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Filthy Dirty Brother: A Forbidden Cousins Romance

Page 22

by Ford, Mia

  “You are so fucking tight!” Sam groaned. “Shit!”

  I could feel my pussy gripping his cock and pulling on it as he pulled out before diving back in again, giving him a bit of resistance, which felt amazing for us both.

  “Yes! Give it to me!” I yelled.

  I was almost there…

  Sam was getting tired. I could hear his breathless moans as he tried to hold on.

  “There it is!” Sam moaned loudly in my ear finally.

  I felt him quiver and then his hot seed released into me by what felt like a gallon full. He just kept pumping into me more and more with each thrust of his magical cock. I held on and waited for my own climax.

  When it finally came I was in too much bliss to even moan. I could barely breathe and I felt almost as if I was rising up out of my own body and moving towards a higher plane.

  When it was all over we just laid there together snuggling and loving each other.

  Soon, we’d be joined by our wonderful daughter and our family would be complete.

  I had never dreamt of happiness greater than this.

  * * *

  I was awakened the next morning by the shower and sunlight streaming in through the windows. At first I was panic stricken because I realized I was late for work, but as I rolled out of bed I quickly noticed that my phone said it was Saturday. It was the weekend and I could relax.

  Images of the night before kept playing in my head. It was one of the best nights we’d had in a while, although most of our time together was precious and magical, sometimes it did feel like Sam and I were in a bit of a rut. But I supposed all couples went through that sort of thing, at some point. We’d get through it. I was sure that after the baby came we’d have a lot less of those feelings since we’d be tied up with that all the time.

  I was just laying back down to try to get some more sleep when I noticed a card lying on the floor besides Sam’s pants he’d taken off so hastily last night. At first glance it looked like one of Sam’s business cards. But then I noticed something peculiar about it.

  I got out of bed and picked it up to get a closer look. The first thing I noticed was the smell of perfume and then the lipstick marks on the corner. And as I turned the card over I saw a woman’s name and phone number. Mitzy Boyd. It said “Call me! 555-2633.”

  What the hell was this? Was Sam cheating on me?

  No… it had to be just some woman who wanted him, but he would never really do that, would he? Why would he keep this card?

  The questions began circling my head like vultures that would not let me rest a moment. I got out of bed and put on some clothes. I didn’t feel like sleeping in any more. Sam and I had some talking to do. But how was I even to bring this up? How could I actually accuse him of something so despicable? I didn’t really think he would do that… would he?

  I heard the shower turn off and Sam step out and begin drying off. A few minutes later he appeared in our bedroom naked. As he opened up his dresser to grab some clean undies I decided then was as good of a time as any to bring this up. No way was I going to torture myself with this.

  “What is this?” I asked holding up the card.

  Sam looked over at me and then at the card. He seemed a bit confused.

  “Um… my business card?” He answered.

  I turned it over to show him the message.

  Sam rolled his eyes the moment he saw the name and laughed.

  “Oh, God,” Sam said. “That woman is mental. But she did buy the house, so at least she was good for something.”

  “Who is she? Why did she give you this note?” I demanded.

  Sam could tell that my tone was not at all joking. I was very serious. His demeanor changed to match.

  “Babe, relax. This woman is a client. She kept hitting on me and practically throwing herself at me. I swear she wanted to do it in the house I was showing her, right then and there. You should have seen the shock on her face when I turned her down and started to walk out of the house.”

  “You turned her down?” I asked.

  “Yeah, of course,” Sam said. “Wait… did you really think I fooled around with some other woman? Babe… really?”

  I was starting to feel a bit stupid, but I had to know.

  “I…I guess… not…” I said.

  Sam put his arm around me and kissed me on the lips softly.

  “I’m glad to know you still care,” Sam said.

  “This isn’t funny,” I said. “Why do you have her number if you turned her down?”

  “I don’t know. She must have written that on the business card I gave her and left it on the table. I picked it up and stuffed it into my pocket hastily as I left the house because I was running late and I wanted to get home in time to surprise you with dinner and everything. If I’d seen that I would have just tossed the card.”

  I stood there for a moment staring into Sam’s eyes. I couldn’t tell if he was lying. Everything he said sounded reasonable, and he’d never given me any reason to doubt him, but I did know his past. And at the time, I was feeling very undesirable and a bit insecure.

  “Ok,” I said. “I guess, I believe you.”

  “What do you mean, you guess?” Sam asked. “You can believe me or not—that’s your problem. I haven’t done anything wrong. In fact, I did everything right. And I’d like a bit of appreciation for it.”

  “You want a medal for not cheating on your girlfriend?” I asked.

  Sam gave me a hard look, shook his head, and quickly got dressed.

  Then he marched out of our bedroom. A moment later I heard the front door slam.

  Where was he going?

  Why? Why was I constantly pushing him away?

  I sat down on the bed and became overwhelmed with emotions. The tears started and didn’t stop for a long time.

  Chapter Thirty


  I hated Mondays. I was pretty sure everybody did, but this particular Monday was even more annoying than usual. I’d spent the morning in a bit of a fog trying to concentrate on selling the houses I had appointments for that morning, but my head wasn’t in the game and I think the potential buyers could sense that. The first rule of sales was that you weren’t selling houses, you were selling yourself. And I was failing miserably that morning at selling myself.

  The weekend had been one long, boring blur, mostly because starting Saturday morning Kay had actually accused me of cheating with that stupid Mitzy Boyd. I kept kicking myself for not just tossing that business card, but I had no idea the woman had written that message on the back of it. I sure as hell wouldn’t have kept it.

  It really bothered me to think that Kay believed that I would ever actually cheat on her. Of course during my dark depression a few months earlier, I had considered it, but I’d also considered running away from everything almost every day. I just wasn’t in the right mindset. I was a lot better now and everything seemed beautiful to me. But that idea that she really would consider the possibility bothered me to the very core.

  Which is why I decided after I came back to the office from lunch, to open up that bottle of whiskey I kept in my desk drawer for really bad days. The window blinds were shut and I figured it was five o’clock some damn where, so why not?

  After a few sips of the sweet elixir, I began to feel less stressed out. I was pretty sure that Kay had gotten over the idea that I might cheat on her and she was now feeling more ashamed for thinking it than anything. We just needed to talk about it. That was all. We’d have a nice talk tonight and we’d get it out in the open.

  A few minutes later my father walked into my office.

  He closed the door behind him and sat down across from me.

  “Hey, dad,” I said. “Fancy a drink?”

  He groaned and raised his eyebrows questioningly at me.

  “Don’t you have houses to show this afternoon?” He asked.

  “Yeah, but my next appointment isn’t for about an hour and a half.”

  “Then why th
e hell are you drinking? You want to show up with whiskey on your breath?”

  He grabbed the bottle from me and sat it out of reach.

  “Ok, I was just chilling for a moment. It’s been a slow start,” I said.

  “Look, I came in here to congratulate you on selling that house Friday. That’s a big time payday for us and it shows me that you are ready. You are ready to start taking on more of our high end market. Do you think you are up for the challenge?”

  “Of course,” I said. “I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

  “Great. Maybe soon you can move Kay and my granddaughter out of that bachelor pad of yours into a real home.”

  I smiled and nodded. We had been talking about getting something bigger, maybe in the suburbs where it would be better to raise our family.

  “Thanks, dad,” I said.

  “Sure,” he said. As he got up to leave he paused in the doorway. “Son, I’m proud of you.”

  He then walked out the door and closed it behind him.

  I sat there for several minutes replaying the moment in my head. My father had never said those words to me before. He was proud of me.

  I hung my head and cried. The tears were from both joy and misery. My father was only proud of me because I’d become someone like him. I was content but I was far from happy. But I had learned to place my priorities in life differently in my head.

  I really wanted to call my therapist and talk to him, but I had to get ready for my next appointment. I grabbed the whiskey, took one final drink, and then went to the bathroom to gargle mouthwash to wash away the smell.

  By two-thirty, I was ready to go.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I was in Mitzy Boyd’s office. I had no idea what had possessed me to do this, but I couldn’t let it go. All weekend long, I’d been plagued by guilt and by the circumstances of what had happened when I’d accused Sam of cheating on me. And it was all this bitch’s fault.

  I couldn’t let it go. I knew that Sam hadn’t cheated on me, but the idea that he had kept the card would not leave me. I wasn’t sure that I could totally believe him about not knowing about the card. Sam always kept his business cards in a holder, not loose in his pocket for them to get all crinkled up. It didn’t make sense to me that he’d just stuffed it in there unless he was going to use that card for himself for something.

  It was most likely just my paranoia popping up, but I couldn’t drop it and I was going nuts with it.

  So, I did some research and found out that Mitzy Boyd was a high scale chiropractor. Her prices were outrageous just for an adjustment, but I thought I’d set up an appointment for a consultation anyway. Besides, I was pregnant and I was having some back issues.

  “Miss Boyd will see you now,” the receptionist said as I sat in the lobby wrapped up in my own thoughts.

  A few minutes later, I was in the examination room when Mitzy walked in. She was gorgeous, I had to admit that. Her style presented itself as somehow glamorous, yet sexy and down to earth. I automatically hated her guts and wanted to rip her head off.

  “Hey, there,” Mitzy said. “I’m Dr. Boyd.”

  I introduced myself and explained to her why I was there, the low back pain had been extreme in recent months.

  “Oh, when are you due?”

  “In about six weeks,” I said.

  “Great. Congratulations,” Mitzy replied.

  She did a few basic tests with me, some of which seemed odd, but I went along with it. She first had me turn my head from side to side, the front to back, then against resistance from her hand on both sides, and then she checked to see if my legs were equal length or if there was some tightness there. And of course, there was.

  Then Mitzy cracked my neck a few times, and then my upper and lower back. And it felt fantastic. I immediately felt a lot of the relief from the pain I’d been experiencing. I had to say this for her, she was good at her job. But I was still pissed at her for going after my man.

  When the adjustment was over Mitzy started to escort me out of the room.

  “The receptionist will take care of the billing and everything,” Mitzy said. “I think you should have an adjustment about every three weeks. It will really help you with the overall pregnancy experience, and it might even shorten your labor time.”

  I had no idea about any of that and at that moment I didn’t care.

  “There is something I need to say,” I told her, stopping before I reached the doorway.


  “My boyfriend is Sam Allen,” I said. “He sold you your new house.”

  Mitzy was shocked. The look on her face was exquisite, but she was shrewd. In a moment that look was gone.

  “He is so nice,” Mitzy said.

  “Yes, he is,” I said. I held up the business card to her. “I think you left this behind, but he won’t be needing it.”

  Mitzy stared at the message on the card and looked like she was about to have a stroke. It was glorious.

  “Stay away from men who are taken,” I said. “Not everyone is as gracious as I am. I assume, this adjustment is on the house?”

  I left the office leaving a very stunned Mitzy standing there.

  As I drove back home, I felt amazing. This had been even more fun than I thought it would be, and I even got a free back adjustment out of it. It was turning out to be a great Monday.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I pushed the pool cue through my fingers and felt it connect with the cue ball perfectly. It felt so sweet when the right form and the right stroke just happened to line up exactly the way it was supposed to. The cue ball struck the eight ball and propelled it down the table into the corner pocket where I’d called my shot.

  “Shit,” Robbie, the man I was playing with muttered under his breath.

  “Those are the breaks,” I said sauntering over to him. “I believe that is one hundred you owe me.”

  Robbie glared at me. He did not like to lose, but then again most people didn’t. However, I got the feeling from him that he was the type of guy who was used to being the hustler, not getting hustled.

  “You dickhead,” Robbie said.

  “Hey, when I lost I paid,” I said.

  “You suckered me,” he replied. “You are some kind of hotshot.”

  “I sell real estate,” I said. “I’m not a pool shark.”

  “Bullshit,” Robbie said.

  I sighed. I didn’t really care about the cash; it was the principle of the thing. And yes, I knew I’d hustled Robbie. I used to do it all the time. I hadn’t sold a damn thing at work and while those days did happen, it was still a bit depressing and it took the wind out of my sails. So, after work I decided to stop off for a few beers at an old favorite watering hole of mine and then I decided to play some pool. When Robbie came up to me and offered to bet some money, I accepted. Then I proceeded to purposely lose a few games to show him I was just a little bit worse at the game then he was. Then he fell for the sucker bet where I bet offered to raise the stakes.

  And then I started to dominate him. Looking back, I probably should have kept the game a bit more even, but with pool that’s risky to do because you might not get the table back if the other player has a good run and doesn’t miss any shots.

  “Look, I don’t care. I’m just here to have fun. If you don’t want to pay then that’s fine,” I said. “I’m taking off.”

  I turned to leave and that’s when I felt Robbie push me from behind. I kind of half expected it, so I was able to catch myself on the edge of the pool table which prevented me from falling to the ground.

  Without thinking I spun around and threw a hard right punch to Robbie’s jaw. It connected solidly and he staggered backwards. Robbie was a big guy so I did not want to give him the chance to recover. Without a moment’s delay I kicked him in the shin and as he winced in pain (that hurts like hell!) I used this distraction to punch him once again in the jaw, which toppled him to the ground. />
  I did not see his friend hiding in the shadows though. A moment later a cue stick landed upside my head and I saw nothing but stars for what felt like minutes, but was probably only a second or two. At any rate, it was enough for me to realize I was now in deep shit fighting two guys, and I was hurt.

  The second guy tackled me to the ground and began to stomp on me. By this time Robbie was staggering back to his feet and joining in on the stomp party. I curled myself up as best I could to avoid getting any broken ribs but the kicks were getting through and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take of this.

  “Break it up!”

  The bartender and few others finally arrived and pulled the two men off me. I wondered what took them so damn long. I tried to get to my feet but every time I did my head filled with shooting pain and I felt a sickness in my stomach. I wondered if I had a concussion.

  I didn’t care. I just wanted to get in my car and go home.

  But the bartender had other ideas, as he’d already called the police. They arrived way quicker than anyone ever expected them to and all three of us were promptly arrested and taken downtown.

  Yeah, this was turning out to be the worst Monday in history. Kay was going to be mad…

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “How the hell did this happen?” I demanded.

  I’d just driven to the police station to pick up Sam where I had to post his five-hundred-dollar bail because he got in some stupid bar fight. When would this juvenile crap of his end? I was so disgusted that I could barely see straight, but I was doing my level best to keep myself calm for the baby.

  “I’m sorry,” Sam said sitting in the passenger seat of my car.

  “Why did you stop at the stupid bar anyway? You have beer at home. You don’t need to hang out in scum bag places like hole in the wall dive bars.”

  “Well, sometimes I enjoy having a beer outside of the house. There isn’t a damn thing wrong with that.”


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