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Fatal Strike

Page 29

by DiAnn Mills

  “Thank you.” His voice shook. Maybe he was second-guessing his actions.

  She needed him to trust her. “I’m ready to hear your explanation.”

  “Not yet. Put Isabella in the car seat.” He kept his distance.

  No one was in sight to even question the crime taking place. Once the baby was secure, he pressed the barrel of the gun against her back.

  She sighed. Was he reading her mind or had she left all logic at the office with Benson’s suicide? “Let’s talk about what’s bothering you and get this straightened out.”

  “Open the driver’s door and scoot over to the other side. Don’t try a thing, or I’ll use the gun.”

  She obeyed and crawled over the console. As soon as her feet hit the floorboard on the passenger side, he was seated and locked the doors. No way to kick him with the console . . .

  “Don’t forget the seat belt,” he said.

  “Sir, your actions will have serious consequences.”

  His brown eyes bored hard into her face. “I’m a desperate man.”

  This must be a domestic or custody dispute. The baby no longer cried, a blessing since April questioned what kind of insanity she’d met for the second time today. Images of the early morning death slammed into her brain. In truth, the memory would never leave her.

  “Do you live alone?” her abductor said.



  She gave him one.

  He typed into his phone. “That belongs to the FBI.” He pulled the Beretta from his jacket and aimed it at her. “This is a life-and-death matter. I hate pulling you into my circumstances. But I have no choice when my daughter is threatened.”

  Definitely a troubled man. She’d gain the upper hand at her home. With that reassurance, she gave him the correct address.

  “We’ll talk there.” He typed into his phone and placed the truck in reverse.

  While Jason drove to Agent Ramos’s home through heavy traffic, he worried the cops were on his tail. Emotion for what he’d experienced over the last several hours threatened to break loose. He’d shed nearly as many tears as when Lily died. Now Russell . . . And he’d almost lost his baby girl. Jason stared at Isabella through the rearview mirror. “Daddy is so sorry for what you went through.” She’d been the victim of his worst nightmare: an abduction.

  “Are you ready to talk?” the agent said.

  “Not yet.” The tiny woman beside him probably had hand-to-hand combat skills beyond his imagination. He’d done his best to avoid a flying fist or foot. At least he had her purse, most likely containing a cell phone and a weapon. A huge risk. But her influence in law enforcement could right a terrible wrong. Several of them. “I’m thinking through how to present my story.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’m Jason, and you’ve met my daughter, Isabella.”

  April nodded. “I’m glad I was there. Would you like for me to call Isabella’s mother and let her know her daughter’s safe?”

  “Isabella’s mother died a year ago, giving birth to our daughter.” He’d disappointed Lily too. She’d kissed Isabella at two hours old, just before saying good-bye to them forever. What had he just done? “Nabbing a federal agent was an impulsive decision. Not my normal way of handling a problem.”

  “I won’t deny you’re in a lot of trouble. Let’s talk this out.”

  He swallowed hard. “No amount of talk can fix the tragedy affecting my life.”

  “Then I need to hear what you have to say.”

  After two more turns, he pulled into a driveway in front of a cottage-style home. A risky plan formed, one of justice and a way to solve a murder.


  DIANN MILLS is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She combines unforgettable characters with unpredictable plots to create action-packed romantic suspense novels.

  Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne du Maurier, Inspirational Reader’s Choice, and Carol Award contests. Firewall, the first book in her Houston: FBI series, was listed by Library Journal as one of the best Christian fiction books of 2014.

  DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. She is codirector of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, where she continues her passion of helping other writers be successful. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country.

  DiAnn has been termed a coffee snob and roasts her own coffee beans. She’s an avid reader, loves to cook, and believes her grandchildren are the smartest kids in the universe. She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas.

  DiAnn is very active online and would love to connect with readers through her website at or on Facebook (, Twitter (@DiAnnMills), Pinterest (, and Goodreads (


  When Agents Jon Colbert and Leah Riesel are asked to team up in a high-pressure situation, Leah wonders how well their partnership will work. What preconceptions does she have about him? What does he know about her? When you meet someone new, what might color your impression of that person? What can you do to overcome negative preconceptions?

  As an FBI sniper, Leah often finds herself in deadly situations: taking the lives of other people before they can do more harm. What makes her pause before she pulls the trigger? Is this approach to law enforcement the best, even only, option at times? Why or why not?

  Silvia Ortega remains adamant that her son, Dylan, is not responsible for the recent murders in Galveston. Which side did you land on at the beginning of Fatal Strike: Dylan’s guilt or innocence? What factors do you consider when you hear an eyewitness account like Edgar Whitson’s? How much weight do you give possible motives and past behavior?

  Father Gabriel tells Jon and Leah that he believes in “second, third, and as many chances as it takes to help a person find the way to righteousness.” Is he being too naive, as Jon fears? Where do you fall on the spectrum between the priest’s and the FBI agents’ approaches to handling crime? When is it appropriate to show mercy and grace and when should justice be meted out?

  Why is Jon reluctant to share certain details of his past with his colleagues at the FBI? How is he coping with the deaths of his friends? What counsel would you give someone dealing with survivor’s guilt?

  Like Jon, Leah is carrying a heavy burden from her past and has cut off communication with her family and, recently, even one of her good friends. What led to Leah’s decision to sever these ties? What might cause a person to dissociate from their family? What prompts Leah to reach out? What advice or support could you give to help bring about reconciliation (if appropriate)?

  Police Chief Zachary Everson has a major stake in solving the recent Galveston murders, but Jon fears some of his methods may be problematic. Which of Everson’s actions seem to be motivated by revenge or anger and not a search for truth? How do you respond when you’ve been hurt or wronged?

  Silvia tries to justify her quest to aid Dylan as just part of what mothers do for their children. But what do the physical clues reveal about how she might really feel? How does the body’s response indicate truth, even when we try to deny it?

  Leah’s fear of snakes reaches a tipping point when one is delivered to her apartment. What are you afraid of? Describe a time when you’ve faced your fear head-on.

  Several people in Fatal Strike withhold critical information from the FBI, but two who stand out are Rachel Mendez and Ross Kempler. Why do you think they were reluctant to share certain details about Dylan and the judge with Jon and Leah?







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