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Flawed (Caught By The Bad Boys Book 2)

Page 29

by Raathi Chota

  “Mr. Gorton, are you blind? The board is that way,” Liam said. The teacher was drawing on the board. It was a sketch of the classroom and our seating plan. Each desk had a name on it, and people caught on as they went to find their desk.

  “Why do we have a seating plan?” Melissa asked as I looked at the board to see that I sat next to her but in front.

  “It’s my classroom, and fascinating people are being put in my class,” he said as we took our seats. I took out my stuff, then glanced up to see Blake and Carter opposite me. Melissa sat on my left while Erwin, who also wore glasses, sat on my right.

  “Fascinating people,” Melissa groaned as she watched Kelly and Austin walk in. Benny walked into the class and glanced at the board. He looked at me, then smiled as he sat behind me.

  “Do you hate me?” Liam asked as Kelly and Austin sat on either side of him.

  “Mr. Sanchez, I hate every one of you. Don’t assume you’re special,” Mr. Gorton joked as he winked at Liam. “All right, class, settle down! I know you’re eager to tell your friends what an excellent winter break you had, but it couldn’t be better than mine, so let’s move on.” He wiped the board. “Get out a paper and pen because I’ll explain how the semester will work. It’s short, and I want to get through everything.” Mr. Gorton took off his jacket and hung it over the chair. He stood in the middle of the class and glanced around. I pushed my glasses up to see him stare at Blake, who had his hands shoved in his pockets. “Blake, are you going to remember everything I say magically?”

  “Sure.” Blake shrugged as his lips drew into a straight line.

  “Are you also going to get a degree one day magically?”

  “I don’t see yours anywhere.”

  “Oh yes, it’s in my apartment on my wall, next to the other two. I’d bring it to school, but I wouldn’t want suckers like you drooling over it,” Mr. Gorton said as I bit the inside of my cheek. Blake threw his head back and let out a bitter laugh. Mr. Gorton rested his palms on Blake’s desk, and the two glared at each other. “Listen, Gunner, you’re in my class now. You follow my three simple rules.” He held up three fingers. “Rule number one, you can cuss, but not louder than me. Rule number two, don’t annoy me, and rule number three…I’m the teacher; you do as I say or get the hell out of my class.” Kelly snorted. “Got something to say, Kelly?” His gaze locked on Blake.

  “Nothing at all.” Kelly faked a smile.

  “For once.” Melissa sighed as she rolled her eyes.

  “Right, since that’s cleared everyone, take notes. Every week we’ll have a pop quiz. The reason I’m saying every and not once is because I might give you every lesson just for the fun of it.” We groaned. “Every third week up until finals we’ll have a practice test on the units we’ve done. We have to get through five units and revision of the whole year’s work if you all want to pass.” He looked around. “If you need teachers to reference for your applications, I’ll be here every day after school. I’ll be available on Tuesday and Thursday for Study Hall, so if you don’t get anything during class, come ask me, or even after school,” Mr. Gorton said as we wrote down notes. “Yes, Mr. Sanchez?” Liam looked down on his paper, then at the teacher.

  “What did you say after ‘take notes?’” he asked. Everyone groaned.


  Benny and I sat down at our regular cafeteria table, and I realized mostly everyone was here. Liam stood up again and took pictures of us.

  “Can’t you take one of the other people?” I pointed to everyone else.

  “I wanna make this yearbook good. Have a separate page just for us.” Liam winked, then looked down at the picture. “Would you guys stop photobombing?” he groaned as he looked behind us. I followed his gaze to see Carter and Marcus.

  “Whoa,” Carter said as he stared at the picture.

  “What?” Marcus asked as he looked too.

  “I look good.” Carter grinned then took a seat. I playfully rolled my eyes as I ate my fruit salad. I glanced up to see Aidan and Blake laugh as they approached the table.

  “Where’d you get the pictures, though?” Blake asked as he sat opposite me.

  “Principal West’s office computer,” Aidan said as Miranda gaped at him.

  “Oh my god, and he had a picture of Miss Rosa.” She grimaced.

  “I think it’s more disturbing that he had a picture of Mrs. Singleton,” Ethan said as we cringed.

  “We took a family picture once, and Bethany was missing. We found her in the kitchen with a block of cheese,” Liam stated as he looked at us. “I think that’s where it all started.”

  “How old is your cousin?” I thought of the girl obsessed with cheese.

  “Twenty-two.” He smiled, and we stared at him.

  “I think she’ll be perfect for Axel,” Blake confessed as we laughed. Out the corner of my eye, I noticed Jennifer standing up across the cafeteria. She spoke, but nobody heard her. Parker took something out of his pocket and threw it on the ground. It made a loud crack noise, which caught people’s attention.

  “What now?” Aidan asked as he looked at Parker.

  “Err…there has been some rumors going around, and I’d just like to, err…put an end to it,” Jennifer began, and I knew what was coming. “For a year and a half, I have been stumped on my sexuality. But it’s a new year, and well…I’m coming out as a proud lesbian. It’s 2017. I shouldn’t care what people think because this is me and I finally understand it.”

  A smile crept up my face as I looked around. Everyone went silent as they looked at Jennifer. It was understandable to expect a reaction because she’s friends with Kelly, who quietly sat and stared at her friend. Jennifer looked around with a forlorn expression. I let out a sigh as I clapped. My friends turned to me with stunned looks. Jennifer gaped at me but immediately smiled as other people clapped too. She smiled, then took a seat. Everyone soon got back to his or her tables, and noise filled the cafeteria. I turned to Benny, who smiled at me.

  “You did the right thing,” he said, then pecked my lips. I felt something being thrown at me, and I snapped my head to Carter and Liam, who stared at us.

  “Yo, have respect for us single blokes.”

  “Why do you say blokes?” Aidan asked Carter, who rolled his shoulders.

  “My sister is studying in the UK, and when we FaceTime, she always says blokes. Damn, now she’s growing on me,” Carter explained, then looked around the cafeteria.

  “When’s the last time you got laid, dude?” Marcus asked.

  “Obviously last night,” Carter replied with a playful roll of his eyes.

  “Same,” Marcus blurted out, and I smirked at Miranda, whose eyes widened.

  “Ooh,” Blake and Carter hollered as the rest of us laughed. Marcus grinned as he swung his arm over Miranda’s shoulder as she reddened.

  The bell rang, and everyone rose to their feet. I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the cafeteria. I followed Benny to the stairs, where he’d have Social Studies on the next floor. I kissed him on the cheek then walked down the hall to my locker. I opened my locker and took out my folder. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blake lean on the locker next to me.

  “Hey, baby girl.”

  “Stop calling me that, I beg of you,” I whined as I looked through my locker.

  “Whatever you say, nerd.”

  “Listen, err…my dad wants you all to come to the station after school.”


  “Well, Levi told my dad what happened that night.”

  “Oh yeah, Levi told us that he would tell your dad.”

  “That’s funny, he didn’t tell me anything.”

  “Well, maybe he just didn’t want you to worry.”

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t matter now. They found the body, and we have to answer a few questions.”

  “How do they know that it’s his body?”

  “Levi must’ve given a description.”

  “Do you know what I just realized? Yo
u’re older than me.”


  “Yeah, your birthday is in June and mine is in August.”

  “What year were you born, Blake?”

  “1998,” he replied as I facepalmed.

  “Oh my god, me too. I’m like two months older than you, Blake.”

  “Wait. What the fuck? Then why did I tell Keene I’m seventeen?”

  “Because you’re shit at math or a drunk doofus.”

  “Probably both. I had a couple of drinks that night, but it’s cool, though. I dig older chicks.”

  “It’s just two months, not much of a difference.”

  “Whatever you say, baby girl.”

  “Please stop calling me that!” I begged as he came closer.

  “Why? You don’t like it, baby?” I felt his breath on my neck. “Baby, baby, baby,” he repeated as I threw my head back and groaned.

  “Ugh!” I slammed my locker and started walking. “I’m supposed to be calling you baby, since I’m older!” I pointed out as he walked next to me.

  “You’re right…” He trailed off as a smirk tugged at his lips.

  “I-I was joking. I’m not going to call you that.”

  “Aww, but with the whole age thing, it’s just numbers.”


  “Like distance and height, they’re all just numbers, right, man?” he asked as Carter stood on my other side. I looked over my shoulder and wondered where he came from.

  “Yeah.” Carter shrugged, and I instantly felt short as the two looked straight at each other.

  “Dude, she’s older than me.” Blake pointed at me.

  “Bro, older chicks are cool,” Carter said as his face brightened.

  “Oh my god, it’s just a couple months. What other ‘older chicks’ do you guys know?” I looked at them. Blake and Carter smirked at each other, then nodded.

  “Miss Rosa!” they said in unison, then high-fived each other over me.

  “That’s just creepy.”

  “So you’re telling me that you are not one of the girls in Calculus who check out Mr. Bronx?” Carter asked as he looked at me.

  “Yes! It’s weird. I’ve known him for, like…forever.”

  “Right.” Blake and Carter dragged as they winked at each other.

  “Mr. Halls, get in here right now!” Miss Rosa scolded as we walked past her classroom.

  “The beauty awaits.” Carter sighed as he fist-bumped Blake, then walked off.

  “So let me get this straight…we’re both eighteen, right?” Blake asked as we walked to Photography class.

  “Yes, Blake. Are you sure you’re not high?”

  “I don’t know. The guys came over last night, and you know anything can happen with them.” He winked as he opened the door to let me in.

  “I thought you’re slowing down on the cigarettes and stuff?”

  “You said five a week, I’ve only had two so far,” he said as I glanced up to see Melissa sitting with someone else. She smirked and gestured to the table in the back, being the only empty table left.

  “It’s only Monday.” I narrowed my eyes at Blake.

  “No shit, Sherlock, and tomorrow will be Tuesday,” Blake sarcastically said as we sat in the back of the class. Melissa spun around and gave an innocent smile as her eyes flicked to Blake then me.

  “I heard we’re getting our results for that unique project,” she said as Mr. Dockwell entered the classroom.

  “I only sent mine in a few days ago. Change of interest, I guess,” I admitted.

  “Same,” Blake chimed in.

  “What changed your mind?” Melissa asked as she wiggled her brows at me and gestured to Blake, who was on his phone. I squinted my eyes, then shook my head as I leaned forward to tell her. Mr. Dockwell cut me off as he spoke. I leaned back in my seat as Melissa spun around.

  “As promised, I said I’d give your unique assignments back. Some of you sent them over the winter break, and I managed to mark them,” he said as he handed out the assignments. “I’m glad that you have understood photography terminology and used it well in your assignment.”

  “An A. Thanks, Mr. D!” Tyler said. Mr. Dockwell squinted at him.

  “Please, class, don’t call me that. Mr. Dock is fine, but not Mr. D.”

  “Why? Are you saving the ‘D’ for someone else?” Blake asked as my eyes widened. Mr. Dockwell grinned as he slowly nodded; he quickly fisted bumped Blake, then walked to the front of the classroom. “I think I like him more than Mr. Bronx.” Blake laughed as I playfully rolled my eyes.

  “As some of you heard from Principal West, these next few months are imperative. We have to get through a lot, and the first thing we’ll be doing is a test,” the teacher said as I wrote down notes. “Just a small test on the history of photography and parts of the camera.” I sighed in relief.

  “Indeed, since it’s next Friday, I am giving you time to study. Those of you who haven’t finished your assignments, do so now or fail.” He walked to his desk. Melissa spun around and snatched my assignment before I’d even looked at it. I threw my hands up, and Blake laughed as he scanned through his. I watched as Melissa slowly turned around with her jaw dropped. She looked at me, then Blake. I watched as Melissa quickly took Blake’s assignment, and I laughed at him. We waited for a while, but it didn’t look like she’d give it back. Blake took my laptop and put in his earphones. He put one in, then turned to me with a cheeky smile. I looked down and noticed he offered me to listen. I put it in and smiled at the rock music. I watched as he put the laptop between us, then slouched in his seat as he leaned on my shoulder. I felt uncomfortable and shifted in my seat, then placed my arm on his chair. He whipped out his phone, then brought up the picture of us at the paint party.

  “Should I make this my background?” he asked as I looked down.

  “No way, that’s just weird.” I laughed.

  “Aww, but I like it,” he cooed as I watched him save the picture. Melissa spun around, and Blake and I looked up. “What? Haven’t seen two friends hanging out before?”

  “Oh no, it’s cool,” she said, then raised her phone and took a picture. Before I reacted, she winked at me, then spun around in her seat. While Blake chose another song, I checked my assignment. I stared at the photograph that I’d taken. It was of Levi when he ran through the field of sunflowers. I caught up with him and took a quick picture as he spun around. The corner of his eyes were crinkled as he laughed. His leather jacket blew in the wind as he ran a hand through his hair; it looked even better since it was in black and white. My phone vibrated, and I took it out to see that Melissa had sent me a picture. I thought it’d be the one she just took, but it was Blake’s unique assignment. The image brought back the memory of me when I stood by the pool as he took pictures of me with the glow in the dark paint. The image itself was beautiful, especially the color of the pool in the background. I was brought back to reality when Blake rested his head on my shoulder again. I raised a brow at his song choice but went with it anyway as we listened to “West Coast” by Lana Del Rey.


  Benny and I arrived at the station. Axel’s car was already there. I took off my seat belt and opened the door. I was about to get out, but Benny pulled me back in. As I turned to him, he pressed his soft lips against mine. I smiled against his lips, then pressed my forehead against his. I didn’t want to go to the station anymore. I wanted to be with my boyfriend. I wanted his soft lips on my neck and my fingers in his hair. I parted my lips, wanting to kiss him again, but I knew that if we did, I’d be late.

  “Thank you. See you tomorrow,” I whispered, then quickly pecked his lips. I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. As I walked through the front doors, I looked over my shoulder and waved at Benny. He smiled through the window, then waved back as I watched him drive away. When I walked into the busy reception area, I saw Miss Jackson at her regular desk. “Hey, Miss Ja—”

  “I know. They’re all waiting in your dad’s office.” Deputy Pau
l pointed.

  “Err…thanks.” I walked down the corridor. Deputy Paul gave me a firm nod as I walked past him and into Dad’s office. Axel and Keene sat on the sofa while Blake leaned against the desk.

  “Hey, pumpkin.” Axel waved with a bright smile.

  “Hi, guys.” I saw that my dad wasn’t here yet. I sat in front by his desk, and Blake sat next to me while we waited. None of us spoke as I thought over that traumatizing moment. At that moment in the back of my head, I knew James would do something like that. He’d do anything not to get caught but still leave little clues. Dad called each of us, one at a time, to the interrogation room. Once we finished, we returned to his office again. He decided to question us once more all together. I knew what he tried to do. To see which once spoke first so that the others wouldn’t be surprised at their answer.

  “Right, the sooner we get this done, the better. I want to make sure I got everything, okay?” Dad asked as he walked into the office and shut the door. “So you guys were driving, then this guy stopped you and wanted to race Levi’s car,” Dad began as we nodded. “Levi accepted just for fun, but then you had to drive.”

  “Yes,” I said as Dad sat behind his desk.

  “Did you win?” he asked. The corners of my mouth pulled up in a smile as I nodded. “That’s my girl,” he mumbled, then cleared his throat as I giggled.

  “Moving on. James appeared with two guys behind him. What were they wearing?”

  “James wore a suit, but the other two guys were dressed in black,” Keene answered as he stood behind me.

  “When the guy got shot, what happened next?” Dad asked, and I looked down.

  “He stood on the man and said it’s not the first time that some of us are seeing blood coming out of a head…or something like that.” Blake shrugged as I picked my nails.

  “Then he approached your daughter, Sheriff, but Levi stood in front of her th—”


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