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Single Dad's Kissmas

Page 5

by Mika West

  “Come for me, Lucy,” I growled. As if her body was in tune with my command she convulsed, and I had to clamp arms around her thighs to keep her in place. Her cry bounced off the walls, fueled my arousal.

  Making my way upward, I found her mouth, kissed her so she could taste how delicious she was.

  “How was your first time?”

  She stared at me wide-eyed, dazed. “I love y— I loved it.”

  It was time to make her completely mine. Easing between her legs, I rubbed my throbbing cock against her center. Right before I plunged in, I remembered to use protection. With a curse, I jumped up.

  “No,” Lucy gasped her face crestfallen.

  I kissed her mouth. “Relax, baby, just getting a condom.”

  “Oh. Right.” She flushed the lovely shade of pink that I liked so much.

  Sheathed and back between her legs, I murmured, “Ready?”

  “I’m a virgin,” Lucy blurted out. She appeared just as surprised as I felt.


  I couldn’t believe I'd blurted it out. Ryan was frozen above me.

  “Say something,” I pleaded.

  “What the hell do you want me to say, Luce?”

  He lifted himself off me, and I panicked. Not again!

  “Don’t do this to me again, Ryan.” I was near tears, like a sex-craving minx that needed a fix. But I was beyond caring. He couldn’t get me all worked up and leave me hanging.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes! I’m positive. Please, don’t stop, Ryan. I want you to be my first.” I needed him to be. Male satisfaction gleamed in his eyes. Yes!

  He groaned, and a smile tugged at his lips. "I want to be your first too.” My heart flipped. “We’ll take it slow,” he promised and stroked his fingers over my face, pushing back my hair.

  “Okay, I trust you.” I trusted him completely. He was the one I had been saving myself for, but never thought it would actually happen.

  “Hold on to me. Wrap your arms around my neck," Ryan said as he trailed his hand down my side.

  I did as I was told while he kissed me. He grasped his cock and nestled it between us. The broad tip of his cock pushed at my entrance. I wondered if he would fit. I saw why women went crazy over him. The man was hung. I didn’t get time to analyze my jealousy at the thought of Ryan with other women because he surged forward, breaching my entrance.

  I stiffened, my fingernails digging into his arms. He stopped, allowed me to adjust to his invasion, and I could tell it took a great effort for him to stay in control. He soothed me with kisses, and we gazed at each other. I fell deeper in love with him at that moment. The sharp pain turned to an uncomfortable fullness.

  “Are you alright?” he whispered, as sweat beaded his brow.

  I nodded. “You don’t have to hold back, Ryan. I know you won’t hurt me.”

  With a moan, he began to move. The discomfort soon turned into a pleasure I didn’t even know existed. His large hands encouraged my legs to wrap around his waist, and my hips tilted allowing him to go deeper. He touched places inside of me I never knew I had. Each thrust took me higher toward ecstasy.

  “Ryan, more.” His pace increased, along with the friction.


  Our moans grew louder. I was about to explode. Pleasure, wonder, amazement, everything swamped me at once. I closed my eyes afraid of what he would see in their depths. I loved him. And I didn’t want to scare him off. I knew he would never feel the same way about me.

  “Open your eyes, Lucy. I want to see everything when you come apart.”

  Reluctantly, my lids lifted and I met his gaze.

  I was left breathless. The emotions in his eyes mimicked mine, wonder, amazement, pleasure. There was clear desire, but I couldn’t identify love. My heart sank, yet lifted simultaneously as my orgasm hit me like a tidal wave. My eyes widened, and my lips parted on a gasp.

  “Ryan, I’m going to—” I didn’t even recognize the keening moan as my own. With a roar, he followed me over the edge. His body shuddered above mine. Our ragged breathing mingled.

  I began to drift, my body lax, fully satisfied. I was aware of Ryan moving, holding me, but I remained lost in a haze. My orgasm was so intense; I nearly curled up in a ball to rock back and forth. No man would ever make me feel the way Ryan did. I was sure of that.

  That night, I fell asleep wrapped in his arms, something I had dreamed of so many times. I wasn’t even aware when he left until I reached for him and didn’t feel him. I found a note and smiled. He’d had to get home to relieve the babysitter and didn’t want to wake me. More sweet words filled the page, and I sighed. I held the note to my chest like a teenager in love for the first time. I would probably get my heart broken, but at that moment, I didn’t care. I just wanted to revel in the afterglow of Ryan’s lovemaking. I could still smell him, taste him, feel him. I went back to sleep with a smile on my face.

  “Hey, sis.”

  I spun around with a smile. “Hi, Eric.”

  He planted a kiss on my cheek, and I went back to stirring my pesto sauce. “Lunch is just about ready.”

  Eric rubbed his hands together, “Great, I’m starving.” He grabbed two plates and set the dining table for two.

  Once we were settled, he gave me a long stare. My brow quirked. “What?”

  “You’re glowing.”

  With a snort, I picked up my glass and took a gulp of water. “Um, thanks?” Hopefully, my face didn’t show my discomfort. Of course, I was glowing. That’s what amazing sex did for a girl. If Eric knew that I was getting that fantastic sex from his best friend for the past week, he would probably flip.

  “New boyfriend?”

  I nearly choked. “Eric, that is none of your business!”

  “Of course, it’s my business. I’m your older brother. I have to look out for you.”

  “Right because I’m still twelve.” Rolling my eyes, I stuffed my mouth with pasta, giving me a few seconds to compose myself. “No boyfriend. I’m happily single.” It was the truth, partially. Single, yes, happy, not quite. Ryan and I weren’t an item. We had fallen into the friends with benefits category, which killed me, but I would take what I could get for the time being. We didn't talk about a future or what we were; we just did what our bodies wanted and craved.

  “Hmm.” He studied me intently then finally said, “Okay.” Subject dropped. Thank you! “So, how’s business?” He inquired.

  I hesitated. Lie or not to lie? “Fine.”

  He nodded. “Good.”

  "So we haven't discussed it, but Christmas is a few days away. What are we doing?” Usually, we would both spend the holiday with our parents. We hadn’t really planned anything for that year.

  He shrugged. “I guess it’s just you and me this year, kid.”

  “I told you not to call me that.”

  He grinned. “Alright, ma’am.” I sent him a glare, and he chuckled. “Maybe we can spend the day with Ryan, Maxi, and Becky. That sounds like a good idea, right?”

  I cleared my throat lightly. It would be awkward, but if I refused, Eric would be suspicious. “Sure, sounds great. But, don’t you think Ryan will take the girls to Chicago to spend Christmas with their grandmother?”

  “Nope, he said they’re going for Mrs. Pearce’s birthday next month instead. I think he wants them here, give them some stability since it’s their first without… you know.”

  I nodded understanding. “In that case, let’s do it. As long as Ryan agrees. I can do the full works, turkey, stuffing, but only as long as you promise to help chop and prepare.” I hoped my cheerful tone was convincing. Ryan would probably hate the idea of all of us together. He already felt guilty about what we were doing behind Eric’s back. I understood that he valued his friendship with Eric, but I felt like his dirty secret. Instantly, my mood darkened.

  “You okay, Luce?”

  “I’m great,” I murmured and forced out a bright smile. “We should do brother-sister lunches more often.”
  Eric smiled. “Definitely.” He gave me a piercing look. He knew something was off. Damn his perceptiveness. Having a lawyer for a brother was annoying at times.

  It was time to turn the table. “So, bro, how’s that pretty school teacher you’ve been dating?”

  Blue eyes, much like mine, twinkled. “None of your business.”

  “Oh, so you’re allowed to ask about my love life, but I can’t ask about yours?” I snorted. “That’s bull.”

  He laughed. “I’m older than you are.”

  “You can’t play the age card with this one.”

  We fell into our usual banter, and there was no more talk of Ryan or work.


  “Mackenzie Garcia, live and in color.” I smiled broadly at the woman getting out of her car.

  “Ryan Pearce. I’ll be damned.”

  Mackenzie jumped out of her car and sprinted toward me. I braced myself for the impact. It was a miracle we both didn’t end up sprawled in the snow as she hurled herself at me. We laughed as I spun her around. I set her on her feet and studied the Latina beauty. She hadn’t aged a day it seemed.

  “I haven’t seen you in forever. You look good.”

  “You too, Pearce. It’s good to see you.” She stretched up to plant a kiss on my lips.

  My brows shot up. “Whoa? Are you no longer batting for the other side?”

  Her brown eyes twinkled, and she slapped me on the shoulder. “Not on your life. I just missed you, you oaf. It’s been years.”

  I grabbed my shoulder and winced. “Still so aggressive.” I wasn’t fooled by Mackenzie’s stylish suit and killer heels, beneath her sleek appearance was a bona fide tomboy who could take down any man.

  She giggled. “Suck it up, big guy. So, you called, I’m here. What’s up?”

  “Let’s go inside before we freeze to death. You can meet my nieces then we’ll talk.” I slung a hand over her shoulder and led her to the front door.

  “I’m sorry about, Beth, Ryan. How are you coping with everything?”

  “Thanks. I’m fine. Taking it day by day. It was hard at first, but I’ve been getting help.”

  I thought of Lucy. We had fallen into a casual affair. Just last night I went her to her place for a night that still had me in a blissful haze. I was apprehensive at first, thinking that she would want more. But, she seemed fine with what we were doing, even if I was riddled with guilt. But as far as everyone knew, we were friends, and she was giving me a helping hand with my nieces. Eric didn’t suspect a thing, and I wanted to keep it that way.

  “Good,” Mackenzie said as I closed the door behind us.


  My hands gripped the steering wheel as I stared ahead, finding it difficult to breathe. Ryan didn’t even see me, I thought miserably. He had been so wrapped up in her; he hadn’t even noticed my car parked across the street. My car was hard to miss in such a neighborhood. There were fancy, expensive cars parked everywhere and mine was the exact opposite; a rust bucket on wheels.

  I gulped, fighting back tears as I replayed everything I had just seen. A gorgeous woman, an exotic looking amazon with amazing legs had slid out of a car and ran into Ryan’s arms. He had embraced her, with joy and love.

  Why couldn’t he look at me like that? I never made him laugh the way she had. Then, she had kissed him, and for the life of me, I couldn’t look away. Ryan obviously adored the woman. He had moved from one beauty to another in no time, all the while sleeping with me.

  What was I, a rebound? Something to pass the time until that woman came back to him? It was then I realized that I was chasing the wind. Ryan would never look at me the way he looked at Julie or that stunning brunette. I watched them until they disappeared into his house, his arms still around her.

  I glanced back at the homemade cookies and decorating supplies I’d planned to surprise Maxi and Becky with and sighed sadly. I’d envisaged us all having fun and getting messy in the kitchen, icing and decorating the cookies but I couldn’t go in there now. I drove off, with no set destination in mind, trying for as long as I could to keep my tears at bay.

  I’d called it before Ryan, and I slept together the first time. I would get my heart broken, and low and behold I did. I supposed I had to deal with it and move on. By the time I was a few blocks from Ryan’s house, my tears had streamed down my face, nearly blinding me. I sniffed and wiped at them, and decided to head home.

  There, I could curl up in bed for the rest of the day and bawl my eyes out. After my pity party, I could call a few girlfriends that I hadn’t hung out with in a while and arrange a girls’ night out. My social life had been on hold for a good year while I tried to get my business off the ground. It still remained at ground zero to that day, so my efforts were wasted. That only made me cry harder.

  Blinded by tears, I didn’t see the truck that ran the stop sign and aimed right at my car until it was too late.

  My last thought before everything went dark was that it was just my luck to die with a broken heart.

  For a while, I felt like I was floating and then I found myself at Ryan’s place. How I got there, I have no idea, but I wanted to stay there. I was living the life I wanted. Ryan and I were together and happy. There was no Julie, no hot mystery brunette, just Ryan, Maxi, Becky and I. Even Eric was there, and he was fine with Ryan and I being in love. We were all celebrating Christmas together, a happy family.

  I was at peace, but a nagging headache reminded me that it was a fading illusion. Disappointment coursed through me as my fantasy world began to disappear and an incessant beeping sound became louder. Then, I heard a distant voice.



  “Luce, come on, open your eyes. You can’t do this to me; it’s almost Christmas for goodness sake.”

  What was he ranting about? I groaned as my headache became more intense. “Eric? What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, thank God. She’s awake! Nurse!”

  “For the love of God, Eric, can you stop shouting?” My eyes opened, and I blinked when bright light pierced my retinas. “Ugh, and turn the light off, will you?” When my eyes landed on him, I was surprised to see tears in Eric’s eyes. “Who died?”

  He laughed. “And she’s back. Welcome back, little sis. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

  I attempted to sit up, my brain muddled, but a sharp pain in my right arm stopped me. I sucked in a breath and glanced down. My arm was in a cast. I finally managed to glance around my surroundings. A hospital? Then, everything came rushing back. Ryan with another woman, my heart shattering, a truck, and then the physical pain that followed.

  “Oh, no, my car.”

  Eric grasped my uninjured hand. “Don’t worry about your car, Luce. The important thing is, you’re alive.”

  “No, you don’t understand,” I croaked. “I need my car… I can barely make the car payments or pay my other bills. My business is in the dumps, and now I have car repairs to worry about?” I broke down. I wasn’t one to cry about everything, but I was overwhelmed.

  He stared, stunned. “Lucy, why am I just hearing about all of this?”

  My mouth snapped shut. Crap. I had given myself away. Just then a nurse rushed in followed by Charlie and Ryan. My eyes stayed on Ryan as the nurse fussed over me. I didn’t hear a word she said to me. Everyone else faded away as he took long strides toward me. I was surprised by his appearance. His hair was a mess, his clothes wrinkled, he sported a five o’clock shadow that only made him sexier—damn him! But even though his eyes were bloodshot, he was a beautiful sight. He had broken my heart, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I must have sustained massive head trauma in the accident.

  I was vaguely aware of the nurse saying I could only have one visitor at a time, and Charlie gently gripping my hand. She said something, but I didn’t hear. I was too dazed as Ryan got closer and I realized his intention. My eyes widened, and my lips parted on a gasp just before he kissed me, long and deep, yet gentle. He cupped my f
ace, and I melted into him, instantly forgetting that I was supposed to hate him. When he finally broke the kiss, I was breathless. He wiped a thumb across my cheek, dashing away a tear. I didn’t even remember why I had been crying. Something about my life falling apart. But, one kiss from Ryan and all other thoughts fled.

  My eyes finally left his face to see that everyone else was gawking. Eric, however, didn’t seem too surprised. He merely cocked a brow, and I’m sure my entire face went crimson.


  I could feel Eric’s gaze on me, but I couldn’t look away from her. I wanted to hug her, kiss her some more, make love to her and throttle her, all at the same time.

  How could she scare me like that? Thank God, she was awake. She was bruised and paler than usual but alive, and the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I let out a relieved breath and finally tore my gaze away from her. I chanced a look at Eric as Charlie argued with the poor nurse who was trying to get rid of us and embraced Lucy.

  Eric folded his arms and studied me with narrowed eyes. I wondered if he was plotting my murder. I wouldn’t blame him. I had defiled his sister, after all. More than he knew. I took her virginity. And the kiss I’d just given her was beyond friendly. I didn’t want Eric to find out so sudden, but Lucy had almost died, and I was still reeling from my panic, my worry, and then my overwhelming relief to hear she was awake. I had to kiss her, to make sure she was real and still with me.

  “I’m sorry, but you all have to clear the room right now. The doctor will be in to examine Lucy,” said the impatient nurse.

  Eric and Charlie reluctantly obeyed, but I lingered. “Lucy, I’m so glad you’re awake.”

  She sent me a glare. “You can’t be that glad!”


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