The Strangers of Kindness
Page 13
All the air left Jared’s lungs and tears blinded him. Pasha Sands nearly knocked him over flinging its arms around him in a clumsy, ferocious hug. Jared returned the embrace, laughing and crying, then held the alien at arm’s length. “Are you sure, Pasha? People like Kalda will hate you.”
A carefree hand waved the concern away. “What do I care for that? I’ll be leaving, going home. Nothing he can say or do will affect me.” Pasha’s features darkened. “But I am worried about Anna. How I wish there was something I could do to get her free of them.”
There was nothing Jared could say to that. It was the dark cloud on his suddenly brighter horizon.
Pasha had made a special nalsha the night before. It wasn’t ready to undertake another one that evening. Instead, it led Jared to the workshop and placed the old blue nalsha on the table between them. In a few minutes Kalda’s voice echoed in the room. “. . . good idea you had, my dear. The mayor’s servant came and bought another assortment of spices today.”
“I told you it would pay to play up to them. Since the brat’s death they’ re especially vulnerable to kindness.” Pasha sucked in air, shocked.
“I intend to visit him in a day or two. There’s a messenger from Jindar due soon; he’ll have news of the vizier’s troubles at court. The mayor’s in a good position to take advantage of the uncertainties. With the information I can put in his ear, he’ll be able to maneuver himself a place in the vizier’s nephew’s circle.”
“He’s been wanting to go to Jindar for years. Do you think he’ll be grateful?”
“Why not?” Kalda’s odious chuckle came through clearly. “Look at yourself, you can hardly wait to pour tea for the women at court. We’ re on our way up, Kriessa, just as you’ve been desiring.”
“It’s about time I found myself among people of quality. I’m getting tired of listening to these country yokels’ boring idiocies.”
Pasha stood up breaking the nalsha’s contact abruptly. “I can’t stand to listen to this any more,” it snapped. “I’d hoped to hear how they’ re treating Anna. But this despicable use of little Viladi’s death—what kind of creatures are they?”
Jared patted its arm. “Bad ones, Pasha. Try not to worry. I’ll stay here in this town when you’ re gone and try to look out for her, the best I can.”
Another routine morning went by. They were eating their noonday meal when a frantic pounding at the door startled them. Pasha rushed to answer it.
“Anna! What’s the matter?”
She stumbled in, panting with distress. “The mayor—he’s over there, he’s furious, Pasha! Something has happened—he’s accusing them of terrible things! I’m afraid!”
“Come, sit down, little one, get your breath.”
Jared and Pasha perched on either side of her on the couch. Pasha said, “Can you slow down and tell us more clearly? Why are you afraid?”
“He’s threatening to ruin them. He’s going to tell every body that they’ve been using his family’s sorrow to further their own ambitions—” Pasha and Jared exchanged stunned glances.
She went on, “He called them all sorts of terrible names, said he’ d see to it that they’ re beggars in the streets. He says he’ll tell the whole town that Kalda and Kriessa think they’ re shit. He said God talked to him last night and revealed to him their true evil! Oh, Pasha, if he drives them out of town, out of their business, I don’t know what will happen to me! Kriessa’s always threatened to make me a whore, she always said I’d be worth more to them doing that. What if she does! I couldn’t bear it!”
His reserve forgotten, Jared threw his arms around her. Hideous fear howled through his head and heart. She broke into sobs. “Things were going so well, too. They weren’t hitting me so much, because of you. And they were in much better moods, the mayor was becoming friendly to them. He really appreciated their gift after Viladi died . . .”
“Gift? What gift?”
“Kalda took them one of your little bowls, Pasha. The beautiful one with all the greens and blues in it. It was his favorite, the last one you made? Kalda had Kriessa write a note saying they hoped its beauty would bring her parents comfort.”
But Pasha hadn’t heard the last part. It had stood up with an expression of numb horror. “They . . . gave him a nalsha? When?” It sat down and seized Anna’s shoulders. “When, Anna? Today? When?”
“No, several days ago. Why—what’s the matter?” The alien stared at Jared, who caught the horror but not the reason. “Pasha...?”
“They must have heard, Jared. Last night, when we did. Oh, Geilsharah, what have I done? I never dreamed they would give them to someone in town! He said he would sell them in other places!”
The two humans stared at him, mystified and frightened.
“What, Pasha, what could you have done?”
“I never meant to harm anyone. What a fool I am. What we heard last night, Jared, because the mayor’s nalsha is certainly within the bowls’ area of resonance . . . his bowl would have transmitted it, too!”
Jared’s mind raced over what he could remember of Kalda’s and Kriessa’s comments. “She called Viladi a brat,” he breathed, sickened. “And he heard that?”
Pasha nodded. “And their machinations to curry favor, to take advantage of her parents’ grief to advance their political ambitions. Oh, Jared, what have I done?” It paced, distraught, wringing its hands.
Anna tugged at Jared’s arm. “What are you talking about!” He explained it the best he could, with his limited understanding of Pasha’s relationship with its nalshas, and how they had listened to the conversations in Kalda’s house.
Anna’s face blanched, her lips thinned, and she glared at Pasha. “It wasn’t right, what you did, Pasha, God forgive me for speaking so to you! I know I’m only a slave and have no right to speak out like this. But listening to them when they didn’t know it—!”
Jared jumped to his master’s defense. “He was worried about you, Anna. He only did it the two times, both times because he was concerned for you. Look at him! No one is more upset about this than he is!”
Anna watched the alien pacing, pacing. Jared could see her mind working behind those intelligent eyes. Her hard expression relaxed, and she told Pasha, “It wasn’t right, sir, but I can see you were only trying to do good. But listen, now; it’s not your fault they used your bowl for evil. Pasha, stop!” It stopped and focused its eyes on her.
“If they hadn’t been so greedy, so willing to use even a parent’s suffering to get ahead, this wouldn’t have happened to them. What you did, you did out of a good heart, Pasha. What they did was horrible.”
Her words seemed to calm the alien down. It squared its shoulders and looked from her to Jared. “The question now is, what do I do about it?”
“There’s nothing you can do to save them,” Anna answered. “Their own wickedness got them into this, and they’ll just have to pay the price.” Her eyelashes glittered with tears, but her chin was up. Jared loved her more than ever. She said, “There’s nothing you can do for me, either. Whatever comes, it’s my life and I have to endure it.” She glanced at Jared, looked away quickly, and continued to his master: “You two have been so kind to me. Do you know what you have given me? Good memories, mine to cherish all my life. They can’t take that away.” She grasped them each by an arm. “Master Pasha, Jared, you’ve got to see what good you’ve done me.”
She wouldn’t release them until they’ d both nodded. “I must go back now. They’ re busy trying to pacify the mayor, they think I’m in the store-room. If Kalda comes here, you mustn’t let on that you know what’s happened.”
The door shut behind her as she left, and Jared cried, “Pasha, we can’t leave her to them! Here, I know what to do—make them a trade, Master, trade me for her. A man’s worth a lot more than a woman, see? I can get a lot more work done for them. They’ d jump at the chance, especially—” he swallowed, hard—“Kriessa. And it would make sense to them, too, since they think you’
re in love with her. Please, Pasha, do this for me, for her.” He was on his knees, the only time he’ d done that since his first night in Pasha’s house.
His master yanked him to his feet. “Stop that.” It scowled at the floor, then at Jared. “You would do that for her?” It searched his face. Its eyes lifted from Jared to the window, out to the spice store’s deserted front.
It shook its head, turned and walked away. Jared started to follow but Pasha waved him off. “Leave me for a little while, please. Go—clean something. I must have time alone. I must beg Geilsharah for forgiveness and guidance.” It retrieved the little blue nalsha and disappeared into its sleeping-room. Jared spent the miserable day alone, keeping himself so busy cleaning that he nearly scrubbed through the sandstone walls. The normal dinner time came and went, and Pasha remained closed up in its room. A steady hum seeped from under the door. At last exhausted Jared flung himself onto a chair and prepared to wait until eternity, if need be, for his master to come out. Wondering what was happening across Merchant Street tortured his imagination.
When Kalda banged on the door Jared nearly jumped out of his tunic. He threw open the door. “Master Kalda!” He took a breath, then managed a more natural voice: “Come in, please. I will go get my master.” Kalda took a seat in the main room while Jared went to Pasha’s room.
He knocked softly, then harder. “Master Pasha, you have a visitor.” No response. “Master Pasha, it’s Master Kalda to see you.”
The door flew open. “Why didn’t you say so?” Pasha said, its eyes bright and its tone already that of the cheerful host. It preceded Jared out to greet the guest.
“Kalda, what a pleasure. Tea? Can I offer you tea or—”
Kalda’s face was grey. “No, Pasha, thank you. This is not a happy visit, I’m afraid. I have come to tell you that we will be moving our business elsewhere soon. Very soon.” His bony hands rubbed his elbows compulsively.
“Got a new building, then? Where is it? I’ll be your very first customer,” Pasha smiled.
“No, I’m afraid it’s not here. We’ve decided—” he took a deep breath, appearing to be in some pain—“we’ve decided to move to a small town closer to Jindar and the main trade route.”
“Oh, no! So I’m losing my delightful neighbors!” Pasha cried, and Jared had to admire his master’s acting ability. “Moving is such a lot of work. Not terribly soon, I hope?”
“As soon as we can pack up and get out of here,” Kalda muttered, his thin etiquette fraying under the strain.
“Now, Pasha!” Jared prayed, “Offer to trade me now! It’s the perfect chance!”
“My dear friend,” Pasha crooned, taking Kalda’s arm in hand, “You have a truly formidable task ahead of you. It occurs to me you could use more help than you have.”
Yes! Oh, thank you, Pasha!
His master oozed on, “I will send Jared over to assist you first thing in the morning.”
Kalda was clearly taken by surprise. “Really? You will? Oh, that would be so much help. We’ re very, uh, anxious to make this move.”
“Well,” Pasha went on, “of course you know we’ re both businessmen . . .”
This seemed more to Kalda’s understanding. “Ah. Of course, my friend. I wouldn’t think of not compensating you for his time. Just name the price.”
“No, you misunderstand me. In return for this trivial favor, I would ask you a truly momentous one.”
Jared wanted to laugh at Kalda’s suspicious expression.
“Which would be?”
“Jared, run get my sack of coins from the third bedroom, will you?”
It was Jared’s turn to be surprised, but he trotted off to obey.
“You know, Kalda, you have been so generous to send your little servant over here of an evening. You have a difficult move before you, and of course we mortals never know what lies ahead, especially when traveling. I would like to purchase Anna from you, my friend, so that you can take a good cushion of cash along with you.” Pasha smiled. “You don’t have to feed cash, and you can always find another slave where you’ re going. Please allow me to take her off your hands.”
Jared’s return, lugging the straining-at-the-seams bag of coins, broke the spell which seemed to have fallen on Kalda as Pasha spoke. Jared had heard it all, and could scarcely believe his ears. He set the bag down at the two merchants’ feet and backed away. With Anna’s fate balancing on a knife’s edge, he didn’t want to distract the bargaining.
Kalda cleared his throat. “Well, ahem, Pasha Sands! What an unexpected offer. I don’t know; my wife; I should consult with her, of course. There are a thousand little things a woman likes to have, attentions, services, you know, especially when she’s traveling. Ah, may I ask what price you had in mind? Just so I can tell her, of course.”
“I hadn’t thought about it. What price do you name?” Kalda gaped, then recovered. “Er, ah, I haven’t been thinking along these lines, either, my friend. Just out of my brain-pan, say, a hundred gold ones?”
Jared nearly gasped out loud. Outrageous!
“Then let’s make it two hundred,” Pasha said as though the money didn’t matter to it at all. Jared grinned inwardly; it didn’t!
Kalda gulped and stared at Pasha. Then, his wife’s opinion apparently forgotten, he stuck out a hand. “You have a deal!” he croaked.
Pasha shook his hand. “And Jared will come over in the morning to help you get ready. I won’t expect Anna until you’ re ready to leave.”
Kalda practically bowed himself backward through the door. It was all Jared could do to keep from laughing at him before he was safely out of the house. He spun around to face his master. “Pasha!” Then, no other words coming to mind, “Pasha!” he cried again.
The alien’s grin almost stretched beyond normal human proportions. “So. Did you think you’ re the only one with ideas, hey? It’s done, isn’t it! We shook hands? Little Anna’s coming here to us? Why are your eyes running wet? What’s the matter with you?” But it was only teasing. It pinched the skin on Jared’s arm and tugged him back and forth in glee. Jared yelped but it didn’t really hurt. He didn’t think anything could ever hurt again.
As the day went on, though, Jared noticed several times that Pasha seemed more pensive than the young man would have expected after their victory.
Pasha spent the whole night in its workshop, and when Jared awoke the next morning, there were two brand-new nalshas on the main room’s low table. Pasha lay flopped upon the couch in a parody of exhaustion, but Jared could see that the alien really was more fatigued than he’ d ever seen it. He bent over the couch.
“Are you all right, Master?”
“Yes, Jared, I am, in fact, wonderful. The nalsha-cradle can be assembled now. I can go home.”
Jared straightened up, torn by a confusion of emotions. He’ d heard the quiet joy in his master’s voice. Don’ t spoil it for him. “I have to go across the street, Pasha.”
“Eat first.”
Jared had forgotten his stomach, his heart was so full.
Dutifully he found a wad of bread and a pear in the cool-room. He ate them standing up, took a swig of water, and hurried out the door. The sooner he got the two carrion-crows gone, the sooner Anna would come to Pasha’s house. He couldn’t think beyond that.
Full noon, two days later, Pasha Sands, Jared and Anna stood in the town square waiting for the mayor’s arrival. A few dozen townspeople clustered under shop awnings, leaned patiently against the stone well, squatted on blankets spread with their wares. Silver bracelets and copper urns stabbed the eye with the sun’s reflected glare. Somewhere down a side-street a donkey brayed, and children’s laughter danced along the breeze. The aromas of cooking meats, fresh manure and foreign perfumes mingled pleasingly in the air. Pasha Sands surveyed the scene, drinking in the sights and sounds and smells of its adopted village. Empty-handed I will come to your temple, Geilsharah, but not with an empty heart. What you allow me, in your wisdom and compassion, to do her
e today, is more than I deserve. Great is your love.
The mayor’s bursar cleared a path through the crowd, bellowing self-importantly. Then the mayor stood before the three petitioners, and the square fell expectantly silent. His Eminence beamed at Pasha. “You have a pronouncement for us, Pasha Sands?”
Pasha looked at Jared and Anna, standing so bravely before the public scrutiny with their eyes shining. It tore its gaze from them and turned to the mayor. “I came here a stranger, oh Excellence. Your community has taken me to its heart, indeed, I have thrived far beyond my expectations. As kind and generous as your people have been, I am quite certain that my life would have been much harder, and assuredly much lonelier, if not for the loyalty, hard work and friendship of this one named Jared, whom I purchased in the slave market not two streets from here.
“This young woman named Anna, who has come so recently into my possession, brought light of her own, and laughter and love into my house, rendering it, truly, a home.
“It is time now for me to leave this embracing environment, and to continue my journey in life. I go with a heavy heart, knowing I will never see again the friends I have made in this place. My sorrow is, however, leavened with joy, because I am able . . .” Pasha faltered, looking into Jared’s eyes, “because I do here proclaim that Jared and Anna are now free persons. As much as this means to them, to me it is but a tiny part of what I owe them.
“Further, since I will have no more use for the house on Merchant Street, the workshop located in its nether floor, or the coins which have been paid me for the glassware Jared made to support my establishment, I now pass them all on to him, to do with as he pleases.”
Jared gasped. Pasha smiled with great satisfaction; it hadn’t told the young man about this and the effect was most gratifying.
Pasha cocked an eye at the mayor. “Will that suffice? Do you need a longer speech?”
Jared and Anna, and several people who knew Pasha, broke into laughter. “Watch out!” the iron-monger called, “He’ll keep us here ‘til midnight!”