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Warrior's Plight (Cadi Warriors Book 6)

Page 3

by Stephanie West

  The woman grabbed a glass sitting on the implement tray and placed the straw up to her lips.

  “No, thank you. Go ahead with your questions.” Maya waved her off.

  The technician was considerate, making Maya wonder what she was doing in a place like this. Then again, she’d gotten trapped in this mess and didn’t consider herself the devil incarnate, at least she used to.

  “Okay.” The young woman sat the cup back down. “What languages do you speak?”

  So the inquiry begins.

  “Spanish, along with a handful of words in French, Italian, German and Latin.”

  “That is common given your medical education,” the woman replied.

  “It sounds like you’ve read my file. I feel like I’m at a disadvantage.”

  “Sorry. My name is Laney. I’m a Cryptologic Linguist.”

  “That makes sense. Nice to meet you, Laney.” Maya nodded.

  “Nice to meet you, too. Are you sure you aren’t familiar with any of the Slavic languages?” Laney asked.

  “No.” Maya shook her head.

  “Really? Fascinating. I read in your file that the mentor you did your residency with was from Beijing. Are you sure you didn’t pick up any Mandarin?”

  They had done their research, but she expected no less from DOD.

  “No. Not unless curse words count.”

  Laney snickered. “No. You applied to do a mission trip in India. Did you research any Hindi in preparation for that trip?”

  “I was going to, but a family issue came up.” Maya wanted to shake her head. The government had no shame. They probably knew the last time she picked her nose.

  “How about Navajo?”

  Maya looked sideways at the woman rather than answering her. This wasn’t quite the test she expected. How many languages was Laney going to ask her if she knew? How many were there in the world?

  This is going to be a long day. Maya smirked, but she couldn’t get aggravated at the woman, she was only doing her job.

  Laney held up her hands as she grinned. The impish expression was welcome compared to the anxious one the woman wore before the questioning began.

  “I’m sorry but I need you to answer that question verbally. Do you speak or comprehend any Navajo?”

  “That’s a no. I don’t speak any Native American languages,” Maya said, angling toward the voice recorder.

  “This is truly amazing then.” Laney practically vibrated in her seat.

  “I fail to see how this is amazing.” Maya’s brow furrowed.

  “I’ve been speaking a mix of ten different languages and you’ve answered me as if I was speaking English the entire time.”

  “What?” Maya’s eyes widened.

  “It’s true. I can hardly believe it. Do you know what this means?” Laney’s smile widened.

  Maya wanted to hyperventilate. She knew exactly what it meant.

  “Yes! Emil was successful, and now I’m screwed.”

  “No. This is good news.” Laney frowned as she shut off the recorder. “I’ve been working for the last year to translate the chameleon’s language, but even with computer analysis I’ve hit a wall.”

  “No, Laney. This makes you redundant. Why would they keep a linguist around if a simple implant can do the job?” Maya incredulously pointed out.

  Laney’s gaze darted to hers, fear transforming her face.

  “That’s not true.” Laney shook her head. “I don’t just speak languages. I also decrypt messages. Although I haven’t figured out the letters yet,” she mumbled the last part.

  “What letters?” Maya tilted her head in confusion.

  “Along with the language implant, they found several letters written in English among the new subject’s things. They’re all from people reported missing. I’ve gone over them again and again and could recite them by heart. Besides the one claiming the aliens are here to hide our planet from invaders, they all seem benign,” Laney whispered, casting a nervous glance toward the cameras in the ceiling.

  “Invaders? Like the Miran Sona?” Maya hissed as her hair stood on end. This was some seriously fucked up news.

  “No. It mentioned reptiles.”

  Even though the Miran Sona were taking humans, the story was that it was for some kind of Noah’s Ark venture. And the Miran Sona weren’t reptiles. But the chameleon species did meet that description. Except that didn’t make sense. Granted, the chameleons individually were fierce, from what she knew their species as a whole were friendly.

  “But the chameleons were here and left.” Maya tilted her head in confusion. “I guess they could still invade, but then why did they attempt to aid us with that parasite infestation? And they already know where Earth is, so hiding the planet would be pointless. This must be some other race.”

  “I know, and I pointed that out. But the suits don’t seem to believe me that most of the letters are just plain messages to loved ones who miss their families but sound happy.” Laney’s nose scrunched up.

  “The DOD is like that. There’s a subplot to be uncovered in everything,” Maya groaned.

  She probably shouldn’t be talking to Laney like this, but for some reason she trusted the young woman, and Laney had risked a lot sharing classified information to begin with.

  “You are probably right. We’re screwed.” Laney’s shoulders slumped.

  “Yeah, we are if we’ve captured the people sent to warn and aid us.”

  “Maybe the Miran Sona will know what to do about this threat.” Laney grimaced at her.

  “I doubt the Feds will set aside their ego to ask for help,” Maya growled.

  “I bet that’s why they’re eager to have you to talk to the new alien. You have to find out what’s going on.” Laney gripped her arm, fear flashing in her eyes.

  Laney seemed genuine and nice but there was always the possibility this little heart to heart was Emil’s way of getting her to do his dirty work for him.

  God, you’ve grown jaded.

  “That’s my task, but we both know the DOD has a tendency of twisting everything,” she replied.

  “Is it crazy I still want the implant? I really want to talk to the chameleon subject I’ve been interviewing.” Laney bit her lip.

  “You need to be careful,” Maya warned the young woman.

  Her gaze darted to the door as General Offutt and Emil walked in.

  “So, how is Dr. Roberts doing?” Emil asked.

  “It was successful, Dr. Hayden. Dr. Roberts understands every language I’ve thrown at her,” Laney said, her expression turning serious again as she straightened in her seat.

  “Excellent.” Emil nodded. “Well, Dr. Roberts, here’s the file. You need to study it carefully once your mind clears further. I look forward to your findings and working with you in the future.” Emil gave her a smile that made her skin crawl. “Frank, please escort Dr. Roberts back to the detention facility,” he said to General Offutt.

  “Very well. It was nice meeting you Laney. Good day, Dr. Hayden.” Maya stood and followed the general. She couldn’t get out of the room fast enough.

  Maya listened with one ear as General Offutt explained more about her assignment while he drove, but she was preoccupied with what she had learned from Laney. The thought of being invaded again froze her with fear. She always knew this was a possibility. They’d been lucky up to this point.

  Thank the lord we’ve got several races looking out for us.

  Except the government in their fear were actively working to sabotage their alliances with their endless need to have the upper hand. It was the ultimate Napoleon complex. That was why her superiors wanted her to use the fleshy parasites to engineer a new virus, something the aliens weren’t immune to. No matter that the threat of playing with biology, volatile on a cosmic scale, was foolish to the extreme and would ultimately bite them in the ass.

  There’s no way I’m going to let them doom the human race.

  And she certainly didn’t want anything she lear
ned from Red to be used against him. That conviction was cemented more so now than before she learned the big guy was here to help them.

  3 Unbelievable Dream

  Vintor quo Fortis

  He’d been here before. That much Vintor knew as he opened his eyes and groggily looked around the bland gray room. He wasn’t sure how he knew that, but he did. He also knew he needed to resist the pull of sleep and get out of here. Vintor shifted to get out of the bed but couldn’t move his arms and legs.

  I’m imprisoned. Somehow that wasn’t a shock. He shook his head, attempting to clear his mind. Why wasn’t he surprised?

  Vintor panned down the sheet covering him. He couldn’t see what bound his wrists and legs or what was causing pressure on his chest, making it hard to take a deep breath. His breath sped up as he flexed every muscle. He had to get free. He tugged harder at the restraints.

  Suddenly, he stopped and relaxed. Something told him to remain calm. It wasn’t just because of the dull ache in his gut that hinted at an injury. There was some other reason he needed to stay calm and he listened to the inner voice even though he was desperate to get out of the small room.

  Vintor lifted his rear to free his tail. It snaked up under the sheet till it reached his chest. He felt the cold metal buckle holding the leather strap in place. His coordination was shot but he eventually managed to work the tip of his tail beneath the strap till he freed the end. He coiled his tail around the leather and tugged, freeing it from the buckle. Instantly, he was able to breathe. He sighed and pulled in a deep breath. It was such a relief. Vintor tried to sit up and the manacles pulled at his wrists.

  Remember. He shook his head to clear the haze that kept muddling his thoughts. Concentrate. He had to focus to get out of here.

  His tail shifted, tracing the cuff binding him to the metal bedframe. They were thick. He couldn’t just yank them. But the links did have a weak spot where they connected to each other.

  Maybe. A faint memory of something he learned in the war surfaced. We’re at war! No, the war is over. But the battle still continued. He huffed in frustration. His thoughts were a snarled mess.

  Vintor bent his wrist, letting the links twist on themselves, then jerked hard. He smiled when it snapped. He repeated the move on his other wrist and was about to sit up to free his ankles when the door opened. A terrible anger surged through him when two human males entered the room and he couldn’t help the snarl that erupted. He had to get out of here and they were standing in his way. His blood boiled. The fools. Everyone was in danger.

  Why? He shook his head, but his memory remained cloudy. They’d done something to him.

  A delicious scent filled his nostrils, coiling around him and bringing every sense alive. His gaze swung toward the door and there she was, the dusky beauty.

  “Mine,” he growled with soul deep conviction.

  She was a goddess of the night, with full sanguine lips and a halo of dark black curls framing her round face. The green outfit did nothing to hide her lush hips and pert breasts. The sight of her made something deep inside snarl in satisfaction. His gaze followed her as she stepped through the door.

  Get up. The voice in the back of his mind broke through the haze as he stared at the open door. This was his opportunity to get out. Yet suddenly he wasn’t so eager to leave, not without his goddess.

  “Good timing, the subject’s awake,” one of the human warriors said to the female. “Now do your job, Dr. Roberts, and don’t let us down.”

  He didn’t like the way the male spoke to his female or the look it incited in her dark eyes. She looked just as trapped as he was. When the human placed his hand on her, Vintor snapped, forgetting the open door entirely.

  “Get your hands off her,” he roared.

  Their eyes widened as he launched himself from the bed, snapping the ankle restraints. The two males tugged her back, attempting to take her away from him.

  How dare they!

  He growled in rage and flew at them, capturing his female around the waist. The human warriors aimed their disruptors as he pulled her to him and backed against the wall.

  “What are you waiting for? Fire.” A gray-haired male dressed in green, like his female, appeared in the doorway.

  Vintor shoved his female behind him to protect her as he snarled at the threatening males. He wanted to attack. The three males were no match even armed. But that would leave his female vulnerable. He couldn’t make up his mind what to do as he stared at the open door. Whatever they drugged him with was screwing with his mind. What he did know was they were scaring her. He could scent her fear and felt her trembling at his back. It sent his inner beast into a tailspin.

  “Get away from her,” his final warning echoed off the walls.

  His female screamed in terror, and it ripped through him like a knife.

  “Hold your fire and fall back,” a fourth male barked, and the two uniformed warriors backed away.

  “No. That thing’s got Maya!” the gray-haired male in green yelled. “I won’t let you do this, General!” The agitated male lifted a disrupter and aimed it.

  “Don’t you dare, Dr. Bauer!” the general bellowed.


  Red was a massive, naked ball of rage as he charged Jim. She flinched and screamed when the doctor fired. Red roared in anger and pulled the tranq dart out of his stomach. The soldiers tackled Jim before Red could.

  “No!” Jim yelled as they dragged him out of the cell and General Offutt slammed the metal door.

  Maya stared in shock at the sealed door. I can’t believe they locked me in this cell. No, I can. It really shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Her life meant little in this place.

  They thought she had some sway over Red because he calmed when she was near. They were such fools. It was nothing more than a gentle bedside manner in a sea of assholes. She doubted a touch of Nightingale syndrome was going to help given his current feral state.

  She stared at Red’s broad back as he stood heaving in deep, chuffing breaths. He spun and his intense dark gaze zeroed in on her, the single light above glinting off his coal black eyes. The way he swaggered toward her it was obvious the fast-acting tranquilizer was taking effect. Except it should’ve knocked him out cold already. If anything, it only made him madder.

  That’s what we get for drugging him repeatedly. Red had grown tolerant to the sedatives.

  The man filled the room, from his bulging arms to his tree-sized corded thighs. He was so damn tall. His long black hair had come loose from its braids and was a wild tangled mess, adding to his savage appearance. Red’s nostrils flared as he sniffed the air like a raging bull. And the incoherent growl that rumbled in his chest was just as unhinged.

  Oh fuck. She backed against the wall but couldn’t go any farther. To think she thought him attractive. Lions and tigers were beautiful, too, until they were hunting you. Fuck, fuck, fuck, Maya repeated as she gaped at Red’s crotch. He was riled up and sporting a massive hard on. Adrenaline sometimes had that effect. Her gaze darted up from his swaying manhood. Concentrate. Say something before he mauls you. But she was having a hard time gathering her composure faced with a living, breathing demon.

  “Wait.” She held up her hands. Red just kept coming and her breath sped up. “Hold on. Calm down.”

  Shit! He doesn’t understand me. She was certain she was still speaking English, not whatever his language was, so unless he knew English or also had a language implant, she was screwed. Fuck!

  Red slapped both palms against the wall on either side of her and she jumped. He was so huge looming over her, caging her between his massive, blood red arms. She stared at the sharp, ominous fangs as his mouth descended. She wanted to beg for her life, but the words froze in her throat.

  Heaven help me.

  Maya squeezed her eyes closed. She felt Red’s heated breath ghost across her face and started trembling.

  “Red?” she whimpered and pressed her palms against his muscular chest, but there was no
moving the behemoth.

  Red grabbed her hands and pinned them against the wall. She grew deathly still when his face burrowed into the crook of her neck. She didn’t dare move for fear he’d tear out her throat. Red might be on Earth for valiant reasons, but she was the enemy who’d imprisoned and drugged him repeatedly. He had every right to want to kill her.

  “Mine,” he growled into her neck, and her eyes flew open.

  Mine? She understood that.

  Rather than ripping into her, his full lips brushed against her skin, teasing the sensitive spot below her ear. Without releasing her, Red dropped to his knees, bringing him closer to her own height. His hips pressed against hers, shoving her against the concrete wall. Her breath sped up when his sizable cock burrowed between the vee of her thighs. She felt the pulsing heat of it through her scrubs as he rubbed against her clit. Unbelievably a shiver moved up her spine, her nipples hardened to stiff points, and her pussy tightened. He was going to ravage her but in an entirely different way than she expected.

  Red’s teeth grazed her neck and she felt a slight sting. Maya gasped when a delicious warmth spread across her skin, coiling around her and gripping her tight. She was consumed by a sudden desperate need and found herself pressing against Red.

  His saliva’s drugged. She blinked at the stunning realization.

  That fact was clear from the way her anxiety suddenly dissipated and the twinge of desire roared to life. Still she wanted Red and wanted him bad. He was quite a specimen. She thought as much from the moment she saw him. Maya wantonly rubbed against him. Her nipples screamed for attention, and her pussy grew slick. She could feel the knots on his shaft through her scrubs as she shamelessly ground her clit along his arousal. Red released her hands and started clawing at her clothes.

  “This is wrong,” she gasped.

  He was her patient. Her superiors were undoubtedly watching. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this but shoved at her pants anyway.

  Red snarled in annoyance when her scrubs got tangled around her calves, preventing him from splaying her legs. He pulled her away from the wall and dropped to the floor. She panted harder when he rolled her onto her stomach. His large hands were bruising strong as he gripped her hips and hauled her ass into the air. Some primal instinct wanted him unlike anything she’d ever known, but her rational side was uneasy. Red was an alien and he wasn’t a small man. He was going to split her in two. And given his current state he wouldn’t be gentle while doing it. A shocked gasp burst out when his hot, wet mouth latched onto her pussy, making her forget her concerns.


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