To Marry an English Lord
Page 40
brought to husband’s ancestral home, 185
costumed as Scheherazade, 282
Floors Castle redecorated by, 230
slow to produce heir, 211–12
tenants’ lot as concern of, 247
wedding of, 177
Royal Academy, 249
Royal Agricultural Society of England, London, 360
Royal Ascot, 17, 18, 24, 25, 318
Royal “requests,” 285
Royal School of Embroidery, 247
Royal visits, see Country-house visits,royal
Royal Yacht Squadron, 35, 38
Rubens, Peter Paul, 126
Rufford Old Hall, Lancashire, 237, 237, 322
Russell, Bertrand Russell, 3rd Earl, 327
Russell, Edith (later Lady Playfair), 81, 347
Russia in Central Asia (Curzon), 111
Russian Choir Singers, 285
Riitherfiird, Winthrop, 152, 156–57, 159–62, 162, 168
St. Albans, Duchess of, 82
St. Bartholomew’s, New York City, 176
St. Edward’s Crown, 269
St. George’s Church, New York City, 267
St. George’s Hanover Square, London, 210, 363
St. Germans, Helen, Countess of (née Post; formerly Hon. Mrs. Montague Eliot), 302, 307–10, 345
St. Germans, Montague Eliot, 8th Earl of, 309, 310, 319, 345
St. James’s Palace, 277, 307
St. James’s Square, London, 365
St. Paul’s Church, London, 364
St. Petersburg, Imperial Court at, 318
St. Peters Church, London, 362
St. Thomas’s Church, New York City, 175–76, 178–79
Salisbury, Lord, 115
Salisbury, Maty (later Hon. Mrs. Ernest Gibson), 348
Sancy diamond, 293, 293
Sandringham, Norfolk, 16, 69, 72, 251, 289, 296
Sands, Benjamin A., 78
Sands, May (later Hon. Mrs. Hugh Howard), 78, 348
Sandwich, Alberta, Countess of (née Sturges; formerly Mrs. George Montagu), 74, 77, 103, 201, 212, 217, 317, 352, 364, 365
invalidism of, 243
Sandwich, George Montagu, 9th Earl of, 201, 217, 222, 317, 352, 364
San Francisco, 137
Sargent, John Singer, 97, 210, 248–49, 248, 249
Savoy, London, 277
Aylesford affair, 127–30
cheating at cards and, 241–42
extramarital affairs and, 252
Scarisbrick, Lady Josephine (née Chamberlain), 165, 309
Scarisbrick, Talbot Leyland (later 1st Baronet Scarisbrick), 165, 309
Scarsdale, 4th Baron, 110, 111, 114, 194, 194, 195
Scheherazade, May Goelet costumed as, 282
Schley, Virginia (later Hon. Mrs. Ralph Montagu- ‘ Stuart-Wortley) 348
Second Empire, fall of, 36
Second marriages, choice of American bride repeated in, 350
Secor, Rosalind (later Lady Chetwynd), 78, 304, 348, 365
Secor, William Holt, 78
Self-Made Girls, 64–73, 166, 270
advantages lacked by, 64
Chamberlain as exemplar of, 67–73
and deification of heiresses, 66–67
as emblems of American civilization, 73
Leiter as exemplar of, 80–83
parental role for, 68
self-improvement campaigns of, 67
superabundance of, 73
wardrobe needs of, 70–71
weddings of, 119
Senate, U.S., 202
Servants, 221–25, 222
American brides’ establishment of dominanc e over, 221–23
American brides’ inexperienceimmediately recognized by, 198
bedding of, 253
extramarital affairs and, 255, 255
height of, 291
hierarchy of, 223–24
imperturbable, centuries-old routine of, 191–94, 221–22
moral supervision of, 198–99
professionalism of, 225
quarters of, 222–23, 223
Servants’ Ball, 264–65, 284
Sharon, Florence (Flora), see Fermor-Hesketh, Lady Florence
Sharon, William, 78, 78, 124
Shaw, Nancy Langhorne, see Astor, Lady Nancy
Sherman, Isaac Hull, 78
Sherman, Mildred, see Camoys, Lady Mildred
Sherman, William Watts, 78–79, 90, 227
Sherry’s, New York City, 178
Sherwood, M. E. W., 238
Shooting, 290–91, 291, 296, 297, 299
Silent Partner type of Wall Street Fathers, 74–75, 75
Silk, 256
Simla, 280
Singer, Winnaretta (later Princesse de Scey- Montbeliard; Princesse de Polignac), 163
Sirs, 22
Sister acts, 308–9
Sitting Bull, 137
Sloane Street, London, 365
Smith, George S. (‘‘Chicago”), 79, 230
Smith, Maty Emma (later Lady Cooper), 79, 230–31, 275, 349, 363
Smith, Murray Forbes, 51–52
Smith, Mrs. Murray, 51
Smoking, in lady’s presence, 239
Social godmothers, 89–93, 95, 123
Socialist party, 116
Society of Arts, 18
South Africa, Boer War in, 271–74
Spanish-American War, 270, 271
Spears, Lady Maty (née Borden), 76
Spencer-Churchill, Lord Ivor, 212
Spittoons, 137
Sporting attire, 232
Sporting Man type of Wall Street Father, 34–35, 64, 74
Sporting Times, 241
“Spy,”42, 112
Stafford, Marquess of, 126
Stafford House, London, 157
Stager, Anson, 74, 79
Stager, Ellen, see Ormonde, Ellen, Marchioness of
Star-Spangled Banner, as wedding music, 316
Steamer Set, 267
Stevens, Harry, 32
Stevens, Marietta, 30–33, 36, 63, 89, 130, 264
costumed as Elizabeth I, 30, 60
Minnie’s marriage and, 44–46
Sunday evening musicales given by, 30–31
Stevens, Maty (Minnie), see Paget, Lady Maty
Stevens, Paran, 30, 31, 64, 79, 90
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 327
Stewart, A. T., 58
English aristocrats as, 318
see also Wall Street Fathers
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 79, 79
Stokes, Sarah (later Lady Halkett of Hanover), 79, 351
Stokes, William, 79
Stone, Romaine (later Mrs. Lawrence Turnure, Jr; Lady Monson), 179, 352
Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwickshire, 124, 226, 226, 287, 322, 350
Stonor Park Oxfordshire, 188, 245, 322, 349
oil heater installed at, 226
porch added to, 227
Strafford, Cora, Countess of (formerly Cora Colgate), 76, 167, 279, 281, 327
Strafford, Henry Byng, 4th Earl of, 327
Strange, Michael (BlancheOelrichs), 146–47
Strauss, Johann, 318
Sturges, Alberta, see Sandwich, Alberta,Countess of
Stuyvesant, Peter, 152
Sudbuty Hall, Derbyshire, 322
Suflfern, Maude (née Lorillard; later Hon. Mrs. Cecil Baring; Lady Revelstoke), 77, 168, 341, 343, 361
Suffolk, 20th Earl of, 340
Suffolk, Henry Howard, 19th Earl of, 106, 302, 309, 340
Suffolk, Marguerite (Daisy), Countess of (née Leiter), 77, 249, 302, 309, 309, 340, 340
Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 274
Sunderland House, London, 312, 362
Sunderland Library, 125
Sutherland, Duchess of, 17
Sutherland, Duke of, 17, 157
“Swells,” 14
Sykes, Christopher, 21, 95, 95
Szapary, Countess, 172
/> Tabernacle Baptist Church, New York City, 133
Tailer, Maude (née Lorillard; later Hon. Mrs. Cecil Baring; Lady Revelstoke), 77, 168, 341, 343, 361
Tandragee, 106
Tankerville, George Bennet, 7th Earl of, 165, 354
Tankerville, Leonora, Countess of (née Van Marter), 165, 354, 354
Tatler, 103, 167, 245, 247, 276, 277, 285, 287, 302, 303, 310, 317
royal likes and dislikes listed in, 297–99
Tea, romantic liaisons at, 255–58
Temperature, arctic, in English country houses, 189, 190
Temple-Blackwood, Lady Florence (Flora), see DuflFerin and Ava, Florence, Marchioness of
Temple-Blackwood, Lord Terence (later 2nd Marquess of DuflFerin and Ava), 111, 328, 342
Thaw, Alice, see Yarmouth, Alice, Countess of
Thaw, Harry K., 313, 315, 315
Thaw, William, 79
Thaw, Mrs. William, 313
costumes for, 233
as fund-raiser for Boer War, 274
Theodora, Empress of Eastern Roman Empire, Jennie costumed as, 282
Tiaras, 233, 273, 289, 290, 293, 293
bending under weight of, 293
dropped into toilet, 279–81
“family fender,” 290
as wedding gift for American Aristocrats, 171–75
Tiffany & Co., 31, 285
Times (London), 111, 114, 205, 218, 243
Times building, New York City, 35
Tintoretto, 151
Tipping, vulgarity in, 81
Titian, 126
Title-Mart (Churchill), 238
awarded by Edward, 275
British peerage and, 22, 23
Continental, American heiresses in quest of, 163
lining up of, to go in to dinner, 228, 228
on loan until father-in-law’s death, 218–19
proliferation of, on Continent, 23
Toasts, first, 127
for royal travelers, 289
tiara dropped into, 279–81
Tombs Prison, New York City, 246
Top Dollar Fathers, 76–79
Tories, see Conservative party
Touzalin, Ellen (later Mrs. George Nickerson; Hon. Mrs. Horace Hood), 353
Town Topics, 159, 177, 205, 303, 313
Trabolgan, Co. Cork, 132
Traer, Helen (later Lady Vernon), 347
Tranby Croft scandal, 241–42, 242
Transatlantic pipeline, 88–93
Transatlantiques, Les (Hermant), 238
Transplanted Rose, A (Sherwood), 238
Travers, William, 34, 35
Tree, Beerbohm, 274
Trimmings, on Worth dresses, 257
Trinity Church, Newport, 155
“Triumphs of the Gods, The,” 231
Trousers, creased, 301
Trousseaus, 170, 171
Tucker, Ethel (later Countess of Lindsay), 79, 353
Tucker, William A., 79
Tuileries, Imperial Palace of, 29
“Turning the table,” 296
Turnure, Lawrence, Jr., 79
Turnure, Romaine (née Stone; later Lady Monson), 79, 352
Tuxedo Park, 141, 141
Twain, Mark, 65
Tweed, 301
Tyrolean hats, 301
Valets, 224
of Edward, 300–301
Valiant, 152, 156, 156, 159, 162
Vanbrugh, Sir John, 125, 227
Vanderbilt, Alfred, 174, 277
Vanderbilt, Alice (née Gwynne), 59, 60
Vanderbilt, Alva (later Mrs. Oliver H.P. Belmont), 51–61, 52, 89, 139, 140, 152–53, 156–65, 213, 244, 278, 311
ball given in Sunny’s honor by, 159, 164
Blenheim deemed inferior to Marble House by, 157–59
daughter raised to be duchess by, 148–49
daughter’s annulment and, 244
daughter’s romantic intransigence and, 156–57, 159–62, 168
daughter’s wedding and, 170, 173, 176, 177
divorce of, 152, 155–56, 164, 168, 244, 311, 312
ducal cradle made for, 213
family background of, 51–52
in Great Triumvirate, 264–65, 265
housewarming ball given by, 55–61, 58, 59, 60, 61, 267
Mrs. Astor’s rivalry with, 55, 58–59
Sunny sought as son-in-law by, 154, 157–59, 162–65
temperament of, 53
wealth of, 52–53
Vanderbilt, Consuelo, see Marlborough, Consuelo, Duchess of
Vanderbilt, Cornelius (Commodore), 51, 52, 53, 54, 132
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr., 53, 59, 60, 149, 152, 159, 174
Vanderbilt, Mrs. Cornelius, Jr., 174
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, III, 168, 172, 174
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, IV, 139, 213, 267
Vanderbilt, Gertrude (later Mrs. Harry Whitney), 159, 165, 174, 316, 316
Vanderbilt, Gladys, 168
Vanderbilt, Grace (née Wilson), 41, 103, 139, 145, 168, 174, 174, 267, 318
Vanderbilt, Harold, 51, 152, 166
Vanderbilt, Lulu, 139
Vanderbilt, William (son of Cornelius Vanderbilt, II), 174
Vanderbilt, William H. (son of Cornelius Vanderbilt, I), 52, 53, 54, 62, 63
Vanderbilt, William K. (son of William H. Vanderbilt), 52–53, 52, 59, 79, 90, 140, 144, 159, 234, 312
at daughter’s wedding, 176
divorce of, 152, 155–56, 164, 168, 244, 311, 312
Fifth Avenue château built by, 54–55, 55, 59
tiara given to daughter by, 171–78
Vanderbilt, William K., Jr., 51, 277
Vanderbilt coat of arms, 169
Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, 126
Vanity Fair, 285, 286
Van Matter, Leonora (later Countess of Tankerville), 165, 354, 354
Veblen, Thorstein, 56
Venezuela, border dispute in, 270
Vernon, 8th Baron, 347
Vernon, Lady Frances (née Lawrance), 167, 332, 339, 347
Vernon, George Vernon, 7th Baron, 332, 339, 347
Vernon, Lady Helen (née Traer), 347
Vernon, Hon. William, 309, 332
Vernon, Hon. Mrs. William (née Louisa Frost), 309, 332
Versailles, 144, 144
Victoria, Queen of England, 16, 24, 25, 43, 84, 85, 212, 269, 319
death of, 263
Diamond Jubilee of, 201, 282
fashionable set disdained by, 17
funeral of, 263
husband’s death and, 15–16, 84
Jennie’s meeting with, 204, 205
mourning for, 263, 276
presentation at court of, 16, 304, 305
reins of power held by, 18, 83
retinue of, 84–85, 113
terminally dull court of, 84–85, 268
Victoria and Albert, 300
Visconti, Valentina, 282
Viscountesses, 22
Viscounts, 22
Visitor’s books, as proof of royal visits, 299
Vogue, 170
Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire, 125
Wadsworth, Cornelia, see Adair, Cornelia
Wadsworth, Elizabeth (later Mrs. Arthur Post; Lady Barrymore), 79, 302, 309, 354, 363
Wadsworth, James, 79
Wagner, Richard, 63, 306
Waistcoats, 301
Waldegrave, Lady, 45
Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, Bradley Martin Ball at, 266–67, 266
Wales, Prince of, see Edward VII, King of England; George V, King of England
Walker, Mrs. Hall, 270
Walker, Marguerite (later Hon. Mrs. Henry Wallop; Countess of Portsmouth), 354
Wall Street Fathers, 132
Collector type of, 150–51
profiles of Top Dollars, 76–79
Silent Partner type of, 74–75, 75
Sporting Man type of, 34�
��35, 64, 74
Waltzes, reversing during, 117
Ward, Edward, 217
Ward, Lady Jean (née Reid), 78, 217, 293, 302, 306, 346, 362, 364
wedding of, 306–7
Ward, Hon. John, 217, 293, 307, 346, 364
War of 1812, 36
Warwick, 4th Earl of (formerly Lord Brooke), 116, 253, 254
Warwick, Frances Evelyn (Daisy), Countess of (née Maynard), 95, 116, 116, 215, 241, 253, 289
Anglo-American amity encouraged by, 270
extramarital affairs of, 253, 254
in morning dress, 232
Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, 270, 272
Lady Warwick’s Agricultural Scheme for Women, 116
Washington, D.C., 10, 137, 141
Washington Square, New York City, brownstones on, 11, 11
Waterlow, Lady Margaret (née Hamilton), 336, 362
Waterlow, Sir Sidney, 336, 362
Watteau, Antoine, 126, 139
Wealth, displayingof, 290–91
Wecter, Dixon, 118
Wedding cakes, 47
Wedding dresses, 119, 176, 178, 179, 306
worn after wedding, 46
Wedding gifts, 185
for Consuelo Vanderbilt, 170–75
displaying of, 170–71
royal, 306, 307
tiaras, 171–75, 293
of American Aristocrats, 169–79, 169, 170, 176, 178, 179
of Buccaneers, 42, 44, 45–46, 47
carriages for, 175
frenzied press coverage of, 169–70
of Knickerbockers, 8–9
with more than one ceremony, 133
of New Heiresses, 303–10
patriotic music for, 316
of Self-Made Girls, 119
Their Majesties’ interest in, 306–7
Wertheimer, 151
Westminster, Duchess of, 82, 111
Westminster, Duke of, 24, 291, 364
Westminster Abbey, London, 268
Edward’s coronation at, 278–81
Westmoreland, Countess of, 282
Wetmore, Anne, 78
Wetmore, Peabody, 277
Wharton, Edith, 33, 46, 68, 170, 221–22, 238
invalidism of, 245
Wharton, Teddy, 32
White, Stanford, 139, 142, 145, 315
White, Mrs. Stanford, 257
Whitehall, London, 365
Whitehouse, Lily (later Hon. Mrs. Charles Coventry), 79, 226, 332, 355
Whitehouse, William Fitzhugh, 79
White Ladye, 140
Whitney, Gertrude (née Vanderbilt), 159, 165, 174, 316, 316
Whitney, Harry Payne, 316, 316
Whitney, Pauline, see Queenborough, Lady Pauline
Whitney, William Collins, 79, 90, 145, 150, 150, 234
Whitney, Mrs. William Collins, 56
Wichendon, 125
Wilde, Oscar, 66, 72, 100, 135, 137, 323
Wild West, 135, 137
Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, 102, 174, 318