What I’ve done? She was fine until she came to lunch with you two!”

  “Gary Boone, you will not raise your voice in this house, and you certainly will not raise your voice to me. That girl will go home and cry her eyes out because you lied to her, not because we revealed it.”

  Boone’s shoulders slumped. “Well, what am I supposed to do? She’s being courted by a rich dandy who can offer her anything she wants. What can I give her?”

  “See there. I knew it! You care for her.”

  Boone slapped his hat against his leg. “Heck yeah, I care for her!”

  “What do you intend to do about it?”

  Boone looked up into his mother’s gaze. “Do you think she’d listen to me if I tried to explain?”

  “Probably not. But it sure wouldn’t hurt to try. I like that little girl, Gary. Now, you go get her.”

  Boone’s eyes turned hard. He set his hat back on his head with a determined shove. “Yes, ma’am!”

  • • •

  Mindy had dozed off. She awoke to a loud banging on her door. “What is it? Who’s there?” she called. She wiped her eyes and realized how puffy they were. She was so tired of crying!

  “It’s me, Mindy! Open the door!” It was Boone’s voice.

  “What do you want?” She hollered, tossing her leather journal at the wooden door. “Can’t find any children or animals to torture? You decided to come and torment me?”

  “No! Mindy, I’m not trying to torment you.” There was a dull thump on the door, as if he were leaning his head against it. “I don’t rightly know what I’m trying to do. But I need to talk to you.”

  “Well, talk!”

  “Through the door?”

  “If you’ve got something to say, say it. I’d just as soon not look at your face!”

  “All right then.” There was a long pause.

  “Well? Do you have something to say, or don’t you?”

  Boone exhaled. “Min, are you happy with Lucas?”

  “What?” Did she hear correctly?

  “Does he treat you right? Are you happy?”

  Mindy thought his voice sounded muffled. She rose from the bed and walked nearer to the door. “Yes, he’s good to me. Why?” A small sparkle started in her heart.

p; “No reason, I guess. I just wanted to be sure.”

  Mindy jumped as a fist hit the door halfheartedly.

  “I want to know if he ever treats you bad. You deserve a good man, Min.”

  When she opened the door, Boone almost fell in. He looked pitiful and she knew for a fact she didn’t look any better.

  “Oh. Hi there, Min.” Boone took his hat in both hands and started circling it. “I’m sorry to barge over here like this, but I was worried about you. You know, after the way you left the house.”

  “You were worried about me?”

  “Of course I was. I could see you were all upset.” Boone rubbed his head. “I wanted to say that I’m sorry. That I lied to you. At first it was just to shut you up … you being a pain and all on the trail. You understand. But then I ended up with my britches hitched on my own pitchfork. I didn’t know how to fix things without looking like a fool.”

  Mindy crossed her arms and cut her eyes at him.

  “Like now, I reckon.” Boone shook his head. “I ain’t never talked to a real lady, Min. I don’t know the flowery things to say or the right words to use. I’m not like Lucas, all spit-shined and polished.”

  “Why on earth would you want to be like Lucas?” Mindy asked. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Boone was trying to tell her he was jealous. Imagine! Two men. She struggled to keep a smile from her face.

  “Never mind. The thing is … I care for you, Mindy. I’ve never cared for another woman the way I care for you. I’d like a chance to show you.”

  Mindy almost swooned. She stood for a moment with her mouth open. “But … Boone, I thought … ”

  “I told you I’m not too good with talking, Mindy.” Boone stepped forward and placed one hand on either side of her waist. He pulled her toward him, and before she knew what to expect, she was lost in his kiss. A long, dreamy, searching, foolish kiss. When he set her back, she stood dumbly. She couldn’t speak or think. Her eyes had glazed.

  Boone started to grin. “I guess Lucas doesn’t kiss you like that, does he?”

  Mindy drew back, realizing how forlorn she must have looked, now that the kiss had ended. She spat, “It’s none of your business what Lucas does or does not do!”


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