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Hidden Witness 6: Marco & Emoni's Story: The Rise of A Donna

Page 20

by Posey Parks

  “Jocelyn wouldn’t return home because she didn’t want to leave me. She was afraid he’d kill me.” I smirked at my little sister. Tears streaked her face.

  “I told José he could sell the store. I wanted out. He informed me there was no way out because he was laundering money through my store.”

  I went on to tell them how I met Marco six months after I called off my engagement.

  “Tadeas found out José was laundering money for a dangerous cartel through the store. He told me I had to tell Marco. The moment I did, Marco said he’d protect me.”

  My eyes met his across the room. “Come here.”

  He returned, sitting at my side.

  “Marco placed our entire family under his protection.”

  “Thank you, Marco,” Dad stated.

  “You’re welcome. No man should put his hands on a woman. There’s a special place in hell for men who do.”

  Mom twisted her lips. “It sure is.”

  “While you all were in Italy Marco and José were at war.”

  “What do you mean at war?” Dad asked.

  “José tried to kill Marco’s brother Luca, then we retaliated against him. Long story short Marco and I laid low, we had a small wedding at our home, and I’m carrying his child.”

  “José finally accepted your new relationship, and you were free to move on with your life?” Mom quizzed.

  I snickered. “He never planned to let me go. He tried to kill my husband and our men. José planned to take me back. There was no way I could allow that.” Chin held high, I stared at my parents.

  “I finally fought back. José nor anyone from his camp is a threat. I’m free.”

  “You’re not worried about him ever returning?” Mom asked with worried eyes.

  “No, he’s on a permanent vacation. He’ll never return again.”

  I peeked at Leana. We laughed.

  My mom’s brows wrinkled. “Just like that he agreed to go away?”

  “Yes mom, with my assistance. He can never harm me again.” My sinister eyes bore into hers.

  “Oh, my God, Emoni.” Her eyes widened.

  “Good fucking riddance to that bastard. He hurt my baby time and time again. I know why you didn’t tell me. You knew me and your brother would have killed him.”

  “Yes, daddy, I did.”

  “Mr. Morgan─”

  “Marco, call me Omar.”

  “Omar, I apologize, I married your daughter without your permission. Due to the situation at the time, our backs were against the wall. José shot me and my men. Your daughter is a brave woman. She stood up to that bastard. Like she said, he can never hurt her again. Your daughter truly means the world to me. No one in my family would allow anything to happen to Emoni.”

  Leana placed her hand under my chin and stared into my eyes. “The first time I met her she impressed me. She was more worried about my son than her own well-being. Let’s just say she understands her worth as the head of our family.” She leaned in and kissed both my cheeks.

  “Lunch will be ready in ten minutes.” She stood.

  “What do you mean my daughter is the head of your family?” Mom arched a brow.

  “Once she married my son, she became the new matriarch of the Esposito’s. You know it's an old Italian tradition.” Leana smiled at my mother and winked at me, then turned on her heels and vacated the room.

  Mom threw her hands in the air. “No one batted an eyelash as my daughter sat here admitting to murder.”

  “I didn’t hear that?” Dad stated.

  Jocelyn and Tadeas followed. “Nope she never said that.”

  Marco leaned in. “Mrs. Morgan, I think you may have misunderstood. Emoni stood up for herself. She gave Vargo an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

  He and Tadeas chuckled.

  Dad joined, laughing with them.

  “His parents never asked you where their son was?”

  “Momma, Mr. Vargo knows where his son is.”

  Her hand fell on her chest. “I am happy he can no longer harm you. I just don’t want this blowing up in your face.”

  “Mom, think of it like this. He’s lounging on a beach on his very own private island. Hopefully that image provides a level of comfort.”

  “I don’t give a damn where the bastard is. As long as he can’t harm my baby.” Dad stood, pulled me to my feet and embraced me. “I am proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Emoni, can I talk to you a moment?” Jocelyn walked to my side.


  Marco stood and kissed my cheek. “See you in the dining room.”


  Marco and dad conversed in route to the dining room.

  Jocelyn sat beside me, clutching my hands.

  My forehead creased. “What’s the matter?”

  I knew my sister. Hiding her feelings wasn’t her strong suit.

  She informed me of recent events that took place in Italy. The smile on my face diminished. Tears slid down my cheeks, as did hers. My arms anchored her neck.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss, Jocelyn.”

  Her cries ripped my soul apart. I wanted to kill the bastard who did this.

  “Does my husband know?”

  “Yes, Tadeas told him. They’ve already devised a plan. They’ll find the guy responsible. I’m not sure about this new world we’re in right now, tangled with the Esposito’s. But I love Tadeas. There’s no way I could leave him. He’s taken the loss of our child so hard. I have too. I can barely get out of bed every day. I was on the verge of drinking myself to death. That’s the real reason I didn’t drink last night. Tadeas is also afraid of losing me. I missed you Emoni.”

  I hugged my sister tight.

  “I’m here, Joce.”

  “One day Tadeas and I will try again.”

  “You are strong, Jocelyn. I’m right here, whenever you want to talk. When you’re ready I want to hear about how you and Tadeas fell in love.”

  She grinned from ear to ear. “Ok. I’ll tell you once we’re in Vegas.”

  “Sounds good.”

  She placed her hands on my belly. “You focus on bringing this miracle baby into the world. Don’t think about going after this guy who killed my child.”

  My sister and my husband were right. Killing was out of the cards for me at this time. Vivian would have to carry out any hits for me.

  “I will.”

  “Come on, lets eat with our new family.”

  I gripped her hand tight. “Ok.”

  We sat amongst each other, laughing at my father and Lucas argue about football. It was like they were old friends. I loved how well our families complemented each other in this new weird family dynamic.


  “Nadine, it’s so good to see you again.” I smiled from ear to ear, hugging her tight.

  “It’s good to see you too, mama to be.”

  Marco hugged Nadine, then sat in the chair nearby in the exam room. I climbed back on the table wearing jeans and a navy blouse. I just shed that ugly blue green medical gown.

  I peeked around the pink and blue room. Her practice was frilly and elegant.

  “How are the kids?”

  “Good. Anthony Jr. is such a big help. He spends a lot of time with his sisters.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet.”

  “I’ve found Tony and the twins sleep in the rocking chair in their room. I’ll have to send you a picture.”

  “Please do.”

  I glanced at my husband. “No doubt Marco will be tuckered out too taking care of the baby.”

  “I love watching a big strapping man make googly eyes at their children.” She smiled at another memory of her husband; I was sure.

  Nadine clapped her hands. “Let’s get down to business. Twice now you’ve suffered complications with this pregnancy. If I’d have known before, we left the country I wouldn’t have allowed you to leave.”

  There was no way I’d meet Marco’s gaze because I knew
he was pissed.

  “You are nine weeks pregnant. Your due date is August third.”

  My heart skipped a beat. I was so excited.

  “Due to the previous complications, I’d like to see you every week.”

  My smile dropped. “We need to handle business in Vegas this month.”

  She shook her head. “This month you’re on bedrest. I’d like to monitor your progress this month, then we can revisit travel at the end of your first trimester.”

  “Nadine, we have no problem with that. I won’t leave her. We can communicate by Skype with the construction team breaking ground in Vegas. Hopefully if my wife remains off of her feet, we’ll be able to travel in February.”

  “Agreed?” she smiled at me.

  “I know a great baby doctor in Vegas. She and I can communicate regarding your progress. If I feel your condition is worsening, you must return and remain on bedrest for the remainder of your pregnancy.”

  “I’ll behave, Nadine.”

  “Good. Lie back. I’ll let you guys listen to the baby’s heart.”

  Her beautiful eyes lit up. She was in her element. You could tell she enjoyed what she did for a living.

  Marco stood. He held my hand and stared at the screen. Nadine smeared the cold gel over my belly.

  “Marco, relax.” Her face softened.

  “Emoni will be just fine. I’m pretty sure she’ll obey the doctor’s orders.”

  “I will.” I laughed.

  Marco ran his free hand along the nape of his neck. “Nadine, we’ve had rough sex a few times. Is it best we don’t have sex?”

  “You can have sex. Just take it easy this month while I have her under observation.”

  He blew out a breath and wiped the sweat from his brow.

  “Baby, it’s ok.” I gripped his hand tighter, searching his eyes.

  He leaned over and pressed his lips against my forehead.

  She pushed the wand around my belly.

  Thump, thump echoed throughout the room.

  Marco’s eyes glassed over. I’d never seen him so emotional. “That’s our baby’s heartbeat. Wow, I can’t believe it.”

  “We did good, Marco.”

  “Fuck yeah, we did, baby. It’s a little peanut on the screen.” He pointed.

  “Marco, you can come with Emoni to every visit if you’d like.”

  “I’ll be here. On the way home, I plan to pick up a speaker device. I want to hear the babies heart beat all the time. And talk to our little person. I can’t wait to see their little face.”

  “Such a proud dad.” Nadine gleamed. “Once you’re twenty weeks, we can perform a 3D ultrasound.”

  “We’d love that.” I beamed.

  “That reminds me Sierra is having her baby this month. We usually meet at the hospital anytime we give birth and have a little party.”

  “We’ll be there. Can’t miss the birth of my best friends, baby.” Marco grinned.

  “Before Sierra gives birth, I’d like y’all to come over January fifteenth for our dinner party.”

  Nadine wiped off the wand. “We’ll be there.”


  Marco grabbed a towel and wiped the gel off of my belly. “Thanks for seeing us last minute. I was worried about Emoni.”

  “Marco, I love the way you love, my girl. She deserves it.”

  “Thank you, Nadine.”

  “She’s the center of my world. Emoni is all that matters.”

  I gripped his strong forearm. “Baby, you make me feel so special.”

  “Any questions?”

  Marco helped me sit up. “No, but if we do, we won’t hesitate to contact you.”

  “Ok, good. I am headed back home to the fam. See you guys soon.”

  I hugged her before she walked out of the office.


  Marco helped me into the rear passenger seat of the Suburban.

  Maceo met my gaze through the rear-view mirror. “How was your appointment?”

  Marco slid in beside me, buckled me in then himself.

  “It went well.”

  “Maceo, you were right. Emoni needs to take it easy. She should’ve been on bedrest because of the two miscarriage scares.”

  Marco cut his eyes at me. “Thank goodness the trip to Mexico didn’t end in a miscarriage.”

  I leaned my head on his chest, inhaling his woodsy, cologne.

  “Marco, there’s nothing I can say to put you at ease for my past actions. Moving forward, I’ll take it easy. I’ll unfortunately need a maid. I cannot keep our mansion clean from our bed.”

  “Maceo, we need someone trust worthy to work for us.” Marco slipped his hand under my coat, swaying his hand over my belly.

  “Consider it done, boss.”

  Marco brushed his nose along my earlobe. “No more choking until after the baby is born.”

  I never liked when José choked me. Maybe because it felt like he was trying to kill me. It was hard to explain. Clearly, I pissed Marco off the other night. And I was aware my husband murdered people for a living. Deep in my bones, I felt he wouldn’t harm me. He was so pissed I accused him of being just like José. I regretted those words after they fell from my lips.

  “Yes, I understand.” My tall leather boots rubbed together. Marco should probably remove his hand before I fuck him with the partition down. Desperately I tried to keep my legs together.

  I cleared my throat. “Marco, you’re making me hot,” I whispered.

  He swiped my hair behind my ear. “Oh, yeah?”

  His hand slipped over my ass.

  “Fuck, yes.”

  Pretend your driver doesn’t know your husband is turning you on.

  The car came to a halt. Marco peeked out the window.

  “Maceo, I already placed the order. The item should be at the customer service desk.”

  “Ok.” He climbed out of the car.

  “We can’t have sex now, because I won’t want to stop. We need to wait until we get home.” I purred.

  “You’re right. This time.”

  “Are you staying home today?”

  He removed his teeth from my earlobe. “Until this evening. I have a business meeting at eight.”

  “With whom?”

  “The Knights of Hell. We need a chef too. I’ll ask my mother to send the family chef over a few times this week until we hire one.”

  “Normally, I can clean my own house.”

  “Emoni, I know. But you don’t have to. A small staff should work.”

  My lips twisted. “The more people who work in our house, the more I have to watch what I say and what I wear. The other night I walked around the house without a stitch of clothing.” My head fell against the leather seat. “Felt good.”

  “Part-time staff. You create the schedule. Maybe around the wife meetings.”

  “I will only speak to the ladies three times a week and for no more than thirty minutes.”

  He raised his hands as if he was surrendering. “Fine.”



  The fluffy flakes fell from the dark sky, blanketing the ground. The firm crunch of the packed snow under our feet was all that could be heard in route to my warehouse door. I peeked at the five Harleys parked a few feet away.

  Maceo opened the door, and I stepped inside.

  A smile tipped up at one end of my lips. “Good evening, fellas.”

  “Marco,” Apeshit growled. He sat on the steel table in the middle of the room, surrounded by five of his men. He shoved his long blond hair behind his ear.

  Light fixtures attached to long ropes dangled from the ceiling. In a controlled setting, a well-lit room was important. I glanced at everyones hands for weapons. You know, in case someone wanted revenge for their leader’s untimely demise.

  “My men allowed you to keep your weapons in my warehouse as a show of trust.” I scanned Axel, Catch, and Nadirs faces, standing in the corners.

  “Yeah.” His brow wrinkled.
br />   “We were just at odds and all of a sudden we aren’t. What the fuck is up?” He widened his hands.

  I swiped the newsboy cap off my head and jammed it in my gray coat pocket. “You’re the new leader.”

  “You asking or making a statement?”

  “It’s a statement, Apeshit. I know everything that happens in my town.”

  He hopped off the table. His heavy boots thudded the floor as he approached. I reached into my black blazer pocket and retrieved a cigar.

  “Did you have anything to do with the death of the Knights of Hell President…our brother?”

  My skin heated. “Don’t make the same mistake as your…brother,” I snarled as I lit the cigar.

  My eyes fell on the red and black patch on his leather vest over his hoody. ‘President.’ “Do I call you president Trent or President Apeshit?” It was fun toying with the MC’s.

  He didn’t say a word.

  “Are you here to make money or do you want to dwell on bullshit I won’t bother addressing? Time is money. And I can make a lot more money overseas than with your crew.” I stepped back, cigar hanging between my lips, arms wide.

  “What’s the deal?” Apeshit clutched his fist in front of him.

  “I understand you can’t find a decent gun supplier in this state.”

  He sighed, and his jaw tightened. “You heard right. Our distributor got pinched. Now our charter is lacking supplies. The guys we sell to will buy else where if we can’t get guns from a new supplier.”

  I puffed, then blew out the sweet tasting smoke. “Do you want to hear the terms or what?”


  “You will only buy guns from the Esposito’s. Catch will be your new connect. I have a wide range of weapons. Open the crates,” I ordered my men.

  Apeshit and I walked toward the six crates to my left.

  He let out a low whistle as he picked up an AR-15. “These are shiny and new?”

  “Yup, we don’t deal in dirty weapons. You’ll triple your profit. Eventually.”

  His forehead wrinkled. “Eventually?”

  “Yeah, you sell these without a hiccup and I’ll be your new supplier.”

  “You expect us to sell these and not get paid a cent?” His blue eyes darkened.

  “My strip club is in the process of being rebuilt. Do you want to revisit payments for the club?”


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