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Finding Hope: Book Ten of the Running in Fear Series

Page 9

by Trinity Blacio

  “You too, Owen, Sar. We don’t want my brothers scared of their family,” Valda added.

  Gourd and Owen stopped walking and glanced back at the two women. “Really?” Gourd said.

  Hope smiled. “Well when you go all warrior-like, you do have a menacing look on your face.”

  Gourd glanced at Owen, sighing. Owen shook his head. “There was no sense in asking,” Owen mumbled as they silently made their way through the overgrown bushes. He was surprised when he saw a set of small caves that he hadn’t known were there.

  “Did you?” Gourd asked, not liking that he hadn’t known about them. He took pride in knowing everything around him.

  “Our ship-home is still changing, little things. It’s another reason why we’ll have to scout routinely to make sure we are aware of every hiding place,” Owen said, crouching next to him to enter into the small cave.

  As soon as they did, Gourd noticed the three starved little boys. “Hendassa,” he hissed. “How could they have done this?” His growl had the children whimpering and inching away from them.

  He took a deep breath. “Sorry, little warriors, didn’t mean to scare you. I’m your Uncle Gourd, and these two next to me are your elder brothers. Your father was Kanji?” he asked, hoping they understood them.

  The older child, lifted his head barely. “Help,” he whispered, lowering it back against the wall of the cave, holding on to his brothers.

  “Fand, take the women to the medical unit and have them ready it. We’re going to need all the help we can get,” Gourd sent, not wanting to scare the children anymore. “Come back and help transport the children, Owen and Sar.”

  Crawling farther into the damp cave, Gourd was hit with the scent of urine and feces. The children were too weak to get up and go to the bathroom outside. Carefully Gourd scooped up the older child and the smaller one, while Owen took the middle child. “Fand will escort you to Medical,” he said before disappearing and appearing in the medical room, where three cushioned tables were waiting.

  The room was warm, but the women had blankets ready, along with warm, wet towels to clean the children.

  “What? Oh my God! How could they?” Hope cried, taking the smaller child from his arms. “Put him on that table, Gourd. Marsha, our human doctor, and the pack’s doctor are on their way,” Hope said with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Easy there, little one, I’m just going to clean your face so I can see who I’m talking to. I’m your aunt Hope and I promise you, no one will hurt you here,” she reassured the small child, carefully dropping a few drops of water into his mouth before wetting his lips and washing his face.

  Valda took over for the older child, repeating Hope’s actions. As Hope took over, Gourd had never been so proud of his woman, even though the anguish he could feel coming from her was gut-wrenching from her being an empath.

  “If she were here right now, I’d kill her again. Any mother who could allow such abuse shouldn’t be allowed to have children.” Hope’s eyes were red from crying as she wiped some of the dirt from the little boy’s face, revealing a bruise on his cheek.

  “He’s safe and nothing will hurt them with all of us here to protect them,” Gourd reassured her.

  “I’ve never hated my father more right now than I’ve hated anything in my life. What I’ve been through is nothing compared to what he has done, or allowed to happen, to these boys,” Valda whispered.

  “When I found Baron and the girls, they weren’t this bad,” Hope said as Owen appeared with the middle child, followed by Marsha and the human doctor.

  “My name is William Source. I was a general physician on Earth till I decided to join you here,” he informed them, moving to smallest child. He ran his hands over the boy, who whimpered when he touched his ribs and arm. “Even after being a doctor for 20 years I still can’t stomach some of this. I hope whoever did this is gone?” he asked, slowly peeling away the soiled clothes and checking each spot on the child’s body. “I see a broken arm, maybe a rib or two that both happened recently. But this child has been abused throughout his little life judging from the way the bones have formed,” he said, lifting up one of the child’s little hands and showing them his crooked finger. “He has to be about three or four years old in human y ears, but I don’t know how this species grows.”

  “Slower than humans. In reality he’s seven or eight. But that is considered a baby in their world,” Gourd said.

  Doc Marsh pushed into the room and sucked in her breath. “Bastards,” she growled, going to the middle child.

  Hope joined Gourd, Fand and Owen as the doctors worked on the children.

  “Could you give them a little of your blood to help heal them faster?” Hope asked.

  “He does not have to,” Iceman said, appearing with Aurora at his side. “I will supply what the children need since my blood runs through them. They will heal, but it will take a good day for the outside wounds.” Iceman approached the oldest, child staring down at him. “I know this is frightening, little one, but rest assured, you are safe here. We are all family. I’m your uncle, and I promise we do not beat children,” Iceman reassured the child before cutting his own finger and dropping the blood into the boy’s mouth.

  “I’d still feel better if we can get plenty of fluids and food into the three of them,” Dr. Source said, and Marsha nodded while wiping the middle child’s face.

  “I agree, liquid and some food. I have a pot of chicken soup I made yesterday that they should be able to handle. Maybe we could also use some of the drinks we had on Earth when a child was sick,” Marsha said, frowning.

  “Oh, I know what you mean,” Hope said, and two cases of a bottled drink appeared at the side of the room. “Do you think this will be enough for the boys for a few days?” Hope asked the doctors.

  “Perfect, we’ll work on getting them to drink this tonight,” Dr. Source said. “But will your blood heal the broken bones?”

  Iceman nodded at the middle child as Gourd and Fand stood back watching as the women washed each child and covered them with the new clothes and blankets his woman had produced for each boy.

  He opened up his arms and Hope stepped into them, resting her head on his chest as Valda did the same with Owen.

  “I’d like to have the boys live with us if it is all right with everyone?” Valda asked Owen.

  Owen cupped her cheek. “We knew you would want them with us and we have a room all ready for them. For now, we’ll keep them together so they don’t feel threatened. If they want their own rooms later, we can handle that.”

  Owen and Aurora came up to them.

  “I have to say I would have never believed that my brother or his unit would have allowed this to happen,” Iceman said. “If this is how their species raises their children, it is no wonder they are a bloodthirsty people. Valda, please don’t hesitate to ask for anything you need for the boys. My brother might have snapped, but I can assure you the rest of our family welcomes you and them.” Iceman looked back over his shoulder at the children, who were now watching everything that was going on as the doctors helped them drink the electrolyte drinks.

  “It’s going to take your family and Hope to help these boys adjust. I could have never understand how humans could abuse children like this, and now I’ve learned I had a person capable of this evil in my own family…”

  Valda squeezed his arm. “I’m afraid every species has some abnormal individuals, but in the end my father knew this was wrong. He hid the boys for us to find and help them.”

  “We will all have to wait and find out what happened when the boys are ready to talk to us. It will take time, but eventually they will open up,” Hope said, looking up at Gourd. “I want to see our babies. Valda we’ll come check on the boys tomorrow. Maybe having other children around might help too.” Hope hugged her before turning to the boys.

  She went to each boy and whispering in their ears how much they were wanted here as she hugged them and kissed their heads. Meanwhile, she used her emp
athic gift to ease some of the emotional pain that surrounded each child.

  By the time Hope was back at his side, tears were once more rolling down her cheeks and she had a haunted look in her eyes. Gourd wrapped his arms around her and took her home to their children, knowing she needed to make sure they were okay.

  Chapter Ten

  Hope covered little Sasha up and tucked the covers around her. Seeing and feeling each child’s anguish made her sick. Her nephews had a long road to recovery, but with all their help, they would make it. She’d make sure of it. `

  This new empathic gift was something, and Hope had a feeling she had overdone it. Hugging the toilet and losing the meal she had eaten earlier had been a good sign, that was for sure.

  She stood and left the girls’ room and walked into Gourd’s arms. “You’re going to make yourself sick again, Hope,” Gourd said, lifting her and carrying her to their room.

  “I just can’t understand how any parent could do what they did to those three little boys,” she said, rubbing her cheek on his chest as he lowered her feet to the floor and started to undress her. “You know I should be protesting what you are doing?” she said, looking up into his gaze.

  “But you won’t, because you’re going to allow the three of us to make this night special for you. To end this day on a moment that is as beautiful as you are,” Gourd told her, stepping back as the last of her clothes disappeared. Candles lit all around the room, and flowers Hope had never seen were spread out all over.

  “They are called, Kizerain, or spiritwinds. On our world these flowers only come out twice a year. They float on the air as males seek the females to germinate their seeds. The scent that fills the air is almost like what you call an aphrodisiac. According to legend, when a family unit happens to find their female at the same time these flowers are blooming, it means they will be blessed with many children,” Jester said while picking her up and placing her on the middle of the bed. He placed a kiss on her lips before taking one of her hands into his and kissing the palm.

  Fand picked up her other one and did the same before lifting her arm over her head and tying a silk bond around her wrist as Jester repeated the action on her other side. The petals on the bed seemed to be kissing her skin as she moaned and tried to move.

  “The males are dancing along your skin, leaving their scent to attract the females and heighten your need for our touch. Our joining binds our souls, creating the most precious thing in the universe: a child of our love,” Fand said as her men stood at the end of the bed, naked and stroking their cocks, watching her.

  She was burning up. Her skin was sensitive to the slightest touch as one flower floated through the air to land on her skin and rolled over and over on her. “My God, Gourd,” she said as the flower brushed over one of her nipples.

  When Hope glanced down at her body, several flowers covered her.

  Gourd stood to the right side of the bed, his gaze traveling up and down her body. “Open your legs, Little Bear. It would seem our flowers are not only attracted to the males’ scent but yours. Now we know what the saying ‘Like bears are attracted to honey’ Means. Because right now I’m barely holding back the need to claim what is ours…” He circled her nipple with his finger, pushing one of the flowers away from it. “It would seem our new home will also be the home of the Kizerain,” he whispered as she opened her legs, exposing herself to them.

  “Oh my,” Hope cried out as more female flowers rolled across her pussy, kissing and even rolling in her dampness. In the last two days Hope had realized that even glancing at her men made her wet between her legs. “Gourd, please,” she begged, needing them all.

  Gourd placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “You are almost there. Ready for us, for our loving? Will you, Little Bear, accept our guidance, knowledge and love even when it will be demanding, strange and sometimes painful?” Gourd asked causing her to frown, but she understood what he meant when Gourd pinched her nipple hard and held it till tears not only of pain but of pleasure that seem to shoot through her body formed in her eyes.

  “Yes,” Hope cried and arched up as something smacked her pussy lips. Her gaze flew up to see Jester and Fand with leather things, striking her body where the flowers had been.

  “They are called floggers on your world, but to us they are just one of many instruments we will use on your body to heighten your need and push you to where you never thought to go.” Gourd leaned down and sucked the same nipple he’d pinched into his mouth, biting down on the tender skin before licking away the sting.

  So many emotions soared through her as the three touched and worked her body with their hands, mouths and toys. Fand and Jester each lifted her legs and stroked her inner thighs as Gourd moved onto the bed and slid between her legs.

  “You are ready for me, Little Bear,” Gourd said, slowly inching his cock into her. Oh, Hope had read about sex and sex toys, but she’d never experienced any of it, saving her one gift for the right person.

  Gourd was thick as he slid into her. He stopped for a second before surging forward in one thrust. Pain and pleasure rushed her as he broke through the only thing Hope had been able to save and defend.

  His gaze met hers. “How?” he asked.

  A tear slipped down her cheek as she smiled up at him. “I was good at fighting,” Hope whispered, her breathing returning to normal and the pain slowly diming. “It was the one thing I was determined to protect, other than the children, that is. My gift to you.”

  “Oh, Little Bear, you are in trouble now,” Jester teased. “If you thought we were possessive before…” He gave a small growl at the same time Gourd leaned down, covering her body with his, capturing her mouth in what had to be one of those, hard possessive kisses Hope had read about so many times in her books.

  She yanked at her bonds, needing to touch him, but they held until she released her claws, slashing the things that held her from touching her man.

  Gourd broke the kiss, grinning down at her as he thrust in and out. “Bad Little Bear,” he growled before leaning down and nipping her lip, but she didn’t care as she ran her hands-paws down his back to his ass. She pulled the bear back a little, grabbing onto his ass and squeezing, holding on as Gourd made love to her.

  Hope could stare at their bodies forever, and she felt she couldn’t get enough of him as she growled, nipping at his shoulder.

  “Grab her arms, Fand, Jester. She’s close to the edge,” Gourd snarled down at her. Inside her, Hope’s bear back down a little, submitting to her mate. He lowered his head to her neck and sank his fangs into her, drinking. She thought there would be pain, but there was only pure pleasure. His movements sped up as he pounded into her.

  Fand and Jester grabbed her arms and pulled them above her as Gourd sealed the holes and lifted up to place her legs onto his shoulders. He pushing farther into her if that were possible.

  “You need to feed,” he ordered as he lowered down enough so she could sink her fangs into his chest.

  His blood was almost as sweet as honey, but with a little spice. Hope had thought it would be nasty and that she would have a hard time doing this on her own, but all he had to do was order her and Hope was ready.

  Her body exploded as his warm seed poured into her and his pace increased. His last three thrusts were so powerful they had both of them inching up the bed as they moaned together.

  Hope sealed the holes in his chest with a swipe of her tongue, remembering what he had done during her change, as Fand and Jester released her arms. “Wow,” she mumbled, wrapping her arms back around him and holding on tight, needing his warmth. She smiled. Oh yeah, she was going to be a cuddler.

  “Is it always going to be so intense and wild?” Hope asked.

  “Yes and no. Our loving will always be extreme; we’re not gentle lovers. But as for the intense emotions, need to shift into your bear, I have a feeling that was your bear needing to claim her mate.”

  “Oh my God! Did I hurt you?” Hope asked, trying to look
over his shoulder at his back and ass.

  “No, Little Bear, I’m fine. But you see the need to have your arms secured,” Gourd said, slowly lifting up, separating them.

  Hope growled, her bear raising up fast. Fur rippled under her skin as she struggled to control the bear.

  “Easy there, Mama Bear. You have two other mates who need you too,” Gourd said, slapping her thigh and getting her attention through the haze she was fighting through. As Fand and Gourd switched places, her scent grew stronger again.

  * * *

  Gourd leaned against the wall laughing as Jester tried to get up off Hope, but she and her bear were having none of it, growling.

  “I think you are going to be there for a while. Stay, Fand, and I will attend to the children and get breakfast ready. It’s obvious our woman needs to be held for a little while,” Gourd said, earning a snarl from Hope.

  Her gaze turned to his. “If the three of you would quit getting out of the damn bed every time you deposit your seed into me. You ever hear of cuddling? Instead, I get ‘wham, bam, thank you, ma’am,” she snapped. “But you know what, who cares?” Hope said, disappearing from the bed.

  All three of them froze, searching until they heard her crying and the shower turning on in the bathroom.

  “What did we do?” Jester asked, getting off the bed and staring at the bathroom with a worried expression.

  “I have a feeling our Little Bear isn’t as tough as she pretends to be. If you two will allow me to handle this?” Gourd asked his partners and both men nodded, dressing as they heard the children moving around in the other room.

  “We’ll feed and get the children ready for the day. I’ll make sure there is plenty of food for you two also. She’ll need it for her bear,” Jester said, still looking worried as he glanced toward the closed bathroom door.

  Gourd squeezed Jester’s shoulder. “It will take time, but we will figure this out.” He removed his clothes the way his people did with a thought and went toward the bathroom.


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