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Mastering Her Fear (Miami Masters Book 3)

Page 17

by BJ Wane

  “You’re not worried about being gone overnight and leaving the new students here alone?” He’d spent some time with them when he first returned, and Julie liked the way the three of them went straight to work, asking numerous questions as they interacted with the dogs and livestock. At least none of them gave off bad vibes the way Matt had.

  “No. The county sheriff will make regular patrols and Joe Glassman, the vet in Piedmont, offered to come out if they need anything. They have his number.” Jackson buttoned up the coat, his knuckles brushing her nipples on his way up. “I don’t think you mind the corset as much as you want me to think you do.”

  His wicked grin and the banked heat in his gaze made Julie tighten her legs to contain her quick, damp response. He hadn’t brought up her confession once, but as he picked up the small bag she knew held his toys and led her to the stairs, she had a feeling he would address the subject tonight. It was the how he planned to discuss it with her that kept her on pins and needles all the way to the Gold Star Marina.


  J ackson parked and turned in the seat to face Julie after ensuring no one was moving about on the long pier. “You’re still having bad dreams, still waking afraid of the dark. I want to work more on that tonight.”

  That wasn’t what Julie had expected him to discuss tonight and she couldn’t help but worry about his silence concerning her revelation last night. Then he pulled the black silk blindfold from his bag and other things took precedent in her mind. “You want to start now, before we’re even aboard the yacht? What if someone sees us?” It was her turn to scan the dock for any late-night visitors. “I admit I’ve discovered a certain excitement that goes along with exhibitionism, but I don’t want to be facing a cop in fifteen minutes.”

  The parking lot was lit just enough for her to make out the way his lips quirked up at the corners in amusement over her legitimate worries. She’d always loved that teasing, indulgent smile, but not tonight.

  “Relax, Julie. You should trust me enough not to put either of us in that position. Very few of the owners come out here this late, and those who like to take their boat out for a nighttime cruise are either still out or have already returned.” Jackson leaned forward and covered her wide eyes with the swath of black silk. “Wait there while I come around to get you.”

  Julie heard the door open and close and fought back the instant panic that tightened her throat. Before she could succumb to the urge to rip away the darkness, Jackson was there, his deep voice soothing as he clasped her elbow and assisted her out of the truck.

  “Deep breath, baby. You’re fine.” He set a slow pace as he guided her along the wood-planked pier toward the yacht. “Tell me what you smell.”

  Anticipating the cloying scent of blood, she relaxed against him when her nostrils filled with the briny tang breezing in off the ocean. “Salt air, and fish.” She wrinkled her nose and his low chuckle vibrated above her head right before his hands went to her waist and she found her feet swung off the ground for a split second before he set her down again. The slow rocking now under her revealed they’d reached the yacht.

  “Good. What do you hear?”

  Her heels clicked on the teak wood decking and the large vessel creaked as it bobbed in the water. Faint strains of music grew louder as Jackson led her toward the playroom. Concentrating on catching enough words to identify the song kept Julie from fretting over whether tortured screams would slip uninvited into her head.

  Julie repeated the female vocalist’s words then stated, “I don’t recognize the song.” But she did recognize the sentiment behind the lyrics.

  Jackson squeezed her elbow. “S & M by Rihanna.”

  She heard the door open and the sounds emanating from inside the room became much clearer, including the background music. The words became clearer; the singer urging her partner to give her what she was yearning for in a sultry voice.

  Julie’s body responded to the suggestive lyrics with a jolt and damp rush. Stumbling to a stop, she cocked her head and listened for a moment longer, wondering if he’d timed that song for their arrival. She didn’t get a chance to ask before she heard Zach’s distinctive voice call out, “It’s about time. I’ll get us underway. We’re not going out far, ten minutes or so.”

  The door clicked shut again, and the motor purred to life seconds later. As the mega yacht made the smooth transition from idle bobbing to steady, easy gliding, Jackson’s hands went to the buttons on her cover. “You won’t need this anymore.”

  The low voices resonating around the room were a sure, telltale sign of how many people were on board this time, and sent adrenaline surging in a heated flow through her veins as he removed the light jacket. Cool air wafted over her up-thrust breasts and pointed nipples and awareness of her audience increased Julie’s heartbeat. The introduction to public nudity Jackson gave her on their last trip out on the yacht hadn’t prepared her enough for the full, titillating impact of parading in front of both strangers and people she’d met with her breasts and buttocks bared to their eyes. For the first time, she found herself grateful to be in the dark, this time to hide from her own reactions.

  “Very nice, Jackson.”

  She recognized Sean’s voice coming from right in front of them and struggled to stand still as she pictured his grey eyes on her protruding nipples. “Thank you. I thought it suited her.” Using one calloused finger, Jackson brushed a stroke over each turgid tip, the light touch ratcheting up her body temperature.

  “Julie, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Now if you’ll excuse me, Cathy here has needs I have to see to.”

  “Kick off your shoes,” Jackson instructed. “You’ll be more comfortable barefoot.”

  “I didn’t think my comfort was high on your priority list,” she returned in a dry tone as she toed the heels off and sank her feet into the plush carpeting.

  “Your wellbeing is my top priority and to that end, let’s walk around so you have something else to occupy your mind instead of that one night.” His cool tone evoked more of those delicious shivers of awareness.

  WITH ONE EYE trained on Julie’s face, Jackson led her over to the sofa where Miles had his guest sprawled bottom-up across his lap. The first swat connected with the woman’s wiggling buttocks with a loud smack, followed swiftly by her startled cry. Julie jerked then relaxed against him when he explained, “Miles looks as if he has his hands full with a delightful ass begging for punishment.”

  She winced with the next few spanks, but he’d made it impossible for her to hide her body’s reaction. Those rose-colored nipples puckered even tighter as she pressed next to him.

  “Nothing I like more.” Miles delivered a hard blow to one thigh then was forced to pin her flailing legs in place with his leg. “There. Much better.”

  “Have fun.” Clasping Julie’s hand, Jackson walked over to the poles where the Carlsons were binding a short, curvy blonde. Trevor looked Julie over with an appreciative eye and one raised eyebrow. Jackson nodded, confirming the plans they’d made earlier by saying, “If you’re interested, meet me at the spanking bench in a few.”

  “What was that about?” Julie didn’t flinch this time when the woman behind them cried out from the slash of Troy’s belt kissing her flesh, which Jackson took as a good sign.

  “An exercise in trust I have planned.” When they reached the trio of folded down spanking benches, he turned to Dax, who was securing Krista on the elbow and knee pads positioned on each side of the fuck bench. “That’s always a nice sight.” With her body resting on the narrow, center pad and her chin propped in the face restraint, Krista lay propped up, open and ready for her Master’s use.

  “I’ve always thought so.” Standing behind her, the doctor’s vivid green gaze rested on his sub’s glistening, welcoming slit. “Sometimes I question whether I should’ve specialized in gynecology.”

  Julie’s face reddened in one of her rare blushes, and with a laugh, Jackson lifted her and sat her on the padded spanki
ng bench next to Krista’s. “Give me a color, Julie,” he ordered as he lowered the zipper on the front of the corset.

  “Green… Sir,” she hastily tacked on.

  “Good catch, although I wouldn’t have minded adding to your punishment scene.” Pulling the corset off, he dropped it on the floor then tugged at the thong for her to lift. He pulled it down her legs, keeping his tone casual when he spoke. “I’m not happy you waited so long to tell me about the afternoon scene between your friends and this Evan Daniels.” She stiffened and bit her lower lip, but remained quiet as he nudged her shoulders then helped her lie back. Leaning over her, he whispered above her trembling mouth, “And I’m really not happy you assumed the worst, that I would condemn you with harsh criticism for an error in judgment.”


  “Quiet. You may speak only to say a safeword or answer a question.” Jackson palmed her inner thighs and pushed them apart before drawing a strap over each one to hold them in place. “Now,” he said as he reached up to secure her right wrist down at her side, “given the way I severed our relationship six years ago, I’ll give you a small amount of credit for being worried about my reaction when you first arrived.” He bound her left wrist before leaning over her again and whispering in her ear, “However, after I welcomed you to stay then proved I wanted to help you overcome your nightmares, you should’ve trusted I wouldn’t turn away from you again, especially for an error in judgment you’ve spent the last two years suffering from.”

  “Jackson… Ow!” Julie’s midnight-black brows dipped in a frown and he knew if he removed the blindfold, those purple eyes would shoot daggers at him for the painful pussy-slap he just delivered.

  “That’s just the start.” Palming her soft, now damp flesh, he smiled at the telltale proof that belied her peevish tone. Jackson retrieved a few objects from his bag on the floor and laid the narrow bamboo spanker on the bench. “Do you trust me now, Julie?”

  She nodded with quick decisiveness that pleased him. “Yes, and I’m sorry I didn’t before.”

  “Just remember that. This is a butt plug with a special feature. Take a deep breath.” He pushed the narrow, lubed end of the anal toy past her tight rim, then, with inexorable slowness, buried the plug inside her with a plop when the wider end disappeared into her dark channel. She shifted her hips in agitation of the foreign object and he soothed her with slow caresses up and down her quivering thighs. “Better?” he asked a few seconds later when she settled.

  “Yes. It’s… much bigger than your fingers.”

  “And my cock is much bigger than it, so it’s just a stepping stone to get us to where I want to go, but not tonight.” Jackson nodded at Trevor, drawing him away from the guest he and Troy were sharing tonight with the prearranged signal.

  “Your girl presents a delectable feast, Jackson. Thank you for inviting me to take a taste.”

  JULIE’S entire body stiffened at Trevor’s comment, but neither man gave her time to absorb what they meant before a sharp pain exploded over her left nipple, followed swiftly by a soothing tongue-stroke. She gasped at the instant pleasure-pain and heat it induced, and wasted no time accepting Trevor’s participation when the flexible wood instrument she assumed Jackson was wielding landed with a smack on her right nub.

  “Such pretty breasts.”

  Trevor’s comment was followed by another tongue-caress over the tortured bud, the damp brush working to ease the pain but heightening the throbbing that, like usual, sped in a straight arrow between her legs. She now found the pressure of the plug both comfortable and stimulating as each small move of her butt shifted the object against the sensitive tissues of her untried orifice.

  “And very responsive, as you can see,” Jackson commented right before he swatted the fleshy underside of one mound.

  “I love watching a woman get off on the pain.” Trevor’s mouth skimmed the newest ache before his lips whisked over hers in a brief kiss.

  Jackson’s sigh didn’t bode well toward attaining that goal, and neither did his next words. “Not yet. She doesn’t deserve an orgasm until I say so.”

  It hurt to know she’d caused the disappointment lacing his voice and Julie braced herself to accept the consequences of not trusting him sooner. That proved to be difficult to do as the two of them worked her body between her breasts and thighs with painful taps of the spanker followed by the arousing attention of Trevor’s mouth and tongue. Soon, the music, voices and cries of both pleasure and pain that echoed around the room fell to the wayside and all she could hear was the two men’s low voices instructing her to hold back. Behind the darkness of the blindfold, minute pops of color would brighten for a split second before being snuffed out with each orgasm denial. Fingers, she didn’t know whose, continued brushing over her nipples and teasing her seam, keeping her arousal fresh, yet unattainable.

  Just when she thought the torture was over, when they’d covered her body with small areas of pulsing heat she could feel in her sheath, her diabolical tormenters upped the ante. Vibrating contractions began in her rectum, soft pulsations along nerve endings never before stimulated that worked up her arousal to a feverish pitch. A soft moan followed by a strangled curse burst from her compressed lips with the blistering swat Jackson landed right between her gaping labia, setting fire to the swollen bundle of neglected nerves aching for direct contact.


  Both men chuckled at her expletive and frustration, showing her no mercy when Trevor announced, “Don’t fret, sweetie. I’ll make it all better.”

  If Julie hadn’t been tied down, she would’ve come flying off the bench at the first touch of his mouth on her aching clit. Trevor licked and sucked on the delicate piece of flesh until tremors heralding her climax rippled up and down her core and she ached to press closer to his mouth. “Please,” she begged with unashamed need.

  “Not yet.” Jackson’s mouth swallowed her protest, his tongue mimicking Trevor’s tongue swipes between her legs.

  Julie whimpered as she tried to hold back then groaned when Trevor suckled her clit with strong pulls. His mouth proved to be her downfall and the small contractions in her pussy burst into convulsive spasms of pleasure that consumed her from head to toe. Her climax abated too fast, replaced with a surge of remorse and disappointment. Unable to hold back the startling tears, she sobbed as soon as Jackson released her mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, so sorry.”

  JACKSON PULLED the blindfold off and nodded at Trevor, who returned to her pussy to give her what she deserved. “Now, don’t you feel better? Your friends, I’m sure, don’t blame you for what happened—or for surviving—any more than I do, baby.” Bending to her breasts, he sucked on first one reddened nipple then the other as her soft cries from another climax resounded above his head and her body quivered beneath him.

  Trevor slid his hands under her buttocks and squeezed the soft, malleable flesh while he continued to draw on her engorged clit. Jackson blindly reached up and brushed Julie’s tears off her cheeks as he drew on her nipples, pulling up then releasing with a plop and watching the mounds bounce. He used tongue and teeth next to keep the arousal simmering even after her exalted cries dwindled to little mewls and her sweat-slickened body calmed.

  After thanking his friend in a quiet undertone, he took Trevor’s place between Julie’s spread legs and removed the butt plug while taking in the swollen redness of her protruding clit and slick vaginal muscles. “You’re fucking beautiful, Julie.” He looked up her heaving body to the damp sheen lingering in her wide eyes. Injecting a light, teasing note to his voice, he asked, “Now, that wasn’t so difficult, was it?”

  His pleasure in her increased when she huffed out a laugh and shook her head. “The heck it wasn’t.”

  “Well, feel free to talk, yell or curse now.” Sheathing his cock, he released her thighs, cupped her buttocks and lifted her pelvis to meet his downward plunge. “Wrap around me and hold on. This is going to be rough and fast.”

ust how I like it.” Julie locked her heels around his back, clenched her bound hands and endured his pummeling strokes with growing relish. He understood. That revelation was such a heady relief she wondered why she’d taken so long to express herself. For the last two years, she’d lived with believing saying ‘I’m sorry’ could never be enough, but for now, it sufficed to open her mind, and her heart, to doing what she had to do in order to put closure on that awful day.

  “Again, Julie. I want to feel you soaking my dick just like you filled Trevor’s mouth with your cream. Come for me.”

  His voice alone could lighten the darkness, but when he added his touch to it, her fears floated away on the heels of pure sensation. Spoken in a raspy, guttural tone, Jackson’s words and jackhammer thrusts that jarred her body spiraled Julie toward another mind-numbing climax. He didn’t let up on his crude fucking or on keeping his eyes filled with approval and love leveled on hers. “Yes!” she cried out, riding the waves of pleasure so intense they left her stranded in a state of fogged numbness by the time he pulled out of her still spasming body and released her hands.

  She fell against his heaving chest when he helped her up, and together they held on, catching their breath as Jackson continued to do what he did best, be there for her.


  Julie paced outside the room Evan Daniels was being ushered into. She didn’t know what worried her more, this meeting she’d at last agreed to or her phone’s silence since she left Florida earlier that morning. The decision to do this alone, without telling Jackson, preyed on her conscience, even though she still felt it was something she could now handle without leaning on him. Booking a flight out then leaving after he’d left for his mid-week calls might have put a dent in the huge step forward their relationship had taken last weekend, but she vowed to do whatever she had to to repair any damage.


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