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Fallen For A Biker_BWWM Romance

Page 10

by Erica A. Davis

  Chapter 9

  Now she wouldn’t be able to get to sleep at all. Dagmar slid out of bed and padded over to her backpack. Thankfully, she had had her earphones in her backpack at the hospital. What she needed to do was put a show on her phone and listen to it. That would help her go off to sleep if her mind was on something else.

  And it was almost working. Now in her pajamas bottoms as well, Dagmar was just drifting off when she heard a loud alarm go off downstairs and a loud crash. Dagmar jolted upright, her heart hammering in her chest.

  Someone was trying to get in? And David said the place was impenetrable.

  Dagmar slid out of bed and hurried to the door. When she opened the door a crack, she could hear a commotion going on downstairs. From what David had said, his housekeeper didn’t live in the house and his chef had his own place at the bottom of the garden in his own annexe. No one else would be about.

  So who…?

  Dagmar slipped out of her room and hurried onto the landing. She could see two men tussling each other on the floor in the hallway. It was too dark to see who they were but Dagmar then saw the tattoos twisting across one man’s bare back.

  What was David doing?


  David rolled onto his back, the intruder on top of him, and he kicked out. The intruder stumbled back and hit the wall, sliding down to sit on the floor with a heavy cough. David was up immediately and grabbing at the other man, hauling him to his feet and twisting an arm behind his back. Dagmar hurried down the stairs.

  “David? What’s going on?”

  “Someone was trying to get in,” David growled. “Managed to bypass the outer perimeter alarms.” He gave the man a hard shake. “I found him breaking in through one of the windows.”

  Dagmar found a light switch and turned it on. Then she gasped when she saw the man struggling in David’s strong grip.

  “Jeremy? What the hell? I just spoke to you.”

  “You spoke to him?” David looked incredulous. “What the hell are you doing talking to him? I thought you said it was over.”

  “I did and I said as much.” Dagmar stared at Jeremy, who was scowling back at her. “You were outside all this time? How did you know where I was?”

  “Because he’s stalking you, that’s why.” David gave Jeremy a shake. “Were you trying to finish her off?”

  “No!” Jeremy protested. He tried to get away but David wouldn’t let him. “That wasn’t my intention.”

  “Then what was?”

  Jeremy glowered at Dagmar. Dagmar almost took a step back. She had seen this look before in her apartment but this time it looked more unhinged.

  “You shouldn’t have ended it, Dagmar,” Jeremy snarled. “We were good together. And now you’re with him?” He glared at David over his shoulder. “A biker with money? Is it the money that you wanted because I could’ve given that to you.”

  Dagmar snorted.

  “Money wouldn’t have mattered at all. David’s got decency. And he isn’t a piece of crap.”

  David grunted.

  “I’m flattered.”

  Jeremy’s eyes went wild. He tugged against David’s grip but David just kicked the back of his legs and he went down onto his knees. Jeremy whimpered.

  “I want you back, Dagmar!”

  He looked incredibly pathetic now. Dagmar folded her arms.

  “If you wanted me back, you shouldn’t have treated me the way you did. You shouldn’t have let your mother treat me the way you did.”

  “Right, no more questions.” David nodded towards his study at the back of the house. “Dagmar, could you go into my office and phone the police? I want this scumbag out of here as soon as possible.”

  Dagmar wasn’t about to be asked twice.


  David couldn’t believe the cheek of the man. Jeremy thought he could break into someone else’s home to talk to Dagmar and that she would see if as an act of love. David didn’t see Dagmar taking to that.

  And he wasn’t standing for it. Jeremy had to have been watching the apartment to know where they had gone. He was still confused as to how Jeremy managed to get past the security at the gate, but David was going to find out in the morning. And hopefully the police would keep the man out of society for a little longer than intended.

  David wasn’t in the mood for dealing with ex-boyfriends.

  And neither, from the look of it, was Dagmar. She had retreated into another room after she had given her statement to the police, ignoring Jeremy as he called for her. The police had ignored him and taken him away, all the while Jeremy shouting for her. David went outside to watch the Houston police department put the man into the car and saw the altercations. That did put a smile on his face.

  After the last of the police cars disappeared, David went back inside. Dagmar was on the back terrace by the pool, sitting on a lounger as she stared out over the yard. She looked up as David joined her.

  “The police have taken him away now.”

  The relief was obvious as Dagmar slumped.

  “Thank God for that. His shrieking was driving me mad.”

  “And me.” David smirked as he sat on the edge of her lounger. “Jeremy did make a few attempts to get away. He even thumped one of the officers in the face.”

  “What?” Dagmar sat up. “Is the officer okay?”

  “He’s built like a bulldozer so he should be okay. They were more focused on getting an angry ex into the car than how many times they had been hit.”

  This was one of the few times when David was glad that he had money and it could talk. The police were more than happy to get rid of a man who had been following a woman who had ended it. Normally, they would call it a domestic and a civil matter. Not when David Mach was involved.

  Dagmar shook her head and drew her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees.

  “I don’t get why he’s so fixated on me. I don’t want to be around him and I’ve told him several times that I don’t want anything to do with him. Why won’t he get the message?”

  “Because you’re familiar to him. And he’s got a dependency problem.” David rubbed a hand along her leg. “He needs someone in his life to tell him what to do, to baby him.”

  “I don’t want to baby him at all,” Dagmar grumbled. “I wanted an equal partner, someone who would stand up to his mother when she was mean to me. And mean was an understatement. She hated the fact I was black. I thought Jeremy didn’t care but I did wonder. It took him seeing the text messages that Jessie sent to me for him to realize that I wasn’t trying to make things difficult for him, that she was really being abusive.” She frowned at the pool in front of her. “It took me six months to reduce the contact with him to once a week calling on the phone and seeing her once every two weeks.”

  David was impressed. If that had been him in her position, he would have had the mother cut off completely. Either that or he would have run a lot sooner. Children still enmeshed with their parents didn’t often fare as good partners. He had seen it a lot in his time. Dagmar had to have had the patience of a saint to deal with the man.

  And that saint’s patience had clearly run out.

  “Wow.” That was all he could say. He shook his head. “You did better than I would have done. A man with a woman like his mother shouldn’t have left home at all.”

  “He was still living with her when we met. I brought him into the hospital after he burnt his hand on the stove and refused to treat it properly. He asked me for my number after he was discharged and I stupidly said yes.” Dagmar swallowed. “It was another two and a half years before I got him to leave and move into a new apartment with me.”

  Even David’s inexperience with relationships told him this was a big red flag. A flag Dagmar had missed.

  “Oh, man. You picked a doozy.”

  “With both of them,” Dagmar said gloomily. “My ex was the same. He chose his mother over me. I was hoping Jeremy would be different.”

now he’s fixated on you.”

  “More so than ever now.” Dagmar nodded at her cell phone, which was on the table beside them. “My friend in the chemo unit called me to warn me. Jessie died half an hour before Jeremy broke in. It’s less than fifteen minutes to get here by car with the current traffic. She caught Jeremy ranting on about how his mother wanted to see me before she went.”

  “Did she?”

  “I highly doubt it but the way he was going on my friend got nervous. She wanted me to know Jeremy might try to contact me. And she was right.” Dagmar swallowed and looked miserable. “I’m in a new place that he knows about and he’s invading that space as well. I don’t know what to do.”

  David felt helpless. The last time he had felt helpless was when his biological parents dropped him off at the care home with Nick and told him they weren’t going to take them anywhere, that they were on their own. David had taken one look at his little brother in tears and had no idea what to do. He felt the same way now looking at Dagmar. She looked close to tears and just wanted to hide away.

  He could understand the feeling. He squeezed her knee.

  “Why don’t you go to bed and sleep on it? Fingers crossed, things will look better in the morning.”

  Dagmar grunted.

  “That’s what my mom always said. In our household, it didn’t make any difference; it was always the same.” She yawned and rubbed at her eyes. “I’m exhausted, but I don’t know if I can switch off.”

  David shuffled closer and eased his arms around her, standing up with Dagmar nestled against him. He gave her a gentle smile and kissed her nose.

  “Let me take you to bed. Want me to join you?”

  Dagmar leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “I think a cuddle might help. It’s been a while since I’ve had that.”

  David wasn’t about to pass up on this. He went through the house and carried her up the stairs. Entering Dagmar’s room, he laid her on the bed and drew the covers over. Then he shut the door and closed the curtains, which Dagmar had left open for the moonlight to spread across the floor. Dagmar moved over as he slid into the bed and turned into him as he gathered her close, resting her head on his chest with her arms around his waist.

  She felt so vulnerable. David hadn’t experienced a vulnerable woman like this. He kept well away from them; they ended up being needy and clung on to him. But with Dagmar, David couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t leave her alone. Seeing her like this was painful.

  And David knew this was the worst thing possible. He was close to falling in love with this level-headed, quick-witted paramedic. He wouldn’t want to let her go if he carried on like this.

  Dagmar was restless. She shuffled about, trying to get comfortable. David wasn’t sure if he could cope with her moving about; his cock was rock hard. If she even brushed up against him he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from rolling onto her.

  He swallowed.

  “Want some help switching off?”

  Dagmar looked up at him. She bit her lip as her hand drifted down his chest, a glint in her eye.

  “What did you have in mind?” she whispered.

  Her hand slid inside his shorts and took a hold of his cock, her skin cool against him. David gasped as she squeezed him and thrust his hips up. Dagmar grinned.

  “I think you need more of a distraction than I do.”

  “That I do,” David gasped. He groaned as Dagmar twisted her hand around him. “Don’t keep me waiting, Dagmar. Please.”

  “Hold your horses, Mr. Money Bags.”

  “Mr. Money Bags?”

  Dagmar giggled and slid down his body, tugging his shorts down.

  “Well, you are, aren’t you?”

  David groaned.

  “Don’t talk about money around me now, Dagmar. I want to pretend I don’t have any.”

  “My pleasure.” Dagmar licked the head of his cock. “I want to pretend that, too.”

  Then her mouth closed over David’s cock. She felt so warm and soft around him. David felt like his head was spinning, closing his eyes as he let the sensations wash over him. Dagmar sucked him in deep before swishing her tongue around him before bobbing her head over him.

  She seemed to know exactly what he wanted. And she was starting to get very vigorous, gently moaning around his cock. David managed to look down and saw that Dagmar had kicked the duvet off. She had also kicked off her own bottoms, her hand between her legs.

  God, she looked gorgeous.

  He growled as Dagmar pulled away but it turned into a moan as she sat astride him, sliding down over his cock. Her pussy squeezed him and David had to grip her hips as he tried not to come. She had a way of getting rid of his self-control and David wasn’t about to do that. He wanted to savor this.

  But Dagmar had other plans. Her eyes closed with her head thrown back, she rolled her hips around before she rose up and slammed back down. Dagmar moaned and fell forward, her hands on David’s chest. David snarled and palmed her breasts.

  “Ride me, Dagmar.”

  Dagmar didn’t need to be told twice. She rode him. David met her thrusts with his own, their bodies slapping as he got his cock as deep as he could go. Dagmar was now gripping his shoulders, her body tightening. David could feel his own orgasm coiling through his body.

  But he wasn’t going to come now. Dagmar had to come first. David wanted to see her body tremble over him.

  He reached down between them and found her clit. One rub was all it took.

  Dagmar threw her head back and screamed, her body shuddering and writhing on top of his. Her pussy clamped down so hard David started seeing stars. Then he felt his orgasm rip through him. He let out a yell and pressed Dagmar down onto him as he thrust one last time. His release felt like his head was about to blow off.

  By the time he could see properly without the rooming spinning, David found Dagmar slumped across him, breathing heavily. She was trembling, her body hot and covered in sweat.

  David felt his cock twitch again. Never had he felt the need to go again so soon after sex. Nevertheless, he eased himself out of Dagmar and nestled her against his side. Dagmar sighed and snuggled against him. David saw her smile.

  That was one way to switch off.

  David kissed her head.

  “You know not all men are like your exes,” he whispered.

  “I know.” Dagmar sighed.

  David shifted onto his side, still holding onto Dagmar, and watched as she drifted off to sleep. It wasn’t long before his own eyes got heavy. Normally, he would be out of the bed right now but he couldn’t help himself. Dagmar looked so innocent, so peaceful when she was asleep.

  David rested his head on the pillow beside her and closed his eyes.


  Dagmar sat back as she watched Rachelle roll from her back onto her front.

  “Rachelle’s doing amazingly. I can’t believe how well she is now.”

  Brittany sat opposite her, practically beaming.

  “She is,” she said proudly. “I can’t believe how well she’s doing now. The doctors said the swelling has gone and it’s like she had never been hurt.”

  Dagmar was pleased with that. Rachelle had had a couple of sudden hospital visits in the middle of the night when she had a febrile convulsion but she had recovered quite nicely.

  “It’s probably a good thing she landed on the grass.” She sipped her coffee as Rachelle lifted her head up at Dagmar and gave her a gurgling smile. “If she went the other way she would’ve been on the driveway.”

  Brittany shuddered.

  “Don’t start on that, please, Dagmar. I’ve only just got over the nightmares.”


  Dagmar watched as Brittany slid onto her knees beside her daughter and shook a rattle in front of her face. Rachelle giggled and tried to reach for it, rolling onto her back in the process. Brittany seemed to be a lot more comfortable now. The past few weeks after the incident she had been a bag of nerves. Dagmar ha
d worried about her mental health for a while but David had assured her that Brittany was tougher than that. He was right. Brittany was made of stronger stuff.

  “Callie called me this morning. She said that Susie’s been lying low since they were in court for the violation of the emergency order and with the actual restraining order being put in place. I don’t know if that’s good thing or not but I’m sure you’ve been making most of the quiet.”

  “I sure have.” Brittany giggled. “Nick and I have been having a lot of quiet time and Melanie has spent a bit of time with Robson and Renee, if you know what I mean.”

  Dagmar did. She knew all about quiet time. David made sure they had a lot of quiet time. With what he had been doing to her, they certainly weren’t quiet.”

  “Are you okay?”


  Dagmar realized she had let her thoughts wander. Brittany was giving her a strange look. Dagmar put her coffee cup on the table beside her and sat forward.

  “Sorry, what was that?”

  “Are you okay? You’ve got a bit of a glow going on about you.” Brittany’s eyes widened. “You’re not pregnant, are you? Jeremy’s baby?”

  “Jeremy’s baby?” Dagmar laughed. “Goodness, no. I’ve got the IUD in. That’s not coming out for a while yet.”

  “Didn’t he want a baby?”

  “Yes, but I said no until he reduced contact with his mother.” Dagmar grimaced. “It didn’t stop him trying, though.”

  “I was wondering.” Brittany sat back and crossed her legs. “I take it he did more damage than you thought at the apartment.”

  “Actually, they managed to get the apartment finished off in four days. David knows some really good people.” Dagmar grinned. “It looks better than before. And Alejandro was happy with the bonus David gave him for the damages.”

  “I’m sure he is.” Brittany raised her eyebrows. “So, how’s the new apartment going?”

  “I wouldn’t know. I’m not there much.”

  “You got a lot of work going on?”

  Dagmar bit back a laugh.

  “I’ve been over at David’s every night. I’m not on the night shift.”


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