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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

Page 15

by Belle Winters

  Now they wanted to show? Five minutes late! Screw that, I’m keeping my money. I began walking back to Gio’s car when the woman who apparently had a death wish opened her big ass mouth again. “Yea, and take the trailer trash with you.”

  I tensed. My bag was on the floor in a heartbeat. Dante stepped out like he was going to stop me and when I gave him the death glare, he held up his hands and stepped out of the way. Smart fucking man.



  All the women in my life were fucking crazy, swear to god.

  “You should really put some ice on that.” I sighed. It was the third time Sofia said it.

  “I’m fine,” I growled.

  Sofia bit back laughter. “She socked your ass.” She informed me, again.

  “I know that.”

  “What were you thinking?” she asked me.

  Julie was off in the kitchen keeping herself busy doing anything she could to avoid me. I could hear the sounds of pots and pans banging away. I looked back to my sister. “Huh?”

  She shook her head. “What were you thinking?” she repeated.

  I looked at her incredulously. “Are you shitting me?!” I asked.

  She shrugged and plopped down on my sofa. After that nightmare at her school turned into a horror scene, we came back to my place after stopping by Ma’s to grab some stuff for Sofia. The little troublemaker in front of me was going to stay with us until my mom got back. I cringed as I thought about telling my mother about this shit if the school or police haven’t already called her. Or Michael for that matter who should be here at any second.

  “No. I’m serious.” She said.

  A knock sounded at the door, and Dante answered it letting my brother in. His hair was a mess like he’d been running his hands through it. “What the fuck did you do?” he started in on me.

  I didn’t explain to him what was going on, just that we needed his services.

  “What makes you think I did something?” I asked.

  He scowled at me and gave me a look that clearly said I was an idiot. “You’re not serious right now, are you?” he asked.

  I held up my hand. “I’m dead serious. It wasn’t me.”

  His head cocked to the side, and he frowned. “What the fuck happened to you. That’s one fuck of a shiner. How does the other guy look?” He asked as he sat down next to Sofia.

  She scoffed. “The other guy looks completely untouched and is in the kitchen without a hair out of place.”

  He frowned. “I only saw Julie in the – “ he stopped, and his eyes got wide. “Julie fucked you up didn’t she?” he asked with a shit-eating grin.

  I flipped him off, and Sofia nodded happily. “It was amazing. I know I hated her before, but now I think I’m now in love with her.”

  Michael shook his head. “What did you do?” he asked me.

  “Ok, so you mean before or after my girlfriend pounced on a woman? Or after I tried to pull said girlfriend off of a terrified woman who was getting the shit beat out of her, and in turn said girlfriend punched me in the eye. Or when my apparently deranged sister used that opportunity to go after the woman's daughter and knock her out before getting into a fight with the older one?” I asked him. Each point making his eyes go wider.

  “Or maybe… just maybe… it was when the principal of the school came out with a security guard, screaming like a banshee, so I went to her and tried to calm her down and get control of the situation while the guard went to try and help Dante break up the fights. Then both of them pounced on the security guard who they’re alleging they didn’t realize was a security guard even though he was in a rent-a-cop uniform.”

  I laughed humorlessly. “Actually… I think it was about the time that when the mother could feel her fingers again, she called the police… and after four people got assaulted – myself not included – they were able to sweet talk the cops into uncuffing them and letting them go home.” I shook my head. “They have 48 hours to turn themselves in because they’re both being charged with assault.” I summarized. “Hence, why I called you to come save these two demons from going to jail.”

  Michael stared.

  And stared.

  And stared some more.

  Then, laughter. Belly deep laughter broke free until he was wiping away tears from his eyes. I’m happy someone found humor in this bullshit. “You gotta be kidding me.” He finally said.

  I fell back on the couch. “You couldn’t make this shit up,” I said pointing to my black eye, which triggered another round of laughter with Sofia joining in.

  Michael looked over at Sofia. “So, did you win?”

  This mother fucker. She frowned. “What do you mean did I win? I kicked her ass.”

  He threw his arm over her shoulder and pulled her into his side, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Atta girl.”

  “Don’t encourage this shit,” I warned.

  He shrugged. “It’s done. What can you do about it now?”

  He had a point but still. I’ve done some shit in my life, but that was some real fucked up scary shit. All four of them needed medical attention. I didn’t stick around to hear about any injuries. I got out of there like a bat out of hell as soon as the cops said they could go. I was scared they would have no choice but to arrest them on the spot if one of them had a fucking concussion or a broken bone. No shit, it was brutal. A small part of me – ok fine, a big part of me was proud as fuck of my girls. But, I didn’t want their asses out there fighting even if they were fucking shit up.

  “Obviously Sofia is suspended, so she’s going to be staying here and out of trouble,” I told my brother.

  He smiled. “Is Julie going to be here?” he asked.

  I nodded. “She is.”

  He bit back a laugh. “Right. Good luck keeping her out of trouble. Your girl is a hellcat. Sweet as a peach and cute as a button, but she’s still a stick of dynamite.”

  I scoffed. “I told you all that she was touched. You thought I was kidding.” I shook my head. “You’ve got your work in store for you.” I threw at him.

  Now he groaned. “Fuck you’re right. Let me make some calls.”

  I stood and nodded to him as I walked to the kitchen to check on the bane of my existence. She’d been in there for quite some time and there’s, but so much she could do in the kitchen. I figured her crazy ass was up to something. When I walked into the kitchen, I froze. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I stood in the doorway watching her multi-task.

  She was in the middle of chopping vegetables before she placed down the knife only halfway through and added some stuff into a hot pot. Then, she opened the oven and turned around some chicken. She adjusted the temperature under a pan and went back to chopping. She looked damn good barefoot in my kitchen. Then, just like that, I was hit with an image of her just the same but with a large belly filled with my growing kid. The thought should’ve scared me, but instead, I felt my blood running south to my hardening cock. Fuck, that thought turned me on.

  I licked my lips, now fucking excited and couldn’t stop myself from going after her. I slipped into the kitchen behind her and wrapped my arms around her, my hands landing on her flat, empty stomach. I kissed her shoulder, and she just kept on chopping peppers like I wasn’t there.

  “What you making?” I asked, and kissed her neck.

  “Food.” She responded distractedly.

  Huh. I didn’t like how she could stay fully focused on something else when I was touching her. We couldn’t have that now, can we? That type of shit will fuck up a man's ego.

  I slid my hand down her stomach and right into the front of her jeans and underwear. My fingers found her wet core as she continued to cut up the vegetables, not breaking her rhythm. I would’ve been offended if her body didn’t tremble from my touch and I felt her clench around my fingers. My girl was definitely affected.

  As I continued to play between her legs, her breathing escalated, and her movements were becoming stilted. “You like that?” I
whispered in her ear, and she gave me a jerky nod. I smiled against her skin.

  I felt her pussy began to clench and try to pull my fingers in further and knew she was ready. I pinched her bud just the way she likes and then bit her back right between her shoulder blades, and she went off, coating my hand with her juices. I kept caressing her lightly as she trembled in my arms before finally slumping back against me. I held her weight and pulled my hand free. I brought it to my mouth and cleaned her juices off of my fingers. Fuck! Nothing tasted better than her pussy. I held onto her until she sighed and stood up on her own to finish cooking. I decided to leave her to it because I was more than ready to bend her over and take her right then and there. But, I had no idea what the fuck she was doing, and if I fucked up her food, she’d try to kill me.

  “Gio?” she called out just as I was about to turn the corner.

  I turned back to her. “What’s up, babe?”

  Her back was to me. “Do you have band-aids?”

  I frowned. “I think there’s some in the medicine cabinet. Why?” I asked.

  She turned to face me. Her face was pinched, and she was covering her hand with a dishtowel, and I could see the blood seeping through it. I walked over to her and tried to inspect her hand. “What happened?” I asked anxiously.

  She grinned sheepishly. “I think I kind of blacked out for a second when you did that… thing I like. I was too blissed out to feel the pain.” She explained.

  I shook my head and began leading her to the bathroom. “That’s a lot of fucking blood. You sure you didn’t lose a finger?” I was dead serious too.

  She smiled at me. “No silly.” Then she frowned. “I have my finger, but I’m not sure if I’ll need stitches.” She shook her head. “Nah, it should be fine.”

  I groaned as I cut on the bathroom light and started pulling first aid shit out. “I need to take you to the hospital.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she looked at me like I just sinned. “I’m cooking. I cant go to the hospital!”

  I rolled my eyes as I pulled out the alcohol. “Fuck the food. You might need stitches.” I argued.

  She waved her good hand at me. “Oh, that? I don’t need to go to the hospital. I can stitch myself up just fine. I’ve done it a million times.” She said casually.

  Right. Like that wasn’t scary. The fuck am I going to do with this girl?

  Chapter 13


  I can’t believe we’re really doing this.



  With my family, and… Gio. Just the thought of seeing him made me want to slit my wrists.

  I know it sounds like I’m being dramatic, but let me take you back to last week so you can understand my frustration.


  One Week prior

  I had to come home after school. There was a couple of books that I had in the house that I needed for some of my work. Against my wishes, Gio was determined to swing by and pick me up to drop me off at work. Naturally, my mother and sister were trying to once again corner me and play the 21 questions game with me about Giovanni and where I’ve been, and it took longer than usual to get myself fed and ready while trying to avoid them.

  Considering I’ve been spending most of my time at Gio’s place, my sister decided to claim ownership of our entire room, and my previously clean side was a freaking mess. I hadn’t been watching the time and was just trying to crawl from underneath my bed, and I barely heard the doorbell ring. I ignored it and continued looking for my headphones. They would come in handy when Gio fell asleep on me while I was up late doing homework.

  My cell phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket, glimpsing at the screen. I groaned when I looked at my phone. Granted, my phone was crappy and cheap, but I needed it functional. During the… ‘incident’ as we have come to refer to what happened at Sofia’s school, my phone got damaged. It was now sadly sporting a crack straight down the middle, and the screen looked about ready to fall off completely.

  I had a text:

  Gio: Here, babe.


  I looked at the time and grabbed my bookbag before practically running off. It was like déjà vu when I came to a halt by the kitchen. Just like the last time I didn’t get my ass outside on time, Gio’s impatient ass came inside my house and was being cornered by my mom. Taylor, not so much, but she was still paying attention.

  “I’m Candice, who might you be?” My mother asked Gio, extending her hand.

  He accepted it. “I’m Giovanni – “

  I grabbed his arm. “My boss… who is here to give me a ride to work.” I cut in.

  He looked down at me and frowned. He searched my eyes questioningly, and I diverted my gaze. “Oh.” My mother's voice perked up, and she pushed her breast out. “Well then, it’s nice to meet you.” She gave him a sexy smile, and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. This couldn’t be any more embarrassing.

  “Well… I’m going to be late. We need to get – “

  “Oh relax honey. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Your boss is here, I’m sure this is ok.” My mother said before closing the distance between her and Gio invading his personal space. “I’m so grateful for all you’re doing for my daughter. I have to repay you some way…” she tapped her chin as she pretended to think. “Oh, I know. Why don’t you come over for dinner next week?” she suggested. “Say… Wednesday? At 7?” she offered batting her lashes.

  Gio seemed confused, but he began to nod slowly. I cut in again, “actually, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I’m sure he’s too busy. We can send him a card or something.” I suggested desperately.

  When he looked at me again, I saw hurt and more confusion. He appeared torn, and then his eyes changed. Right before my eyes, I watched the light go out, and his look turned icy cold. He moved his arm clearly indicating he didn’t want my touch without physically pushing me off of him. I released him.

  He turned back to my mother and looked her up and down with interest. My mother practically bounced from the attention. I felt nauseous, and now I was the confused one. What the hell was he doing? “That would be great Candice.” He said smoothly taking her hand and kissing the back of it. I swear my mother swooned.

  “You can call me Candy.” She said breathlessly.

  Gio gave my mother a grin. “We have to get going. Looking forward to seeing you next week, Candy.” He turned and looked at my sister. “Nice seeing you again Taylor.” He said. I watched my sister go white as a sheet, and he went to make his exit.

  I trailed behind him quietly and got in the car. Not a word was spoken on the ride to work, and it was extremely awkward. The silence was suffocating, and I found myself shivering inside the car more than once. It wasn’t cold, but I swear I thought I was on the verge of frostbite. Every second, I could feel the distance growing between us and I didn’t understand it, but I was too scared, too mortified to say anything. My mother… my fucking mother. I just knew it. He was disgusted by me, by us. He was finally seeing me as what we truly were, and I wasn’t exactly ready to hear the words from his mouth. I don’t know how in such a short time he’s come to matter to me, but he has. Of all the people in my life, his disapproval would hurt the most.

  When we got to the club, I got out of the car and started my shift. I had to force myself to smile and be cheery, where deep down I was dreading the time I got off. Naturally, today of all days time seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, I was clocking out.

  I practically dragged my feet and took as much time as I possibly could gathering my stuff and going outside. Just as I was walking out of the doors, I saw Gio slip into the backseat of the car. As I approached, Dante stood against the vehicle in Gio’s normal spot looking extremely uncomfortable. When I got to him, he let out a long breath and gave me a pitying look.

  “Hey, Dante.” I greeted him awkwardly.


  I started for the back door and he reached out to me. “I’m actually
going to drive you home today.”

  I tensed and gave him a stiff nod. Nothing else needed to be said. “Can you uh… will you let him know I need my stuff? Especially my books?” I asked as he walked me over to another car.

  Dante glanced over at me, and his look was full of pity. He opened the door for me, and I got in. I waited until he got in and pulled off before I spoke again. “Can you… get my stuff?” I asked him.

  He gave me a brief nod. “Yea, Julie. I’ll get it for you.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”

  He groaned and kept his eyes on the road, his face in a grimace. “Julie, I’m sorry – “

  I laughed humourlessly. “You have nothing to be sorry for Dante. You did nothing wrong. I appreciate you taking me home tonight.” I told him softly.

  He growled but didn’t say anything more, for which I was grateful. I didn’t know what he’d told them, but I didn’t want to know either.

  He pulled into my driveway, and as I started to get out, he put a hand on my shoulder and stopped me. He seemed as if he was in physical pain and he took a deep breath and a harsh gulp. “Giovanni wanted me to give you this.” He said softly. He reached into his pocket and fished out a MetroCard.

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed. It was that bad that he felt he needed to get me a fucking metro card. Wow. “You can let him keep it,” I said.

  He shook his head. “Take it, Julie. I don’t know all that happened, but I don’t want you walking around everywhere.” He closed his eyes. “If something happened to you, Princess I will kick my brother's ass and yours.”

  I smiled at him. “You’re the sweetest thing, ya know. Thank you, Dante, but no thanks. I’m working. I’ll get myself a MetroCard if I need it. Nobody has ever really had to take care of me, no need to start now.” I told him. “I just… need my stuff.”

  He nodded and tossed the card somewhere in the back of the car. “I’ll get it to you tonight. Give me your number so I can call you when I’m back.”

  I rattled off my number, and he programmed it then gave me his. “You keep my number. If you ever need anything, and I do mean anything you call me. I don’t want none of that pride shit. If you’re in trouble or need some help, you don’t hesitate. If you do, I’ll tell Ma.”


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