Fallen For A Biker_BWWM Romance

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Fallen For A Biker_BWWM Romance Page 24

by Erica A. Davis

  “You missed practice, because of your fucking toe?” The words came out as hardly a whisper.

  “No, I missed practice to come to you appointment. I may have exaggerated my injury a little bit. Said I hurt my entire foot...not just my toe.”

  “I almost punched you in the face, Duke.”

  “Would not be the first time a woman hit me, just saying.” He laughed. “Sit down, it’s not good for you to be all riled up. Look, come here.” And then he was pulling her down to sit beside him, his arm curling around her shoulders. “I would have told you, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I figured we could make a day out of it. Get some food, maybe hit up that fancy bakery you like. Watch a movie. Hmm? You tell me if that doesn’t sound like an awesome day?”

  “It sounds like a decent day.”

  Chapter 11

  “Well, Ms. Bilson,” Dr. Franklin said once Danielle was on the table. “If you look over at the screen, you can see your baby. You too, Mr. Smythe,” She flashed Duke a gentle grin as she waved her hand toward the monitor. A steady beep sounded, one that she’d heard three times previous: the baby’s heartbeat. Just the sound of it was enough to make tears well up in Danielle’s eyes. It was proof of her changing life, and every single time she heard it, it made her heart flutter. “Wait a minute…” Dr. Franklin’s eyes were glued to the monitor as she pressed the tool a little firmer against Dani’s belly .

  “Is there something wrong?” The panic Duke’s voice made Danielle strain to see the monitor. “Is the baby okay?” Blindly, their hands twined around one another in the dimly lit office space. “Please, Dr. Franklin.”

  “Nothing’s wrong, I just thought I saw, aha! The little one was hiding.” And another tiny beep joined in with the chorus of the first. “Twins.”

  “Holy shit.” The words came out before Danielle could stop them. Her free hand came up to clamp over her mouth, staring at Dr. Franklin in shock. “Twins? Are you fucking serious?”

  The doctor laughed lightly as she moved to switch on the lights, “Yup, very serious. I don’t joke about these types of things, you know. Why don’t you get dressed and you can meet me in my office,” she said softly. “Take your time.”

  Once alone, Duke flopped down onto a nearby stool, his face looking nothing less than shell shocked. “Twins. Dani, we are having twins!” His voice was an excited rush. “You haven’t been eating enough for twins, we have to get you some more vitamins, some-”

  “Calm down, Duke. You’re going to have a heart attack.” Shimmying off the table, Danielle moved to gather her clothing, she pulled her pants on, then shucked off the flimsy paper gown to pull on her blouse. “This is exciting..right?”

  “Yeah it is! Twins! Holy shit, twins.” Then his face dropped, “That's a lot of diapers.”

  “We will get through this, don’t worry.” Fully dressed, now, Dani pulled Duke from his seat, “Come on, maybe Dr. Franklin will be nice enough to prescribe you some Xanax.” They left the exam room, marching down the hall toward the doctor’s personal office. She wasn’t inside, but the receptionist let them know to go in and make themselves comfortable. They were only alone for a few minutes before Dr. Franklin appeared, bearing two steaming cups of tea.

  “For the nerves.” She said as she gently placed the cups in front of them. “Okay, you had a birth plan in place, and we are just going to have to make a couple of minor changes. First things first, you need to take in about an extra 600 calories a day now so the babies can grow big and strong. You’re going to gain a little more weight than we’d originally discussed, but all that is manageable with the proper diet. I’ve got some literature for the two of you. Read it over, on the back of one there is a list of suggested websites and books. Having twins presents a new set of worries for parents. It’s best to prepare them. One newborn is a handful two...” she shook her head. “Lets just say you’ll need all the help and preparation you can get.”

  They talked until all the terms and time lines started to make Dani’s head spin. She and Duke left with an armful of pamphlets and a box of prenatal tea that Dr. Franklin swore by.

  “That was a surprise, wasn’t it?” Duke said as they headed back toward her car. “You still want to celebrate?”

  “Yes.” Danielle said excitedly. “You going to follow me back to my place?” She looked around the lot for his car, “Where did you park?”

  “I just had one of the guys from practice drop me off. Figured you wouldn’t want to drive around too much.”

  She pulled him close, reveling in the scent of his citrus and spice cologne. Danielle could have breathed him in forever. Instead, she kissed him, innocently on the lips, as she dragged him in the direction of her car.

  “Missed me, huh?” He asked, a goofy grin firmly planted on his face..

  “A little bit, don’t read into it too much.” She waited as he opened the passenger door for her, the Danielle slid in, suddenly excited for the day ahead.

  She’d originally planned on going home and pouring over client files for the rest of the day. Duke had promised food and treats, and she couldn’t wait to put her feet up and relax. Something had to be done first. Their last talk hadn’t ended on such good terms, and while Duke seemed happy to just put things aside and forget about all the things she’d said, Danielle wasn’t satisfied with that.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered as they pulled out into the street. “I was overwhelmed with everything that happened and I couldn’t cope.”

  “Pregnancy brain must have you good, huh? You already apologized. About two hours ago.”

  She blushed, “I know I did! It just, it can’t be that simple. I was rude, I left you, Duke. And you just came back like it was no big thing.”

  “I figured it has a bit to do with all the hormones. And yeah, I was upset about it. Then, thinking it over, I realized it was your choice to make. I want to be with you and the baby. But, you’ve had your career longer. It would have hurt seeing you with someone else, but I know it’s unfair to ask you to give up something you love for me.” He took her hand, “I’m just happy it didn’t have to come to that.”

  “Me too.” Danielle said as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “Where are we going, Duke?” She asked after a moment, as the car pulled onto an unfamiliar street.

  “Well, the paps are camped out at both our places, so I figured we’d go somewhere they legally can’t get into.”

  “They would swarm the hotel the minute we checked in.”

  “I never said anything about a hotel.” His secretive smile told her that was the only hint she was getting. Instead of pestering him for more, Danielle sat back in her chair, reaching down to recline the seat. They got onto the freeway, blending in with the steady stream of mid-morning traffic. The drove for a long time, neither one of them talking. It was a good, companionable silence. She’d missed him, missed just being in the same space as him.

  “So, you forgive me?” Danielle peeped after an hour.

  “Of course I do.”She could hear the smile in his voice. “That’s why I’m taking you away from all this mess. We are going to just have a day or two by ourselves. No phones, no reporters, no nothing.”

  “I’m getting more and more curious by the minute. Where in the world are you taking me?”

  “Just be patient, Dani, I know that’s not always your strong suit, but trust me, you’re going to love it.”

  She folded her arms over her chest with a grumble, watching as the busy city gave way to slightly less busy beach. The sand looked warm and comfortable, and as they pulled up to a periwinkle blue beach house, Danielle could smell the saltwater. “Here we are,” Duke said as he stepped out of the car, quickly rushing around to get her door. “Our weekend retreat.”

  “Wow, what is this place?” They walked up set of wooden stairs, up to a porch decorated with wicker furniture with cushions that matched the paint on the house.

  Duke took a key from his pocket and unlocke
d the door. When he pushed it open, it was dark inside, the only light filtering in through the shutters on the windows. “Hold on a sec,” Duke fumbled around for a bit before finding the light.

  “This is adorable!” Danielle squealed, as brightness flooded the room. White and blue was obviously a theme, as the couch and two armchairs that sat in the middle of the living room where draped in the color. A soft gray rug sat beneath couch, which stood across from a big flatscreen TV.

  “Thanks, I got it for my parents last year. They like coming out here to see me during the winter, and Ma hates hotels.” He looked proud, “I picked it out myself and everything!”

  “You did a good job. Can I see the rest?”

  He held out a hand, “Follow me.”

  Chapter 12

  If Duke was good at one thing it was romance. While he couldn’t wine her, Duke was more than prepared with all the food Danielle could eat. After giving her the grand tour, he ordered steaks from a restaurant a few blocks away. Upon delivery, Danielle draped herself in a warm comfy robe, put on one of his hats, and went downstairs, making sure to look as dowdy as possible. The young delivery boy didn’t even glance her way when she handed him his tip. Once the deed was done, Dani freed her hair from the hat and rushed to sit down on the couch next to Duke.

  “Don’t think he recognized me.” She said, tearing into the white paper bag. “This smells amazing!”

  “Good,” He took the container that Dani handed him: porterhouse brimming with butter and a huge scoop of mashed potatoes. They'd gotten a little bit of everything. Dani couldn’t decides where to start, so she pulled out the first thing in the bag her fingers touched. It was a French Dip, served warm on bread and loaded with pepper, onions and warm, melted cheese. Unable to contain herself, she took a huge bite.

  “Holy crap this is so good, taste,” she dipped the sandwich in some au jus, before holding it up for Duke to take a bit. “I said taste, not eat the whole damn thing!’” Cried Danielle when Duke practically took half the sandwich in one bite.

  “You’re right that’s amazing. Want some potatoes?”

  They shared like that for a while, going through every box to see what treasured morsel lay inside. After a while, they sat back on the couch, full and satisfied. Outside the sun was setting, casting a line of shadows through the blinds. Colors were filtering through from outside, bathing the couple in a deep sense of comfort. Through the window, Danielle could make out a thin line of shore. The waves lapped gently against the sand,and she could just hear them over the television. It was so nice to get away. The few hotels they’d stayed at in the city always came with the risk of a fame-seeking employee giving them up to people. Even at their own homes the risk of being spotted was high.

  But, now their secret was out in the open. So what if the paparazzi was going to be following their every step. They didn’t have to hide and that was most important. She hadn't realized how much keeping their relationship a secret had been weighing on her mind. With it all out in the open, Dani could breath a little bit easier. Now, of course, some of that worry was being diverted to their second little bundle.


  They were going to be parents to not one, but two babies soon. In a matter of days their lives had been turned upside down. Without him there, Danielle couldn’t even imagine what she would have done. Duke was grounding her, being a rock for her. Taking care of her.

  “You ready for bed?” Duke yawned, it was completely dark outside, the TV was off, and Dani snoozed lightly against him. Listening to the elated shouts from a group of people outside.

  “I’m ready to get in bed,” she purred. “Not exactly ready for sleep, though.” Duke grinned deeply as he lifted her into his strong arms. With ease, he carried her up the stairs. The bedroom was lit by a single lamp, making the huge king sized bed look all the more inviting. The blankets were a deep gold and cream, and when Duke deposited her onto the bed, she sank into its comfortable depths.

  Duke wasted no time taking off his shirt and crawling into bed with her. His hands wound around her waist, pulling her close to him. At the first touch of his lips, her body awakened. She’d been wanting him earlier, but now her body was on fire for him. Duke’s hands caressed her breast, then gave them a good firm squeeze. Her nipples hardened under his attentions, drawing Duke to wrench Dani’s shirt above her head. A moment later his mouth clamped over her nipple, sucking hard with the best amount of pressure. Dani looked down, watching his biceps roll beneath the smooth skin of his arms. His left hand tweaked her other nipple, drawing a rushed breath from her lips.

  While she was distracted, Duke freed her nipple and used the hand instead to inch toward the waist of her shorts. His fingers found their prize: Dani’s swollen clit. It was warm, pulsing beneath his fingers, and the moment he pressed the pad of his finger onto it, she bucked up into him. He swiped his fingers around her clit, circling the bud delicately. It was slow and tortuous, building her orgasm slowly.

  “Stop teasing me and fuck me,” demanded Danielle, her voice breathless. Her words drew a chuckle from Duke, who unwillingly brought his hands up. He clasped her shoulders, pushing until they were both laying back on the bed. They kissed again, surprisingly chaste for what they were about to do. Without breaking lips, Duke navigated out of his sweatpants, freeing his hard cock from it’s confines.

  He teased Dani more, letting her feel the heat of his cock through the fabric of her pajama shorts. Up and down he went, the head of his dick grazing over her clit. All the while he kissed her, fingers grasping at her nipples, tugging and pulling, adding to the pleasure. Dani broke away from him, throwing back her head and wrapping her legs around his waist, stilling his movements.

  “If you don’t fuck me right-” Her words were cut off as Duke plunged himself into her, not even bothering to take her shorts off the entire way. He drove into her, so hard that sound of his balls slapping against her ass filled the room. With a grunt, Duke lifted her left leg on his shoulder, using the leverage to drive deeper into Dani. He was hitting her G-spot with every single thrust, each one throwing a blast of white across her vision.

  He pushed into her so hard that the bedframe rocked on his legs. It knocked against the headboard, in time with Dani’s cries of pleasure. It was almost embarrassing how much he could make her moan. But Dani was too far gone to care. Sweat pricked on her skin, hot waves of pleasure racked her body, and she was so, so close, a couple more thrust and she’d be just over the edge.

  She was so wet that when Duke pulled back, she felt a splash of wetness on her thighs. Not that Dani was in any place to care. But before she could complain, Duke was removing her shorts, and stripping the rest of the way out of his sweatpants. Now, they were naked, bared to each other. His eyes, the ones that were always so kind, stared hungrily down at her. His chest rose and fell, with the light on, Dani could see every delicious inch of him. Just peeking over his shoulder, Dani saw a thin pink line from where her nails had bit into his skin.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Dani said quietly, once she’d caught her breath. A shake of Duke’s head was her only answer, before her drew her close again. There was no prompt, he rammed into her, stopping whatever worries she’d had right in their tracks. Dani’s hand clawed at the mess of bed sheets as they fucked. Her hips moving in an attempt to meet his thrusts. But he was going too fast. His mouth fell back over her nipple and the same time one of his fingers pinched her clit. The added stimulation was too much, Dani felt her muscles tighten around the hard cock pounding inside of her, and she came saying his name.

  “I’m not done yet,” Duke gasped out, Dani hardly heard him over the fog of orgasm. He moved just so, so that both her legs were draped over his shoulder. With her bent nearly in half, Duke had enough leverage to slam into her. Dani’s body spasmed again, still on the crest of her last orgasm. Tears prickled against her eyes as her hands slid against Duke’s arms and shoulders. It was an intense moment, they were sweat
y and panting, and the light on make Dani very aware of the position her body was in.

  Suddenly, the steamy moment turned sweet. Duke and Danielle’s eyes met, and his thrusts slow to a less blinding pace. Slow was worse, Dani thought. It was agonizing and instead of barreling through her, the orgasm would hit her tip-toes. Despite the glacial pace, Dani’s heartbeat quickened. With each stroke of Duke’s long, thick cock, she could feel herself getting closer and closer.

  Suddenly, all her muscles tensed at once, and her back arched off the bed. “Fuck! Oh, God!” The words tumbled out of her mouth, followed by a string of words that Dani couldn't even decipher. Duke plunged his cock deeper at the same time, finding his home and coming harder than Dani had ever remembered him too. They collapsed in a tangle of limbs, Duke still seated fully inside of her. He trailed a line of kisses down her throat, while they caught their breath. Duke had a sated smile on his face, eyes sleepy, his body a welcome weight atop Danielle.

  “You’re amazing.”


  Dani sat in the top viewing box. The smell of buffalo wings and beer filling her nose. Whatever ‘top caterers’ Duke had hired, must not has asked what kind of food to prep, because the entire array was a mess of man food. Wings, sandwiches, beer-cheese dip, prime rib, and every meat dish she could think of. Her mother sat beside her, idly watching the game, while talking to one of the cheerleader's managers.

  “It’s nice that the whole thing with you and Duke has almost blown over.” Tim Jefferies, the owner of the Black Hawks said casually. “I’m gonna tell you the truth, he started playing like perfection a few months ago, and I think you, little lady, are the reason.” Tim held himself as if he were seven feet tall, but of course, anyone would have confidence if they had a few billion in the bank. He was a Southern gentleman, wouldn’t let his guest get their own food, and instead made himself the perfect host by serving them himself. In Dani’s case, she hadn’t moved since she’d sat down on the couch. “You and those babies need to rest, sweetheart.” He said kindly, “My wife Marsha, had triplets. And I swear, that woman got so evil….” He shrugged playfully, “I’ll let Duke know that diamonds and spas will be his best friend soon enough”


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