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Mountain Man's Bride

Page 79

by Lauren Wood

  “Oh yes…you have me almost there.” He didn’t know the reason why, but the actual act had been getting more and more like he was just going through the motions. He felt the pleasure, but there was something missing. He wanted to say that he could chalk it up to a sense of ennui, but he wasn’t sure how he could say that with a straight face. “I can feel it coming and it’s all yours…whatever the hell your name is.” He had forgotten who she was and it didn’t even matter in the very least. She was too far gone to even notice that she was a second thought. Her body was the only thing that he was using to complete this transaction.

  She felt him grow even bigger and didn’t even know how that was even possible. She was prepared to take him deep within her, but that was not going to happen. She felt him lift her off of him just as the product of his arousal went into the stratosphere. The seed was thick and pure white and landed without any fanfare onto the floor of the vessel high above earth.

  Jamie was still shaking and when she looked down, she was sure that no man would ever want her again. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her hole was now closing in on itself. It no longer had that gaping reminder of some invading force that didn’t seem normal by everyday standards.

  “I don’t think that anybody is going to be able to measure up to something like that. I’m going to tell all of my girlfriends that if they get the chance that they should jump at the opportunity to be with you. I’ve heard a lot of them complaining about their boyfriends not being able to go the distance. I’ve even heard a few that weren’t exactly pleased by the size of their endowment.” She was going to brag incessantly to anybody that would listen and that was part of the conditioning that was now telling her that the best time was with Jorgen.

  Jorgen knew that it was the word of mouth that had gotten around from one world to another. He couldn’t go anywhere without some woman on her knees waiting for him to snatch her up for a wonderful interlude that would last no more than a couple of hours at best.

  He pressed a button and a beam of light covered her and then made her disappear. He had no idea where she went and didn’t really care. He was done with her and that sense of not being fulfilled had come back even stronger. Every time that he tried to fill that void with anonymous sex it was a temporary solution to a bigger problem.

  Jorgen decided to turn his attention towards the business of making every world his own. Earth was on his list and the research that he was looking at supplied to him by Benjamin had certainly raised his curiosity. If he could somehow use this technology in a different way, then he could be looking at the one thing that was holding him back from going forth with his invasion plans.

  He sent a message back to Benjamin saying “I’ll be happy to meet Cassie at your earliest convenience. I will be down shortly and I believe that I’m going to make a surprise visit to her lab. Please, do me the honor and don’t tell her that I’m on my way. I would like it to be a surprise.” He was thinking that maybe it would be better to catch her unaware. That way he could get a true first impression of the woman in question.

  He zeroed in on her location by the tracking chip in a bracelet that all humans were wearing. It was supposed to be for the military to keep tabs on their people, but he had been easily able to break their encryption. He found her and used the same beam that sent Jamie away to materialize at the door to her Cassie’s lab.

  He looked in and saw her standing at one of the microscopes. He didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt a need to grab his depleted member. It was stirring once again. There was something about her that had him staring like a stalker.

  Chapter 3

  Cassie felt like she was being watched and turned to see that there was someone at her door. She had no idea how anybody could get through the security measures without her being alerted to their presence. She came over and opened the door to see this giant of a man dwarfing her tiny form and making her feel like he could crush her with his two hands. She’d only seen him a couple of times and each time did not do the man justice.

  “I’m…ahem…not sure how you got here.” She was tripping over her own tongue and for some reason; she just couldn’t take her eyes off of the package inside those very form fitting pants. “I wasn’t expecting you to show up out of the blue.” “I can’t believe that I never noticed how handsome he was. He has this something that makes it very hard to think straight let alone say something poignant. I’m just going to have to block him out and do what I can to sound like I know what I’m talking about.”

  “I heard of your request and I didn’t see any reason to wait. I looked over your research and it would be interesting to work with you. I have a lab set up and I believe that you’ll find everything that you need to make this breakthrough.” Jorgen wanted to lift her up and impale her on his growing excitement. “I have to say that I was quite impressed by how easily you came to your conclusions. I believe that you might have something, but only time will tell.” He had seen other uses for that terra forming technology. If he could somehow reverse the effects, he could literally make a world uninhabitable with one press of a button. He felt this pang of something and he touched his heart like it was sending him some kind of message.

  “I don’t know what you expect in return. I’m sure that we can come up with something that will be beneficial to the both of us.” She couldn’t stop herself from touching his arm and tracing the muscle of his shoulder all the way down over his well defined bicep.

  “Is that any way for a daughter of mine to act?” Her mother Sandra had decided to surprise her daughter with a late night supper at a fancy restaurant to discuss matters of marital importance. “I did not raise a daughter to blatantly throw her body at a man. He’s not even a flesh and blood human. I will not condone physical relations with an alien race. You can call it alienism and I don’t care.” She was standing there in a loose fitting pant suit that showed her to have masculine qualities and an air of superiority that surrounded her like a personal halo.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, mother. He’s only here to invest in me. Unlike you, he thinks that I can be something more than a trophy wife.” “I’m trying to stand up to her and this is the one time that I don’t feel like I am clutching at her ankle, as a little girl. I may as well use this and I have no idea when this confidence is going to disappear for good.” “It might be a good idea that you leave. I don’t really want to hear anything more about marrying for the sake of the family fortune. Every time that you come to see me, you always make it seem like you’re here for me, but then you switch scripts in the middle of dinner. I’ve tried to be nice, but maybe a bit of force will make you see how serious I am. Stay out of my love life unless you want to alienate me and push me away for good. I do hope that I’m making myself perfectly clear and there is no mistaking what I’m trying to convey.” Cassie was floored and had no idea that she even had the fortitude of standing up to her with any kind of conviction.

  Jorgen had backed away from the scene unfolding and was watching this exchange with avid interest. The fire that was being exuded out of this small frame had him wanting to grab her and pull her into a torrid love affair that would have them both basking in the afterglow.

  “I don’t think that I’ve ever heard you talk to me like that. Some mothers might like to see their daughters with a backbone, but I don’t. I’m afraid that I have no choice but to cut you off from your inheritance.” Sandra didn’t like this side of her daughter. She had Rebecca and she would bend to her will with the snap of her fingers. “You won’t have to worry about me darkening your doorstep again. If you want to get control of your trust fund, then you will marry Casper Vandyke.” She was through playing this game and decided to leave with her dignity still intact. She was fuming inside and wanted to grab Cassie by the neck and shake her enough to make her see that the right thing was to follow her wishes.

  Jorgen was impressed and found her no nonsense attitude to be like a very strong aphrodisiac. “I’ve nev
er seen anything quite like that. Let me show you the lab that I have specifically designed for those with the aptitude to see beyond conventional thinking. You are that innovator that I want on my team.” They were there one second and they were gone the next to materialize in the lab.

  She stumbled and fell back against him, feeling a little dizzy from the aftereffect of such a journey of having her molecules torn apart like that. This was the first time that she had ever been anywhere near that device. Others were using it all the time to travel for one part of the world to another. She was always afraid that she would never materialize on the other side. She had nothing to worry about. Those unfounded fears were now put to rest.

  Jorgen was right there to hold her and to feel the curvature of her breasts and the hard peaks that made the difference between want and need. He wanted her and how she was keeping herself from jumping into his arms in a mad panic to get his clothes off was a mystery. It was not the usual way that a female of the human species would act around him.

  “I don’t know what came over me. I think that it might be different for everybody when they go through something like that. “” I can feel his hands on my breasts and my chest is thrust out to get an even better contact. His palms are rubbing my nipples, but this is no way to act in a professional manner. I’m going to have to keep my libido in the cage of my own making.”

  Jorgen went through the procedure of showing her around and watching as her eyes lit up when she saw the equipment that she was going to be working with.

  She noticed that he had transferred all of her work to this station.

  “If there’s anything that you need, then all you have to do is ask and it will be yours. I want this partnership to work out for the both of us. You asked me what I was getting from this, but I think a sense of fulfillment and scientific accomplishment is more than enough.” He was starting to feel bad about wanting to destroy the world. It was strange that he was even feeling anything and it made him look at himself in a different light.

  “This equipment is mostly experimental and hasn’t even been released onto the open market. I don’t know how you got your hands on this, but I’m not going to pull at thread too tightly. It’s better that I leave it alone and not cause you to see me as some kind of problem.” “I know that he’s behind me and that object in his pants seems more like an unfurling snake than an actual piece of a man’s anatomy. It continues to grow and for whatever reason, I want to see it without the cumbersome clothes to get in the way. I just can’t bring myself to drop my guard like that, especially when this is a platonic partnership.”

  Jorgen had decided to press his luck by pushing up against her, while leaning over her shoulder to show her how to run the equipment. He was moving up and down between her buns and dry humping her to temporarily satisfy that itch that he couldn’t scratch. It felt better than those times that he had been with other members of the female species.

  “I think that we should get away after you finish your work. I have a place on Jupiter that overlooks the skyline at night. I think that you’ll find that it’s a vision that’s worth seeing for yourself.” He was actually trying to seduce her and the awkward act made him even more anxious to touch her in a less than subtle way. “I don’t normally have to work this hard, but I think that we can be good together in more ways than one. I do want to make it perfectly clear that your research is not predicated on sleeping with me. It could be an added bonus, but only if you were even interested in something like that.” He thought about how he had made a world suffer. He swallowed hard knowing that he had done something to hurt those that were only trying to eke out an existence.

  “I really do need to get to work. I don’t think that I could even sleep if I wanted to.” “I want to take him up on his proposition, but science is my mistress. She is a fickle one and demands more of my time than I want to admit to any one. I can still feel him fucking between my buns. Is that his cock out of his pants that’s striking up against the leather of my pants? Do I dare turn around to see what it is that has the Internet buzzing about his sexual prowess?”

  “I watched you for the last few hours and I have to admit that I’ve never seen anybody so dedicated to her work. You haven’t taken a break and I see the look in your eyes that tells me that you are ready to announce something.” Jorgen was thinking about one planet in particular outside of the Milky Way galaxy. He had watched as their scientists had scrambled to find a way to repair the damage after the crust split down the middle. This terra forming device could give it a second chance. It made him smile thinking about doing something good. He turned around and away from Cassie in disgust for thinking such a thing.

  “I did it. I fucking did it. I have you to thank for this, Jorgen. You made it possible for my vision to become more than just a fantasy. All I have to do is introduce the seeds into a dying planet and it will flourish once again. I really don’t know how to thank you for this.” She turned and jumped into his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist. She rained kisses on his face.

  "Oh…it was your genius and I was just the man behind the woman.” He felt her hot body pressed against him and normally he would be taking advantage of this moment. He couldn’t do that and those emotions that he had felt earlier became stronger over the time that he had spent with her.

  “It was a team effort.” “I want to celebrate and I don’t think that I’m in any need for a celebratory drink. I want something more than to numb the senses. I want him right here and right now. He’s not going to say no. I need to show him that I’m serious. I think that maybe this will give him that impression.” Cassie stuck her hand down those pants that seemed to mold to his skin. She grabbed onto the sizable piece and she was astonished with the implications of what her body was capable of.

  “I don’t think that we should.” Jorgen never heard himself say something like that in his life. There was a part of him that wanted to kick himself in the nuts. There was also another part that felt like she was deserving of some respect. “I don’t want to do anything to ruin what we already have. This one revelation is only the start. Together, we can make this world and others like it thrive like never before. We take away the violence, the destitution and those that beg for scraps.” He felt her stroking his length and her nimble fingers were certainly hard to resist.

  She pulled him by the collar and ripped open the material of that shirt until her eyes fell upon the well formed pectorals. She was hanging around him with her back now on one of the steel tables. It was cold through her shirt and then even colder when she felt his masculine hands ripping it off of her like some kind of wild animal unleashed. “I want to do all those things that makes a woman scream. He has that need in his eyes and I don’t think that I’ve ever seen that from any of my former lovers. He really wants me and not just for physical release. Could I even dream that our paths were meant to cross and that we were destined to see each other in more than a professional capacity?”

  “I can’t possibly deny myself the opportunity of being with you, Cassie. You bring something out of me that I never knew that I was missing.” He pushed her breasts together, while his cock was nudging at her panties and trying in vain to push them out of the way. He had never done anything like this, as he lifted her clear off the table and up to his mouth. He snapped forth with that reptile tongue. It slithered and moved until she was writhing in personal bliss.

  “Yes… Oh my god. I don’t think that I’ve ever felt anything like that before. I don’t know where your tongue begins and ends and I don’t think… I CAREEEEEEE.” She came with an intensity that had her rocking her pelvis up against his mouth over and over again. “I don’t think that I’ve ever cum that fucking hard in my life.” “It’s no wonder that women everywhere have a hard time breaking away from him. I thought that they were all weak minded, but I’m seeing things from a different perspective. I’m feeling things that make me believe that it’s his body chemistry and the cocktail that makes up his DNA th
at is causing the female species to swoon at his feet. I do see something different and the callous look that I saw in his eyes in those photos during his interview is no longer present.”

  Cassie pushed him away with her foot and was immediately taken by the way that he was massaging her soles and then licking them like a fine delicacy one toe at a time. She swallowed hard knowing that she was powerless to resist and not giving a damn what kind of impression this would make.

  Jorgen moved that foot down until it was making contact with his quite prominent region. He felt this slight spasm and his balls literally jumped. He flinched for a moment, as she moved both feet together to show him something that he had never done before. He heard of these people that had foot fetishes and always thought that they were sick in the head. Feeling it for himself, he now understood the appeal. He would have gladly shot his spunk all over her feet.

  “I find your willingness to explore for the sake of pleasure most confusing. Where most of your species is complacent, you tend to see things with more gray than black and white.” He was thrusting through the tight seal that she had made with her 2 feet together. “I know that you’re probably going to… Ahhh…think that I am lying, but I have feelings for you. Real feelings and believe me, I’m as surprised as you are.” He had pushed himself as far as he could and had to pull back before he gave in to those feelings that were causing him to mistrust his own instincts.

  Cassie tried to reach him with her bare toes, but he was a couple of inches away from having that feeling all over again. She got down on her shaky feet. She walked up to him with a purpose, placing his hands on the table beside him, before moving her fingertips and long talon like fingernails down over his chest. She saw him shudder to that feeling when she briefly came in contact with his nipples. She saw him shiver as she made her way down onto her knees. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”


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