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Started From the Top Now I'm Here 2

Page 4

by Midnite Love

  “Time frame for what? Damn girl yo’ ass over there sounding like Steve Harvey.” Lexi pretended to make light of what Cheron was saying when in all actuality she was taking in every word.

  “Time frame for how long you will stay shacked up, or if that’s even an option. If its marriage you want you might not want to move together first. It works for some people but just know that some men will pretend they gon’ put a ring on it to get you to stick around for a million years but you need to already have your mind made up if that’s what you want. If you cool with just living together, that’s fine too.”

  “I can’t tell you what to do but my best advice is to weigh the pros and cons. You need to pray on it and go with what your gut says, not your heart. And if you do decide to go for it start stacking your cash for a rainy day. Love is a beautiful thing but if it doesn’t work out you need to have a security blanket for you and your son.”

  “I knew it was a reason I called you. Thanks girl... you right imma pray about it. Hell I hadn’t even thought about marriage, let alone saving my loot.”

  “Don’t mention it; you know I’m always here if you need to talk. We need to hang out sometimes, like we used to do with Sonnet. Speaking of Sonnet when is the last time you spoke to her?”

  “See now the conversation was going good till you brought up her name...”

  “Damn Lexi y’all still not talking? I hate that. Y’all have been friends for too long to fall out over some dumb shit.”

  She thinks we just fell out over the shit that went down at the funeral. If she only knew how shady that heffa really is.

  “Believe me it’s over more than just some dumb shit. That girl got some real issues, and I don’t have time to deal with the drama. The last time I talked to her she was getting put out and needed a ride. I told her ass I couldn’t do it. I’m sure she called up one of her niggas to play captain save a hoe.”

  Cheron couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “So she called you for help and you left her stranded? That’s pretty foul Lexi. I mean she is our friend. I ended up going to get her.”

  “She called you? It figures? Where she did have you drop her off at?” Lexi asked.

  “She staying with me till she gets on her feet.”

  “For real? Girl you betta than me.”

  “We all need help sometimes. I couldn’t leave my girl hanging like that even if she does have some messed up ways about her sometimes. Y’all need to stop being stubborn and squash this little beef y’all got going.”

  Lexi and Sonnet had been friend’s long before she ever came in the picture, and she hated to see them not getting along even if it was most likely Sonnet’s fault.

  I bet she would have left yo’ass hanging. I bet yo’ ass wouldn’t be so quick to help if you knew she was fucking yo’ man. I be damned if that hoe is gon’ get up in my house with mine.

  “Girl boo! You can miss me with all that... if she wants to apologize she has my number,” Lexi replied.

  They chatted on the phone for the next thirty minutes. They talked about how careless Sonnet was to give all of her savings to a man she barely knew. Cheron went on to share that Kenterris was tripping off the fact that Sonnet was staying with her. This came as no surprise to Lexi even though she never let on and never planned to. She figured what was done in the dark would eventually come to light without her getting in the middle of some messy bullshit.

  No sooner than they got off the phone it was ringing again. This time Cheron didn’t recognize the number.


  “Hello Cheron?”

  The voice on the other end of the line was The Duchess, and she sounded like she was in a panic. I wonder what she’s calling me for? Cheron thought.

  “Girl it’s The Duchess!” She announced, panting out of breath.

  “Yes it’s me, what’s up? Is everything ok?” Cheron asked. She could hear her cussing and fussing about something to someone in the background.

  “Chile that bitch Sonnet done ripped me off! I’m calling to see if you done seen that trifling hoe.”

  Cheron covered her mouth at what she was hearing. She knew Sonnet wasn’t anybody’s saint, but she couldn’t believe she would do something like that.

  “What! Are you sure Duchess? How do you know it was her? Why are you blaming her? What happened?”

  “Look I ain’t lying on yo’ friend. That bitch ran up a $800.00 tab in my shop and ran out without paying. I tried to catch her dusty ass, but she jumped in that raggedy ass Festiva and took off. Heffa had the nerve to steal some damn shampoo too. I don’t know what else that thot made off with. When I catch that bitch I’m stomping a mud hole in that ass. You know The Duchess don’t play about her money.”

  “Damn Duchess I’m sorry to hear that but I haven’t seen her.”

  She didn’t dare tell her that Sonnet was staying there. “I can’t believe Sonnet would pull a stunt like that.”

  “I can’t either, but her ass done fell way off... you seen her lately? I got something for her ass if she doesn’t have my money the next time I see her. She came running up in there with a sob story about her granny, and I fell for the bullshit. That’s ok though, I’m going down my client list, putting the word on the street for anyone who sees that bitch. She needs to know The Duchess will track her ass down. Thanks anyway girl. Give her the message if you run into her.”

  By the time Cheron got off the phone, her head was spinning. She knew Sonnet was all about hustling to get up on whatever she wanted and most of the time it involved spreading her legs. This time she had sunk to an all new low.

  Is it really THAT serious for a damn hair do? And stealing shampoo? What the hell was she thinking? And using my vehicle as a damn getaway car.

  The more Cheron thought about it, the more she realized that it actually was that serious for someone like Sonnet whose entire livelihood was based on her looks alone. It was actually really sad when she thought about it. This girl didn’t have a damn thing going for her besides a pretty face and a nice body.

  No wonder she won’t get a job. That heffa ain’t looking for work. She’s trying to get prettied up so she can find somebody to take care of her. That’s a damn shame. Well I wonder what she’s going to have to say for herself when she gets, in and I tell her that The Duchess called looking for her.

  When Sonnet walked through the door she resembled something that the cat drug in, and it was confirmation about what The Duchess said went down. Her plan was to slip in her room and change before Cheron saw her, but there was no hiding. She was sitting in the living room watching TV.

  What the hell is she doing out here? Any other time she’s in that damn room of hers, Sonnet thought. Since her plan was shot to hell, she had to think up a quick lie to explain why she looked the way she did.

  Even though she already knew what happened after speaking to The Duchess, Cheron was still not prepared for Sonnet’s rough appearance. It looked like she had been through hell. Her pants were ripped, and her knee was bleeding where she had obviously scraped it trying to get away. The heel on her shoe was broken; her hair was a mess...

  “Sonnet! Damn Girl!” Cheron jumped to her feet. Before she could get a chance to tell her that she talked to The Duchess Sonnet cut her off.

  “I got jumped!”

  “Wait... what happened?”

  “Girl I was out putting in applications, that’s why I got these dress clothes on. I was in a parking lot of one of the office building and these lil’ young niggas came from out of nowhere,” Sonnet replied with her voice shaking. If it were ever a time to muster up some fake tears, it was now.

  No this girl is not standing here telling me a bold faced lie to my face, Cheron thought.

  “My God! Are you ok?”

  “Yeah... I’m fine. I had to fight those niggas off. They tried to snatch my purse but lucky I already had the keys on my hand and I was able to jump in the car and get away. They better be glad they ran or I would have run they asses ove
r and not give it a second thought.”

  So you fought off two grown men and only ended up with a scraped knee? Unbelievable, Cheron thought.

  If she would make up a story about something like this what else could she be lying about? As bad as Cheron wanted to rip her story to shreds she decided to keep what she knew to herself. If she were this shady, there was no telling what else she might be up to. Maybe Lexi was right about her. This situation was a clear reminder that she needed to keep an eye on Sonnet and feed her from a long handled spoon from now on. That didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little fun even though she was keeping her in the dark.

  Cheron grabbed her phone and immediately started dialing.

  “What are you doing?” Sonnet asked sensing that she was about to call the police.

  “I’m calling the police. We can’t let them thugs get away with that shit. Did you get a look at either one of them? You know what? Skip this, we going to the station so you can file a report.”

  “Naw I didn’t get a look at them. I was too busy fighting for my damn life. All I need is a drink and to unwind. I’ll be fine.” Sonnet hoped her response would change Lexi’s mind.

  “Are you kidding? What if these assholes do this to another woman? You got away with your life. The next person might not be so lucky,” Cheron replied as she slipped on her shoes and grabbed her car keys. “Come on let’s go. We probably need to stop by the hospital and have you checked out. You never know, you might have internal injuries.”

  Why the fuck won’t she just let it go? “Look I know you mean well but I’m fine, really I am. And like I said before I don’t remember what they looked like. It all happened so fast. I’m going to take a shower and clear my head. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

  Cheron stood silently and shook her head as Sonnet grabbed herself a Limearita out the fridge before going to her room and slamming the door behind her.

  Chapter 7 – Slow Ya Roll

  Ace squinted to try and get a better look at the young man that was walking away from a known trap house of one of his rivals. It was dark out outside, but he could have sworn that it looked like Aviare.

  He didn’t want to risk rolling up on the wrong person so he fell back and cruised along behind him for several blocks as he turned several corners. He finally stopped and watched as the young man met up with a couple of crack heads that hung out around the homeless shelter.

  As he watched the transaction take place he moved in for a closer look. “That is Aviare! What the fuck is he doing out here?”

  Once the Aviare started walking away Ace zoomed up on him and yelled out his name.


  “Man I’m glad it was you, you scared the shit outta me,” Aviare joked but in reality he was about to piss him himself. Ace had scared the living daylights out of him. “How you gon’ roll down on a nigga like that?”

  “Get yo’ punk ass in this car!”

  Aviare didn’t know what was going on with Ace, but judging by the tone of his voice he was clearly upset about something. Once he got in the car he couldn’t get a word in edgewise before Ace started yelling and slapping him upside his head.

  “Man what the hell! Why you trippin’?” Aviare asked as he attempted to block the blows that were being inflicted upon him.

  “What the fuck are you doing way down here?” Ace was fuming and not in the mood to hear some weak ass excuse.

  “Nothing man.... damn. I just came out to get me some air.”

  “Bullshit! I saw that house you came out of. You think I don’t know what that shit is? And I saw you with them crackheads. Yo’ aunt know you down here this late?”

  Aviare let out a sigh and straightened up his clothes. “Nah man she don’t know I’m here. She thinks I’m spending the night at one of my friend’s house. What you doing, playing daddy now?”

  “Nigga watch yo’ tone with me before I take this Glock and smack you upside yo’ fucking head. I saw that shit that went down back there. I thought I told you stay out of these streets. Who you working for?”

  “I ain’t working for nobody dang!” Ace was the last person Aviare thought he would run into down here. That was the whole point of not working his neighborhood, making sure no one recognized him. He knew that Ace was disappointed him, but he had to do what he needed do to get over.

  Before he knew it, Ace had snatched him by the collar of his shirt. “Nigga don’t play games with me! I said who put you on? You working for that piece of shit that runs that house?”

  The tears fell freely from Aviare’s eyes. Regardless of how grown he thought he was, he knew he was no match for Ace.

  “Yeah, I’m working for Marcellus, why do you care? I asked you to put me on, and you wouldn’t do it. I had to take matters into my own hands.”

  Ace released his grip, lit up a cigarette, and began to drive off. His whole demeanor changed to one of calmness, and his voice softened as he began to speak.

  “Look lil’ man I’m just trying watch out for you. What you know about that nigga you working for?”

  Aviare shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know.... after you wouldn’t help me out I started asking around to see if I could get some work and somebody put me up on him.

  Aviare accused Ace of trying to play daddy and truth be told that’s exactly what it felt like he was doing, or at least big brother. He had taken a special interest in him and his future. He saw something in him that he could never get back; it was youth and a chance to do it all over again.

  He knew Aviare wasn’t bout’ that life and he also knew that Marcellus was as grimy as they came. He would hire young boys just like Aviare, who were desperate to make a quick dime and put them on the block. Once they came back with his loot he would rarely give them the cut he promised them, some didn’t get paid at all. They didn’t dare question him. And if they called themselves quitting... well let’s just say it would be another crying mother on the news that night.

  Ace went on to explain all of this to Aviare, but he wasn’t trying to hear it. As far as he was concerned, Ace was just a washed up OG, who was trying to rain on his parade. True enough he did appreciate Ace looking out for him, but he would be 18 soon, and it was time he looked out for himself.

  “Wait a minute, where are you taking me?” Aviare asked.

  “I’m taking you home. Look around you,” Ace replied pointing to the tricks and drug dealers working the strip. “Ain’t no place here for you. Now imma talk to Marcellus and see if he will let you go. That nigga owe me a favor anyway...”

  Aviare was livid. “I ain’t no kid, I don’t need you to talk for me! I told you I can handle myself. And I’m not going home. Pull over and let me out.”

  Aviare knew it was a steep request, but he had to give it a shot. If Ace took him home that meant he would have to figure out a way to sneak back out the house and start all over again. For once, he wished this nigga would just mind his own business. Much to his surprise Ace actually pulled over.

  Ace sat silently as he waited for Aviare to get out of the car.

  “That was easy... you ain’t gon’ try and stop me?” Aviare asked.

  “I just did,” Ace replied, staring straight ahead. He was in Aviare’s shoes once, and he knew all too well about thinking he could handle the streets on his own when he was his age. He also knew what it was like to turn a deaf ear to someone older who was trying to talk some sense into him. Not to mention the fact that even if he took him home, he couldn’t babysit him around the clock. All he would do is sneak back out once he left. If he wanted to be in the streets there was nothing him or anyone else could do to stop him.

  It was true, Aviare was becoming a man and he had to make his own decisions. All Ace could do was to pick up where Aintee Maven left off and try and sway him in the right direction but in the end the choice was ultimately up to him.

  Chapter 8 – Making Up For Lost Time

  Damn this has been a long ass week, Kenterris thought as grabbed his
briefcase and Valentino suit jacket before heading towards the elevator. It seemed like ages since he had taken some time off and if was long overdue. He didn’t know if taking a four day weekend actually counted as a vacation but considering he was a workaholic this would have to do.

  Not only was he overworked and needed a little R&R, he had some making up to do with Cheron. It seemed like they were constantly at each other’s throat since Sonnet moved in.

  “I thought I got rid of that bitch,” he griped as he loosened his tie.

  As the elevator descended to the parking garage, he thought about how different his life would have been if he would have never started fucking with her in the first place.

  His plan with Rayquan had backfired. Kenterris considered Sonnet a snake, and it felt good to finally give her a taste of her own medicine. The only thing that could have made it better was if he could have been there to see the look on that bitch’s face once she realized that she had been had. However, nothing could have prepared him for the fact that she would be moving in with Cheron.

  He didn’t mean to have the reaction that he did when he saw her there, but it was just something about that trick sitting up in his woman’s kitchen with that smirk on her face as though she had won.

  Cheron was a good person, he couldn’t blame her for wanting to do the right thing and stand by her friend. Since Sonnet moved in Kenterris made up excuses every chance he got as to why he couldn’t spend the night. Each time he insisted that they stay at his place. This only served to piss Cheron off further.

  By the time he made it to his car, he had an epiphany. Why was he letting this trollop drive wedge between him and his woman? There was no better way to spend his time off than being with Cheron, at her place.

  That’s right, if Sonnet thinks she’s going to cramp their style this weekend she was sadly mistaken. If anything this will be the chance to let her see how insignificant she really is when it comes to Cheron.

  Kenterris smiled broadly as he put together his plan. Sonnet probably loved nothing more than seeing him storm out and leave Cheron upset, but he had a trick for her ass.


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