Hotshot Boss (Alphalicious Billionaires)

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Hotshot Boss (Alphalicious Billionaires) Page 12

by Lindsey Hart

  When he ran a hand up her silky leg, sliding it away from the other one, she shivered but didn’t tell him to stop. She did mewl and fall onto her back, which was a pretty good sign that she wanted what was about to happen.

  He didn’t do all the romantic suckling and kissing of her legs. Didn’t take his time running his hands over her. She was already a mess of goosebumps and longing and so was he. He’d wanted her for a year. Maybe she’d wanted him longer. They’d known each other for three years. That was enough damn foreplay in his mind.

  He hooked his arms under her knees and brought his face closer, pressing an open mouth kiss straight to her panty covered core. Her exotic musk, spicy and sweet, exploded over his tongue and his balls swelled to fist sized proportions in his jeans. Lexi vibrated and moaned beneath him right before her leg jerked so hard, she just about kneed him straight in the face.

  “Sorry!” She gasped. He sucked her clit into his mouth straight through her panties and her head dropped back to the blanket. “I’m not sorry,” she groaned. “You’re evil.”

  He dipped a finger beneath the hem of her panties and caressed her heated folds, spreading her arousal all over her. “How evil?”

  “V-very evil,” she panted. “Practically the devil.”

  He brushed his finger over her entrance, toying with her. Toying with himself. He wanted to thrust up into her. With his fingers. His tongue. His cock. He knew she’d be tight. Tighter than his fist and the thought made his balls turn a bright shade of purple. He was pretty sure he had a medical emergency going on south of the belt, but he pointedly ignored his own pain.

  “Oh god,” Lexi panted. “Just- just- do it already.”

  “How romantic.”

  “I don’t give a shit about romance. You’ve been walking around the office for three years looking delicious enough to devour. Why the hell do you even bother going to the gym when you were born with the world’s best set of genetics? It’s been three years! Three. Years. Curtis. So just. Fucking. Do. It. Already.”

  “This?” He let his finger glide over her entrance, curling her below her panties, skimming over her clit. She vibrated under his touch, whimpering and writhing, thrusting her pelvis into his hand.

  “Y-yes. More.”

  “How about this?” He dodged past her entrance again, dipping his finger inside just a fraction. Lexi went wild. God. If she was that responsive to just a single touch, how much more would she be when he set his mouth on her? When he was inside of her?

  “Jesus, fuck…”

  He’d never heard her use that kind of language. He didn’t think he’d really ever heard her utter foul words, with the exception of last week. It was hot. It was so fucking hot he’d have to douse them both in the lake right away to stop the combustible explosion of the century from going down.

  “How about this?” He circled her clit a few times, lightly, before he pinched it. Not lightly.

  Lexi’s back shot straight off the blanket. She went wild. She crashed back down, and her hips bucked into his touch. She cried out and her legs trembled on his shoulders. He got a front row seat, with popcorn and an extra-large soda, to the crazy show going down right in front of his eyes. He’d just made her come. In under a minute.

  He let her pant her way to recovery before he hooked his hands under her panties and tore them down her legs hard enough to burn her. He discarded them somewhere, into the lake for all he fucking cared- she was never putting them on again- and went for round two.

  He worshipped her with his mouth, careful to dodge away from her clit since she was probably still sensitive. Lexi tangled her fingers in his hair, moaning and gasping as she just about ripped out the strands. She shifted her leg higher up on his shoulder, grinding her heel into his back until it burned. She rocked her hips up, thrusting them into his face.

  He let his tongue do all the work, exploring her, plunging inside of her, lapping up her juices like she was the best meal he’d ever had. Because she was. Her honeyed juices were the best thing he’d ever had the pleasure of tasting and he’d dined in some pretty high class establishments over the years. She was it. The end of his fucking world. The end of life as he knew it. He was arrogant enough to think that if he could just show her that he wasn’t an asshole and had a pretty good skill set that didn’t pertain to business, she’d realize that maybe they could work. That maybe she didn’t need to keep looking. That maybe she’d found what she wanted. He didn’t count on her ruining him for anyone else. Past how he’d already been ruined, that was.

  He was the one feasting on her and she was the one ruining him.

  He knew she was close when her entire body started trembling and vibrating and her hips rocked up and she rode his face. Of course, he pulled back, becoming the jerk she’d accused him of being.

  Her legs locked around his neck, drawing him back in when he thought he’d torture her by stopping. Her calves tighten, nearly cutting off his oxygen. She knew him well enough to anticipate his every move and it was hot as hell.

  “If you stop, I’ll choke the life out of you with my legs and drag you down to the lake and weigh you down with rocks so they’ll never find the body.”

  “The only problem with that is that I told everyone where we were going.”

  Lexi let out a shocked gasp of indignation. “You did not!”

  “I did tell my sister and my parents. This would be the first place they’d look.”

  “I’ll stage it to look like a boating accident then.”

  “How very original.”

  “Just- just get back to what you were doing.”

  “Why? Do you like it?”

  “No. Not at all. You give the worst orgasms that I’ve ever had in my life.”

  He decided to punish her for her snarky reply, even though he wasn’t expecting anything less and of course, her sass thrilled him. Her hips went wild and she let out a garbled whimper as he placed his hand on her flat stomach, locking her in place.

  He proved to her, in no uncertain terms, with his tongue, lips, teeth, and fingers, that he did indeed give good orgasms. Two more times.

  After, he untangled Lexi’s legs from around his shoulders and propped himself on an elbow to look down at her. She was wilted right into the blanket, sweaty, her hair a tangled mess, panting, flushed, and spent. And absolutely gorgeous under the sliver of moonlight painting her in silver. A vision of ethereal beauty.

  “You made enough noise to scare the neighbors across the lake.” He smirked at her when she opened her eyes and gave him a death glare.

  “They’ll blame it on the frogs.”


  “The wolves then.”

  “What wolves?”

  “The bears.” She propped herself up on her elbows, not at all self-conscious about what they’d just done, and he loved that about her. That she was a spitfire. Always. There was nothing meek about her. “Let’s see if you’re so immune when the tables are turned.”

  That wiped the smile off his face. “No. You are not doing that.” Mostly because he knew that after what they’d done- okay, just in general- he’d embarrass himself by making some really strange bullfrog cry that really would put the lake on high alert. In like two seconds, the entire frog population would be on his doorstep.

  Lexi planted a foot in the middle of his chest and pushed, with all her weight behind it. Of course, it didn’t budge him, but she was able to slide out from beneath him. She grinned confidently as she tossed her hair over her shoulder.

  “Well? Let’s see it.”

  His mouth dropped. “Are you serious? Just like that?”

  Lexi shifted, slowly removing her tank. Every movement was precise and calculated, and when she was finished, she shrugged her bra off. The moonlight did really nice things to her already perfect skin. Really, really nice things. His eyes dropped below her neck. They froze on the tight buds of her rose hued nipples. Her skin beaded with goosebumps under his scrutiny, but she made no move to cover he

  “I’m naked,” she pressed. “Undress.”

  Her eyes raked over him, and she didn’t even make an effort to hide her desire. Somehow, what they were doing was sexier than if they’d been in some luxury resort, having sex with the slow shots, close ups, and romantic music that movies portrayed. Of course, it wasn’t like that between them. Of course, it was a little weird, a little awkward, and full of fire. They were doing this in the one place he loved more than anywhere on earth. It was just them. They had time.

  Lexi was telling him, without telling him, that she wanted to see him. To look at him. To touch him and make him feel good like he’d done for her. Of course, she couldn’t be overly nice about it. She had to put it out there and let him read between the lines. It was a glorious dance of give and take that had his cock straining against his jeans. The bastard was trying to punch its way out, so, with a long sigh, like he didn’t really want to take his clothes off at all, he stood and unzipped his jeans. He stepped out of them and peeled off his t-shirt next.

  Lexi sat there on the blanket, completely naked, lounging back like they were on a nude beach in the middle of Europe. She was so perfectly comfortable with her body- honestly, she should be since she was creamy, angelic, goddess-like, next level perfection- that it made his balls turn another shade of purple. They were probably black by now and he barely resisted the urge to check.

  He stood there, letting her eyes fuck him. And she did. Obviously. She let those pale blues rake over his form. She kept a straight face from head to toe, and it was only then, after the painful few minutes, that she allowed her lips to curl at the edges.

  “Do you plan on dry-humping me to another climax or are you going to take those off?” She stared pointedly at his underwear.

  Curtis rolled his eyes, enjoying every single second of their weird banter. He hadn’t imagined it like this at all, but it was just effing right. He tore his boxers away without hesitation or flare. Just stood there, his cock so damn hard it was pointing back up at him. He just hoped that his balls were a normal shade on the outside, even if they didn’t feel like it on the inside.

  Lexi’s eyes widened. “Holy shit,” she breathed before she could stop herself. Clearly flustered, she hurried to correct her slip. “I- I mean- uh- I’m pretty sure- that- uh…” her throat bobbed hard. “That- frick. Nature did something weird when it made you. You’re abnormally good looking. You’re freakishly gorgeous. The gym did nice things to your already really nice genetic composition. But- that- I- that is actually a little scary.”

  He grinned back at her. “Thanks for the compliments. And all this time I half believed you really did hate me.”

  “Why only half?”

  “Because I knew it was all an act. I knew you only detested me so much to hide the fact that you wanted me. Even to yourself. You don’t need to live in denial any more.”

  “How close are we to the hospital?” Lexi looked so uncertain he nearly laughed.


  “What if you- uh- damage something? With- with that? It’s- like- maybe you should just put your man panties back on and we should dry hump. It would be less dangerous.”

  “And significantly less fulfilling.”

  “I highly doubt it.”

  He stood there. She stared. He stood there some more. In the distance, frogs bellowed. There were no wolves around. The moon filtered down on the lake and the soft breeze sighed gently, ruffling the surface. It lapped the sandy shore like sweet background music.

  “Did you ever really hate me?” The question was echoed by more nature sounds.

  Lexi rolled her shoulders back. “I don’t know. I guess not.” Her throat bobbed. “Uh- are you going to sit down? It’s a little intimidating having this conversation with your not so mini me.”

  He laughed. A full gut busting bellow that trailed over the lake. The frogs ribbeted harder in response. He sat down on the blanket and waited. He didn’t have to wait long. Lexi smoothed her hair back and shifted on the blanket to straddle him. He just about came from the warmth of her legs wrapped around his hips alone. She hadn’t sat down yet. She was still far enough away that he could keep things a shade less than R-rated at the moment.

  “We’re good? To do this like this? If not, I have a box in the house.”

  Of course, she knew what he was talking about. “I’m on the pill. Have been since I was sixteen to regulate my menstrual cycle. You haven’t been with anyone in a year? Seriously?”

  “No, and I’m good on my end.”

  “I doubt you’re good. You seem very, very far from that right now. Sinful. That’s probably a better word.”

  “You don’t seem to mind.”

  “I’m good too then, if that’s what we’re talking about. I’ve also dropped off on the romance as of late.”


  “Okay,” she huffed, blowing out a breath very near his face. “It’s been a while for me too.”

  “Because you were too busy pining away for your handsome, sex-god of a boss?”

  “Because you were such a jerk that every single time I thought about you, my ovaries shriveled up.”

  “They must be the size of pinpricks by now.”

  “Smaller. You couldn’t find them with the world’s most powerful microscope.”

  “Good.” He rolled his eyes. “Because I don’t need a brat popping into the equation.” Of course, it was the exact wrong thing to say. Lexi’s face fell. Right. She loved kids. And he truly was an insensitive jerk. He gripped her hips gently and stared at her, unblinking. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “It’s not like I’d try and trick you or something, you asshat. I know you hate kids. I got the memo. My pill hasn’t let me down yet. You don’t have to worry about me wanting kids, at least not with you. I would never want to reproduce with you. This is a onetime thing, which you’re about to turn into a zero-time thing. We are never doing this again. It’s my one lapse of judgment that I’m allowing myself.”

  “A Christmas present so early in the year. You must have been on Santa’s good list.”

  “Or more like the naughty one.”

  “I really am sorry, Lex. That wasn’t a nice thing to say.”

  Her lips pursed. She tore her eyes away from his and studied the lake. “It wasn’t. I agree. Unfortunately for me, you have a very- er- never mind. The point is, I still want to do this. It’s been a while. I can’t let you have the upper hand either. You got to see my O face. I’m going to stare straight into yours and make fun of you for it later because I’m sure it’s awful.”

  “Probably the worst.”

  “This will never be spoken of again. It’s a one-off.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure it will be.”

  “Soon, you won’t be my boss. Not my direct one at least. I’m taking that job. Mostly just so I don’t have to listen to builders whine about your house or pick up your dry cleaning anymore.”

  “I didn’t realize I was such a burden.”

  “You’re the worst burden.” Her hand closed around his cock without warning and his head fell back as he let out a hiss of pure pleasure.

  Lexi was probably still pissed about the baby comment. He’d just said it because he was a dumbass. Honestly, he didn’t know why he’d said it at all. He hadn’t been thinking. It was a terrible thing to say in any scenario. But thinking about a baby that was half Lexi and half him wasn’t nearly as bad a thought as it should have been. A blue eyed, blond haired, chubby cheeked little girl with all her mother’s sass…

  He mentally shook that off and focused on what Lexi was doing to him with her hand. She had nice hands. Tight little hands. They massaged his dick and she didn’t even try and do anything malicious like accidentally on purpose try and break it in half as payback for him being the idiot of the century. Lexi said it was never going to happen again, but he’d do everything, and he had a massive repertoire and some pretty deep pockets, to convince her otherwise.

/>   This was not a one-off.

  When she shifted, guiding his cock to her entrance, his brain shut off. At least where thoughts other than pleasure were concerned. His eyes slammed shut as she hovered over him. She was so close. So fucking warm. So amazing. And he wasn’t even inside of her yet. He throbbed in anticipation. His balls were somewhere floating up in his skull. His breathing shallowed out while Lexi’s nails dug into his shoulders.

  She was gorgeous. He had her body memorized, imprinted on the back of his eyes. It didn’t matter that they were closed. He could still see her, flowing gold hair, gorgeous curves, shapely everything, streamlined everywhere else. Breasts that were just enough for a handful with the rosiest nipples. Flat stomach, an ass that made him want to weep, and that perfect, smooth, spot between her legs? Utter perfection.

  She toyed with him, getting him slick with her juices- and his- before she positioned him back at the gateway to heaven. He curled his fingertips into her hips.

  “You feel horrible,” she hissed as she sunk down, taking the tip of him inside. Good fucking god, she was tight. It wasn’t exactly a surprise. He’d expected it. She was right. He also wasn’t small, but that aside, she was really, really tight.

  “So do you,” he ground out.

  She sunk down another inch, panting. “Like… really, really bad. Like heinous. Disgusting. World ending gross.”

  “So do you.” He ground his teeth together to keep from letting out a moan that would shake the foundation of the cabin up the hill. He was partial to the place. He didn’t want to destroy it.

  “The worstest of the worst.”

  “You’re so fucking tight…” he bit out because he couldn’t help it. A change of tactic wasn’t a terrible idea.

  “I changed my mind. You don’t have a big thing. It’s not that big at all. I can barely feel it in there.” She sunk down, taking him nearly all the way. He could literally feel her body stretching to accommodate him. Obviously, she was full of shit, because she let out a series of whimpers that sounded a little like a wounded animal. In a good way, of course.


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