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Flawed (Caught By The Bad Boys Book 2)

Page 37

by Raathi Chota

  “Well, sorry for not wanting other guys calling my girlfriend names like that,” he yelled, which echoed down the empty hallway.

  “Whatever you say or do won’t stop him! Stop letting him come between us,” I shouted.

  “I should stop?” he rhetorically asked, then gave me a once over. “You know what? I’m just gonna go. Call me when you have time for us.”

  “I always try to! School always comes first, and you know that!” I yelled as he walked down the hallway. He held up his middle finger as my lower lip trembled. “Fuck you too, Benny Nielson!” I yelled as he walked around the corner. I tugged on my hair, then spun around. I came face to face with a clueless Carter, who looked at me, then down the hall where Benny walked.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “No! Ugh, why are guys so fucking confusing?”

  “I don’t know how to respond to that one.” Carter awkwardly chuckled.

  “Carter, what do you want? I need to go see…” I trailed off but stopped when he handed me a file.

  “Here’s your test. Thanks for letting me borrow it,” he said. My left eye twitched as I thought Benny and I could’ve ignored the whole fight if he came sooner.

  “Thank you,” I said, then shut my locker.

  “Well, good luck,” Carter said, then gave me a supportive smile.

  “Thanks.” I sighed, then walked down the hall to the counselor. It took an hour to get everything in order, then check if everything was okay. Uncle Griff didn’t need to come, but he came for support. Once we finished, the counselor said she’d get back to us when she heard any news.

  I let out a sigh of relief as I walked out of the school doors and took in the fresh atmosphere. My expression changed when I remembered that Benny was my ride home and he was probably gone. He’s so immature, I had to always be at his games and cheer him on, but he didn’t care about my future. I huffed as I gripped my bag straps and walked down the stairs. While I decided which way to go, out the corner of my eye, I saw someone wave. When I turned my head, I saw Marcus Sanders on the soccer field. He seemed to be calling me. As I walked onto the field, I noticed he walked toward me. Yet what made my eyes pop was the fact that he wore a t-shirt, with a pair of running shorts and Nike shoes. I raised a brow at how Liam knew he had an eight-pack, but I didn’t. It was clearly visible through that t-shirt.

  “Hey, Lana,” he panted.

  “Err…hi, Marcus. What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I just come and practice sometimes.” He gestured to the soccer ball he had next to his feet. “And you?”

  “Oh, I was just finishing some work.”

  “Cool.” He nodded as I did the same.

  “Yeah, I should probably get going,” I mumbled.

  “Yeah…wait, you’re walking?” he asked as I spun around. I turned back around to see that he put on a sweater. He picked up the ball, then smiled at me. “I’ll give you a lift home.”

  “Thank you.” I nodded and followed him.

  “Come on; I just gotta go grab my things,” he said as we walked off the field and toward the building. “So Lana Willson was about to walk home. I’m assuming something happened between you and Benny?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I warily eyed him.

  “Well, I saw Benny storming past me into the halls. He slammed the door by the gym, so yeah, just had a feeling.” Marcus shrugged.

  “Yes, we did, but it was childish,” I mumbled.

  “It was bound to happen, though. Sometimes at lunch when I ask him where you are, he just grunts,” Marcus said as I frowned.

  “Have you and Miranda ever fought?” I asked as we entered the building.

  “Yeah, there was this one time when I came over to her house, and she opened the door to see my hands were empty. I gave her a questioning look, and she held her phone up,” Marcus began. “I looked at my phone to see that she’d sent a message saying that she wanted tacos, but I didn’t see the message since I was driving, so we argued about that.”

  I laughed because Miranda would do such a thing.

  “Then there was another fight that lasted days,” Marcus mumbled as I looked at him. “It was about her mother; I didn’t want Miranda staying home alone when her mother was drunk. She told me not to worry, but I didn’t listen.”

  “The only reason her mother drinks is because she still loves Miranda’s dad.” I remembered the night when Miranda and I went to go get her.

  “Yeah, I understand, but fifteen years later…you’d think she’d move on by then,” Marcus said as we approached the door for the boys’ locker rooms.

  “Well, Miranda told me that he made her jubilant. Also, he loved to play games, especially baseball,” I stated.

  “Baseball…that’s why she wanted me to teach her how to play,” Marcus said as I tilted my head at him.

  “Maybe one day when she sees him, she’ll know how to play,” I suggested.

  “Yeah…then I’ll try my best,” he said, then opened the door. “I’ll just be five minutes.”


  Fifteen minutes later, I walked through my house and put my bag on the ground. I thought the ride home with Marcus would be awkward, but we talked about Miranda. At least there was something to say. I walked into my dad’s office to tell him that I finally sent all my things in for Yale. I entered the room to see papers scattered everywhere.


  He peeked his head up from the desk, then stood up. He straightened his posture and walked to me with a fearsome look. From that one look he sent me, I knew there was some exciting news.


  I drove fast yet cautious down the streets on my way to Blake’s house. I texted Aidan, and he said he was there with the other guys. Even though I didn’t want to see Blake, it was urgent. I parked by the street and got out. As I walked up the pathway, music blared through the house. I knocked on the door as loud as I could and waited. As I took out my phone, the door opened, and I glanced up to see a shirtless Blake in front of me. As I opened my mouth to speak, a girl walked next to him and placed her hand on his chest. She was in her underwear.

  “Who’s she, babe?” she asked as I looked at her and Blake.

  “No one you need to know,” Blake said as he squeezed her butt.

  “Okay. I’ll see you at Jaden’s party this weekend, right?” she asked. He nodded, then pulled her in for a kiss. I patiently waited as I watched the two open their mouths as if to see who could swallow each other first. Scruffy was sniffing the ground. While they made out, I looked around to see a toy that belonged to Scruffy. An idea popped into my head as the corner of my mouth pulled up. I took the toy, then waved it in front of Scruffy’s face. He jumped, and I moved it around, then placed it next to the girl’s foot. I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing as Scruffy launched at the girl’s foot and bit it. She let out a squeal and bit down on Blake’s bottom lip.

  “What the fuck?” he demanded.

  “Aww, Scruffy bit you,” I cooed. “It seems like he doesn’t like you, and if Scruffy doesn’t like you, then Axel won’t like you.”

  “Who’s Axel?” the girl demanded, and I tried so hard not to laugh as she glared at Blake.

  “Get out,” Blake grunted as he pushed her out the house. I stepped aside as I watched her walk out into the cold in her underwear. When I turned to Blake, I noticed his stare on me. He opened the door more and stepped to the side. I walked in and scrunched up my nose at the mixed odors.

  “Lana, what are you doing here?” Ethan asked as he looked at Blake and me.

  “I-I need to talk to you guys.” I looked at Carter and Aidan, who entered the room. “It’s quite urgent.”

  Aidan nodded, then motioned us to follow him. I quickened my pace so that I was in front of Ethan and far away from Blake. Even though Benny and I fought, we were still together, right? I mean it was one serious fight. The music played as we walked past the living room. I saw Keene, Jaden, Axel, and a few other guys smoking in
a room. We walked down the hall, and I scrunched my nose up from the moans. The only place that wasn’t occupied was Mrs. Gunner’s room. I wrapped my arms around myself and waited for everyone to settle. They looked at me with questioning looks as I avoided eye contact.

  “Do you remember the guy who shoved the bag at you?” I asked.

  “Yeah, he had black hair and brown eyes. Why?” Ethan asked.

  “What did James tell you about him?” I asked Aidan.

  “He just told us that he’s dead. He didn’t want to be part of it all, so he just…backed out,” Aidan replied as my jaw clenched.

  “Well, my dad told me his name is Christo Aimar,” I said, then looked at Blake. “Do you remember that night when we saw James and one of his men said they miss Christo?”

  “Yeah…where are you going with all of this? He’s dead,” Blake stated.

  “No…my dad just told me that he might not be dead,” I whispered as their eyes widened.

  “What do you mean he might not be dead? James told u—”

  “Well, he might’ve lied to you. My dad just came back from visiting all the morgues in Illinois, and they’ve never heard of Christo Aimar before,” I said.

  “Wait, but your dad told us that he came to confess, and then two days later he was reported dead,” Carter spoke up.

  “Yeah, he came to confess, then went back home. Dad questioned his family, and it’s like they barely knew him,” I mumbled, then bit the inside of my cheek.

  “Wait, so who reported him dead?” Ethan asked as he looked down at me.

  “That’s the thing I don’t get…his family reported him dead and was facing too much grief to answer any more questions.”

  “Well, James is not just a drug dealer, he’s also good with identities,” Aidan said as we looked at him. “For all we know, Christo might be alive and right in front of us.”

  “So he might be alive and still in Illinois?” Blake asked as he looked at Aidan and me.

  “Yeah, and I agree with Aidan. He might still be working with James,” I said, and I noticed their nervous looks. James was not done with any of us. The silence stretched between us as the only thing to be heard was the loud music. Out the corner of my eye, I noticed Blake got up from his mother’s bed.

  “Well, that’s a bummer,” he stated, then swayed a bit.

  “What’s gonna happen now?” Ethan asked as he looked at me.

  “My dad will probably question you guys again if anything comes up.”

  “Anything else?” Blake asked as he placed a hand on the doorknob. I slowly shook my head, and he smiled. I watched as he opened the door, then walked out. Carter and Ethan followed, but Aidan stayed.

  “What do you think James is planning?” Aidan asked as he stared at the ground.

  “I don’t know. I just hope that nobody gets hurt. How did you know that he’s good with identities?”

  “Well, when we had the cocaine, I kept in contact with him the most. One of his men told me; I think it was Ernst.”

  “Does Tiffany know you’re here?” I asked as I thought about the things that happened in the house.

  “Yeah, I just came to hang out with my cousins and friends,” Aidan mumbled.

  “Okay,” I said, then walked out of the room. I turned back to see Aidan with his hands shoved in his pockets as he stared at the ground. He had his thinking face on, so I decided to close the door and leave him to think. I walked down the hall and into the living room. It was filled with people who smoked, talked, or snorted drugs off the table. Some guys even did it off girls’ bodies.

  “Lana!” Jaden exclaimed as he motioned me to sit next to him. I slowly shook my head, but he tilted his head. Jaden Reid was bad news. Not just his wild parties, but also the fact that he was another version of Parker made me uncomfortable. I felt someone pick me up by the arms and carry me to Jaden. The guy forced me down on the sofa right next to Jaden, who snorted drugs using a rolled-up dollar bill. “How are you doing, Lana Willson?” He tilted his head back and pressed one nostril. I noticed the sweat on his forehead, either from the drugs or the crowded room. It made his ebony skin tone glow, and I glanced down to his biceps.

  “F-fine,” I said as he turned to me.

  “You want some? Looks like you need it.” He offered me the dollar bill.

  “Jaden, back off, dude.” Blake’s voice stopped me. I turned my head to see Blake opposite us with a beer bottle. “She’d rather have this.” He smirked, then held up the cigarette. I stared at the cigarette, then him. I’d only had two cigarettes this year so far. Which made me wonder how many Blake had. Yet by the look of his house, I could tell he hadn’t lived up to his New Year’s Resolution to cut down on cigarettes. “You need it, baby girl. Don’t try to deny it. I can see it in your eyes,” he said, then held up his lighter. I bit the inside of my cheek as I looked at it again. Benny entered my mind and the fight we had earlier. I took the cigarette and put it between my lips. I took the lighter, lit the cigarette, and inhaled. I closed my eyes as I let it rest between my lips. I heard Jaden howl like an idiot beside me. As I exhaled, I open my eyes and leisurely tilted my head back. “That was hot,” Blake pointed out as I looked back at him.

  “I hate you.” I put the cigarette to my lips as Blake smirked.

  “If you hate me, then why are you still wearing the chain I got you?” he asked, then lowered his gaze. I’d never taken it off since Levi left. It became an effort to take it off then clip it back on, so I decided to leave it on all the time. It was under my clothing, but it was still visible. I exhaled the tobacco into Blake’s face, and he opened his mouth, inhaled, then blew it out. A girl approached Blake in nothing but a shirt. It barely even covered her butt as Jaden drooled.

  “Thanks,” she said, then gave him money. He took the money and put it in his back pocket.

  “So this is like a whorehouse?” I blurted out, then dumped the cigarette in the ashtray.

  “Indeed. Carter calls the girls, and I call the guys. It’s a brisk trade, as you can tell.” He pointed to a couple that couldn’t wait and decided to do it in the hallway.

  “Does your mom know?”

  “Nope. Since she’s got a hectic job as an assistant for this rich-ass company. They wanted her to go to Greece with them, so she’s been gone for the past week.” He smiled as I stared at him. Jaden gave him the dollar bill as the guy next to Blake separated the drugs into lines. Jaden got up and was escorted out of the room with a girl while I watched Blake. He crouched down and put the dollar bill near his nose. We locked eyes, and he suddenly froze. He cursed under his breath, then sat up properly. “Don’t look at me like that. Like you care,” Blake hissed.

  “I care as a friend,” I mumbled as he gave the dollar bill to the other guy, who took it without hesitation and snorted the drugs.

  “I don’t want to be your friend,” Blake said as he shook his head. “I wanna be more than that.”

  “Did you ever do it?” I looked down at the drugs.

  “Nope,” he said, then drank his beer.

  “Why are you doing this to yourself?” I asked as he chugged down the beer.

  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m getting over you. Since you’re so self-centered, I should just move on,” Blake replied, then rolled his eyes.

  “I-I’m not self-centered. I’m just…confused. I think I’m happy, then I’m not,” I mumbled, then looked at the table.

  “Isn’t that sad,” Blake stated, then rolled his eyes.

  “What’s wrong with you? One minute you’re calling me baby girl, then the next you say I’m self-centered?” I raised my voice.

  “I’m tired, Lana. Tired of everything that’s been happening, tired of you. I just wanna fucking move on,” he breathed out, and I scrunched my nose up as the alcohol hit it.

  “If you’re tired and want to move on, then you never really liked me, Blake,” I muttered and stood up.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded. He tried to stand up but
almost fell from being drunk.

  “Away from you!” I exclaimed, then walked toward the door. I felt someone grip my arm and whip me around. I looked up to see Blake attempting to look at me as his eyelids drooped. I glanced over his shoulder and realized people looked at us.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he whined as I pushed him away.

  “Fuck off, Blake.”

  “Aww, you’re ruining the party, Lana,” Keene said, but I ignored him and walked toward the front door. Somehow Kelly was there too, and she sent me nasty looks. Only then I noticed quite a few people watching me. Carter called out to me, but I ignored him and pushed my way out of the house. I got into the car as quickly as possible. The music played in the house again, and I let out a pathetic scream, then banged my fists against the wheel.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  When I got out of the car, I made sure to slam the door. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Benny get out of his car, but I continued to walk.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go all out on you like that. I didn’t mean anything I said. I was just angry,” Benny apologized as I turned to him.

  “But you still said it! And you know what a sensitive person I am.” I frowned.

  “I didn’t mean it! You know when I’m pissed I say the first thing that rolls off my tongue without even thinking,” he added as I took out my key to unlock the door. “I’m sorry…we can’t stay mad at each other forever. I just wanna talk, please? I’m just afraid to lose you.”

  I ignored Benny as I walked into the house. The alarm went off. Next to the door was the keypad, and I quickly typed the pin in to disarm it. When I turned around, I saw Benny on the porch. His mouth moved, but I shook my head and slammed the door. I leaned against it and still heard Benny. I didn’t want to talk to anyone because it had been a very long day.

  “Please, Lana, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to go off on you like that,” he said as I sank down into a sitting position. “I know that you want to get into Yale. You’ve buried yourself in books this past week, and I was worried. I didn’t want you to go back on the pills.” I shut my eyes. “Please, I’m sorry. I also didn’t mean to call you that. I was just angry when Kelly showed me the picture. I just missed you a lot.”


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