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S is for SEX

Page 68

by Scott Hildreth

  “Don’t move,” I whispered.

  He laid there on my chest for a considerable time, until his breathing became shallow and his cock flaccid.

  “I need to pee, babe,” I whispered in his ear.

  He raised his chest from mine and kissed me on the lips lightly. I smiled, rolled off of the bed, and waddled to the bathroom. On my way out of the bathroom, I looked in the mirror. Covered in candle wax, my hair a tangled mess of shit, and my face flush, I looked like beautiful shit. After a short consideration of cleaning myself up, I shook my head, flipped off the light, and walked to the bedroom. I wanted to lie with him on the bed more than anything.

  As I walked into the room I smiled a genuine smile of pleasure. Ripp was lying on the bed on his back with Candy on his upper abdomen, stroking her stomach. She was stretched out with her front legs extended as far as they could stretch. Her rear legs flopped to her side; she was as relaxed a she could ever be. Quietly and softly, I got onto the bed and snuggled up beside him.

  “She really likes you,” I said as I laid my head on his upper chest and raised my leg onto the top of his thigh.

  “I like her too,” he whispered.

  “I remember when you didn’t,” I said softly.

  He smiled and raised his index finger to his lips, “Shhhh. I don’t want her to hear you.”

  I smiled.


  We all go through them at some point in time. My work days had become far less important since we met. Being my own boss allowed me to make my own schedule. I realized after I met Michael just how much of a workaholic I had become. Since the realization, I had scheduled far less work for myself, giving me much more free time. Ripp hadn’t really gone through any changes, or changed the way he was - short of Candy. I didn’t want him to change. I liked him just the way he was. To me, he was a dream. I nestled against him on top of the comforter and relaxed as his body warmed the surface of my skin.

  “So,” he whispered.

  I rotated my head across his chest to face him and looked into his eyes.

  “With ROT this weekend, my parents decided to have family dinner tomorrow. I know it’s the middle of the week and all, but I was thinking,” he paused.

  From what Michael said, his parents had never officially met a girl he was seeing. He came from a very traditional Texas family, and he believed bringing a girl around his parents was basically making her part of his family through the introduction. He and Shane attended the dinners, but to Michael, Shane was family. His family was all Shane had.

  I blinked my eyes and smiled.

  “I was uhhm. I was thinking. I want you to come. Come and meet the family,” he smiled.

  Holy shit.

  In a sense, I work with the worst assholes on the planet. My clients are drug dealers and murderers. Alone, I stand in front of a court of law and fight for a living. No one who truly knows me would consider me to be a weak woman. I am strong.

  It was all I could do to fight back tears. To him, this step was beyond huge. This was the biggest commitment he could make.

  “It’s not necessary, Michael,” I said softly, appreciating the gesture.

  Oh shit, I just said it out loud.

  “Did you just call me Michael?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  Candy jumped onto floor.

  He smiled.

  “So. You ready. To meet the family?” he whispered.

  “It’s really not necessary,” I sighed softly as I fought back tears.

  “Who’s in charge of this fucking relationship, Vivian?” he whispered.

  “You are,” I responded.

  “Listen carefully,” he said as he rolled onto his side.

  I blinked my eyes.

  “You’re going with me to my parent’s tomorrow night. That’s that. I’m going to introduce you to them. I’ve told you about the dinners. It’s a cluster fuck, but it’s a big part of who I am. It’s family time, and family is important. So, shorts and Chuck’s will be the attire and we’re taking the Chevelle,” he smiled.

  I’m. In. Love. With. This. Man.

  “I’ll be on my best behavior,” I smiled, “And thank you.”

  “For?” he asked.

  “Trusting me not to fuck you over,” I responded.

  He smiled and blinked his eyes a few times, “You know, I been thinkin’ about how to describe something, and I can’t get there.”

  “What is it?” I asked through tear filled eyes.

  I know going to a family dinner to most women would be nothing. But they wouldn’t appreciate and understand the significance of it the way I did and do. As he twisted his mouth in circles and looked at the ceiling in deep thought, I tried to think of other things to keep from allowing a tear to fall down my cheek. I had waited a lifetime for Mike Ripton, and I truly felt I could spend forever with him. On top of the comforter with my head on his chest I would be happy for all of eternity.

  “Well, how I feel about you. I don’t know how to tell you what I want to say. You know people feel affection for other people. And people fall in love and such, right?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Well, the way I feel about you. It’s just. Well, it’s weird. It’s so much more than that. To call it love would be kind of cutting it short. I need a word to describe it, and there isn’t one. One don’t exist. At least not yet,” he tilted his head to the side and smiled.

  Until now, the word love had not escaped our mouths. In a sense, he just said it. My eyes began to well up again.

  “Well,” I hesitated.

  It was all I could say without looking like a fool.

  The sex, emotions, exhaustion and the conversation we were having. The word love. It was all simply more than I could take. Sometimes I suppose girls are just girls.

  “Well, I don’t know. I guess what I want to say is this. I love you, Vivian. I want you to know that. I love you. But it ain’t enough. It just ain’t. I can’t use a word every other shit-head uses to describe how he feels about a woman. It wouldn’t be fair to you, because you make me feel so much more. More than love. I need my own word,” he smiled.

  I’m going to lose it. He’s adorable.

  “Pizz,” he said as he nodded his head.

  “What?” I choked on my words as I almost began to cry.

  “Pizz. That’s it. Understand I love you, Vee. But I pizz you,” he chuckled as he looked down at me.

  “Pizz?” I grinned.

  “Yep. I just made it up. A new word. It’s like love, only stronger. It’s more,” he said as he pressed his chin to his chest and kissed my forehead.

  “Pizz, I like it,” I said as a tear escaped my eyes and ran down my cheek.

  When men speak to women in a sweet manner, a part of us typically wonders just how much of it is true and how much is bullshit. I believe subconsciously, all of us wonder. As the tear ran down my cheek, dripped off my chin and onto his chest, he reached over and wiped my face with his finger.

  “Vivian Simon, I love you. But always know this,” he paused.

  “I pizz you. And no one else on this earth has that, baby,” he whispered.

  And a tear ran down his cheek.

  And at that moment, I knew.

  This wasn’t bullshit.


  I pizzed him too.


  (Un Series, Book III)

  Buy Unleashed Here

  RIPP. Anyone that believes they know what God’s will is, in my mind, is mistaken. We all have an idea, if we believe in God, what we believe his will to be. No one knows. We like to believe that we do, but we don’t. It all comes down to what we believe. From the time that we’re children, we begin to develop a system of beliefs of what we choose to categorize as right and wrong. Most people share the same beliefs on matters of morality. When were exposed to an event that requires us to make a split-second decision, we all react differently.

  I try to expose myself to everything th
at life offers me. It causes me to make a lot of decisions, some of which I’m sure make God look down on me and shake his head. Other times, I’m sure he nods his head and smiles, knowing I did what he wanted me to. I am able, regardless, to live my life knowing that no matter what I do or did, I did so believing at the time that it was what needed to be done, considering all things.

  There’s absolutely nothing a man can do to prepare to go to trial. Mentally preparing to walk into a room and allow twelve people you don’t know decide what their thoughts are on an event that they didn’t see, participate in, or witness in any way is impossible. Maybe there are things that can ease your mind. But preparation? I don’t think there’s anything a man can do to prepare.

  “Well, tomorrow’s the big day, are you ready?” Vee asked as she pulled back the comforter.

  “I suppose so,” I said as I sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I have your shirt, shoes, tie, suit, and glasses all out and ready. I even have extra shirts pressed just in case you spill something, so no worries,” she smiled.

  Yeah, no worries.

  “No worries,” I did my best to grin.

  “Well, starting tomorrow, it’s going to be hectic until it’s over,” she said as she climbed into the bed.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m as ready as I’m going to get,” I raised my hands and rubbed my head.

  “You know, if we don’t have sex now, we might not be able to for a while. I mean, it could be…”

  Her voice trailing off was a reminder of what could be. I could go into court, have a two day trial, and be found guilty. That guilty verdict would cause them to arrest me for murder, place me in jail, transport me to prison, and there I would sit for anywhere between ten and twenty years. The thought of it made me sick. The thought of losing Vee made me feel even sicker. I sat and realized I may never see her again. Who would wait ten years?

  Not one person.

  As she pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it on the floor, I looked at her athletic body and her soft tanned skin. Her perky nipples stood at attention. My cock, on the other hand, didn’t.

  She reached up and started pinching her nipples in between her fingers and thumbs, something she often did. I enjoyed watching her do it, and it always made me want her immediately. Tonight, as I watched her.


  “I uhhm. I need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” I said as I stood and turned to the doorway.

  “I’ll be right here, babe,” she smiled.

  As I walked to the bathroom, I reached into my pocket and felt my cock through the fabric of my pocket.


  I pulled the bathroom door closed and turned on the faucet at the sink. I pulled my shorts down and gripped my cock. As I started to stroke it, I knew in advance what was going to happen. I could just tell. This was a man’s worst nightmare, and something that had never happened to me, and I hoped never would happen again.

  Frantic, I stroked faster and faster.


  I thought of Vee sucking my cock.


  I thought of her bent over the bed, her perfect heart shaped ass below me as I pounded her full of ten inches of pierced cock. I looked down.

  Two inches of shriveled flesh looked back.

  This was probably something I should have expected. My mind was full of every possibility of what the detectives might say, who might show up to testify, and what a monster they might try to convince the jury that I was, had been, and had become that day at Tucker’s home.

  I pulled up my shorts and turned off the water.

  As I walked back into the bed room, Vee was still playing with her nipples. I pulled off my shirt and tossed it on the floor as I sat on the edge of the bed. I reached for the waist of my short, began to unbutton them, and hesitated.

  “You know, babe,” I said as I smiled and knelt down on the bed.

  I couldn’t let this woman down. And I didn’t want her to know what I was going through mentally, physically, or emotionally.

  “I don’t want to cheapen this night up with making it feel like we’re forced to have sex when what I really want to do it this,” I said as I pulled back the covers and began to force my way between her thighs.

  As I lowered my face between her legs, she spread her thighs apart and exhaled a heavy sigh. Slowly, I began to lick her pussy and finger her softly. As she moaned in pleasure I looked up and into her eyes and winked.

  I closed my eyes and realized if I couldn’t give her what she hoped for, I could sure attempt to make her happy with what it was that I could offer her. I buried my face in her pussy and began to tickle her clit with my tongue.

  “Holy fuck, Michael. Oh…my…God. That feels…so,” she raised her hips and paused.

  “Good,” she sighed.

  I continued to work my finger in and out of her pussy and suck her clit. As she began to moan, I flicked the tip of my tongue along her clit as rapidly as I could. I increased the speed of my finger as I slid it in and out of her soaking wet pussy. Slowly and with rhythm, she began to buck her hips against my face.

  After less than a minute of her hip gyrations and my Lickle trick, her breathing changed. She began to breathe heavily and moan loudly.


  “Stop…I think…I…think…I’m going to…die,” she breathed.

  I continued to flick my tongue against her clit and lick her pussy as rapidly as my tongue would allow. I have great control over my tongue and I was giving her all I had. As I did my best to please the woman that I loved, she pulled her hips from me, attempting to bury her ass into the bed. She was almost there.

  I continued to torture her clit with the tip of my tongue as my finger worked in and out of her wetness. As I felt her begin to contract deep inside, I pressed her clit between my upper lip and the tip of my tongue.

  “Holy fuck, I’m…”


  “Oh my…”


  I continued to suck and lick as I held my finger deep inside of her, curling the tip of it upward. As I licked her clit, she moaned and groaned as she attempted to pull herself away from my mouth. As she pulled away, I followed her, pressing my face into her further.

  “Stop. I can’t…”

  “I can’t, Ripp. Michael. Whoever you are. Just stop. Give me…”

  “Give me a minute. Jesus. What the fuck was that?” she raised herself onto her elbows and looked at me, confused.

  “Lickle. It’s…uhhm,” I wiped her cum from my face.

  “It’s licking and tickling at the same time,” I held my tongue out and wiggled the tip of it so she could see.

  “So you can repeat it?” she asked.

  “Yep, I invented it,” I responded.

  “Lickle?” she asked.

  “Yep,” I smiled.

  “Huh. Okay. Well, give me a minute, I really need it. That was intense, holy crap. I uhhm. I’ve never really had an orgasm like that,” she breathed.

  “From having your pussy licked?” I asked.

  “No, yes. I have, yes. Just not like that - from doing anything. That was….well, it was intense. It felt like there were a million little pins inside of me poking me or something. I don’t know, it’s difficult to describe,” she blinked her eyes and grinned as she shook her head.

  “Well, maybe here in an hour you’ll have a better understanding of how to describe it,” I chuckled.

  “In an hour? Why’s that?” she asked.

  “Because,” I slid my finger inside her pussy and curled the tip upward.

  She tilted her head back and moaned.

  “I’m going to,” I curled the tip of my finger again.

  “Oh God, Michael,” she sighed.

  I curled the tip of my finger again and pressed my lips into her pussy. I licked from my finger to her clit, twice, and looked up.

  “Do this to you,” I licked her pussy again.

  “For an hour,” I k
issed her clit and looked up toward her face.

  Her head was tilted backward and all I could see was her chin and neck. I held my finger still and waited. As she tilted her head forward, she smiled and shook her head.

  “An hour?” she grinned as she shook her head.

  “Well,” I turned my wrist and looked at my watch.

  “Fifty-eight minutes now,” I grinned.

  “You’re serious?” she asked.

  I nodded my head and looked at my watch.

  “Fifty-seven,” I chuckled.

  She reached back and gripped the headboard in her hands, squeezing it tightly. She looked at me and shook her head, flipping her hair over her shoulders.

  “Well, who would have thought the best night of my life would be the night before my boyfriend went to trial for murder? You sure know how to make a woman happy, Mr. Ripton,” she paused and blinked her eyes, still gripping the headboard in each hand.

  “Now get busy, we’re wasting valuable time,” she grinned as she nodded her head.

  And with that nod of approval, I buried my face into the pussy of the only woman that I trusted with my life.

  And I treated her to the only thing I could, at his particular moment, treat her to.

  Complete and utter satisfaction.

  Fifty-six minutes worth.

  VEE. Sometimes when people are exposed to traumatic events or circumstances, it changes them. Often the changes last a lifetime. Some people eventually adjust back to their former self, or a different version of their former self. Others, after the trauma is over, immediately revert back to who they were previously. Those people that are capable of shrugging off one of life’s tragedies without much or any effect are rare.

  Meet Michael Allen Ripton.

  “If they catch this on film, we’re both going to be in court. There are cameras in here,” I sighed as he picked me up by my armpits.

  “I don’t give a fuck,” he mumbled, his mouth pressed firmly against my neck.

  I was well beyond wet. I was absolutely soaked.

  My feet well off of the surface of the parking garage, he held me suspended in the air and kissed me. As he pressed me against the car window, I moved my feet, confirming I was still unable to touch the concrete surface.


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