Book Read Free

Because of You

Page 7

by E. L. Todd

  “Seriously, have some respect for yourself,” Skye hissed.

  “Is this a Backstreet Boys concert?” Cayson said.

  “You better not have looked at her,” Skye snapped.

  “Why would I when you have the best tits I’ve ever seen?” He put his arm around her and held her close.

  Skye melted into him and forgot why she was mad to begin with.

  Slade didn’t seem to notice the girl. He was concentrating too hard on what he was doing. That was a relief.

  They played their entire set without taking a break, knowing the energy would die down if they took a set break. When they reached the last song, Slade held up his hands and silenced the band. “Okay, this is a very special song. It’s about my lady, the girl of my dreams, my soul mate.” He searched in the crowd until he found me. “And she’s right there.” He pointed at me. “Baby, this one’s for you. I love you.”

  “Awe!” Skye was jumping up and down in excitement. “That was so sweet!”

  “Fucking pussy,” Theo said with a laugh.

  Cayson nodded in approval. “Very cool.”

  I melted on the spot and couldn’t stop smiling. I forgot about all the other skanks in that bar, all looking at me with pure hatred. I felt like the only person in the room that mattered.

  He played the song he sang for me privately. It touched me in a special way. It showed the progression of our relationship, and how our love had grown in such an unusual way. If he hadn’t told the crowd he loved me, the song would have done it on its own.

  When the show was over, Slade thanked the crowd. “Thanks for coming out tonight. We appreciate it. We love you.” He blew the crowd a kiss then walked off. Like I didn’t exist, the girls jumped up and down and waved. Some pretended to catch the kiss he just blew. But I didn’t care. He made it clear he was with me.

  The crowd started to part as people headed to the bathroom or ordered drinks.

  “Are anyone else’s ears ringing?” Theo asked. He patted his ear like that would help.

  “Mine are,” Conrad said. “But it’ll go away.”

  Slade came from backstage with a new shirt on. He walked passed everyone else and headed straight for me. He didn’t seem to care about anyone else. He stopped when he reached me and looked me up and down. “You look fucking hot.”

  A group of girls near us shot me dirty looks. In fact, every girl near us looked like they wanted to murder me. “You like it?” I put my hands on my hips and showed off my shirt.

  He studied it for a moment then he realized what it was. “You made that for me?”

  “We’re all wearing them,” Cayson said.

  Slade acted like he didn’t exist. “I love it, baby. It looks great.” His hands moved to my bare hips and he pulled me close to him. His face was pressed close to mine. “You want to do it in the back of our van?”

  I laughed then swatted his arm playfully.

  “I really appreciate you coming tonight,” he said seriously. “It meant a lot to me that you were in the front row…and the fact you’ve been here for everything.” His eyes showed his sincerity. “I know a lot of girls wouldn’t want their man in a band…for obvious reasons. The fact you trust me and support me means more than I could ever say.”

  I cupped his face and gave him a gentle kiss. “You’re welcome. I had to restrain myself from pulling hair and scratching some eyes out.”

  He smirked. “Who cares about them? All I care about is you.”

  My heart seemed to skip a beat. “I know…”

  He kissed me and held me tightly. “So…about that van?”

  “It’ll have to wait until we get home.”

  He growled.

  “Um, we’re here too,” Conrad said. “We were here for the whole show...”

  “Oh yeah.” Slade turned to them. “Thanks for coming, everyone. And sweet shirts.”

  Theo flexed in his, and Skye spun around like a model.

  “You guys look good, for once in your lives,” Slade said.

  Cayson pulled him in for a hug. “Good show, man.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate you coming.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Slade fist-pounded the other guys and hugged the girls. I noticed Cayson was the only guy he ever hugged.

  Ryan came up behind him. “You were awesome, Son.”

  Slade turned around. “You came?” he asked in surprise.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” He pulled Slade in for a hug. “I’m proud of you, kid. You did a great job.”

  Slade tried to act like he didn’t care, but it was obvious he did. “Thanks, Dad. You didn’t have to come but it was cool that you did...”

  He gripped his shoulder. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything. You make me proud.”

  “Thanks…” Slade’s cheeks reddened slightly. He rubbed his nose quickly then awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I love you.” He pressed his head to his then dropped it quickly.

  “I love you too, Dad,” he said quietly.

  Janice’s eyes watered at their interaction. “Oh, Slade.” She hugged him tightly. “I love you so much. You’re so talented.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” He hugged her back.

  Slade argued with his parents a lot and could be a pain in the ass, so it was nice to see them bonding like a family.

  Silke came next. “Wow, you’re actually good.”

  “Why are you surprised?”

  She shrugged. “You suck at everything else…”

  “Oh, shut up.”

  Then she hugged him. “Congrats, Brother.”

  He stilled before he returned the embrace. “Thanks, sis.”

  “Awe…” They could be so cute sometimes.

  Sean and Scarlet approached. “Damn, you’re a rock star,” Sean said.

  Slade pulled away and sighed. “Did the whole family come?” he asked incredulously.

  When I turned and looked, sure enough, they were all their. My parents both hugged Slade and complimented him, and so did all the other aunts and uncles. Slade tried to play it off like he was annoyed more than anything else, but I knew it meant a lot to him. For his entire life, he was labeled as the loser who would never accomplish anything. Now, he was the star.

  “Well, I need to pack up my gear,” Slade said. “I’ll see you in a little bit.” He turned to me. “Baby, you can come in the back if you want.”

  “No, it’s okay,” I said. “I’ll let you get your stuff together.”

  “Okay.” He walked off.

  We stood around and talked about how good Slade was.

  “Did you hear that guitar solo?” Sean asked. “It was awesome.”

  “My nephew is a very talented young man,” Scarlet said.

  “I think he’s still stupid,” Silke said. “But at least he’s good at something.”

  I didn’t realize my parents were going to be there, and I knew I was dressed like a slut. But my parents didn’t say anything or even look at me weird. At least they were finally respecting me as an adult.

  When people grouped together and spoke in quiet voices, I decided to go in the back and see if Slade needed help. I turned to the right and headed down a hallway. There were several doors so I wasn’t sure where to go. After peeking in everywhere, I found Slade. But he wasn’t alone.

  A girl wearing skinny jeans and pretty much a bra for a top was standing close to him, saying something in quiet conversation. I didn’t like how close she was to him, but at least Slade wasn’t touching her.

  “Call me if it doesn’t work out with your girlfriend.” She scribbled her number on a piece of paper then shoved it into his front pocket. He kept his hands back and didn’t say anything.

  I stayed in my spot, feeling angry from watching the interaction.

  The girl walked out the other door.

  Slade stood there for a moment before he fished out the number then looked at it. Then he crumpled it and tossed it in the garbage.

  I smiled in

  The door opened again, and a blonde walked in just wearing a bra. “Sign me.” She pulled her shoulders back and extended her chest. “Right here.” She pointed to her right boob.

  Slade stepped back. “Get out of my dressing room.”

  “Don’t be shy,” she said. She extended a highlighter to him.

  He got in her face. “Get. Out.”

  She rolled her eyes then walked out.

  Slade came to the door then locked it from the inside. He did it in time because someone tried to turn the handle at that exact moment. He sighed then sat on the couch then started to put his guitar away.

  I came into the room then knocked on the frame. “Can I join you?”

  He looked up, clearly annoyed. When he realized it was me his expression changed. “Sure.” He patted his lap.

  “I have groupie duties, don’t I?”

  “Yep.” He gave me an affectionate look with his eyes.

  I shut the door behind me then locked it. “Just in case anyone wants to visit…”

  “Good idea.” He gave me a dark look as he waited for me to come near.

  When I stood between his legs he grabbed me then threw me on the couch. “So, have you ever been with a rock star?” he asked in a sexy voice.

  “No, I can’t say I have.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  Chapter Eight


  Theo and I were finalizing our plans for our new studio. We found a good location in the city where we think we’d catch the most attention, and we had the funding to get it going. But of course, these things take time.

  Beatrice had been busy with school, not that I was surprised. Sometimes I was irritated at how little time we spent together, but I knew it was important to her. I needed to be supportive, not make the situation about myself.

  When Friday night came around, I assumed I would stay home and watch a movie with Theo and Alex like I usually did. She usually had to study or prepare for a case she had to sit in on.

  But she texted me.

  Hey, do you have plans tonight?

  My heart leapt in joy. With you, I hope.

  I’d like to see you tonight.

  I was thrilled. You want to come over here?

  Actually, can you come here? I’ll cook dinner.

  I preferred going to her place anyway. We had privacy. When we stayed at my place, Alex and Theo were usually around. That sounds great. You want me to bring anything?

  Just you.

  I’ll be there in half an hour.


  She made chicken with potatoes and greens. “Do you like it?”

  I don’t know why she asked since I was inhaling my food. “It’s awesome.”

  “Thanks,” she said with a smile. “How’s your week?”

  “It was okay,” I said. I didn’t want to complain that I missed her like crazy. I just kept my cool so she wouldn’t feel guilty.

  “How’s the studio coming along?”

  “It’s coming,” I said with a sigh. “Opening a business takes longer than you think.”

  “I can imagine.” She picked at her food but only ate half. “So, I got a job today.”

  A job? She barely had any time as it was. Now she would have even less time. I took a deep breath and held my tongue. “Where?”

  “A bartender for this upscale place.”

  Bartending? That was the worse job she could possibly pick. Guys would be hitting on her left and right, and they would be drunk so they might be dangerous. “Uh, why did you pick that?”

  “It was the only thing I could find with my schedule, and it’s good money.”

  I kept eating my food to hide my annoyance.

  “I start on Friday.”

  “Cool,” I forced myself to say.

  Beatrice eyed me, obviously picking up on the tension. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yeah,” I lied. “These potatoes are awesome.”

  She wasn’t buying it. “Conrad, what’s wrong?”

  I dropped my utensils, feeling the anger emerge. I tried to remain calm so I wouldn’t say it in the wrong way, but I was struggling. “You’re just really busy with school. I don’t know if it’s wise for you to work too. It might affect your studies…” That was partially true.

  “I think I’ll be fine. I need extra money anyway. I’m already in debt up to my ears.”

  I clenched my fists under the table. If she just agreed to live with me, she would save money on rent and food. Or if she would just take my money she wouldn’t have to worry about it. She was so damn stubborn. “But what’s more important? Money or your education? You can always make money later.”


  “You barely spend time with me as it is,” I snapped. “I see you once a week, if that. Now you’re going to pick up a job on your only nights off? And you’re going to bartend? Where a bunch of sleazebags will feed you lines left and right? No, I don’t like it.”

  She held her fork in her hand but she didn’t take a bite. “I understand you’re upset—”

  “Take my money,” I snapped. “You can pay me back if that makes you feel better.”

  “Conrad, I don’t want your money.”

  “Then move in with me. You don’t have to pay for rent or food. And I can see you every night.”

  “It’s already cramped—”

  “You’re at school all day anyway. Beatrice, be logical here. I don’t want you to work. I miss you like crazy as it is. And if you work…I’ll never see you.”

  “I know it’s hard right now but—”

  “You’ll be in law school for three years. Three years. I can handle seeing you once or twice a week. It sucks but I can handle it. But not less than that. I’m not going to be able to get through that.”

  “What are you saying?” she asked.

  “I don’t want you to work,” I said. “I’m not trying to be a jerk but our relationship is important. We need to put in the effort to keep it alive. If you do this…we don’t stand a chance.”

  She sighed then drank her water. “Fine.”

  Fine? Did I just win an argument for the first time ever? “Sorry?” Maybe I didn’t hear her right.

  “I’ll figure out something else…” She seemed stressed.

  “Thank you.” It meant a lot to me that she didn’t put her foot down and argue with me like she usually did. “Please take money from me.”

  “No,” she said immediately.

  “Give me one good reason why.”

  “I don’t need you to take care of me.”

  “Well, I need you,” I blurted.

  She looked at me with soft eyes.

  “We’re a team, Beatrice. If you need help, let me help you. I know how strong and successful you are. You don’t need to prove anything to me.”

  “I just feel bad…”

  “Baby.” I leaned over the table and grabbed her hand. “I’m not trying to sound like an ass, but I have a lot of money.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “I haven’t worked in a year,” I said. “How do you think I managed that?”

  “Not everyone is spoiled like you.”

  “Hey, I’m opening up my own business and doing my own thing. I’m not spoiled.”

  “Yes, you are,” she said firmly. “You’ve never had to work for anything in your life. Your parents paid your tuition—”

  “Are we talking about me loaning you money or my financial background?” I snapped.

  She sighed and dropped the argument.

  “I want you to be my wife someday, Beatrice. So, one day, I will be taking care of you. One day, you will have to trust me. One day, my money will be yours. So, please, take money from me. Let me help you. There’s no reason for you to drown when you got a million different options.”

  “I feel so guilty…”

  “Pay me back if that makes you feel better.” I didn’t know how she would pull that off. Working for t
he DA would make her live check-by-check. But I didn’t tell her that. She would be paying off her loans until the day she died because her income wouldn’t be high enough.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  She must be really struggling to agree to this. “Thank you.”

  She picked at her food again.

  I held my fork but didn’t do anything with it. “What if I left Theo’s and moved in with you? Then I’d pay your rent and eliminate that. You wouldn’t have to worry about food either. I can cover your phone bills and your health insurance without a problem. But wouldn’t that make more sense?”

  “What about Theo?” she asked.

  “I’ll talk to him first. And if he says yes?”

  She thought for a moment before she answered. “I guess that would be okay…”

  I smiled. “You’ll live with me?”

  “It would be nice to see you every day.”

  Was this really happening? I was on cloud nine. “It would.”

  She smiled at me from across the table. “Well, let’s see what Theo says.”

  “He’ll be cool with it.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “I know he will.”


  Dad was on the phone when I walked into his office.

  When his eyes landed on me, he stopped in midsentence. “Tony, I’ll call you back.”

  “No, it’s okay,” I mouthed.

  “My son is here.” He hung up then stood up. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” I answered. “Nothing to worry about.”

  He visibly relaxed then sat down again. “What do you need?”

  I sat in the chair facing his desk. “Uh…a favor.” I knew this wasn’t going to go over well.

  He sighed then rubbed his temple. “You have a lot of nerve, son.”

  “It’s not for me.”

  He laughed. “It never is.” He rested his hands in his lap and stared at me.

  “Before I tell you what it is, you have to listen to me until I’m finished before you respond.”

  “This should be good…” He smirked slightly.

  “Do you understand?”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Tell me when you’re done.”

  “Okay….so, Beatrice is drowning in her loans. She was going to get a job for extra money but she’s already so busy that I think it’s a bad idea. She doesn’t talk about it, but I know she’s stressed out about it. A bachelor’s from Harvard and a law degree…I can’t even imagine how in debt she is.”


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