Fallen For A Biker_BWWM Romance

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Fallen For A Biker_BWWM Romance Page 17

by Erica A. Davis

  Why was it so hard to believe that men and women could just be friends?

  “Hey,” Duke voice was low over the phone, “I’m getting Chinese, what do you want?”

  “Ooh, get me some szechuan chicken with brown fried rice if they have it? And a couple of egg rolls, lots of duck sauce.”

  “As you wish,” he said, hanging up soon after. Danielle rushed to the elevator and down to the garage. There were a few lingering cars that belonged to junior agents, and then her shining new Porsche Cayenne. The drive home was short. She lived in a building that the firm almost exclusively leased out to their senior agents. Her bi-level loft was chic, modern, brightly lit even with the setting sun.

  The maid had left the lights on, and the place smelled gently of cleaning solution and air freshener. Danielle breathed in the scent as she walked back to her bedroom, shedding her work clothes as she went. The emerald green sheath dress and matching pumps were much too formal for Chinese food on her couch. So, instead she changed into a comfortable pair of jeans, and a screen printed t-shirt.

  When the buzzer sounded through the apartment, Danielle was applying a new layer of mascara to her eyes. The sound was so shocking, that she nearly dropped the little wand into the sink.

  “Shit,” she breathed as she looked at the dark line of makeup underneath her eye. As she wiped it off, the buzzer rang again, this time managing to sound impatient. She stomped out of the bathroom, toward the intercom on the wall.

  “Yeah?” She said into the little box. “Keep your pants on.”

  “I did say after work, right?” Duke’s voice was light, as always, sounding a little amused at her agitation.

  It took him a few moments to get to her apartment from the elevator. During that time, Danielle bounced nervously from foot to foot, a horrible tick that she could have sworn she’d rid herself of.

  Duke walked into her apartment wearing a pair of worn sweatpants and a blue t-shirt. There was a big gym bag slung over his shoulder, and a big bag of food in the other. He eyed her apartment with a nervous air. He looked uncomfortable, like he didn’t know where to put his feet, or what to do with his hands.

  “You can sit down wherever,” Danielle said, pointing toward the mauve couches in the living room. “I’ll get some plates out of the kitchen.”

  “Thanks for having me over,” Duke said after a moment, “My place is crawling with people right now. I need some quiet, you know.” Once all the plates were down, Danielle started spooning helpings of food onto each one. There were noodles tossed in a delicious smelling sauce, some shrimp dish, and her wonderfully spicy chicken. Everything smelled so good that her stomach growled loudly.

  “Somebody's hungry,” Duke said, his voice close to her ear. Danielle looked up to see that he’d moved to sit in a side chair, looking a little more at ease. “Shit almost forgot the most important part.” From the depths of his gym bag he pulled out a six pack of beer.

  “Peach beer, I might be in love.”

  “Yeah, I knew you had to be a beer snob...most ladies don’t order a stout.”

  “Good business is done over great beer.”

  He laughed gently, the sound marred by an edge in his voice, “Let’s have a drink,” he said, holding a beer out to Danielle. who took the proffered beer with a look.

  “Why do you seem so nervous?” Danielle sat down on the couch, tucking her legs underneath her, “It’s not like you.”

  Duke shrugged his shoulder as he took a long, deep drink from his beer, “I was just thinking about what you said at the party. I know you probably don’t remember much of it, but I do, and it’s been on my mind.”

  Uh oh. Where is this going?

  “What is it, Duke?” She couldn’t even eat her chicken. Her heart was pounding out a cadence against her ribs. So hard that Danielle thought it might burst through her chest. Duke hadn’t said anything, just sat, eating a few bites at a time. “Duke?” She tried again after a few snail-like minutes had passed, “Can you just talk to me? You sure know how to ruin a relaxing dinner.”

  “I was thinking maybe it could be me.” He said finally, looking at her as if the words had hurt him. His normally friendly eyes were stormy and filled with unease. But there was a surety behind them...

  Danielle put her plate down, “What could be you?”

  “I could...donate,” he said slowly, “so you can have your baby.” Duke’s eyes never left her face.

  She was speechless. Words were replaying over and over again in her mind, the majority of them being ‘donate’ and ‘baby’. Her mouth was hanging open in the most unflattering way, and when she closed it there was an audible click as her teeth met. He wanted to have a baby….with her. Duke wanted to be the father of her child. Danielle couldn’t believe it. Suddenly she felt hot all over, it wasn’t a pleasant feeling. For a moment she feared that she would faint.

  “I...I don’t know what to say.”

  “Listen I know it’s sudden. I’ve just been thinking about it and thinking about it.” As he said the words, he placed a gentle hand on hers, easing Danielle’s fingers out of the tight fist they’d made. “You need someone. It’s an offer….from a friend.”

  She sighed, “I don’t think that's a good idea, Duke. It’s really sweet, though. And I appreciate it so much...but professionally…”

  “Professionally what?”

  “Your career might be fine, at the end of it, but mine?” Danielle shook her head, “Mine probably wouldn’t survive the bad press.” His hand tightened on her, and Danielle held her breath as he moved to sit beside her. Duke’s arm fell gently around her shoulder, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

  “Fuck what other people think. It’s our business, none of theirs. If someone found out, we’d just tell them the truth. You needed a donor, and I offered.”

  “But the press already thinks we’re fucking.” She protested, “I don’t want to add more fuel to the fire.”

  “Okay,” Danielle instantly relaxed. Duke didn’t have to use the look of defeat often, but she knew that was the look on his face. Their friendship was important to her, and so was her career, she couldn’t selfishly risk either of them. Duke was more than just a payday for her, he was a friend, one that she’d grown very close to in the past three years. The fact that he sometimes made her heart race didn’t mean anything...feelings could grow without her acting on them. It was natural.

  Danielle gave Duke a gentle pat on the back, “Hey, pass me my beer. Let’s eat before everything turns to ice, okay?” She tried her best to give him a smile, but she couldn’t help but notice the sadness in his eyes. “It’s not you,” she promised. “Trust me, if this was different I’d do it but, I just don’t think it will work out for either one of us.”

  “Don’t you want your baby?”

  “I do. And I want a husband. But perhaps it’s in the cards for me to get the baby first. This should be something I decide on my own, alright?”

  The man nods stiffly, his neck hardly moving a fraction. “Okay, yeah, let's eat. Mind if I reheat this?”

  Chapter 3

  “You told him no?” Shana’s voice lifted above the chatter of the other patrons. Her fork was midway to her mouth, a bite of smoked salmon just poised on the edge. “Why? He’s a nice boy. Don’t you remember what I said? I saw you with a nice guy!”

  Danielle rolled her eyes, “Mom you always get upset at me for not listening to you, can you just-”

  “I’m upset because you aren’t listening to the universe,” said Shana, putting down her fork. “Your happiness is slipping away, all because you are too stubborn to let it in. You need to be less like you grandma.”

  “What, and be more like you and Yvie? Mom, you gave up everything to have us, and I just want to make sure my baby doesn’t grow up wanting anything.”

  “Yes, I gave up so much for you. All that money that meant nothing. I had a choice, to leave that house or give you up. I would make the same on
e today. There aren’t any perfect lives, Dani. You need to make your own perfection with what you have. Giving up on that man, not letting him help you.” Shana stared her daughter down with a look of determination in her eyes. “You talk about Yvie and I, but she is getting her baby. I am happier than I ever could have thought. Look at the people that don’t live by your rules, Dani, see how much happier they are.”

  “Mom, you just don’t get it. I can’t have a baby with Duke. It’s unprofessional. Not fair to either of us.”

  “Fuck professionally, babygirl. You need some happiness in your life. I hate to say it, but I think your window is going to close soon. If you pass up this chance, what if nothing else comes along?”

  Their conversation was interrupted by a meek looking waiter. He skillfully refilled Shana’s mimosa, then quickly made himself scarce. Enjoying the reprieve, Danielle took the moment of silence to take a big bite out of her quickly cooling crepe. “I know you don’t believe in my visions. So, please, please take my advice. Just give Duke a chance. Don’t make any decisions, sit down with him, test the waters, and see how it goes.” Seeing her mouth open to protest, Shana held up a hand. “Just talk. Have some fun; You’re starting to get wrinkles around those gorgeous eyes.”

  So are you, old lady. Danielle thought to herself, returning quickly to her meal. At least this time they’d made it to brunch. The last few weeks she’d attempted to sit down with her mother had been put on hold. Once for an early delivery, and last week because Yvette sprung an impromptu shopping session on them.

  Motherhood was treating Yvie well, even though she wasn’t carrying the baby, she was trying her best to adhere to all the rules.

  “For solidarity,” she’d said, as they’d snacked on a high protein meal at a posh health food restaurant. “I even gave up my cosmo’s.”

  Danielle was taken from her memories as Shana gently tapped her on the arm. “Tell me you’ll consider it,” her mother said, her face a mask of pleading. “Please, I want to see you happy, you’re holding yourself back. Be a little freer, stop worrying so much, I guarantee you’ll be happy.”

  “I’ll think about it, mom.”

  “Promise me, Danielle. Promise me right here, right now. You’re going to go out on a date with Duke next week.”

  “Okay, okay.” And Shana squealed so loud that Danielle had to close her eyes to keep from groaning. More than one person in the restaurant was throwing looks their way.

  “I can feel it. This is a huge leap in the right direction. You’re going to be pregnant by the end of the year, you’ll see.”

  Just as her mother launched into an animated talk about nursery colors and trends in babies clothing, Danielle phone rang. Murmuring an apology, Danielle pushed out of their booth, and walked outside.


  “Hey, Bilson, it’s me. Look, I’m feeling a bit of pre-game nerves, you want to calm me down.”

  Danielle smiled, “Duke, you got this. As your agent, I’m obligated to tell you to calm the fuck down. You’re the Bulldozer, okay, nobody get’s past you, nobody outruns you. Now what is your goal today?”

  “Get you one step closer to a Super Bowl ring?”

  “And you better not forget it. I fought hard for you. You’ve got a ton of potential that I refuse to let you waste. Now, get your ass on that field, and work.”

  “You got it boss. So, hey before I go. How about a wager?”

  “What do you have in mind?” Her voice was cautious. Memories of their last conversation replaying in her head. Was he going to force the issue? And if he did, what would her answer be?

  “If we win by 8 or more, you have to let me take you out to a real dinner.” Oh, that was surprising. Danielle let out a relieved sigh as she smiled into her cellphone.

  “Fine, Duke, anything to get you on that field.” Through the phone she heard Duke scoff lightly. “Just do your job, okay?” Danielle said with a laugh.

  “So, it’s a deal?”

  “Yeah, a deal.”


  A winning season meant bonuses. With all the wins the Black Hawks were doing, Duke and the other players were always busy doing press conferences or practices. The last game before the super bowl was only a few weeks away. Most of the players were taking the off time to spend with family or friends. But when Danielle walked into her office on a rainy Tuesday morning, Duke was sitting inside, thumbing through a glossy fashion magazine.

  “Check this out,” He said in greeting, holding up the magazine to show Danielle a picture of the team, all of them shirtless, and smiling. “We got featured with the other front runners for the super bowl, isn’t it awesome?”

  Danielle smiled gently as she placed her briefcase underneath her desk, “I’m happy it turned out okay.”

  “Okay?” Exclaimed Duke, his excitement nearly palatable, “I look great! Too bad Dobson is ruining the shot.”

  “Don’t be mean, Duke, he’s your kicker. You kind of need him.” Danielle sat down in her chair, happy to see that Jordan had already brought her a cup of coffee. It was the perfect temperature when she took a sip. The coffee began working wonders on her morning headache. She’d been up nearly half the night negotiating with a hardass agent about a trade. Honestly, it was like they thought if they bullied her enough she’d just roll over and give up. Danielle was no show dog, she got her deals, and didn’t let go until a contract was signed, sealed and delivered.

  “I’m not being mean. I’m just sayin’ he’s not the best looking dude on the team.”

  “No,” Danielle said absently, staring into the depths of the coffee, “He’s not.”

  “We won, Danielle, by 11 solid points. You know what that means?”

  Her mother's words suddenly assaulted her mind. And the promise that she’d reluctantly made kept ringing in her ears. Ever since that last brunch, Danielle had been carrying around a lingering sense of dread. What if her mother was right? If Duke was her path to happiness, how could she just let it go like that? On the other hand, the huge possibility of their relationship ending badly, and splashed all across the media wasn’t a great picture.

  Having a baby with Duke would be like giving up a large piece of her privacy. Once the media found out who the child’s father was, all the late night negotiations, and even the firm's hiring practices would be put into question. Still, a baby. Danielle's stomach leaped with joy at the idea. Honestly, helping Yvette was getting her more and more baby crazy by the minute. All the tiny clothes and little shoes. The nursery, the toys: Everything was a harsh reminder of the one thing Danielle wanted most in life.

  “Yeah, I won’t try to get out of our bet, when did you want to go out?”

  “How about Friday?” She’d silently hoped that it would be a weekday thing. Something that could end early because she had to work in the morning. Of course, Duke knew her better than that.

  “I guess Friday would work,” Danielle commented, trying to ignore the coiling feeling of excitement in her belly. “What time?”

  “I made reservations at The French Tea House for 8.”

  Her mouth fell open in shock, “You didn’t know what I was going to say!” Danielle said, a little too loudly. “How’d you make reservations without knowing my schedule?

  Duke laughed, “Your schedule is only a phone call away. Jordan was more than happy to give me the details.”

  She slammed her fist lightly on her desk, trying to convey a tiny bit of anger, “We’ll see how he feels after I’m done with him,” Danielle frowned, “He’s usually more secretive with my meeting times. What did you give him.”

  The blush that crept up Duke’s face was adorable. He lowered his eyes in a universal show of embarrassment. “I might of promised to hook him up with Wayne.” Duke mumbled.

  “Wayne Stevens? Really?” Danielle wasn’t shocked. Wayne was one of the few openly gay football players in the league. It wasn’t surprising that Jordan would betray her trust for a chan
ce with him. “Well, let Jordan know that he is very lucky that good help is hard to find.”

  “Don’t be mad at him.” One of Duke’s hands found hers. His fingers were warm, a little rough and calloused on the palms. The weight of them felt good against Danielle skin.

  What could those fingers do? She wondered silently to herself for a moment, remembering the time in the tub.

  “Danielle...You in there?”


  What to wear, what to wear?

  Being too sexy wasn’t an option. While she wanted to look good, she didn’t want to make Duke think that dinner was more than that. He’d been good about not bringing up the whole baby thing. So much so, that Danielle was actually looking forward to their date. When she’d called Shana to tell her about it, her mother had been over the moon happy. Even running out on whatever man she’d been talking to in order to get all the details from her daughter.

  If one thing could be said about their relationship, it was that they didn’t have the usual mother and daughter dynamic. When needed, Shana could put on a stern voice and have Danielle shutting her mouth, but being a young mother had changed Shana’s relationship with her daughters.

  In a way, the three women had grown up together. With Shana being given the choice of a closed adoption and a cushy life from her parents, or being disowned. Shana had chosen Danielle over the money. That choice, while difficult, would always be the best decision of her life. Being able to see her daughters blossom was the best part about being a mother. Seeing some of herself in Yvette, and a lot of her own mother in Danielle.

  Danielle didn’t always enjoy her mother’s carefree attitude, though it helped to have a different point of view whenever she had a problem. Being a calculated thinker, Danielle could be prone to getting herself into even bigger issues. Her mother’s unorthodox, though wise advice, hadn’t ever lead her wrong.


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