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Finding Hope: Book Ten of the Running in Fear Series

Page 4

by Trinity Blacio

“Let’s get this done now,” Hope said as Gourd whipped his head around to her, just as she disappeared from the room and appeared on a cliff. She had her gear and was ready for battle. “Okay, Daddy dearest, come get me,” she said, waiting to see if the planet had drawn Baneshadow to her.

  Hope grabbed one of the small bottles of pheromones she had made up on Earth and smashed it onto her hands, allowing the stink of their kind to surround her. She glanced at the outside compound below, the place where the others would join her in battle as soon as—

  They were there, she felt them inside her as Hope had all her life. But now she knew how she had this so-called gift. She was one of them.

  Hope shut everything down, closing the link to everyone, including her children and her men, knowing they were searching for her. She went into battle mode, as she did every time she hunted.

  She lifted her gaze and saw ten heliokillers hovering about her, watching. “Where is Daddy dearest? Does he doubt he’s my father?” Hope said, reaching back and taking her knife out. She sliced her palm and let her blood drop to the ground, knowing the scent would draw him if he was close.

  One of the creatures moved forward. “You come with us, we take you to your father,” he said, using English.

  “Afraid I can’t do that. See, if I leave this place, I die, and I sure don’t have a death wish. You don’t want to be the cause of your boss’s daughter being killed, now do you?” she asked, watching the creature turn and glance over his shoulder. Sure enough, the biggest SOB Hope had ever seen flew between the ten men.

  Come closer, asshole, she thought, waiting for Baneshadow’s move.

  Baneshadow was the most hideous thing Hope had ever seen. His eyes were black as the night and he had two dime-sized holes where his nose should be. She could have sworn live bugs crawled around on his green-black lip. He had on clothes, and although Hope had a strong stomach, the sight of what had to be his cock almost made her gag.

  “It seems even my daughter likes what she sees,” the creep who had given her life bragged.

  “Not quite, Daddy. I’m debating if I have time to lose the food I had to eat before we tangle,” she said, earning a growl from all 11 men.

  “It seems I will have to show my daughter where her place is in life,” he said. “Though I have to ask, who was your mother? I have been with many women. You are the first daughter I have had. You are a princess. My men will fight to lie with you. But what is this nonsense about you not being able to leave this place?” he said, coming closer to the cliff, where Hope knew she’d be able to jump at him.

  “It seems my body is now wired to this planet. But enough. I have a gift for you, Daddy,” she said and pointed at the ground below, hoping to draw his attention long enough to give her the time she needed. As if on cue, all four women moved outside.

  “My gift for you: the ones you have been looking for,” she said and almost smiled at the excited look on each of their faces. She ran and jumped from the cliff with her favorite weapon in hand, ready to strike the death blow she had done so many times before and was now ready to deal to her sperm donor.

  A hiss came from his mouth and his hands went to his throat as her knife cut through it, almost decapitating him. His body started to drop as she flung herself away from him, hoping to hit the next heliokiller with her knife. But he was disintegrated as dragon fire roasted the creatures to her right, while another dragon swooped down and grabbed her out of the air.

  “Take me to the women, Gourd. We’re not done,” she said, knowing the dragon was her furious mate. “Hurry, we only have a few minutes before they come at us if this is going to work, and yes, I know you will have a serious talk with me later.” Hope placed a kiss on the dragon’s snout, then jumped from his arms and landed few feet from the others.

  “Get ready, they’ll be here in a few minutes. Some will attack, but I’m hoping most of them will leave,” Hope yelled as hurried to stand in front of the women.

  “You hope!” Jaycee hissed. “You did all this on a damn hunch?”

  Hope glanced over her shoulder, glaring at Jaycee. “I’ve been killing these things for over the last 15 years, you?”

  Valda put her hand on Hope’s shoulder and squeezed. “You risked too much,” she said, ignoring Jaycee.

  “It is the only way we’ll survive this. You all know we aren’t ready for a full one-on-one attack,” Hope said and glanced up at Valda. “This will give Gourd’s brother time to intercept them in space as they go. They won’t be ready for that, especially because their leader is dead. It’s a perfect time to kill them.” Hope turned, hearing the flapping of the wings, the presence of hundreds of said monsters of the night.

  Hope stepped forward, earning some growls from her men, but she had no choice. This was even more dangerous than facing her father. Three hundred of the hideous things moved to hover over her. Her stomach knotted and her bear rose to the surface, ready to shift if needed, as the planet-ship prepared to shield them the moment the things attacked. She wiped her bloody and sweaty hands on her pants one at a time, keeping her knife in plain sight, praying this plan would work.

  Dragons waited to the right, demons to the left, and up over the cliffs around their small compound, hundreds of fae, shifters and other species waited to attack as she held the knife out, showing the black goo dripping from, it—her father’s blood. That was when she saw over 3,000 single-fighter ships, hovering, watching to see what her father’s men would do.

  She tried to swallow the knot that had formed in her throat, but it wouldn’t budge as she spun the knife in the air, the blood flying all around. “Your leader, my father, Baneshadow is dead. Isn’t it a warrior’s right to lead if they kill the one in charge? Do you really want a female to lead you?” Hope challenged.

  A single male lowered down to the ground about 200 yards from her.

  “I could just fuck you and claim you,” he sneered.

  “Do you really want to fight all of them? Not to mention I don’t think my mates would approve.” She laughed. “Or you could come challenge me. I still have my father’s blood on me, so what’s one more death,” she said, drawing a hiss from her right and left. Oh yeah, if she survived this mess, Hope would have to deal with three very pissed-off men.

  The thing in front of her glanced behind him, then looked back at her. “We’ll be back,” he sneered. “Then you’ll be mine, no matter what mate you have.” He took to the sky, moving through the ranks of his people as three-fourths of the creatures followed. She crouched and waited. Now was the most dangerous time.

  A couple hundred still hovered above, glaring as they watched her and the others, till one stupid asshole flew right at her. But he didn’t get within ten feet of her before smoke and flames rose around him as one of her men incinerated him. His screams and those of others as they attacked filled the starry night. Dragons, demons and all the other species came out to meet this threat to their new home. Steel hit steel, fire lit up the sky and Hope could taste fae magic on her tongue as she fought with another monster, just before two others erupted in flames behind him. The stench of their burning flesh was worse that it was when they were alive.

  “You know I can fight here,” she grumbled, trying not to grab her nose or puke.

  Jaycee’s man was in front of her, as were Suzanne, Lissa and Valda’s. Hope snorted, knowing her men weren’t about to allow her to do much. Apparently, their men were bound to protect them.

  Hope grabbed her chest, hearing the screams of thousands being hurt below and looked to the sky. Earth hadn’t been so lucky. Three large ships and hundreds of fighters had attacked. As if in a trance, Hope knew what needed to be done as she moved to the pentagram she could now see on the ground. Hope fought toward the spot that was meant to be hers as the other women did the same. The only way to save Earth was their one weapon. Using it would drain all five women and knock out all power to Earth, but they would survive. She glanced behind her to see Gourd and Fand covering her back and the
other men protecting their mates in a circle of protection around them on the ground and in the sky.

  Tucking her knife away, Hope took a deep breath and closed her eyes as the planet vibrated under her. A few seconds later, the sensation entered her body, drawing every bit of energy from her. Loud humming filled her ears, as her legs gave out, and then all went dark.

  Chapter Five

  Ten years of training and 30 years of wars hadn’t prepared Gourd for what had happened. He was filled with terror, anger and determination to never feel this way again. She would be theirs. He was not waiting.

  The battle was over. Earth was saved, because of this ship and the five women who were the heart of the planet. All he wanted to do was go after the bastards who had made his woman’s life hell, and from what he had witnessed earlier, their little bear would still have to face the prejudice of those around her. Even though she had proven herself once so many times.

  He glanced down at the sleeping bundle in his arms, making his way toward their home. Which he hated wanting to take her to his world when he noticed Owen carrying Valda moving in next to him.

  “I’m as furious with you and she’s not my woman. I could feel Valda’s anger toward the others. Know this, Gourd, you and your family will always be welcome in our home. You also have our protection for her and your children,” Owen said as Burr nodded his agreement at Owen’s side.

  “Thank you, this will mean a lot to Hope. We’ll speak soon,” Gourd said, turning down into their tunnel where Leaguer stood alone. Gourd realized then that Leaguer and Hope had the same eye color.

  Fand and Jester stepped in front of him. “What do you want? Haven’t you brought enough hate into this planet that is supposed to be a haven for these women?” Fand snapped.

  “I know, and for that I will spend the rest of my life trying to right this. It will take time, but all will heal, you’ll see. The women are strong and smart. They’ll come together like they did tonight. I would like to speak with you tomorrow. We are not finished, I’m afraid. Hope was right, the ship is not ready for a full-on attack, and it needs to be. It’s time we start adding to the defenses, and I have a few ideas that will help, lessening the chance your women will be hurt.”

  “Will the others be there?” Gourd asked, moving forward.

  “Yes, but as Owen said, I will stand beside my sister and your family always. I made a mistake, and it won’t happen again,” her brother said, and for the first time Gourd could actually see the pain in the man’s eyes.

  “We’ll see. I know one thing: Hope will not put her life on the line again because of who she is. She is not lesser than anyone on this planet,” Gourd growled and moved around Leaguer, wanting to clean Hope up and put her in bed, where they could start the change.

  He stepped into their home and saw the older woman, Marsha, and her mate, Ben, playing a game with Hope’s children and their own. Baron jumped up, looking at Hope.

  “Is she okay? Is it over?” he asked.

  “She is asleep, and for now, yes, but it won’t be safe to go to the surface for a while. Why don’t you three get ready for bed? We’ll watch a movie after I clean up your mom and put her into bed,” he said, knowing it was late, but the children needed to unwind, as they all did.

  “Do you want some help with Hope?” Marsha asked.

  “No!” He took a deep breath. “Thank you, and I’m sorry for yelling, but right now I’m so furious with everyone. If I could remove Hope from this place, I would. This is not the home I saw for my family,” Gourd explained as Ben stood.

  “We understand, believe me. We went through the same thing with our daughter Shelly. She might be the one to help bridge this. I’ll speak with her in the morning,” Ben said, putting one of their children in his wife’s arms. “Come, Marsha, let’s give this family some time alone,” he said, reaching down and picking up their other child.

  Marsha inched up to him, looking down at Hope. “So many things are going through her mind, even though she is out cold.” Marsha looked up at him. “But the most important thing I see is the fear of once more of being surrendered by people, but being ignored.” Marsha frowned. “Did Hope’s people banish her?”

  “No, not that I’m aware of. They believed she was crazy and ignored her when she tried to warn them about our enemy. After they learned about this planet, they fled here and left her and these children behind,” Jester growled.

  “Well, we’ll have to visit this den later on. I can’t wait to hear their excuses for leaving a woman and three small children behind,” Gourd snapped. “Excuse me, and thank you again for watching over the children,” Gourd said told Ben and Marsha before moving toward the cleaning room, or bathroom as the humans called it, while Jester showed the couple out.

  “Fand, I’ll start the withdrawal after we clean her up. I want one of us with her at all times while we do this, so we’ll trade off to be with the children. They’ll need us after all that has gone down; I know they’re scared,” Gourd said as they worked at stripping her clothes that were covered in her father’s black blood. He smiled as they took each of her weapons and set them aside.

  He shook his head, smiling. “She has her own stockpile. We’ll have to ask her what half of this stuff is, but for now, Jester, clean the weapons and store the somewhere safe,” Gourd said when Jester joined them in the bathroom.

  Gourd cleaned every inch of her pale skin in the warm water, treating her like a delicate glass doll. But then he didn’t kiss on every scar on a doll. She tried to push him away, but he ignored her attempts, kissing and licking her scars. “I will kiss every scar, memorize every single one, knowing the pain and suffering my little bear has had to overcome. We will wait no longer, my heart,” Gourd whispered against her neck before he sank his fangs into her, drinking from her.

  “What are you doing?” she moaned and tried to get away, but soon her struggles subsided. “I trust you,” she said, which brought tears to his eyes as he drank all he could before Fand and Jester could take over. Needing to almost drain her, before they would give her their blood. She would now be in their world fully. Would her bear be okay? He didn’t know. Gourd smiled picturing a blue bear, knowing the little one wanted to ask him.

  “You weren’t a blue bear,” she said.

  “You should be sleeping,” Gourd said, lifting his head, then sealing the holes in a neck. He gently pulled her out of the water, where Fand waited with a warm towel. “I’ll go join the children. She’s fighting sleep, the little stubborn bear,” he grumbled as her lips twitched.

  “Always,” she teased him.

  Fand growled, moving into the bedroom and sitting on the bed with her in his lap. “Sleep, Hope. Allow us to take care of you,” he said and placed a kiss on her exposed, full, round breast, before sinking his fangs into her neck.

  Gourd shook his head as their woman reached over and grabbed on to Fand’s black hair. Gourd moved down the hall to the children and Jester, and the link to his brother opened up. Gourd stopped, waiting to see what his brother wanted.

  “I’m afraid we only got three fourths of the heliokillers. The others have scattered.”

  “I knew we wouldn’t get them all. A few we can handle. Is that all?” Gourd asked.

  “I’m sorry, chesture, but what that man did to my daughter….” his brother said, calling him “brother of the heart.”

  “And how do you think my woman felt, finding out about who she is? Who her father was?” Gourd broke the connection, taking a deep breath before stepping into the movie room and sending Jester out.

  “Okay, what are we watching?” Gourd asked, coming and around and sitting on one of the couches.

  Baron glanced at him and sighed. “The girls wanted Disney,” he said, almost as if in pain. “What are you doing? Is everything okay with Mama Bear?” he asked, drawing the attention of all three of them.

  “We have started your Mama’s change while she is supposed to be sleeping,” he grumbled. “Your mama bear is a v
ery stubborn woman. When she should be sleeping, she is still keeping an eye open to make sure everything is alright with you three,” Gourd informed them.

  “Is her bear going to be okay?” Sasha came over and crawled up in his lap, then touched his cheek. “Is it going to be blue? I bet your bear is really pretty. I want to be a blue bear.”

  “Men are not pretty,” Baron groaned, making him laugh.

  “I’m glad you like my color, but I have no idea what color her bear will be, to tell you the truth. I know her bear is sleeping right now—well pretending to sleep, at least,” Gourd said before he changed the little munchkin in his arms, turning her blue.

  Mandy and Baron laughed and ran over to him. “I want to be blue too,” they said, staring at him.

  “You do…know they will want… Oh God …to stay that way. Ignore that one apart,” Hope cried out.

  All three children turned and looked toward their master bedroom, worry lined their small faces. Apparently, they had heard her moan of pain.

  “Baron, there are snacks and hot chocolate on the table over there,” he said, putting Sasha down and turning all three of them blue to help distract them as Fand came into the room. Fand grabbed Sasha up and threw her into the air. Her giggles had the children smiling once more.

  “What pretty children we have.” Fand glanced at him. “She is having a little trouble. Your blood is stronger, as one of the kings. It might help with her pain.”

  Gourd couldn’t help but laugh when Fand picked up Baron, shocking the boy by throwing him up in the air. Yes, that little one, like Hope, had done his best to protect their little family. Now it was their turn to take over and allow him and the others some time to heal inside and out.

  He headed quickly toward their room, where Jester had just stopped her feeding, holding her tight as her body convulsed, her eyes rolled back in her head and sweat covered her skin.

  “Have you ever heard of the change being this difficult or painful? I can feel the pain she’s suffering, but I can’t do anything to stop it,” Jester said, panicked.


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