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Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters

Page 16

by Gauthier, Crystal L.

  I’d only had two dates with the man for God’s sake!

  I should not be feeling this sad that he had to leave.

  “I’ve got to get home and throw a few things in a bag.” He explained, his eyes scanning my face almost as if he were memorizing it.

  I stood up, plastering the very best I completely understand and it’s like totally not a problem at all smile on my face.

  I have Valley Girl tendencies when I get nervous. Sue me.

  “Sure. I’ll get your clothes,” I replied, and took off down the hall, biting my lip to keep my eyes from tearing up.

  He was standing and stretching when I walked back into the room.

  It stopped me dead in my tracks.

  His muscles flexed and rippled as if they had a life of their own and I swallowed…hard.

  I pushed myself and walked up to him, holding out his clothing.

  “ Here you go, Sport.” I said. I am totally chill. I am totally chill, dangit!

  That damned eyebrow of his quirked up as he gazed down at me and took the clothes from my hands.

  “Thank you, Sweetheart.”

  Every damn bit of resolve I had flew right out the frigging window.

  The way that he called me Sweetheart in such a smooth, gentle tone was my un-doing.

  I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him for all I was worth.

  I needed him to know I was going to miss him. That I liked him, and if he went off to Canada and met an Eskimo, or whatever was up there, at least he knew I cared.

  I was aware of him dropping his clothes to the floor as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close and returning my embrace.

  Kiss for glorious kiss.

  “Baby,” he pulled back with a groan, and my self-control teetered even closer into no-man’s land. “I’ve got to go. It’ll only be three days…four…tops.”

  I nodded and stepped back out of his embrace, albeit on very shaky legs and instantly felt the loss.

  He hesitated, and I had to close my eyes when he bent to pick up his clothes or he wasn’t gonna make it out the door.

  Seriously. He wasn’t leaving if I peeked.

  And thank God, he headed off towards the bathroom, albeit with a rather stiffer walk than his normal rolling gait, but if he’d offered to change right there…

  At least I wasn’t the only one affected.

  It was not a bad feeling at all to know I could do that to him.

  “I’ll call whe n I get to the hotel,” he whispered against my neck as he held me firmly in his embrace.

  We were standing in the doorway of my apartment, and I was finding it extremely hard to let him go.

  I looked up into his face and nodded.

  Two dates – I reminded myself. It had only been two dates!

  This man could and most likely would meet some gorgeous model-type and be gone in an instant anyway.

  “Have a safe flight,” I said, my voice shaky and barely audible.

  He pressed his lips to mine, and I felt that instant warmth spread throughout my body like liquid fire. He leaned back and cupped my face in his hands, his gaze holding mine.

  “I’ll call you,” he promised with another kiss before he turned and walked off.

  I watched him glide down the hall and step into the elevator before slowly closing the door and turning back to my empty apartment.

  I just wanted to crawl into bed.

  I caught sight of an envelope sitting on my end table as I walked down the hall.

  My mouth dropped open as the black American Express card fell out and onto the floor as I read Jack’s note.


  Don’t forget to go shopping for a gown this week. Please feel free to get whatever you’d like. On me. Looking forward to it.


  Just when in the hell had he done that?

  I couldn’t use his money!

  What did he think? I was some charity case?

  I picked the card up from the floor and turned it slowly around in my hand.

  Maybe he felt that since he’d asked me on such short notice that this was the least he could do.

  I was just so damned confused.

  I tapped the credit card against my lips as I paced the room, wondering what to do. I saw my cell phone sitting on the table and snatched it up, punching in Felix’s number.

  “Well?” she answered, her voice practically shaking with excitement.

  I took a long, deep breath.

  “Felix, I like him,” I said seriously, and suddenly felt like one giant ass.

  “Yes!” She screamed, and I felt a small smile begin to crack my features.


  “No!” She interrupted me, her voice stern. “I do not want to hear any buts !”

  I chewed at my bottom lip, trying to figure out how I could say it. “Okay,” I finally hedged, “Although…”

  “Lacy,” she warned, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. She just made me feel so darn good.

  “All right. I had an amazing time. We sucked face, came back here and drank wine and watched a movie and…it was beyond anything I have ever experienced in my entire life. Ever !” I said in a rush.

  “Now that is what I wanted to hear!”

  “Can I give you the but now?” I asked and heard her groan.

  “Go ahead.”

  “He asked me to this Midnight Ball thing next Saturday and…”

  “Oh, my God !” she shrieked into the phone and I had to pull it away from me in order to save my eardrum. “That is the hardest event to get into! It’s very exclusive. And by that, I mean it’s impossible to get an invite unless you are somebody. Holy hot shit! The black and white Midnight Ball! Damn, girl!”

  I tried to swallow back the huge lump forming in my throat with her words, but it just wasn’t working.


  If this was such a huge event, I would never find a gown in time - at least not one that would be good enough. The women out here probably had their own personal designers etching and sketching for the past year for this event!

  Ah, hell.

  “Felix, I need a gown,” I moaned miserably, suddenly feeling dejected. “And…”

  “And what?” she asked, and I could just picture that cynical eyebrow of hers quirking up.

  “And…he left me his black card with a note telling me to get whatever I needed…and I don’t know how I feel about that. I mean, I don’t want him buying me stuff!”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know, you just want his body. Is that it?” She chortled.

  “Felix! I’m being serious!”

  “Sugar, I know. But, listen to me. The man has more money than he probably knows what to do with, and he most likely just wants to do this for you. Just take it for what it’s worth and stop analyzing every little thing. Okay, now on to the important matters at hand. Shopping tomorrow after work? Or are you seeing Mr. Gorgeous?”

  “No, he had to fly to Canada to do some re-shoots,” I sighed, not wanting to think about it.

  “Great! So, we have time.” She was quiet, and I could swear I heard her wheels spinning. “Lance and I will pick you up after work,” she finally continued. “Gotta fly. We’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”

  With that, the little witch hung up on me!

  I shook my head and headed to my bedroom, thinking that maybe a good night’s sleep might be just the thing I needed.

  I was dreamin g about those damn bells again!

  I rolled over and looked at the clock, it was only a little past eleven.

  I realized it was my cell ringing and made myself a mental note to change the ring tone first thing in the morning as I grabbed it from my nightstand.

  “Hello?” My voice was thick and husky with sleep.

  “Hey, beautiful. Did I wake you?” Jack’s voice drifted into my consciousness and my lips turned upward.

  “No…it’s all right,” I mumbled. “You can’t be there already?”

  “No, darlin’. We
’re stuck on the tarmac waiting for clearance. I guess there were storms earlier, and things are a little backed up. We should be leaving soon.”

  I rolled over onto my stomach and buried my face into my pillow.



  Wow…just wow !

  “Mm,” I sighed sleepily.

  “I just wanted to hear your voice,” he admitted quietly, and damn if that didn’t wake me up in a flash.

  I turned back over and sat up, forcing myself not to giggle like a deranged mental patient. My smile faded a bit as I reached over to turn on my bedside lamp and spotted that damn black card lying there.

  “Jack?” I hedged, not quite sure how to approach the subject of how I was feeling.


  “Um…about that credit card…” I took a deep breath, trying my best to get a grip on my racing heart. “It’s not necessary for you to do that.”

  “Lacy,” God! How I loved when he said my name. “Please don’t argue with me on this. I want to do this, Sweets. And, I’m not looking for anything in return…if that’s what you were afraid of.”

  “No,” I gasped. “It’s not that at all…I just…well, it’s just hard for me to let someone…” I trailed off, not knowing exactly how I was feeling.

  Then an epiphany hit me like a bat to the skull.

  It made me feel as if we were a couple, and that thought frightened the begeezus out of me because I still had that overwhelming fear he would come to his senses and run away as fast as he could.

  “Listen, Sweetheart. Go shopping. Find somethin’ amazing. Get a massage or whatever you’d like. Just, please let me do this.” I heard the sound of mumbled voices and he cursed under his breath. “The captain just let me know that we’re cleared for takeoff,” he said, his voice laced with disappointment. “Please, let me do this,” he said again, and I found myself unable to refuse.

  Where this man was concerned, I found myself pretty much unable to refuse him anything .

  “All right, Sport,” I grudgingly conceded, and I heard him chuckle.

  “You know, I am actually beginning to like bein’ called that,” he snickered. “Get some sleep, Baby. I’ll call you soon.”

  “Safe flight,” I whispered, before hanging up.

  I lay there in bed, unable to get him out of my thoughts.

  Why should I be so lucky?

  A part of me worried there just had to be some major flaw.

  But if there was…it sure as hell wasn’t evident.

  I groaned irritably and flipped back over onto my stomach, praying for sleep to take me once again.

  Chapter Five

  The following da y dragged as I waited for Felix and Lance to show up and sweep me away for an evening of shopping.

  Jack sent a text saying that he had arrived safely and was heading right out to start his re-shoots, wanting to get back as quickly as possible.

  I wasn’t sure if it was because of me, or if the man just hated to travel, but a very large part of me hoped it was because of me.

  At five minutes to five, Jabba waddled out of his office and dropped a stack of files onto my desk.

  “Can you stay and get these typed up,” he huffed, and my entire body deflated.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t tonight, Mr. Steinman,” I responded firmly, taking a damn stand for once in my miserable life!

  Usually, I had no problem at all staying late – I mean, it wasn’t like I had an active social life or anything.

  But, tonight? No freaking way!

  “I’ll be more than happy to come in early and get them started for you.”

  He stared at me as he considered for a moment, his bushy, caterpillar brows drawn together in what looked to be annoyed surprise. “Don’t tell me you have a date? ”

  I cringed.

  The damn troll said it like it would be a miracle if I did, and my temper flared.

  I wondered how he would feel if he knew I had gone out on two dates with his potential cash cow.

  He would bust a vein!

  I bit back my snarky reply, and plastered a smile on my face, wanting nothing more than to stick my tongue out at the ass.

  “No, sir. I have plans with some friends,” I ground out, trying to sound as pleasant as possible.

  He grumbled something about how he guessed it was all right and lumbered back into his office.

  I gathered up my stuff and got the hell out of there, rushing to meet Lance and Felix downstairs.

  We had to make me look like a princess.

  Or something that resembled one.

  Lance’s face lit up as I exited the elevator and he ran over to me, hugging me tightly as he spun me around, garnering the attention of Ben, the security guard.

  “You scored an invite to the Midnight Ball!” He gushed, and I made a mental note to Google this ball.

  It seemed as if everyone but me knew about the damned thing.

  I really did live like a mushroom.

  “Okay,” he beamed. “Here’s what we’re going to do.” He leaned back and smiled into my eyes. “My very dear friend Alana is waiting for us at her shop…”

  “Wait!” I interjected, trying to keep the horror from my voice. “Doesn’t she do costumes? This isn’t a costume ball…is it?”

  Oh, Lord! I hated dressing up! And I knew I had heard Lance talk about Alana before. Something about her doing most of the really intricate costumes for his show.

  My heart sank to my feet.

  It was bad enough I was going to have to dress formal…but now? A costume ?

  “Yes, she does, and no, it isn’t,” Lance laughed. “But, she’s starting a line of Red Carpet wear. So, this couldn’t be more perfect!”

  I felt the tension rush out of me with a giant whoosh. Okay, this just might just work.

  “All right,” I breathed. “Let’s do this.”

  The squealing from my two best friends brought my excitement level up a notch or two and caused Ben to look up from the magazine he had gone back to reading and glare at us.

  Three hours an d at least fifteen dresses later, not to mention the poking and prodding of one Alana Rostkopf, I stood silently in her shop, my eyes welling with tears.

  “You like?” She asked, her accent thick and harsh, yet the woman was one of the warmest people I had met in a very long time, if you didn’t include Jack.

  And I could completely understand why Lance adored her.

  She was bound and determined to find me the perfect gown and by God – she had .

  I stood there in the dressing room, up on that platform with mirrors all around me… and wanted to weep.

  She had put me in a beautiful black chiffon gown with a sweetheart bodice and voluminous waves of fabric billowing about me. There were small stones strewn all about the dress, not flashy, just enough sparkle to make the fabric shimmer as if kissed by the stars.

  I shook my head in wonder, unable to find the proper words.

  “I save this one for last,” she laughed. “I knew it was the one.”

  I turned to look at her, trying to find the words to thank her, but I was speechless.

  There had been several dresses I had liked, but nothing compared to this. It made me look curvy, and sexy and for the first time in my life… I didn’t feel like the chubby kid.

  I felt beautiful .

  “We get long black gloves,” she stated happily. “Finish the look!”

  “Come on!” Lance whined from outside the door.

  He and Felix were sitting in the main area of the shop, sprawled out in chairs, sipping champagne and having a grand time.

  “You wait one second,” Alana said, and dashed away. She was back only a moment later with elbow length black statin gloves. I slid them on and looked at her. “Da,” she replied, nodding briskly, her eyes dancing with excitement. “You wow them now,” she directed as she helped me step down from the small platform and ushered me through the door.

  And, damn if I
didn’t feel like a Queen.

  Felix was the first to notice me as I stepped from the dressing room and her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes widened in amazement.

  Lance turned, and his mouth literally dropped to the floor.

  “You look like a wicked, sexy Cinderella,” Felix breathed. “That is…” she shook her head as if trying to find the words, “stunning.” She finished with a sigh.

  “We get some nice lingerie, yes?” Alana asked.

  I nodded timidly. I was so not one for all that, but since I was playing the part I figured I might as well go all out. She disappeared once again as my friends stared at me in silence.

  “Will this work?” I asked, directing my question to Lance, who merely stood there with his mouth agape.

  “You, my darling,” Lance finally choked out with utmost sincerity in his words, “could make this gay man switch teams.”

  I looked at Felix and we broke into laughter. I was feeling happy, and giddy and… content .

  Alana burst back over to us with a few lovely black bra and panty sets. I chose one that I really liked, amazed she could know my size just by looking at me, and, well…a few grabs here and there. In fact, it stunned me she even had anything in my size. I was definitely not a size zero!

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and it was hugs and kisses all around!

  It was tim e for the moment of truth.

  I had no idea what gowns like this ran, but I was damn well sure it most likely wasn’t within my few hundred-dollar budget. I was still unsure if I wanted to use Jack’s credit card, and my mind was fighting one hell of an inner battle.

  Alana helped me out of the dress and I quickly threw on my own clothes as she boxed it up with the gloves and lingerie. I followed her out on shaky legs, thinking I might just pass out.

  She totaled everything up and gave me the figure and my mouth dropped open. It couldn’t be that inexpensive!

  “Here’s deal,” she tittered when she saw the expression of shock on my face. “You tell everyone who ask who you are wearing my name. Da?”

  I nodded dumbly, trying to figure out just when in the hell my life had become so charmed.

  A moment of panic hit me a second later, as I wondered when the ball would drop. There was just no way in Hell things like this could continue happening to me. Not me!


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