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Page 9

by Adrianna Morgan

  She walked into the lobby and waited patiently as the dean’s secretary filled out and printed the necessary paperwork, which she signed and dated.

  Layla carefully placed the envelope in her purse before heading to work. She had a job again. She walked into the door and headed straight for Cantrell’s office. She knocked loudly, and opened the door when she heard the stiff, “Come in.”

  “Mrs. Cantrell,” she said in greeting.

  “Ms. Donovan,” Cantrell said coolly. “I take it everything is straightened out?”

  “Yes ma’am,” Layla said, digging out the envelope from the Dean.

  She handed it to Cantrell, who opened it and quickly read the documents. “Well, it looks like everything is back to normal.” She handed Layla a list. “I need these reports completed and on my desk at the end of the day. You are dismissed.”

  Layla walked out of the office with a bright smile on her face. She was going to be okay. Werewolves or not, she was back in school and she had her job back. To make matter even better, she had almost superhuman powers and a sexy as hell boyfriend! Life was definitely looking up.

  She waved at Shawna, giving her a ‘thumbs up’ sign and laughed as Shawna silently threw her hands up and mouthed, ‘thank you Lord’ before collapsing into her seat. Layla felt good being back.

  Five hours later, under Cantrell’s iron fist, Layla wished that she could work anywhere else on campus. She was running from computer to copier to other offices and on the telephone, trying to comply with the wishes of her boss. She sipped her cup of cold coffee and stared longingly at the bagel shop across the street. She didn’t have time to take lunch; she only had a few more hours to get her reports done. Mercifully, after hearing Layla stomach growl for the hundredth time, Shawna took pity on her and bought her a sandwich. In between mouthfuls, Layla profusely thanked her, downed the rest of her coffee and went back to work.

  By six, Layla was done with her reports. She slipped them underneath Cantrell’s door and left the office heading for the campus library. She had a paper due by midnight for class and knew she had to get it done. A few hours later, as she crossed the parking lot to head back to her apartment, she spotted a familiar face. It was the student who sat behind her in Professor Hart’s class. She walked over to the lanky kid and cleared her throat.

  “What up?” he asked, looking up at her, his skateboard nestled in his lap.

  “I need your help,” Layla told him. “I need you to talk to Professor Hart and tell him it was your phone that went off in class the other day. He dropped me from the class roster because he thought it was me.”

  The kid looked at her and shrugged. “So what? You want me to get in trouble now? You’re dropped. Take the class in the summer.” He twirled the skateboard against the concrete. “It’ll be cool.”

  Layla stared at him. “You got me in trouble and you don’t even care?”

  “Look, I’m sorry it went down like that and I know it sucks, but it doesn’t make sense for both of us to be in trouble.” He shrugged again, “It’s done, it’s over with, move on.”

  Layla could feel the rage building in her. She breathed in slowly, giving in to the animal need in her and she leaned closer to the kid, allowing only her fangs to show. “Look at me, you little asswipe. You will grow a pair, man up and talk to Professor Hart or I will be waiting in the shadows every single time you leave your dorm. And if you think I’m pissed now, wait until then.”

  The kid looked at her gleaming teeth and the fire in her eyes. He gulped audibly. “Hey, you know, it’s cool. I mean, I understand what you need, you know. I got you. It’s done.” He backed away slowly before tucking his skateboard beneath his arms and running away, his tight skinny jeans restricting his movements.

  Layla waved to him as he ran. She smiled to herself. Sometimes being a Were was a good thing. She continued walking to her apartment and then realized something was wrong. The feeling was back. The hair on her neck prickled, in addition, her stomach started to churn. She took a deep breath and recognized the scent that was outside her apartment. Her watcher was back. She looked around slowly. This time, he would not escape.

  She saw a glimmer in the corner of her eye. In the alleyway between two buildings near her apartment, something large barely moved. But she saw it. She raced to the alleyway and stopped. She could smell it. She walked into the alley, the smell of trash from the apartments and a restaurant playing havoc with her sense of smell. She heard a step behind her and whirled around.

  A beautiful blonde with hazel eyes was flanked by two vicious looking Weres. She stared at her extended claws before looking up and smiling.

  “Hello Layla. It’s good to see you again.”


  Chapter 5

  Layla gasped as the tall Were said her name. “I know you,” she whispered softly. Images of the blonde faded in and out of her mind. The scars on her back started to throb painfully. “It was you, you were the one—you killed my mom!”

  The blonde shrugged one shoulder nonchalantly. “It was simply business.” She smiled. “That’s one of the things you’ll find in our world, it’s almost always simply business. I’m Suzette, by the way.” She smiled tightly at Layla.

  Layla felt the rage as it slowly built in her system. This thing standing in front of her killed her mom and was casually talking to her as if they were friends. She was not going to let this bitch get away. She curled her hands into fists feeling the sting of her claws as they bit into her palms. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and moved down her body, covering her in a light dusting of fur. Her pupils dilated adjusting to the dark and to the shapes in the alleyway.

  Suzette held a hand up for a closer inspection of her nails. “Really, Layla?”

  She moved suddenly and Layla found herself pinned by her throat against the brick wall. Her breathing was constricted and her transformation halted as her brain became deprived of oxygen.

  Suzette flexed her fingers against Layla’s throat. “In the time it would have taken you to fully transform, you would already be dead.” She backed away, allowing Layla to fall against the wall as air flooded her lungs. “Martin should have told you this information.”

  Layla stared at Suzette, anger radiating from her and felt the other two Weres as their bodies tensed in anticipation of a fight. “What do you want, you bitch?”

  Suzette laughed. “Layla, such harsh words for such an old friend. And here I thought we’d put the past behind us.” She tsked as she watched Layla and then she whirled around.

  “But to the matter at hand. What do I want?” She mused and walked slowly away from Layla. “I want a lot of things. I want Mai-coh, I want the war to end, in my favor, of course, and I want the Weres to go back to the old ways. But for now, I’ll settle for you. Again.”

  Layla stood shakily. Her head was woozy and she was starting to get a major headache. “You don’t need me, Suzette. You just showed me how much stronger you are. I am nothing to you.”

  Suzette whirled on her, her long blonde hair fanning out behind her. “You are right. You are nothing. You are a pathetic excuse for the daughter of the alleged ‘All Powerful’. But he wants—nevermind.” She smiled again. “I need you. Simple. Nevermind why.”

  Layla coughed, as her hand massaged her still sore throat. “What’s in it for me? Why should I join you?”

  A scowl marred Suzette’s perfect features as she walked back towards Layla. “Well, you could live. And be on the winning side of a war that will result in significant changes for our race.” She waved a hand absently. “All of this is going to change. Martin and his cronies won’t in charge of the Council any longer.”

  She walked over to Layla and cradled her head in her palms. “Layla, you were so young. Had we been able to take you then, what I just did may never have been able to happen. Think about what you will be able to do with our help and our training.”

  Layla jerked her head from Suzette’s embrace. Something was not quite right.
“If I am so important to you Suzette, why don’t you just take me and force me to submit. You are much stronger and better skilled.”

  Suzette’s face darkened before she suddenly smiled. “Well, it’s not that simple. A Were has to agree otherwise the allegiance process does not work.” She waved an elegant hand, “There are ways to…encourage loyalty, but let’s not get into that…damaged goods and all.”

  Layla swallowed thickly. Suzette may be faster, stronger and more experienced, but she had a weakness. She wanted Layla. There was no way in hell she was giving this bitch anything. Her mom died telling this bitch no and Layla wasn’t one to balk at tradition. She smiled at Suzette.

  “Let me get this straight. You want me to join your team, or do you call them packs or something?” She ignored the warning growl from one of the male Weres. “But you need me to agree?” She continued. “Well my answer is go fuck yourself.”

  In a flash, Layla was pinned back against the wall. The two male Weres flanked her on either side, holding her arms above her head. Her throat lay exposed to Suzette’s lingering gaze. She watched the blonde take her time as she walked over. She winced as Suzette reached out a long nail and viciously scratched her; the nail digging into her flesh for an inordinate amount of time.

  “You really are a stupid girl. I guess it runs in the family.” Suzette flipped her long hair and bared her fangs. “Here I am offering you the chance of a lifetime and you throw my offer back into my face.”

  Layla felt the fear as it pooled low in her stomach and willed her face not to betray her. She was probably going to die right here in this alley, but she didn’t want Suzette to know how much she was affected. She raised her head in defiance.

  Suzette moved closer. She trailed her hands over Layla’s body. “You have turned into such a…lovely young woman. I wonder how you would taste.” She lowered her head to Layla’s throat, allowing her fangs to scrape against the sensitive skin exposed to her.

  Layla felt Suzette’s tongue as it defiled her; it’s roughness against her smooth skin.

  Suzette smiled up at her. “I could rip out your throat right now and eat it in front of you and you would be helpless to do anything. The daughter of the fairytale god Mai-coh, killed and sullied; body desecrated beyond recognition. It would be a shame.” She straightened suddenly.

  “Take my advice, Layla. The next time we meet, I won’t be this…amicable.” She turned and walked away, “Take some time to think about my offer. I will see you next week.” With a snap of her fingers, the other two Weres released Layla and loped after their mistress as the trio disappeared into the darkness.


  Layla rubbed her neck and stared into the bathroom mirror. She was covered in bruises and her throat looked as if she had been hanged by several nooses. She tried to figure out the best way to tell Brett about the bruises. She couldn’t tell him about the Weres; he would probably go spastic if he found out there were more. She had to figure out something else. But believe it or not, Brett was the least of her worries. She still had to deal with Suzette and when Martin found out Suzette had tried to recruit her, there might be hell to pay.

  All because of her piece of shit father. Why couldn’t he have been someone normal? A regular guy who watched the game on Sunday, smoked cheap cigarettes and drank beers at the local bar with his friends. Instead, she got a god. And one that didn’t give two shits about her. He allowed her mother to die, allowed her to be raised without his love and never even bothered to tell her about her history or teach her to fight. He was one sorry asshole.

  Layla opened a bottle of rubbing alcohol and applied the stinging liquid onto her bruised flesh, wincing as the liquid burned the broken skin on her throat. She walked back into the living room, intent on taking a nap when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Brett, Layla thought, scrambling to grab a scarf to hide her bruises. She raced back to the living room and nearly doubled over as her stomach clenched violently. She opened the door, and yelped in surprise as she saw the two rough looking Weres. Not the two that accompanied Suzette; these two were thinner, leaner and had a hungrier look about them. They both sported matching brands, burned into their flesh. A wolf sitting in the shadow of a bear.

  The smaller of the two Weres smiled a sinister smile and they both chuckled. She tried to close the door; and fear took hold as the larger of the two Weres wrenched it back open, and forced Layla to relinquish her hold. The door cracked under the force of his hand and Layla stumbled back into the apartment. The two Weres advanced, their teeth bared, their coats blending in with their black jeans and t-shirts. They snarled and snapped at her as they approached and Layla knew she was in trouble.

  There was no way she was going to be able to fight off two experienced and already transformed Weres. She looked from one to the other as they started to circle her. She held up her hand. “Suzette said she would give me until next week to decide. You don’t want to get on her bad side, do you?” she bluffed.

  The Weres looked at each other and chuckled. The laugh sounded evil as it rumbled up from their throats.

  She swallowed hard. “Anything happens to me and you two are shit outta luck. I don’t think your boss would take too kindly to me being so roughed up I can’t tell her yes.”

  The larger of the two Weres looked at her and smiled, his lips drawn back over his massive canines. “Suzette is not our boss and technically, you don’t have to give a verbal allegiance.”

  Layla swallowed nervously as the Weres chuckled and continued circling her. She didn’t know who they were, but they did not come in peace. Keeping her eye on the pair, Layla concentrated. If she could just get a partial transformation going, she might be able to hold them off or at least do some damage. She breathed deep, feeling the animal in her stir and willed the beast to awake. Her nails lengthened and her ears started to extend, she could even feel her canines start to descend.

  Before she could completely transform, the Weres attacked. Somehow Layla felt them coming before she actually saw them move. This gave her enough time to get out of the way. The Weres turned and stared at her. They were both standing where she had been a moment before and she was clear across the room. Layla never knew she could move that fast, but she decided that running and dodging were her best options at this point.

  The two Weres looked at each other and nodded. Once again, Layla felt what they were about to do before they did it and was able to get out of the way. But the Weres did not stop this time, they continued moving and Layla had to duck a well-aimed swipe at her head. She whirled around to face the pair, her senses on red alert and took a deep breath. Perhaps, she might be able to hit back. She did it before as a child, why not now? These two weren’t nearly as skilled as Suzette, but they were still big, dangerous, and trying to kill her.

  Layla crouched and beckoned to the two they way she’d seen actors do in the movies. She almost regretted her arrogance as both Weres raced toward her; fangs bared and claws extended. Layla waited and listened; somehow it felt like the natural thing to do. A split second before the Weres landed next to her in the living room, she slashed the air, scratching one across the face. The other ducked before she could do any damage and she managed to get out of the way before he struck back. She watched the Were she had injured hold his face, blood pouring from the wound onto the floor of her apartment. He cursed as she beckoned again. This time, she waited until the pair had swung, easily ducking out of the way and moving between the two.

  It was becoming easier to fight the pair while she was in half transformation. She was smaller than the two which made her more agile and she still had some of her Were powers. Layla ducked and scratched and clawed and scraped. She cried out as she caught a glancing blow to the side of her head thrown wildly by the larger Were. She stumbled and staggered back against the kitchen countertop then moved quickly as the Were pounced, and his claws gouged into the marble of the countertop.

  She felt her heart pound and the blood rush to her ears. It was
getting harder to get oxygen into her lungs and she suddenly felt the fatigue as it started to wash over her. The adrenaline that had her moving had also started to wear off and she was losing focus. Another blow across her face slammed her hard into the wall. She fell to the floor, her ears ringing and her concentration gone which caused her to transform back into her human form. The Weres approached her with a chuckle as Layla tried helplessly to get back onto her feet.

  Layla’s arms burned as the larger Were grabbed her and held her upright, her arms pressed into the wall. He laughed as the smaller Were Layla had hurt, sank his fist hard into her stomach. The blow sent her insides reeling and she doubled over in pain.

  “That was for my face, you fucking bitch,” he growled out, before he slapped her. He deliberately let his claws scratch across her face, creating the same wounds though not nearly as deep. Layla cried out as his hands delivered more punishment.

  “What do you want?” She asked, barely able to keep her head up.

  The larger Were bent close to her, his foul breath threatening to gag her. “We’re here to deliver a message. Stay away from Suzette. Stay away from Martin. Do that and you may live. If not, we will be back.” The message was delivered with a snarl before he unceremoniously dropped her and both Weres exited the apartment.

  Layla fell to the floor in a heap. Her body felt on fire as pain ran through her. She felt the sting of tears as they trickled onto her bruised face and neck. She was in way over her head. It was not enough that the whole “werewolf” thing was destroying her life, but now she was in danger of losing her life. To someone other than Suzette. She crawled to her bedroom, ignoring the damage in her apartment and grabbed her phone on the way. She made her way into her closet where she lay curled in a corner. Great. Now she had someone else trying to kill her. Suzette and someone unknown. Blocking the pain in her arms, she dialed Brett’s number. He answered on the first ring.



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