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All Grown Up

Page 9

by Tori Carson

  He chuckled and slid something bigger into her ass. After several strokes, she realized it was only his fingers. Maybe two? She couldn’t tell, but it was definitely stretching her. It surprised her how quickly her body adjusted and turned the sting into pleasure.

  While he slid his thumb over her still erect and very needy clit, he pinched the tips of her nipples sticking out past the clamps. The sensations caused her torso to rise off the bed as she writhed and begged. “I’m going to come. Please stop. Please.”

  “Go ahead, baby. I’d love to give you six orgasms.” As he urged her on, he removed his thumb from her clit.

  “No.” She screamed and tried to squirm away.

  Steven gave her a hard slap along her thigh and she immediately stopped moving. “Come back to where you belong.” His Dom voice was more evident than she was used to.

  She whimpered but did as he demanded. As she used her hands to push toward him, she realized she’d been about to fall off the bed. A smile flittered across her lips. The edge to his voice was fear, not displeasure. He’d been afraid she would get hurt. She was in love with a bad boy with a soft heart. “I’m sorry, Master. I won’t do it again.”

  “See that you don’t or I’ll add another round.” His voice was back to his smooth, sexy drawl.

  “No, Master, please don’t. I’ll be good. I promise.”

  “You’re always good, subbie. I’m feeling generous so we will start round five instead of replaying round six.”

  “You are most kind, Master.” She giggled with relief, knowing she needed all the help she could get.

  Slowly and gently, she felt him pull his fingers from her ass. Though she was relieved the pressure was gone, she sadly missed it too. So much about the dynamics of BDSM confused the hell out of her. Why couldn’t she just stop worrying and simply enjoy it?

  “By the expression on your face, I’d say you’re thinking too much again.” He placed his wide-spread hand on her stomach. “We’re going to try a small butt plug. Push like you’re trying to keep it out.”

  She gripped the sheets, expecting pain, but it slid right in. While she marveled at how smoothly he’d accomplished that, she felt him move between her legs. As much as she wanted him inside her, she knew he was still wearing his pants, making that virtually impossible.

  “Just relax for me, Brianna, and don’t push away from me. You’re close to the edge, baby.”

  “Oh I’m very close, Master.” She laughed, purposefully misunderstanding him.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, because I’m dying for a taste of you.” He gave her a quick peck on the clit before focusing his attention on her pussy. As he tongue-fucked her, he used the nipple chain to keep her breasts from feeling neglected.

  She held off as long as possible, but when she couldn’t take it anymore she tried to squirm away. His hands were instantly on her hips, holding her in place.

  “I warned you not to move, pretty girl.” Although he pulled his face away from her, he spun the plug around and around, sending little zings of pleasure straight to her clit.

  She screamed and tried to turn over.

  “Tsk, tsk, Brianna. I’m sure you were hoping for a break while I took the time to restrain you, but I’m afraid I can’t allow that.”

  After she felt his hand move along the base of the butt plug, it started vibrating. A scream, loud, then whimpering, rang through the room. By the time she figured out the sound was coming from her, Steven had both her thighs cuffed and he was working on attaching them to the bed frame.

  “That’s level one, pretty girl. If you don’t want to see what the others feel like, you’ll settle down.” He pulled her legs back a little farther than was comfortable then attached cuffs to her wrists. “Put your hands above your head.”

  The muscles along her back and thighs were strung tight, adding to her sense of helplessness. It was a huge turn-on. Within moments, her hands were restrained as well.

  “Now you can squirm to your heart’s content and you won’t be getting away from me.” He nuzzled her clit hood. “This is the perfect position for me to worship your body. I’ve missed your scent. It hasn’t changed in all these years.”

  Brianna couldn’t speak. There was a lump an inch thick in her throat. He was killing her with his softly spoken words and tender touches. How had she not realized what she’d meant to him? Why had she let her fear of failing him keep them apart for so long?

  She gave her body completely into his care. If he wanted to give her one or four orgasms, she’d accept his plan for her. Oh, she writhed and moaned as he took her clit into his mouth, but she no longer fought the orgasm. She embraced it and waited for the fireworks to begin.

  “That’s my girl.” His hot breath teased her clit while his fingers plundered her channel.

  He must have noticed the shift in her and decided to take pity on her. Forced orgasms were intense and something they’d rarely used in their play. Steven was keeping the arousal intense, but one step away from explosive. His ability to know when to back off amazed her.

  “Okay, Brianna, you’ve been such a good subbie I think you’re ready for round three. Open wide.”

  She ran her tongue over her parted lips and heard him groan. Apparently, he wanted inside her mouth as desperately as she wanted him there. Damn it, why do we have to wait for him to be tested? Her mouth watered at the thought of his cock sliding deep into her mouth. She could almost feel the velvet head of him pushing down her throat.

  Instead of the hot flesh of his cock head, Steven draped the cool, metal chain from the nipple clamps across her bottom lip. “Hold on to that for me, Brianna, but don’t forget I want to hear if I please you.”

  No worry there. Even ball gags couldn’t keep her quiet.

  She tentatively moved her head from side to side to see just how much range of motion she had before the tug became too much. The answer was very little.

  Brianna felt Steven move between her legs and she knew the game was about to heat up. No sooner had the thought flittered through her head than Steven set the vibrator to the next level and slipped his fingers inside her pussy.

  “It’s time, baby. I want to watch you fly apart for me. You’ve done well, but I want three from you and three I’ll get.”

  His low, seductive demand sent her heart pounding. She was ready to follow his lead.

  Steven masterfully stroked her G-spot with one hand and teased her nipples with the other. She doubted she lasted a full minute before her body succumbed to his touch. As the orgasm ripped through her, she arched her back and tossed her head from side to side. The clamp’s pull on her breasts stung and burned in a most decadent way.

  Wave after wave of pleasure rocked her body as Steven murmured encouragement. His voice alone took her to a safe, heavenly place she never wanted to return from.

  Just as the sensations became manageable, Steven straightened his fingers and began to plunge in and out of her pussy as his thumb assaulted her engorged and aroused clit. She tried to pull away. The sensations were too strong, bordering on painful, but the restraints held her in place.

  “No more, Master.” She shook her head no, ignoring the torture it brought to her nipples. The chain clinked along her teeth as she spoke, but she didn’t push it from her mouth. She obeyed her Master, knowing she was pleasing him.

  “Two more, Brianna. Your body belongs to me and must do my bidding.”

  His teeth were clenched, his voice husky and demanding as he dominated both her body and mind. As if he truly did own her, the sensations that only moments ago had been too much were now building toward another release. His thumb circled her clit and wound her tighter.

  “You need to learn I’m your Master. Your orgasms belong to me, every damn one of them.” Steven trailed his hand down her stomach and pinched her clit between his thumb and index finger.

  Brianna’s torso flew off the bed as far as her restraints would allow her. Her screams of pleasure left her throat ragged as her relea
se sent her over the precipice.

  Fire coursed through her system while she floated on a cloud of pure feeling. Steven’s murmurings were the only link she had to reality. Though she wanted to stay there forever, safely cocooned in a haven of Steven’s making, her body was betraying her again and doing her Master’s bidding.

  The first sensation she pinpointed was Steven’s warm, wet lips surrounding her clit. His gentle touch was soothing, a romantic kiss on the most intimate part of her body. Tears flowed from her eyes. She felt his love surround her and she knew she was home.

  Every nerve ending was hypersensitive. She’d be sore as hell tomorrow from struggling against the soft cuffs wrapped around her thighs and wrists, but she knew it was worth it.

  As she became more aware, she relaxed her taut muscles and allowed Steven to rule her. There had never been any doubt about who owned her body. It responded to Steven and Steven alone. No other man interested her sexually.

  With a flick of the switch, he sent the vibrator, buried deep in her ass, to the next level. The pulsing had her entire Kegel muscle instantly at full attention. When he shifted his hand from palm up to down, rotating his fingers within her pussy, she almost came again.

  Steven placed his hand on her stomach, a steady pressure to keep her grounded and in the moment. She wasn’t quite sure how, but he began to rotate the vibrator. The tension was building whether she wanted it to or not. From no orgasms to three was a huge leap and yet she had no doubt he could take her there as many times as he wanted.

  “You belong to me, Brianna. You’ll wear my collar for the rest of your life, because I’m not letting you leave me again. You’re mine.”

  He’d barely lifted his mouth from her clit as he declared his ownership. His hot breath teased her pussy and she knew she wouldn’t last long. As his lips descended around her again, she began to sob at the perfection of it. For years she’d dreamed of this, and now to be here, in his bed, wearing his collar…it was the answer to her prayers.

  Steven drew her clit into his mouth and scraped his teeth along the hood until he’d wrenched another orgasm from her. As she soared for the third time, she felt the resistance of the chain along her cheeks disappear and blood rush back into her aching nipples. The pleasure-pain of it was more than she could stand and she drifted away.

  Chapter Six

  Steven released her bindings, gently removed the vibrator and pulled her into his arms. His heart was pounding in his chest and his cock was begging for relief, but he’d never felt more at peace. Taking his pretty girl to such heights of pleasure had him in Dom space. While he’d love to bury his cock inside his pussy, he was content to have her by his side.

  He’d pushed her hard. Too hard really, considering she hadn’t been with a man in six years. She’d be feeling his possession tomorrow and he was pretty sure, subconsciously, that had been his goal. After he was tested and knew without a doubt he was safe, she’d be lucky if she could walk the next day because he planned to practically live inside her.

  He hadn’t been blowing sunshine up her ass. His sexual encounters with other women were nothing in comparison to what they shared together. If there was such a thing as a soulmate, then Brianna was his. They meshed on a level he hadn’t conceived possible. Whatever it took, he vowed he wouldn’t lose her a second time.

  Six years ago, he’d been stupid. He’d assumed his job was important. He’d assumed she’d enjoyed the nightlife. He’d assumed she’d safeword if he pushed her too far. He’d assumed wrong.

  Until he knew he could trust her, he’d have to proceed with caution. One way or another, he needed to learn why she feared using her safeword. He couldn’t have her afraid of him. The mere thought twisted in his gut. He’d no more hurt Brianna than saw off his own arm. How could she doubt him like that? He’d have to figure out what he’d done and then do whatever it took to rectify it.

  Brianna began to stir in his arms. “Welcome back, pretty girl,” he whispered softly along her neck.

  She rubbed her butt along his aching cock and he allowed it. His discomfort meant little in the face of her knowing exactly what she did to him.

  “I’ve missed us, Steven.”

  “Me too, Brianna. Me too.” As much as he needed to snuggle with her, Brianna’s care came first. “Rest, pretty girl, while I draw you a bath.”

  “I’m fine, Master. I’d rather just stay here in your arms.”

  “Such a bratty sub, arguing with her Dom.” He gave her a few tickles along her ribs. Once she was squirming nicely, he stopped and cupped her breasts. “I don’t want you hurting. The warm water will help.” After he massaged her tender nipples, he tucked the sheet and blanket around her and slid out of bed to start the bath.

  He wished he had some sort of girlie-smelling bath stuff for her. That was one more thing they needed to purchase tomorrow. Brianna had loved long soaks in a bubble bath. He wondered if Brianna 2.0 still did. He hated feeling so uncertain about her, but the way she left had him doubting everything he’d once thought he’d known about her.

  Steven walked back into the bedroom to find Brianna asleep. She looked so angelic and peaceful that he wished he didn’t have to wake her. Slipping back into the bathroom, he took a towel off the rack. He folded it and laid it on the edge of the tub for her to use as a pillow.

  Back in the bedroom, he took Brianna into his arms and carried her to the bath. She stirred enough to drape her arms around his neck, but didn’t bother to open her eyes. Her trust in him was humbling and yet confusing. How could she trust him and be afraid of him? It didn’t make any sense, but what other reason would keep her from using her safeword?

  “Spread your legs, baby.” He cringed, hoping the pet name didn’t remind her of their DD/lg time together. It rolled off his tongue naturally and it was a term used by vanilla couples all the time, but it still worried him.

  He ignored it and hoped she would too. Since she wasn’t fully awake, Steven kept a hand on her shoulder to make sure she didn’t slip as he reached for a washcloth in the vanity drawer. While she ran her fingers through his hair, he tenderly bathed her.

  “I wish you would join me, Steven.”

  “Next time, pretty girl. I promise.” He couldn’t help but smile. She was completely relaxed and indulgent. Her hand in his hair was doing something messy with his emotions. His throat felt tight and, if he’d been a woman, he’d assume he was about to cry. He hadn’t cried when she’d left, he damn sure wasn’t going to cry because she’d come back.

  He splashed some water on his face in hopes of washing away the emotions threatening to choke him. “Okay, Brianna, let’s get you back to bed.”

  She opened her eyes and gave him a sexy, sleepy smile before standing. The water gliding down her body sent his cock jumping again. Tiny beads of water dripped from her breasts. He tried to refrain, but it was impossible. He slid his tongue around her areola and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  Brianna tucked her arm around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder. She had to be exhausted, but she accepted his attention. Her hips rocked forward and his hand slid perfectly between her thighs. It wasn’t fair to wind her up again, but damn, it felt good knowing he could. Reluctantly, he pulled his lips away and simply held her.

  “Aren’t you wearing too much clothing, Master?” Her voice was husky.

  “Yes I am, but I don’t intend to do anything about it. My naughty sub has wandering hands, so unless she wants to sleep restrained, I’ll be wearing my pants this evening.” Truth was, he’d needed them on even if he kept her bound because he didn’t trust his cock to stay out of her. Around Brianna, it tended to have a mind of its own.

  Steven drew a towel from the rack and wrapped it around her. After helping her from the tub, he made sure she was dried off then carried her back to bed.

  “I’m pretty sure I can walk.” She chuckled and snuggled into his shoulder.

  “You’re too sleepy. You might get hurt.” He couldn’t stop touching
her. After all those nights he’d spent missing her, he wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to just hold her.

  He dropped her gently on the bed then climbed in behind her. There was a reason why pajamas were never made from denim, but it was the only material he knew could keep his wayward cock leashed.

  Brianna’s head rested on his arm and her body was snug against his. God, if he was dreaming don’t ever wake him up.

  * * * * *

  Steven’s kitchen had every convenience along with a well-stocked refrigerator and pantry. Brianna was glad to see he still enjoyed cooking. She pulled out the eggs, a bell pepper, an onion and cheese.

  As she started preparing Steven’s favorite breakfast, she found the silence disconcerting. It was too easy to get lost in her head when it was quiet. She set her phone to play music and started singing along to her favorite tunes.

  She was a little sore, but she’d never been happier. All the pieces seemed to be falling into place in her life. Finding Steven and his willingness to give them a second try was nothing short of a miracle.

  She’d always been an early riser and today was no exception. Once the sun started coming in the window, she’d been wide awake. She’d spent at least an hour just basking in his arms. It wasn’t until her brain started playing the what-if game that she’d gone down to the kitchen as a diversion.

  “You left our bed without permission.”

  His voice slid over her skin, entered her pores and set fire to her blood. She froze in mid spin, caught rocking out to her favorite song. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw him leaning against the doorway to the hall in his rumpled jeans.

  “Forgive me, Master, I assumed you’d like breakfast.” Damn, he was sexy.

  “The breakfast I’m hungry for is best served in our bed.”

  She looked at the skillet and then back at Steven. “As you wish, but it seems a shame to let this omelet go to waste.”

  “Omelet?” He pushed off the wall and made his way into the kitchen. “Do you know the last time I had a home-cooked meal that I didn’t prepare?”


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