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First Down

Page 78

by Paula Mabbel

  She sighed, slipping a hand between her legs. Leaning against the tiles, she rubbed her clit, imagining their bodies tangled in forbidden passion, roughness mixed with tenderness in the way he took her.

  Enveloped in the pleasure of her fantasy, she lost track of time. When she finally got out of the shower, she was already running late.

  She dressed in a hurry, grabbed her overnight bag and bolted for the door.

  “Going home?” she heard Mary from the kitchen.

  “Not quite.”

  Mary squinted at her, looking suspicious.

  “No, no you wouldn't!”

  “What?” Emma tried to act innocently, putting on her flats.

  “Oh, dear. You’re going to his place, aren’t you?” When Emma didn’t reply, she insisted. “What did I tell you about cowboys?”

  “Oh, I’ll be fine, Mary. Can I go or is the lecture not over yet?”

  “Fine, suit yourself. But don't come crying for help to me when you’re in over your head, girl.”

  Blowing a kiss to her grouchy roommate, Emma left. She had rented a car, careful to pick a newer model this time, and could barely contain her excitement.

  She didn't even see the beautiful landscape that had soothed her nerves not more than two weeks ago. It felt like she had held her breath up until she finally pulled up the large driveway. Taking in a deep breath, she stepped out, praying that her wobbling knees wouldn't give her away.

  “There you are!” she heard Ridley's voice.

  “I did say I would come.”

  “I’m glad you kept your promise.”

  She felt small against his over-six-foot frame, the only thought on her mind being how much she wanted to jump into his arms.

  “Let me help you with that,” he said, reaching for her small bag, his husky voice making her body quiver.

  Not trusting her voice, she followed him quietly. Once in the kitchen, she searched for his mother.

  He chuckled. “I live alone, don't worry.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “You live alone?”

  “Yeah. I'm a grown man,” he laughed.

  She took a step back, wringing her hands.

  “You wanted my mother to be here,” he realized.

  “I…No, it’s alright. I’m here for the grant proposal, after all.”

  He nodded, watching her face in confusion. When he let go of her hand, she almost reached to grab his back, but managed to stop herself in the last moment.

  He showed her to the guest room and told her he'd give her a tour of the ranch in half an hour. She took advantage of her time alone to freshen up and try to calm her nerves.

  Back in the living room, she found Ridley waiting for her patiently.

  “Shall we?” he asked, reaching for her hand.

  She nodded, relieved to see he wasn't upset. He guided her to a back door that opened into an enclosure of some sort.

  The surrounding fields were fascinating with their beauty and serenity, but the ranch, where some of the rescued horses were kept, left her in complete awe.

  A couple of lame colts were lazily sunbathing, separated from the newer horses by a sturdy wooden fence.

  “Do they fight?” she asked, fascinated with their size and beauty.

  “Sometimes. But the fence is more for their own safety. They stress easily and it’s best they get used to one another gradually. The last thing this center needs is problems with the rescued horses.”

  She nodded, eager to learn about his world.

  Leaning against him, Emma enjoyed hearing his heroic stories. They walked side by side, while he told her about the time he physically stopped a crew of four men from loading horses into a truck destined for slaughter, or the time he first brought the idea of an official rescue center to a couple of his friends. Most had laughed at him, but one stuck around, becoming his most trusted ally over the years.

  He explained to her what everything was called, where everything came from, and how he preferred training his horses the natural way, by understanding the way they thought and behaved.

  Emma learned that his own horse, Shade, was one of the first horses he rescued and trained with this method.

  “How long since you set up the rescue center?”

  “Five years now.”

  “Wow. Impressive. And where did you get your funding from so far?”

  “Well, it started out of my pocket. Mainly from my family’s cow ranch. I inherited that after my old man passed, not long before I started the center. Some of my friends helped, too, and later we started a program for kids. Students would come in groups to learn about horses and take a few riding lessons. It helped us until now, but horses keep coming and it's getting harder to stay afloat.”

  “It's amazing how much you love your mission,” she murmured. “And I’m sorry about your father.” She looked up into his eyes, gently caressing his strong jaw with the tips of her fingers.

  The daring gesture came out of nowhere and she started to pull her hand back, but Ridley caught it. His smile made her feel like anything was possible.

  Then, suddenly, he kissed her.


  Hours later, she touched her lips, still incredulous about the kiss really happening.

  Changing into a long, pale orange dress, she hoped it looked good enough for dinner. She didn't want to look too dressed up.

  Ridley wasn’t in the kitchen, so she sat on one of the breakfast bar stools, waiting patiently.

  Emma felt her cheeks burn at the memory of how embarrassed she had been after the kiss. When he had asked what was wrong, she couldn’t tell him she had kissed only one other guy in her life. She feared he'd think less of her after finding out about her lack of experience. Emma knew he had the right to know, but the prospect of confessing sounded dreadful.

  “What's gotten you thinking so hard?” she heard Ridley ask. He was proudly holding a bottle of red wine.

  “Nothing,” she lied, blushing.

  He placed the bottle on the counter and turned to her.

  “What are we having for dinner?” she tried to change the subject.

  “Oh, you’re not changing the subject.”

  “I’m not…”

  “What is it?” he insisted, stepping closer.

  Emma felt frustrated to tears, caught unprepared by his questions. She knew that if she spoke, she’d cry.

  “You can tell me anything, you know that right?”

  His words made her look up into his eyes. She wasn’t so sure he would like what she had to tell.

  “Come on, tell me. I promise I will help you however I can.” Looking intent on getting the secret out in the open, he sat down in front of her and reached for her hand.

  Glancing away, Emma tried to think of something else to say. Maybe if they’ll just get on with it, it wouldn’t be such a big issue.

  “It’s nothing, really. Besides, I’m hungry. Let's eat.”

  He didn't buy it.

  She stood up, trying to avoid his scrutinizing gaze. Walking into the den, Emma tried to get a hold of herself by focusing on her surroundings.

  He wasn't rich, but she felt content in his house. It was cozy and tidy, and he looked like he lived a comfortable life. She got the feeling she would be happy in a place like this. Everything was so different from the rigorous life her wealthy parents had given her. She had all the money in the world growing up, but none of the warmth she saw Ridley and his mother shared.

  He cleared his throat and interrupted her thoughts.

  “Everything alright?”

  She nodded.

  “Look, was it the kiss? I apologize if I was too forward with it, but I thought you were drawn to me. I must have misread you.”

  “No, you don't need to apologize. I do like you.”

  “Then what is it?” She could hear the confusion in his voice. “Look, if you like me, and I like you, then what is it? We can take it slow if you want that.”

  “You like me?”

nbsp; “Well, isn’t it obvious by now?” he laughed, making her even more uncomfortable.

  “I don't know. I'm not used to this. And I don’t really want to take it slow. I mean, I would like to, but I don’t think you'd…”

  “You’re rambling. Just say what it is that’s bothering you. Is it your parents? Because I’m a rancher, and they’ll think I’m not good enough for you, or...”

  “No! I don't care about that. And it’s not about you.”

  He exhaled loudly. “They all say that, don't they? And it always means it is about me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Whenever you want to play with someone but you don't want commitment, it's always the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ business.”

  “You mean like an affair?”

  “I don't know. What do you mean?”

  “I don't know what you're talking about, but I’m sure I don't want an affair.”

  “Then what is it that’s keeping you?”

  She pursed her lips, trying to stall.

  “Doll, if it weren’t for this thing that’s keeping you, do you know how much fun we could’ve had by now?”

  “But we did have fun. You didn’t like our dates?” She looked at him wide eyed.

  “I don't know what is it about you, but the type of fun I’m talking about is nowhere near what we had. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed every minute of our dates, but…”

  “Oh, you mean sex,” she finally figured it out and immediately blushed, making him chuckle.

  “Emma, you’re so pretty when you blush.”

  She tried to hide a smile, clumsily fidgeting with her fingers.

  “And sex is too…clinical. The things I do are more on the scorching hot end, if you know what I mean. There’s more to it than sex. How I could touch you, kiss your body all over,” he teased, running his fingers over her thighs. “Kiss your pretty lips, go down on your body…God, I want to taste you so badly, woman! You have no…”

  “I haven’t had sex before,” she blurted out her damning confession.

  “What? You mean like ever?”

  She nodded, afraid to open her eyes.

  “You’re a virgin. For fuck’s sake!” He stood and started pacing the room.

  “I’m sorry,” she tried to apologize, her voice small, on the brink of tears.

  “What? Why? Are you fucking kidding me?”

  She glanced at him, trying to understand what he meant.

  “Emma, I could fuck you right now! Up until this moment, I wanted you so badly, you wouldn't believe. And you're saying that no man has ever been inside you? God, you have no idea how hard it is to stop myself.”

  A ripple of excitement traveled down to her core, the prospect of being only his growing the wetness between her legs. Her breathing shallow, she watched him fight the urge, her glassy eyes following his every move.

  “Then don’t,” she dared.

  He groaned. “Jesus, don't say that, woman. You don't know what…”

  “I don't.” Her voice grew stronger. “But I know I want you.”

  “Are you sure?” He swallowed hard, the expectation too much to bear. When she nodded her answer, he lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom, too eager to waste any more time. The anticipation made her body quiver. She buried her face in his shoulder, trying to settle her nerves.


  The sensation left behind on her jaw by his fingertips was too much. She managed to stifle a whimper, but Ridley didn't let her hide her face again.

  “Don’t,” he whispered.

  “I’m sorry.”

  With a tender kiss he told her she shouldn’t be. Then his lips traveled down her neck, his breathing sending hot shivers through her body. She started to shake, nervous for what was about to happen.

  He moaned, his head bent to kiss her neck, and mumbled “God, you’re so sweet, Emma.”

  The words vibrated through her skin, making her feel the desire in every pore. Her legs parted by themselves, in a fit of bravery. Without losing one second, he pulled himself between her thighs, pushing the dress above her hips.

  She dared to watch his expression as he took in every new inch of naked skin. His eyes were glazed, his lips parted, his face a picture of desire. He wanted her.

  The realization prompted yet another shiver, her wetness, a statement of her eagerness, becoming harder to hide.

  The passion in his eyes when he met her gaze made her swoon. She was grateful for lying down, because she was certain her knees had turned to jelly.

  Her shyness got the better of her shortly and she hid her eyes under a quivering forearm. She felt his hand slipping up her thigh, finally stopping to caress her core.

  “Fuck. Me,” he whispered. “You’re already wet. So. Wet.”

  She felt ashamed, like she wasn’t supposed to be that way. He took her hand away, forcing her to look into his eyes.

  “You're perfect, baby. Relax.”

  As if his words were meant to have the opposite effect, her body tensed and started to shiver again. She felt cold and on edge under his weight.

  “Alright,” he said, as if he had read her mind.

  Gently, he went back to kissing her shoulders, slowly moving down to her breasts. His tongue found her perky nipples and circled them gingerly, wetting the thin fabric. She couldn’t suppress a moan. Petrified, she held her breath. What was she doing?

  He groaned under his breath, flicking his tongue faster, as his free hand inched under her to cup her ass.

  Concentrating alternately on her erogenous zones, he started rubbing her clit more vigorously. She whimpered under his touch, too weak to fight the need to be his. Soon, he made her writhe, begging for him to take her.

  With every second he spent teasing her, she felt more at ease, more eager. He broke their kiss and rose to his knees.

  “Baby, I’m going to taste you now.”

  She managed to nod, barely breathing. Gently, he pulled the dress over her head, leaving her in her tiny panties. Licking his lips, he spread her legs again, desire glinting in his beautiful eyes.

  Seeing him wanting her so overtly, the reality of what was happening undeniable anymore, made her attempt to cover herself again.

  “Oh, no, baby, please,” he protested and pulled her hands off her round breasts.

  He grabbed both her wrists in one hand, while he slipped the other under her.

  The feeling of his rough skin against her own amplified the feeling of giving in before his desire, as her body screamed for his touch. Every sensation was heightened tenfold, getting her drunk on his scent and touch.

  She watched him bend down until his tongue touched her clit, making her whimper in agony.

  Ridley teased her clit, circling around just enough to take her breath away, then lapped along her wet slit until she couldn't take it anymore.

  “Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God,” was all Emma could mumble.

  In the heat of the moment, he scraped his teeth on her clit, making her scream. Her body wanting, she bucked her hips, grinding against his mouth.

  “You’re ready,” he decided, placing one last kiss on her clenching pussy.

  He crawled back to her lips and she could taste herself on his tongue. Her taut nipples rubbed against his hard chest, the sensation agonizing.

  “Are you sure, baby?” he asked for her permission one more time.

  She couldn't focus enough, feeling his bulging erection against her pussy. Her answer came as a moan, but he understood the meaning.

  He didn't waste any more time. In a second he had gotten rid of his clothes, completely disregarding any ceremony. Emma couldn't suppress a gasp at the sight of his erection, still concealed under his boxers. He grinned and pulled them down. Her mouth watered at his length as he came on top of her again.

  Playfully, he teased her with his cock, going up and down her engorged slit as he gently kissed her nipples.

  “God, I love your tits.”

  She giggled
and pulled him closer, his weight pressing on her breasts.

  He looked into her eyes and whispered, “I’m going to fuck you now, baby girl.”

  Her body quivered and she felt cold again as he placed his elbows over her shoulders, to keep her in place.


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