Hotshot Boss (Alphalicious Billionaires)

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Hotshot Boss (Alphalicious Billionaires) Page 13

by Lindsey Hart

  “If it’s not so big, take all of me then.”

  Always up for a challenge, Lexi did as he asked. She took all of him. She froze right after, and he didn’t move. He let her have time to get used to his size. He didn’t want to do any damage. She was small. And did he mention she was tight? She was so tight, he might be in danger of having the circulation to his dick cut off.

  Lexi rocked gently and it was so unexpected, he just about went sailing off that delicious cliff. His balls shriveled up and drew up, kicked up, and he had to grind his teeth. Hard. She did it again, and again, gyrating and rocking in some delicious rhythm that rocked his world the same way. There was no more talking. No more insults. Just him, floating away, lost in her. She was a perfect fit.

  The sounds she made. Her scent, mingling and combining with his. Her sweet breaths. The feel of her body rocking and writhing against his, her skin and his skin, her nipples scraping against his chest muscles. She was slick and wet and impossibly tight. When he moved, it was like she got even tighter. He couldn’t stop himself from doing it. It was an instinctive reaction that he couldn’t control.

  Her lips crashed down on his, cutting off his oxygen feed. Black spots bloomed behind his eyes and bright colors burst. She picked up the tempo, doing things with her hips that no human had a right to do. He thrust harder because he couldn’t stop himself. She took everything he had to give. She drove him crazy as she increased the tempo, daring him to thrust even harder. So, he did. He pounded into her with a dizzying ferocity that just about killed him. She broke the kiss, panting near his ear.

  “Come,” she urged him, her hot breath all over the side of his face. “Come, Curtis.”

  He was well aware she hadn’t got there yet, or if she had, she’d been damn silent about it. It was impossible to tell since she was so tight, vibrating and pulsing all over his dick from the very start. He’d never imagined having hate sex with her because he didn’t hate her. He felt the exact opposite and the tone of her voice didn’t indicate she hated him either. It sounded very much like she wanted to give him the pleasure he’d been chasing.

  She rolled her hips in a sinful new move and he was done. His balls jumped into fucking outer space and he was gone. He threw back his head and made sounds that probably rivaled the ones she’d made earlier. Some very un-frog like sounds and he really hoped that the neighbors way the hell on the other side of the lake, miles, and miles away, still weren’t at their cabin at the moment.

  He came deep inside of her, hot spurts, his cock kicking as violently as the rest of his trembling, straining body. The aftershocks of pleasure were still ripping through his muscles when Lexi’s sweet laugh echoed through the night. She laughed. Right in his face.

  He tore his eyes open and found her smirking at him. She’d pasted on an evil one, but it didn’t match the light still flickering in her eyes.

  “You really do have a stupid O face,” she shot at him before she slid away, jumped up, and was gone. She went screeching and laughing, shrieking and hollering, down the grassy hill.

  He could only watch, astounded, as she flew over the lawn, her golden hair streaking out behind her, her pale skin flashing in the moonlight, lithe limbs pumping, a harmonious vision. She burst onto the thin strip of sand and dove into the warm black waters.

  He’d thought about skinny dipping with her, but not like this.

  He was up and running before he even fully realized that his muscles were capable of working and his legs would hold his weight. Lexi was running from him, running away. He was the one chasing. He’d been the one chasing for a very long time, even if she wasn’t fully aware. He’d keep chasing for as long as he needed to.

  Because he knew that one day, and one day soon, she’d stop running.



  It was just supposed to be sex.

  Insanely good sex, but sex just the same. She wasn’t supposed to feel anything. Not the crazy stirring in her chest, not the swelling that threatened to burst her heart or explode some other vital organs. Not pleasure so intense, so right, so pure, that it was going to ruin her for anyone else after. No one before Curtis even came close. She was pretty sure that no one after him would either.

  It was a depressing thought. She’d needed to detach. She’d had the insane thought that if she could just get it done and over with, she could move on. Truly, move on. Move on when she didn’t even know she needed to. She’d truly thought she could forget all about her steamy, smoking hot, jerk ass of a boss and move on to other pursuits in life.

  There really weren’t supposed to be real feelings attached to it. But her hormones and heart were fucking with her. The orgasms he gave her with his sinfully skilled tongue were one thing. She’d climaxed the second she’d felt Curtis seated fully inside of her and almost bit her tongue clean off not making a sound. She knew that he didn’t know that she’d come. She wanted to safeguard it like a secret. When he’d come inside of her, she hadn’t been watching his face. She was too busy trying not to be ripped to shreds. In her heart and other areas.

  It wasn’t supposed to feel like… like she was transcending time and space.

  It wasn’t supposed to feel like they were made to be one person.

  She’d tried everything she could to make it terrible because she needed it to be terrible.

  It wasn’t terrible. Not even the seconds she made it awkward. Not the getting naked in front of a stranger for the first time. Not seeing Curtis equally as naked. Not touching him. Not letting him touch her. Not the exploring. She wasn’t supposed to enjoy his body. She didn’t want to enjoy it. She’d wanted to have sex with him to prove to herself that he was just another guy in the albeit brief string of guys before him who couldn’t satisfy her. Who couldn’t find her clit to save their life.

  Yeah. Frickin. Right.

  She’d loved every single second.

  And that was dangerous as hell.

  So she’d detached. She needed distance. She needed to cool the hell off. She needed to cut it the hell off at the pass. The feeling. The sensation. The boiling in her blood, the light blooming behind her eyes, the pain and the fire in her stomach and the new horrible lightness in her soul.

  She was a fool to think Curtis wouldn’t come after her. She hit the water and swam hard. She was a good swimmer. Her parents enrolled her and her brother and sister in swimming from an early age. She hadn’t been to a pool in a while, but it was obviously a skill she hadn’t lost.

  She was still no match for Curtis.

  Even past her own breaths torn from burning lungs, the splashes made by her arms and legs, which were quickly becoming fiery and tired, she heard him. He neared and she could just imagine his powerful body cresting the water, and then he passed her, and she didn’t have to imagine it anymore. She stopped just to admire what a work of art he was. He was truly a vision. Big and powerful everywhere. Her entire body turned into a raging inferno when she realized how sore she already was, how her lady bits still felt like they were on fire, even below the water. He’d just been inside of her. He’d finished inside of her. That was beyond intimate. And she’d let it happen. Worse, she’d enjoyed every single sensation.

  He was a masterpiece. He was a mystery. He was a thousand contradictions. He was her boss, Curtis James, the Trust Fund Baby, all the bad names she’d ever called him, but at the moment, he was also hers.

  He swam past her and circled around easily. He was hardly even out of breath. Whatever cardio regime he was on, she needed to get on as well.

  “If you think swimming out here is going to deter me, you’re very wrong. Even the leaches and all the other stuff in here are not going to make me back off.”

  “Leaches!” She gasped. The water was fairly deep and cold, and she hadn’t felt many weeds on her plunge in. Just a little bit of sand and then she was off, gliding through the water. She tried not to imagine what nightmares the lake held. Fish. Oh god, what if one of them touches me? She told herself n
ot to panic, just so that she didn’t drown in the deep, inky waters.

  “There are leaches,” he warned. “Seriously. But if you get one, don’t worry. Over the years, I’ve become fairly adept at pulling them off.”

  “I’d say you better watch your junk then,” she snapped. “But it’s so small they’d have trouble finding it.”

  Curtis laughed too, a deep, easy sound that made her feel like her insides were being tickled by a bunch of feathers she’d just swallowed. “Says the woman who just had the best orgasm of her life. Orgasms. Plural.”

  “You’re very sure of yourself. I’ve had good orgasms before.”

  “With your hand maybe.”

  “Shut up.” She splashed water at him and missed.

  He laughed again and swam easily up to her. When he gripped her around the waist and pulled her into him, she didn’t resist. She was a little afraid of drowning now that her limbs had grown tired and the shore was a surprising distance away. He was like an inferno pressed up against her. Her nipples scraped his chest, very pointy since she was cold from the surprisingly cold water. It was summer. Weren’t lakes supposed to be warm?

  Lexi reasoned that if he was wrapped around her, maybe the leaches would skip her and go straight for the larger target. One could always hope.

  Before she could say anything snarky to ruin the moment she tried to tell herself she didn’t want, he kissed her. He kissed her hard, totally breathless. He was like liquid fire pouring into her mouth, flooding the rest of her with heat. It was only a minute before she couldn’t feel the lake anymore. Probably because she didn’t care.

  She locked a leg around Curtis’ hip and he didn’t even sink. She locked the other leg around his waist and he still didn’t sink. He went right on kissing her, his hard-on drilling into her stomach. Her core throbbed, wanting him somewhere else. Wanting him buried deep inside of her.

  “I’m pretty sure if we continue this,” she gasped after tearing her lips from his, “that I’ll get some weird infection up my who-ha.”

  “A who-ha?” He laughed, that glorious, rich, deep baritone laugh. “Alright then. I’ll race you back.”

  He took off, treading water easily while she spluttered her way back to shore. He didn’t let her win. He beat her by a mile and stood on shore taunting her, completely naked. She couldn’t let herself look at him until she made it, or she was pretty sure she’d sink to the bottom for real.

  By the time she stalked out of the water, she was completely out of breath. She must have looked in need of some kind of mouth to mouth revival because Curtis hauled her in against his hard length. He kissed what little breath she had left, eating her moans and protests and the affirmations ripped from the bottom of her soul.

  They fell to the sand together, their lower legs in the water, in a tangled heap of limbs. She wrapped her legs around his hips and when his cock pressed against her entrance, she didn’t deny him. Instead, she lifted her hips and let his weight press her into the sand. She could feel herself sinking, sinking, her head leaving an indent on the sand. She didn’t actually care. All that she cared about was having Curtis inside of her.

  Even still, she couldn’t help herself. “You’re going to get sand inside of me!”

  “The only thing getting inside of you is me.”

  “Better check your dick for leaches then.”

  “I already did.”

  Curtis tucked his hands under her ass and lifted her clean off the beach. There was zero chance for sand or leaches and a hundred percent chance of her dying from the pleasure. He filled her in a single swift stroke. He thrust hard, setting a punishing rhythm right from the start. It was urgent. Desperate. Hungry. Raw. And freaking perfect. It hurt, to be so full, the way he stretched her, to take all of the punishing strokes, but she was right there, moving with him, digging her heels into his ass. She bucked and writhed and let him piston into her until he drove her straight over the edge.

  Her climax ripped through her and she was pretty sure her head just about sucked completely into the sand as she threw it back. She was also sure that she screamed something close to Curtis’ name.

  Curtis came too, while she was still riding out the waves. She’d never come with another person. Like never come come at the same time. Obviously. It was crazy. Crazy intimate. Crazy special. Crazy amazing. She clung to Curtis and he clung to her. He drove into her and groaned out something right next to her ear while he trembled above her. She clung to him. Hopeless. Burning. Burning up. Evaporating. Thrilling. Hopelessly vulnerable. Hopelessly lost. Hopelessly found.

  He pulled away too soon, but for once, he was a gentleman. He took her with him, picking her straight out of the sand. He looked at her like she was the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen, not his rumpled secretary with lake water clinging to her body, sand encrusted in her hair and everywhere else, probably seaweed on her forehead.

  He looked at her with such naked, raw appreciation and something she didn’t want to define, that it made her feel tight and pinchy inside.

  She was going to snap something about him being decent enough to turn around while she made her way to the cabin and the shower, when her eyes traveled up his chest.

  There, stuck to his right pec, was something strange and black and snotty looking.

  “Oh my god!” She screeched, taking a few steps back. “There’s a leach stuck to your- uh- your- pec. Uh, it probably touched me when we were… pressed together!”

  She did the math and realized the intruder had tagged along while she was crushed up against Curtis. Gross. It had touched her. The foul thing was latched onto him and had touched her by default. She nearly fainted. She swore she did. But then Curtis let out a scream of his own and did a little dance as he reached out and tried to rip the leach off of him. It was a good few inches long, thick and slimy looking. Totally barf worthy. He plucked at the end of it and ripped and ripped and pulled and tugged, but nothing happened. He did some more bare-assed dancing and Lexi, realizing how stupid they must look, burst out laughing.

  He was laughing too by the time he dislodged the foul thing and threw it back in the lake.

  “Better check your butt crack too,” Lexi giggled. “You never know where those things might be hiding.”

  Curtis’ eyes darkened. “Better check yours.”

  She was pretty sure hers darkened too. “Maybe you can check me over- not there- but everywhere else- in the shower.”

  “Maybe you could check me over too. Butt crack included.”

  She rolled her eyes, but when Curtis reached for her hand to lead her, presumably back up to the cabin and said shower, she didn’t refuse. She actually let it happen.

  Better let all the forks prick her because she was so freaking done resisting for now.



  It was supposed to be a one time thing. A one off. Something she just finally gave in to because she couldn’t fight it anymore. Something she finally got out of the way, something she moved on from. It wasn’t supposed to be good. It wasn’t supposed to be unforgettably good. It wasn’t supposed to rock her freaking world.

  But it was not a one time thing.

  It wasn’t even a two time or three or even four time thing.

  She and Curtis spent their weekend not doing much work unless the workout in bed counted. When they arrived home, she let him talk her into coming over to his place. Again. And again. He also came over to her place. A few times.

  She also went over to his a few other times to break the news that she couldn’t do what they were doing anymore but she couldn’t do it. She did do him, though.

  Before she knew it, two months passed. She still hadn’t taken that promotion to the marketing department, but she was sitting in on the interviews for her position in less than a week. She’d train her replacement before she moved on and up. She was actually excited. She was so excited, so wrapped up in keeping her little secret- though she was half sure that a few people at work knew w
hat was going on- that she missed all the signs.

  Every. Single. One.

  Until she couldn’t miss it anymore.

  She was always irregular before. Even the pills did not work as it should sometimes but after two months when her period was still MIA, she knew it was cause for concern. Her breasts were sore. She felt weird. Tired like she hadn’t slept in a lifetime. She craved chocolate all the time and she didn’t even really like it that much. Like, not that much.

  The evening she took the test, she made sure Sam was there. She needed her best friend there. She was sure she was just exhausted from all the extra-curricular activity. That her breasts were just tender from the extra attention. That she was worrying for nothing. Her period had been late before. She just usually didn’t miss two.

  When she finally had the courage to look at the test sitting on the sink, she grabbed it and ran out of the bathroom, tears tracking down her cheeks. She was in full panic mode, but Sam caught her in a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around her and stroked her hair and whispered nonsense things about it all being okay.

  “It’s not going to be okay!” She tore away, flapping her hands in the air like a stunned bird. She paced around her small living room wildly, her breathing completely out of control. “I can’t be pregnant! Not with him! Not- he hates kids!”

  “Yeah. I knew you were doing your hot boss. You wouldn’t tell me, but I knew. You were glowing. Happy. You looked like you were getting poked on the regular.”


  “I’m sorry!” Sam put up her hands in surrender, but she was grinning. “I knew you couldn’t hold out forever. I was happy you were finally having good sex. The guy is smoking hot, not to mention loaded. You seemed really happy, so I figured you’d hit the jackpot.”


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