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Warrior's Plight (Cadi Warriors Book 6)

Page 22

by Stephanie West

  Follow Harper and Nameless as they struggle to get free of the Hold, and seek their revenge on the despot responsible for putting them there.

  Note: This book contains erotic scenes where the dominant hero bends the heroine to his will. What pisses her off the most, is that she likes it.

  Fated to Fall (Fated Mate Book 2)

  Blaidd went slightly insane witnessing the small human being abused by her mate. He didn’t care that he was on a foreign planet as he swiftly ended the vile male. All that mattered was soothing the heart-rending pain that radiated from the trembling female. But despite Blaidd’s best intentions, nothing he did for Vivian went right. His obligations on Earth, the brewing turmoil among his Lupercalia pack, and the dawning realization Vivian was meant to be his, had Blaidd chasing his tail.

  Vivian was living her worst nightmare, and she couldn’t seem to wake up. The last thing she wanted was to drag the Good Samaritan who rescued her into her mess. Except Vivian was the one flung headlong down the rabbit hole. Even though Blaidd promised to take her home when things on Earth calmed, everything that happened made her question the alien werewolf’s intent. Yet with each misadventure, Vivian found herself falling in love with the imposing man and his charming world. Till reality came crashing down, and Vivian wondered if she was just fated to fall.

  Once Upon A Harem

  Ruffled Feathers

  The jungle was lovely. The trees and vining flora had awoken. Their verdant new growth stretching upward to fill in the canopy. Luscious blooms in every shade imaginable seemed to unfurl before her very eyes. It was the season of rebirth, her favorite time of year on Braccio, and yet Cygne felt out of pace with all of nature. She didn’t begrudge nature for her beauty. Cygne just wished it had cast a fraction of its bounty her way. But some things weren’t meant to be, no matter how much you wished for them.

  Cygne knew life had more to offer, so she left her lush valley to find it, rather than burden her flock any longer. That’s when she found them, the five vibrant males who looked like her. All her life Cygne thought she was damaged, deformed, only to discover she wasn’t Braccio at all. For a brief moment she knew what it felt like to be normal, only to have it snatched away again, when she realized that even among her own kind she was drab and lifeless.

  Yet the winged males insisted she was beautiful. Cygne didn’t know if it was a cruel joke, and she couldn’t figure out what the handsome broodmates wanted with her, as she became wrapped up in their foreign world. But it was so nice to be wanted, even if it was all a pretty dream.

  Follow Cygne in this retelling of The Ugly Duckling, as her broodmates ruffle her feathers with heated kisses and tender touches, coaxing her into believing not just how beautiful she is, but that true beauty lies within.

  About Stephanie West

  As a child, I had difficulty learning to read, so anything I took an interest in was deemed acceptable. I have always enjoyed fairy tales, mythology, science fiction, and action. However, romance inspired me most of all, love being the greatest adventure. As I read, my mind wanders, spinning its own tales. So, after encouragement from friends, I figured I’d share my ramblings with the world, and my life as a part-time science fiction and paranormal romance author began.

  All my tales feature strong, gutsy and sometimes gifted heroines overcoming difficult odds, a lot of action, and steamy scenes that don’t fade to black. Generally, the romantic adventures I tell are about one hero and heroine, but occasionally a girl needs more. Although I’ve been called dark and told my stories push boundaries, they always end happily ever after. I try to use my tales as a way to share the various escapades, comedies, and tragedies that have peppered my life, from archaeology in the hot sun to riding on a Harley with a dark stranger. It is my greatest hope you finish each story inspired to make your dreams come true no matter how impossible they may seem.

  Thank you for going on this journey with me and here’s to the imagination and a little daydream.




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