Book Read Free


Page 11

by Adrianna Morgan

  Where are you? He replied.

  Work, she texted back.

  Is that wise?

  Layla rolled her eyes. She highly doubted any Weres had the balls to walk into the Administration building during daylight and try to attack her in full view of humans. That would be asking to be hunted and it was less than two months until New Year’s Eve, when Weres lost their invulnerability. To be quite honest, it was simply better than staying at home…or at a hotel by herself.

  Bored @ hotel, she finally answered, then before he could respond, she texted again, gtg, work, ttyl, k? .

  K, he replied.

  Layla snapped her cell phone shut and slipped it back into her purse. She looked around and saw a few people had started coming into the office and were finding excuses to walk by her desk. She knew they were curious. The campus grapevine had probably spread the news already about her attack. And the fact that she looked like she had a date with Freddy Kruger last night did not help her case. She had a few missed calls from Shawna and she knew her friend would be pissed that she was at work and hadn’t called her back. She thought about calling Shawna, but she knew that her friend would be there in a few hours and she would see her then.

  Layla returned to the stack of files on her desk and groaned as one of the student assistant brought out a fresh pile. Sorry, the girl mouthed, before looking toward Cantrell’s door and dropping the stack on a corner of Layla’s desk. Layla glared at Cantrell’s door and swore she heard maniacal laughter behind it. The woman was truly evil. Layla knew from experience that the best way to handle Cantrell was to ignore her and shut the hell up, so she knew she was in for it by mouthing off earlier. She should have kept her trap shut.


  Layla heard the voice behind her and groaned inwardly. Cantrell could not possibly have anything else for her to do today. It almost bordered on inhumane. She turned around slowly, dreading the pile and sighed with relief as she saw Shawna standing in front of her, hand on her hip.

  “You, missy, did not return my calls,” The other girl accused and Layla winced at the hurt in her tone.

  “I really meant to, but I got sidetracked you know?” She gestured towards her face.

  Shawna stared at her scratches for a few seconds and Layla started to squirm from embarrassment. “Did you go to the hospital?”

  Layla rolled her eyes and nodded.

  “Did the doctors clear you to leave and return to work?”

  Again Layla nodded, “Yes mom.”

  “Good,” Shawna said curtly, “So now I can cuss your ass out. Why the hell did you not return my call?”

  Layla could feel all eyes in the office on the scene Shawna was inadvertently making. “Can we talk about this at lunch?” she begged, looking around. She thought she saw the blinds separating Cantrell’s office, flutter. Not a good sign. “I promise to tell you everything at lunch.” She pushed Shawna away, ignoring the sting in her arms at the slight strain. “I promise. It’s not that good anyway.”


  “Oh my god! This is good! I just know it!” Shawna exclaimed as she and Layla took a seat in the cafeteria. Layla had deliberately taken the last lunch hour available and had taken her time finding a seat. It gave her time to come up with a plausible lie. It had already taken her the better part of the morning to think of a lie that would appeal to Shawna and she had “spilled” a part of her story earlier, after Shawna kept insisting. Now to keep Shawna from eventually pulling the story out of her, she knew she had to give Shawna the bare minimum, leaving out the supernatural stuff but still sticking, somewhat, to the truth.

  She spoke about Brett. The Greek god, Shawna called him. She mentioned Martin, explaining his presence as an old friend of her mom’s. She spoke about her dad being involved in something shady and that his past had fallen into her lap. It was all true, and she knew Shawna would believe her, but adding the part about having Were ancestry may be a bit much, even for the outspoken and open-minded Shawna. She decided not to push her luck. She felt a twinge of shame for deceiving her friend, but that was probably the only way she was going to keep Shawna as a friend. She squeezed her eyes as the overwhelming feeling of loneliness engulfed her but held the threatening tears at bay. She had gone through too much in the last few weeks to break down now. She would not allow her coworkers to see her this way. She smiled wanly as Shawna fussed over her, mistaking her self-pity for pain. She took comfort in Shawna’s attentions before the two headed back upstairs to work.

  By the time the work day was done, Layla was tired, hungry and the pain and throbbing in her arm matched that in her head. Fortunately, the doctor had given her medication for the pain, unfortunately, it hadn’t kicked in yet. She massaged her temples as she trudged up the stairs towards her apartment, and then winced as she remembered the mess her place was in. She dug through her bag, found the key to Brett’s apartment and after a quick glace around, let herself into the door.

  She stood uncertainly in the living room, torn between leaving this place that had caused her nothing but misery in the last few days and or staying and praying her attackers, or anyone they knew, did not come back. Fatigue won and she walked into the bedroom and smiled as she saw a few of her bags in the corner. Brett had grabbed some of her stuff while she was at work. It was a sweet gesture, but it did not get him off the hook for lying to her. They were seriously going to have a talk when he got home. She dropped wearily into the bed, her purse still tangled in her arms as she laid her head gingerly on the pillow, her mind an uncontrolled vortex of unanswered questions.

  Layla jumped at the heavy knock on the door. Shit! She grabbed her phone and started to dial Brett, then stopped as she heard the yell that accompanied the knock. She groaned. Tami. Layla walked reluctantly towards the door, throwing her purse in the corner. She did not want to deal with Little Miss Drama at the moment, but she knew Tami would not quit until she came to the door or until she ran out of steam. Which, in Tami’s case, could take a while. Layla rested her head against the cheap wood of the door, her hand on the knob and seriously considered calling the police. Instead, she slowly opened the door, her face dropping as she noticed the look of contempt on Tami’s. Before Layla could say a word, Tami shoved open the door and strode into the apartment, then whirled to face Layla.

  “I guess you wanted to have it all,” she snapped as Layla turned to face her.

  Layla sighed, her headache starting to come back in full swing. Between the pain in her head and the medication in her system, she did not want to handle an irritated Tami. Especially over some bullshit.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she sighed again.

  Tami’s eyes flashed angrily. “You don’t know what I’m talking about!” She marched up to Layla, her hands fisted at her sides. “You were supposed to be my friend! You were supposed to be the one I trusted! And you fucked my boyfriend! I fucking saw you, you whore! Even with that cheap ass wig!”

  Layla held up her hand, her eyes widening as Tami grabbed her arm, her nails digging into Layla’s already hurt skin. “Get your fucking hands off me, you psycho!” She yelled at Tami in pain as her arm protested the new damage. “What the fuck are you talking about?” She asked rubbing her arm as she started to get really annoyed. She could feel the rage starting to build in her, a slow heat that started from her core and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Too bad Tami decided at that moment, she wanted to fight. Layla felt the sting of the slap and the heat quickly spread to her face. She was mad. No, she was beyond mad, she was fucking pissed. Her body grew flush and in what seemed like mere moments, she could felt the changes taking place. She clenched her fists, and willed herself to relax, then shrugged as she realized she was too far gone. Layla felt her claws extend as her eyes became round and yellow, the hazel retreating as her animal came into being. A light dusting of golden fur extended down her arms and across her back and she felt her mouth shifting to accommodate her new teeth.

  “What t
he fuck—?!”

  Layla could no longer think straight. She zeroed in on Tami, now backed up against the wall in Brett’s kitchen, her eyes wild as she realized what stood between her and the front door. Layla smiled, spittle dripping from her teeth and walked over to the terrified girl, who seemed to be gulping air. She leaned over and breathed in the sweet smell of fear emanating off Tami. It was almost an aphrodisiac and the more terrified Tami seemed to get, the sweeter her scent became.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” The voice sounded more like a child than a grown woman as Tami begged for her life. Layla smiled again as Tami’s eyes glistened. She leaned in close, inhaling more of the fear, feeling almost euphoric.

  “Layla, please don’t hurt me. I am so sorry.”

  “Sorry?” Layla growled her voice guttural. “You aren’t sorry. You’re scared. Right now you’ll say anything to get away.”

  She paced back and forth in front of Tami. “But you won’t. You won’t get away.” Her brain was a fog, her thoughts centered on the anger and pain that Tami had unleashed in her. She could see the veins in Tami’s neck throbbing as blood coursed through her veins. She could feel the animal in her begging her to taste the fear in the blood that was so close to her. She raised her hand and extended one claw towards Tami, then stopped as the girl visible trembled.

  “Please Layla. Let me go, please.” Tami’s voiced, filled with pain, filtered through the haze in Layla brain. She looked at her hand, realizing in horror that she had transformed in front of Tami. “I won’t tell, I promise.”

  She looked at Tami, her eyes returning to their hazel color as reason kicked in. “Run.” She said, turning away and hunkering down. Without hesitation, Tami fled.


  Layla awoke and found herself cocooned in Brett’s arms. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent, as last night’s memories crept into her mind. After Tami had run out in fear, she had locked the door to Brett’s apartment and hidden in the closet, crying as she waited for the sirens of the police. She knew she had terrified Tami; she terrified herself as she remembered the things she had wanted to do to the other girl. She had spent hours huddled in the corner, the scope of what she’d almost done, shocking her into transforming back. Even then, she stayed hidden until Brett came home. Unwavering and unconcerned about if she was still upset with him; he’d walked straight into the closet and gathered her into his arms.

  She rubbed the smooth skin of his arm, the light coating of dark hair soft beneath her fingers. His skin was warm and he twitched as she continued to caress his flesh. She turned in his arms, the hairs on his arm tickling her face. The light through the lone window highlighted the angles of his face so that even in sleep, he still looked lean and rugged. She wondered how she’d ever thought him boyish. Yes he was younger than she was, but somehow he seemed more… worldly. His lips were a dusky pink, the bottom slightly fuller than the top and she clenched her fist to stop herself from tracing them. She took in his slightly crooked nose and smiled when her eyes met his.

  “Good morning,” she whispered, breaking eye contact with him. She felt him move and his hand grasped her chin, tilting her face up. His lips met hers and she melted into him as he moved, gathering her underneath him, careful not to touch her bruised skin. She could feel the hard length of him against her body and another hard length against her thigh. She sighed as his kiss deepened and the hand that had tilted her face up moved to grasp the hem of her shirt. She broke free.

  “I can’t.”

  Brett raised an eyebrow in silent question.

  “Work.” She answered with a groan. She had just gotten back into fairly good graces with Cantrell—this was as good as it got with her boss— and she was not about to mess it up. She smiled as Brett flopped back onto the bed, his groan long and drawn out.

  “Work,” he moaned playfully. “Why can’t you have a normal job like me that starts in the afternoon?” He grabbed her around the waist as she started to rise and pulled her back to the warm bed and his even warmer body. “I’ll be quick, I promise,” he raised his brows suggestively.

  She swatted his hands. “Never ever say that!” She laughed. She sobered quickly as her mind went to the day before. She was in so much shit, she couldn’t see above the stinking pile. She had Suzette gunning for her, Tami scared of her and some other Were with a hard-on for her and she still didn’t even know who the hell he was. She was not getting off to a good start in her new life as a Were. It was supposed to be like the movies; all cool and stuff. She would wear kick-ass clothes and maybe ride a motorcycle, not get her ass kicked by every Were in Florida. And she still couldn’t control her powers. Transforming in front of Tami was probably going to get her kicked out of the Were Alliance or whatever organization the good Weres belonged to. Worse than that, Martin was definitely going to rip her a new one. She was really starting to hate her heritage.


  Layla walked into the door at work, a smile on her face. She walked over to her desk before noticing how quiet the room actually was. No one seemed to pay her any attention; in fact, it seemed as if they were all avoiding her. She looked over to Shawna, surprised that her friend was focused on her computer and refused to look up even when Layla called out to her.

  What is going on? She thought. She fought the urge to put her purse back on her shoulder and walk back out into the Florida sun. Instead, she booted up her computer and picked up a file as she made preparations for the workday ahead. She had barely touched the file, when she heard Cantrell’s loud cough behind her. She spun around, her eyes widening as she took in the two men standing next to Cantrell, their eyes hard and unforgiving. What now? She thought. Were they Weres? She wondered. Was this how they were going to get her? By coming into her job and convincing Cantrell to let her leave with them?

  She looked at the two quickly. She noticed the discomfort one seemed to display as if his jacket was too tight. The other stared back at her, a tick evident in his jaw, which was clenched tight enough to crush glass. Cantrell, on the other hand, looked happy. As if something she’d hoped for had come to pass. Layla swallowed. And she had the feeling she was the center of it.

  Cantrell cleared her throat again. “Ms. Donovan, please come with me.” She turned without another glance at Layla, expecting obedience.

  Layla rose, confusion written on her face. She suddenly felt very tense when the two men fell into step behind her, flanking her on either side as she walked to Cantrell’s office. She stood nervously on the other side of Cantrell’s big desk, watching the woman make herself comfortable.

  “Ms. Donavan,” she began, “these men are here to talk to you about your actions last night.” Cantrell inclined her head to the two men and Layla glanced back in fright.

  Shit! She thought. They were the police. Tami had told on her after all. She suddenly felt very small and she wondered what was going to happen to her. “Mrs. Cantrell, I can explain about last night—.”

  Cantrell waved a hand, cutting her off mid-sentence. “Ms. Donavan, the time for excuses has passed. There is no need to explain yourself to me.” She smiled, almost cruelly. “We know what happened and we have proof.”

  Cantrell waved to the men. “These men are members of the College’s police detail and need you to answer a few questions before they escort you to the Gulfport police. I suggest you cooperate, it will go better for you.”

  She stood up and looked at Layla. “Before I leave, Ms. Donovan, I want to say, I truly expected better of you.” She paused as if trying to find the right words, but Layla knew better. Cantrell was simply drawing out her farewell speech. “I truly hoped you would have followed my example and done what you were supposed to do.” She shook her head. “I hope the College can live down the scandal you have brought on us.”

  She gestured to the men. “Please feel free to use my office before you leave with her. I have no cause to see her before you leave.” With that, Cantrell picked up her purse and exited the room, her sturdy heels muffle
d on the carpeted floor.

  Layla rolled her eyes at the theatrics of her boss before facing the two men. One had moved to the seat Cantrell had just vacated and the other still stood close to Layla. He stared at her as if daring her to move. She decided not to call his bluff. She looked at the men carefully, as she waited for her interrogation to get started. She wondered if Martin would get upset if she mentioned his name. Would they even believe her? Would they assume she had spiked Tami’s drink or something? Oh God, Layla thought suddenly, supposed they accused her of drugging Tami so she could kill her? She could be charged with anticipating murder, or whatever it was called. Shit! She was going to jail.

  The man seated in Cantrell’s chair cleared his throat and Layla jumped. He pulled a small tape recorder from his pocket and turned it on. He took a deep breath before he spoke.

  “Layla, my name is Officer Humphries and this is Officer Bynum.” He indicated the man hovering next to Layla. “We are officers with Campus Police. Do you understand?” He paused and Layla quickly nodded.

  “We only respond to cases pertaining to incidents on campus, so we were called about the incident last night. We have to get your statement before we turn you over to the local law enforcement seeing as how you did commit a crime and there is a penalty you have to pay. Do you understand?”

  Layla nodded again, her nervousness clearly evident. She saw the two men exchange a look as she clasped her hands in front of her to stop the shaking.

  “You are being recorded, however, you can ask for legal representation at any time. We cannot formally charge you with a crime, but we do need to understand what happened last night. Do you understand?”

  Layla nodded, feeling foolish about the long introduction. She just wanted to get this over with. She knew there would be consequences for her lack of control, but the long drawn out start to this interrogation was wreaking havoc with her nerves.

  The officer next to her spoke suddenly and Layla jumped, his proximity startling her. “Can you tell us where you were last night around eight pm?”


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