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La Brat

Page 2

by Ashe Barker

  So really, she had no choice at all.

  “Yes, Sir. Anything. All of it.”

  “My my, you are ambitious, to say this is only your first visit. For myself, I prefer to take things more slowly. I’m thinking one of the private rooms might be more suited to our requirements right now.”

  Dom intuition again. Amazing. Eugenie gave a quick, grateful little nod.

  “Follow me, please.” Aaron turned on his heel and strode away from her across the dungeon. He never once looked back to see if his companion was behind him. He didn’t have to.

  The room he led her to was small and unfurnished apart from a solid wooden chair in the center and a drinks fridge and shelving unit against one wall. The shelves were empty except for a couple of straps and a length of rope. The fridge contained several bottles of mineral water, both still and sparkling. The chair had no arms though the seat was padded, the back straight. It looked very utilitarian, as indeed Eugenie knew it was. It was a spanking seat, designed for a Dom to use when administering an over-the-knee spanking. That must be his intent then. Her buttocks were still tingling from her experience downstairs, but she found her pussy moistening again in anticipation of a repeat performance.

  He seemed to be in no rush, strolling across the room to help himself to a small bottle of sparkling water. He turned and offered to Eugenie.

  “Still or sparkling?”

  She shook her head. “Neither, thank you. I am fine just now.”

  He snapped the top off his bottle and took a long drink. Eugenie used the brief interlude to cast her gaze around the room again. This time she spotted a metal ring suspended from the ceiling. There seemed to be no restraints attached to the walls, a fact that struck her as odd.

  “I prefer to keep things—uncluttered—when I’m getting to know a new submissive. Just you and me, and a few basics. Strip please, Miss D’andré.”

  The command was delivered in a clipped, matter-of-fact tone that brooked no argument. Even so, Eugenie hesitated. She knew the score, had known exactly what would happen when she agreed to accompany Mr. Praed into a private suite, but still the terse instruction unnerved her.

  “Problem, Miss d’André?”

  “I—no, Sir.”

  “Do it then. When you’re naked, I want you to stand under the ring and reach up, grasp it with both your hands.” He turned, appeared to be selecting something from the not exactly extensive array of items on the shelves.

  Stung by his apparent lack of interest in watching her undress, Eugenie obeyed his instructions anyway. She resented his arrogant tone, her irritation simmering as she removed her skimpy vest top and skirt. She reached behind her to unclasp her bra, glancing at Aaron as she did so. He was at least looking at her now. She tilted her chin up as she bared her breasts for him, proud of her body.

  If he was impressed, he concealed it admirably.

  “I like the shoes. Those can stay.”

  “And my thong?” Silly question, really.

  “What part of naked is not entirely clear to you?”

  Eugenie’s thong joined the rest of her discarded clothing in an untidy heap beside the chair and she stepped over to position herself directly beneath the metal hoop. She found that if she stretched up she could just manage to reach it, though without her high-heeled shoes she would not have been able to. No doubt, he’d worked that out. Damned cocky know-all Dom.

  Aaron came over to stand in front of her. When she would have dropped her gaze, he tipped her chin up with two fingers, forcing her to look him in the eye. Eugenie’s mouth went dry. She wished she’d accepted his offer of a drink a few minutes earlier.

  “I’m going to tie your hands to the ring, then you will stand still and be quiet whilst I explore your body. I intend to touch you everywhere, in any way I choose. I may hurt you. I may pleasure you. If you feel a need to orgasm, you will ask my permission. If you want me to fuck you, you must ask for that. If you’ve earned it, I may oblige you. Is this all absolutely clear to you, Miss d’André?”

  Eugenie drew the tip of her tongue across her lower lip before curling it inward to chew on it. It was a mannerism she couldn’t help and one that always betrayed her. She berated herself for allowing him to see how nervous she was, how deeply he intimidated her, though at some level she appreciated his skill in being able to reduce her to this with just a few words. How would she react when he did actually lay his hands on her?

  “Miss d’André? Eugenie? Do you understand what is to happen?” His voice had gentled a little, the difference almost imperceptible but somehow enough to restore Eugenie’s flagging confidence.

  She nodded.

  “Excellent. You have your safe word, but other than that, I don’t want you to talk to me unless I ask you a direct question. You may make other sounds, of course. I suspect you will be quite vocal as we get to know each other this evening. You may wish to close your eyes and I have no objection to that. If at any stage I want you to look at me, I’ll tell you so and you will obey.”

  As he spoke, he attached leather straps to her wrists, binding them together, then fastening the straps to the ring. It was the work of moments, but when he stepped away, Eugenie was securely tied, stretched out for his perusal and whatever else he had in mind.

  Eugenie eyed Aaron as he leaned against the bare wall, his stance one of studied nonchalance. He seemed to be in no hurry, whereas with every second that passed, she felt more and more strung out with nerves. The longer he made her wait, the more apprehensive she became. She wished he’d just get on with it.

  A couple of minutes slipped by before he took a bottle of still water from the shelf and walked toward her. She watched him, her eyes widening. She was silent, as he’d instructed, keen to obey. Aaron unsnapped the cap on the bottle and held it to her mouth. He didn’t ask this time if she wanted the refreshment, just put it to her lips and tipped the bottle up. She sucked greedily.

  “If you want a drink, at any time, you may ask for one.” He withdrew the bottle from her mouth. Eugenie licked her lips and smiled at him, both grateful and wary.

  He circled her, unhurried, then returned to stand before her. “Nice tits. A little small but we’ll manage. I love your arse, especially as it’s still so pretty and pink from the paddle just now. I expect we’ll brighten it up still more, though. What do you weigh, Miss d’André?”

  “I, I am not sure. Perhaps nine stones.”

  He shook his head. “Nearer eight, I’d say. You’re too thin. We need to build you up, Miss d’André.”

  Circling her once more, he stopped behind her, this time trailing his fingertips across her shoulder and tracing the shape of her clavicle. Her long brown hair fell in soft waves to her mid back. He wound it around his hand and tugged until her head tilted back. Turning her face toward him, he leaned in to brush his lips across hers. Eugenie was conscious that this was the first expression of intimacy between them. Not much, but sufficient to reassure her that he was pleased with her so far. Or so she hoped.

  Eugenie allowed her eyelids to drop as she relaxed slightly. Perhaps he saw this and chose that moment to ramp things up a little, to throw her off balance again. He reached around to cup her breast. Eugenie gasped, gnawing on her lip again. He squeezed her breast, molding it in his palm before he took the small pink nipple between his finger and thumb. He rolled then pinched it, the tip hardening and swelling in his hand. He applied a little more pressure, enough to hurt, and she gasped again, jerking against him. He brought his other arm around her too, across her lower abdomen.

  Even though he was holding her still, and really, she was not in any position to struggle or resist, he repeated his instructions. “Don’t move, Miss d’André.”

  Her response was to stiffen in his arms. It was difficult, but Eugenie wanted to comply. She was making an effort, and hoped he’d realize and settle for that, this time.

  Aaron continued to torment her nipples, first one, then the other, pulling, twisting, flattening them between
his fingers. Eugenie whimpered, and tears dampened her eyelashes. She was suffering, but managing to endure because he’d instructed her to.

  His next ploy was to slip his free hand between her legs, stroking through her damp, soft folds. Despite the pain of his touch her pussy was wet, proof of her arousal if any were needed.

  He relaxed his grip on her swollen, distended nipples. He then parted her pussy lips, thrusting two fingers deep into her. No preamble, no warning, he penetrated her with his fingers and scissored them inside her. The walls of her cunt tightened around his digits. She let out a low moan.

  “Do you like this, Miss d’André?”

  She nodded.

  “Answer me please, Miss d’André. Say it.”

  “Yes, Sir, I do like this.”

  “Would you like more of this then? Shall I continue?”

  “Yes please.”

  “Yes please, Sir.”

  “Yes please, Sir. I am sorry, Sir.”

  “I believe you are sorry, but even so, I intend to punish you for that mistake. It’ll help you to learn. A leather strap across your delightful derrière I think. Would that provide a memorable lesson, do you imagine?”

  “Sir, I… Oh!”

  Aaron chose that moment to twist his fingers and connect to her G-spot. He rubbed hard, applying pressure to just the right place to send her into a frenzy. He reached down and around with his other hand, too, to caress her clit.

  “Sir, I’m going to come.”

  “No you’re not. Not until I say so.”

  “Sir, I cannot help it. Please…”

  “No.” Aaron continued to finger-fuck her, his thrusts relentless now, hitting her G-spot every time he drove his digits into her. He drew the pad of his finger backward and forward across the tip of her clit, synchronizing the movements of his hands to focus the intensity. He seemed to know the moment she lost control, convulsing around his fingers as huge wracking shudders rocked her small frame. He didn’t let up, drawing out her response, teasing every last tremor from her before slowing down. His hands still on her, in her, he leaned in to whisper in her ear.

  “Oh dear, Miss d’André. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you just earned yourself a serious thrashing. Was it worth it?”

  “I believe it was, Sir.”

  Aaron chuckled. “Sassy little sub. I think I might come to like you. A lot.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “That wasn’t a question, Miss d’André. Silence please.”

  Aaron stepped away, returning to the shelves. This time he picked up a tube of lubricant, and returned to stand in front of Eugenie. She gazed at him, her head a confused jumble of conflicting thoughts and emotions. She was aroused, but anxious too, apprehensive, maybe verging on distressed. This scene was intense, much more than she’d experienced before, and this stern, implacable Dom didn’t seem anywhere close to being finished with her yet.

  “Are you still with me, Miss d’André? I don’t hear any mention of French classical authors.”

  Eugenie was relieved. He might be harsh, but Aaron Praed did at least seem to be attuned to her responses, both spoken and nonverbal.

  “I am fine, Sir. It is just…”

  “What is it, Eugenie?” His tone was gentler, as though he genuinely wanted an answer, not more trembling.

  “I don’t want you to punish me. I meant no disrespect or disobedience, Sir. I tried to obey you but it was too intense.”

  Aaron cupped her chin in his hand, lifting her face up. He caught her gaze and held it. “We can stop this any time you want to.”

  Eugenie shook her head, her eyes tearing again.

  “Eugenie? Tell me.”

  “If I use my safe word, you will let me leave, I know that. But you will not want to scene with me again.”

  “Would that be a problem for you? If I’d pushed you so far you had to safe word?”

  She had no hesitation in her response. “Yes, Sir. I like you.”

  Aaron smiled. He leaned forward to kiss her, and Eugenie noted he seemed inclined to make a more thorough job of it this time as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Eugenie’s response was instant, the slight purring sound in her throat an indication that he was getting through to her. He explored her mouth, tasting and testing, and Eugenie couldn’t resist starting to suck on his tongue. At last, he broke the kiss but remained close, his nose nudging hers.

  “I like you too, little sub. And I will most definitely want to scene with you again, even if you do use your safe word. I hope you won’t feel you have to do that, but you might. I want to know what your limits are, and to find that out I need to push you right to them. I need to know that I can trust you to protect yourself if it’s too much. Can I trust you, Miss d’André?”

  He waited, and Eugenie gazed at him. There was more to come, he’d hinted as much, and it was going to be just as intense as before. Possibly more so. She knew she was chewing on her lip again. Then her thoughts cleared. She smiled at him before giving an almost imperceptible nod. It was enough, though, and he got it. Aaron stepped back, still holding her gaze. And he winked at her.

  Chapter Two

  Eugenie’s confidence soared. His wink made all the difference. Aaron was stern, demanding, a Dom to the core. But she took comfort in that he also seemed to know when she was struggling and just how to tap into her submissive instincts to bring her along with him and keep her in the scene. She drew in several long breaths, concentrating on her respiration as she brought her senses under control. Aaron did not hurry her. He seemed prepared to allow her the time she needed to collect her wits.

  A couple of minutes passed. Eugenie turned her head to seek out Aaron as he leaned against the wall. “May I speak, Sir?”

  “You may.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I am ready to continue now.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Then, I do not understand…”

  “I’m just enjoying looking at you.”


  “You are one sexy little sub, Eugenie. I thought I should mention that.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Eugenie’s head was reeling again. She’d thought him less than impressed.

  “You’re welcome.” He pushed himself off the wall and advanced on her again. His expression had lost the humor and warmth of just moments before as he shrugged on his Dom cloak once more. The effect on Eugenie was instant, her submission immersing her once more. She bowed her head, breathing slowly while he circled her again then came to a halt behind her. She remained motionless as he trailed the backs of his fingers down her spine, giving a slight, involuntary shiver when he reached her bottom. She was not sore exactly, but as he palmed her buttock, she was conscious of the residual tenderness from the earlier spanking. He must have known but made no reference to it.

  He parted the cheeks of her bum with his hands, and Eugenie inhaled sharply. He was inspecting her.

  “Arch your back, Miss D’andré. Show me your arse.”

  Eugenie obeyed, widening her stance a little, at the same time lifting her bottom up. Aaron ran his fingers down the crease between the rounded globes, exploring, seeking and finding. He reached her tiny puckered hole and pressed his finger against it. She groaned, knowing what was coming.

  Aaron massaged her arse, working the tip of his finger inside. Eugenie closed her eyes, concentrating on holding still for him. This was not the first time she had done this, but she had mixed feelings about anal play. It was intense, intimate, and she found it ultimately humiliating. She supposed that was the point and would not normally have welcomed this the first time she scened with a new Dom.

  Saying no to Aaron was not an option. In any case, Eugenie found she did not object on this occasion. She relaxed in his hands. Aaron was gentle but determined, easing past her sphincter, working his finger deeper inside.

  She flinched as the cool slickness of lubricant hit her slackening hole. Aaron worked it inside, thrusting one finger fully into her. He twisted his hand to swi
rl his digit around, stroking her inner walls. Eugenie squeezed down, gripping around his questing finger.

  “You tolerate this well. You’ve done this before, I think.”

  “Yes, Sir. I mean, I am sorry—was that a question?” She held her breath.

  “It was. Relax, I’m not trying to catch you out. I want to learn about you. What about butt plugs? Have you had a plug in here? Or a cock?”

  “A small plug, Sir. Just once. Oh!” She clenched her bum as he drove a second finger inside her. Her knees gave way and she was hanging from the metal ring, suspended there by the restraints around her wrists. Aaron caught her, his arm around her waist steadying her and taking her weight.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, Sir. That was—a surprise. And a little intense.” She locked her knees again. “I am all right now.” She was by no means certain her legs were going to hold her up, but for now at least, they seemed to be doing their job

  Aaron released her and resumed his rhythmic finger-fucking. Eugenie gave herself over to the sensation, for the first time actually liking this experience. With Aaron, it seemed not so much humiliating as intimate and erotic. Her pussy was wet, hot and clenching round nothing. She wondered if he might fuck her, if she asked him very nicely. He did tell her, right at the onset, to ask him straight out for whatever she wanted from him.

  “Has anyone ever fucked your arse, Miss d’André?”

  “No, Sir. Not yet.”

  “Good answer. We’ll work on this some more then, though perhaps not tonight. It’ll be something to look forward to.”

  “Sir, I—oh. Oh!” Eugenie let out a little shriek when he twisted his fingers inside her, at the same time reaching around to take her clit between his finger and thumb. Eugenie groaned. Her knees threatened to give way again.


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