Fate and Dreams

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Fate and Dreams Page 29

by Erik Weir

  Buk’s body trembled as she turned her sights to the stairs, the enemy coming for them with bared teeth and metal bodies.

  “DIZ!” Buk shouted as she threw her rifle away and bent her head.

  Lily tried to stop her, but it was too late. The armored ram charged down the ancient steps, crashing into the advancing enemy line and splintering their forces in two. She screamed like a hell demon, bashing her way down the stairs and armored feet caving in chests and skulls from fallen enemies.

  On the mountainside village, Szura peered down at the fighting and despite the appearance of battle suits, the enemy continued to vastly outnumber their forces.

  “And so, we turn the tides,” the lich whispered before raising her staff in the air.

  Arcane words filled the area as incantations spilled from pale lips. Dark energy rippled along her skin as the words grew in intensity. The lich looked down, energy wrapping around her staff.

  “I call to those you who lie beneath the holy ground of Vala’s realm! Rise and stop those who would harm our goddess! Rise and know that death cannot stop love!” Szura shouted before the dark energy curled along her limbs and splintered out into a storm.

  Bolts rained down, striking the ground all across the mountain. Energy rained down, touching the base of the holy mountain. Szura screamed as her body was consumed. Thoughts invaded her mind, knowing what was to come, but could never prepare for it. Eyes looking up, she saw Victor moving like a titan among the warships and Szura let a smirk form before darkness consumed her mind. The lich stumbled backwards and fell, staff clattering at her side.

  Anima rose up from the stone and looked down at the badly burned lich. The ghost floated down and stayed by her side as the battle raged on.

  Along the mountain, the ground shifted before skeletal hands burst free from their graves. Hundreds of hands rose up and soon thousands more. The area around the mountain seethed like a living being before skeletal bodies rose up. Rusty weapons in hand, the undead lover's army turned hollow eyes to the invading forces. Silently, they advanced, walking and climbing.

  A Devil Wolf looked to the hordes of skeletons before hands burst from the ground and clawed at exposed feet and legs. The mountain rippled again as Vala’s long dead chosen rose up and attacked the army. Screams and grunts filled the air as Devil Wolves fought for their lives while drones were smashed and clawed to pieces. The skeletal horde swarmed the enemy, biting, clawing, and killing in Vala’s name.

  Along the edge of the battlefield, a portal opened. A humanoid man with a dog’s head and fine Egyptian clothing stepped out. At his side, a blue-skinned woman with four arms stepped with him, swords gleaming in each hand from the sunlight. Astor stepped through and looked up as another woman in white bone armor stepped out last, the portal closing behind them.

  Victor was flying around before smashing into the Talon one last time. The ship fell away, gliding sideways until it hit another mountain and exploded into fire and black smoke. Vindrel let out a roar before joining her fellow dragons in battle. Victor waved her away before turning his attention to the newcomers at the edge of battle. A sliver of familiar energy touched him and he flew down in a blink of an eye.

  Anubis and Kali waved at the incoming Champion as he landed.

  Victor landed and looked to the god and goddess. “What are you guys doing here?”

  Anubis smiled. “These are our realms too. We thought it foolish to stand back and remain neutral when what happens here could affect us in the future. The Masters of Death gave us permission and we came as soon as word reached us. We fight on Vala’s side!”

  Victor turned his attention to Astor and the white armored woman. Victor smiled as did Astor.

  The woman in white armor lifted her visor up and beamed. “No son of mine is going to a fight without his mother!”

  “Mom, I love you, but keep your distance from the fighting. I need you to be okay,” Victor smiled.

  Astor stepped to Beverly’s side. “I will keep her safe.”

  Beverly lifted up a crossbow with a glowing bolt. “And I’ll keep everyone safe.”

  Victor was about to laugh when weakness touched his body. Feeling the divine energy bleed away, Victor called on two swords. The Phantom and Bone swords each slid into a hand. A sentimental feeling washed over alert nerves before he slammed the blades into each other. The two swords shattered into floating sparks. Divine energy doubled and Victor’s body burned with power.

  “I have to go,” Victor said as he looked to his mother.

  Beverly nodded. “Go, go my son. Be the hero I always believed you to be.”

  Victor nodded and shot into the sky.

  A staff appeared in Anubis’s hand while Kali’s swords flashed. The god and goddess gave each other a loving glance before rushing into battle. Astor and Beverly followed. Astor unslung her own crossbow as Beverly aimed. Triggers were pulled and their aim true. A drone and Devil Wolf exploded. Beverly smiled as she rushed in with the skeletal army and seeing her son fight on.


  Alerts rang out as Wynn stayed at the controls. The Avatar had taken heavy damage and began to tilt.

  “Portia!” the fox-woman shouted to the comm.

  Outside, a vortex opened and another dreadnought entered the fray behind the Spear. Portia gave the command as cannons trained on the Spear Dreadnought and opened fired.

  Plasma fire lit up the sky again. The four ships exchanged fire but the Malice and the Avatar began to fall. The Spear returned fire against the Sword, but the former was taking heavy damage. Cannon’s blared with each shot, both sides taking damage.

  Wynn looked at the screens and saw that most of the cannons aboard her ship were destroyed. Tapping at the commands, she gave a final order to the ship. Tapping the last command, the fox-woman ran darted off the Bridge as consoles exploded. Racing through the damaged ship, drones continued to try and enact repairs. Fire and sparks splashed at the fox as she made it to a side room, pulled her pistol and aimed at the window.

  “Vala, I have faith,” Wynn whispered as she pulled the trigger.

  The plasma blasts hit the window, cracking but not shattering it. Crossing her furry arms, she ran toward it and smashed through. In free fall, she turned to see the Avatar smash into the Malice. Fires and explosions rippled along the hulls until they reached their crescendo and exploded.

  Wynn fell, the realm quiet as the two dreadnoughts fell from the sky. She closed her eyes and left herself to her goddess’s hands.

  The air felt wonderful along her fur. Time slowed down as she wondered if this was her true end and what waited for her on the other side. When a sigh fell from her lips, something hard grabbed her and stopped her fall.

  Wynn opened her eyes to see a battle suit with a cat’s head.

  “I will always be there for you,” Ema said.

  Wynn touched the metal cheek of the suit. “And I will always be there for all of us. Now, let’s get back into the battle!”

  Ema’s head nodded before the battle suit glided down to the battle below.


  Victor launched up like a white-hot fireball. Crashing into the dreadnought Spear, his divine body blasted through the thick hull with ease. The other dreadnought piloted by Portia aimed all its guns on the enemy ship. The two attacks caused the ship to groan and then break in half.

  Victor felt Vayne’s life snuff out in the Malice as it crashed into a mountain. Turning his senses to the Spear, Kaiser roared from the Bridge until the ceiling was blasted in and sharp metal ripped his large body to chunks of flesh.

  Looking to the battlefield, he watched as the enemy forces dwindled. The dead and acolytes swarmed the drones and Devil wolves, slicing, beating, and destroying them until bands of the enemy began to wink out.

  “Vala, we did it,” Victor said as he watched Lily run back up the mountain toward the temple.

  Concern colored his brow when a voice slammed into his spirit.

  “Victor, we need you!�
� Vala’s voice touched his heart.

  “I’m on my way,” Victor whispered and blasted toward the temple.


  Thulu pushed back at the holy and life streams eating at his arm. The Elder eyed the gathered gods in contempt as mana-bullets slammed into his frame and bounced off. The temple writhed with power as divine beings tried to hold back the monster from the dark.

  Thulu’s features began to sharpen as madness took root. “This pantheon dies and it will be by my hands. Drogoss was deluded by his own power that your might could stand against the darkness of the universe.”

  “Nephy…stay…strong,” Umus shouted.

  The green goddess poured on streams of life, her arms beginning to tremble. Dorian fired his rune covered pistol, sending another six mana-bullets against the Elder Thing. Xull looked down at Cassandra as her power faded. The Keeper fell to the floor, unconscious. Hexnia straddled Baaldir, punching him again and again.

  Vala looked on as Thulu began to surge with power. “To me!” the goddess shouted.

  Thulu’s dark power swirled before it reached its zenith and blasted out. The mana-bullets shattered in the air. Umus and Nephy were thrown to the floor. Sharp stones were blown off damaged pillars. Xull threw her body onto Cassandra’s, shielding her from the blast. Energy hit the Xull construct so hard, her arm blasted off, sparks dying in the wind.

  Thulu stood up to his full height. “All shall know the cold dark. Every sun will be wiped from the sky and only then, will every soul know the truth.”

  Vala looked over to Dorian as he was on one knee and clutching at his side, divine blood leaking between his fingers and a stone shard sticking out of him. The goddess looked to Umus and Nephy as they tried to get back up. Baaldir stayed on his back while Hexnia rose up, hand to her head as if to wipe away mental cobwebs. The vibration of power was apparent as Thulu stepped closer to the dais, starry eyes on the goddess as she stood to her full height.

  “There is no need to keep fighting. Your allies are defeated. Your power has not fully returned. Your return has come to an end, as all stories should end. Once I consume you, I will consume all and this realm will be the first of countless to feed my hunger,” Thulu said darkly.

  “Fat chance!” Victor shouted as he blazed in with his fist cocked.

  Thulu turned his head just as Victor rammed his fist into the Elder’s eye. The shockwave bounced off the Elder and struck Victor, sending him spiraling through the air and hitting the floor with a bounce.

  Thulu looked to the Champion as he rose back up, “Gods could not stop me. What chance does a Champion have?”

  Victor stood up and eyed the Elder. There was not a single mark on him. The punch drained his power and weakness filled his muscles. Shoulders sagging, Victor found it harder and harder to stand. Looking to Vala, his heart ached as she gave him a small nod.

  “Victor, come to me,” Vala said, her voice melodic.

  Thulu stood with a small, madness filled smile. “Go to your goddess for one last touch before I consume all.”

  Victor made his way, body sagging further. Thoughts went to his remaining swords. If he shattered them, he would become very powerful, maybe strong enough to do some damage. Fingers flexing, he readied to summon them so he could give one last punch, anything to save Vala, his friends and lovers.

  Vala beckoned with outstretched hands. Victor felt lighter as he took each step until he stood before his goddess. Weakness reaching the tipping point, he collapsed in her arms and the goddess held him close.

  “I can…use my remaining power to…” Victor tried to speak but his voice was failing.

  “No, love. You have done more than I could ever ask for many lifetimes. I wanted to hold you like this one last time before I ask you for one last thing,” Vala’s words soothing the pain and weakness away.

  “Anything,” Victor said with wide eyes, “anything for you. I love you. I will always love you until the end of time.”

  The darkness around Vala’s eyes bled away as Victor stared into her soul.

  “Beautiful,” Victor whispered.

  “Will you surrender?” Vala asked as she stroked his cheek.

  “I surrender,” Victor smiled as darkness closed in around him.

  A tear streaked down Vala’s cheek. Hand up, a dagger appeared. Victor stared at Vala’s eyes, lost to their beauty when the dagger tip stabbed into his chest, penetrating his heart.

  Blood rose up, coloring Victor’s shirt crimson as the light in his eyes died.

  Umus, Nephy, Xull, Hexnia, and Dorian looked on in shock as Vala held Victor to her, cradling him and tears streaking her smooth cheeks.

  “My love,” Vala said as she gently lay Victor on the floor of the dais and folded his arms over his chest.

  The goddess rose, new power filling the temple. Stepping down the dais steps, she moved with liquid grace, hands out to her sides and energy sparking across the temple.

  Thulu stood. “You could not bear to see him consumed so you ended his life. Commendable in these end times.”

  “You’re wrong,” Vala whispered as a whip unfurled from her open left hand and a white sword slid out of her right hand.

  Umus and Nephy struggled to stand up. Dorian stood up, clutching his side and glancing down at Victor’s cold body. A whip appeared in Hexnia’s hand while Baaldir sat up and gazed on Vala. Xull pulled Cassandra away, her eyes watching and recording the events as they played out.

  Vala continued as her sensual hips moved from side to side with each delicate step, “Drogoss gave us the ability to die, but no god or goddess would dare risk it. It was his final lesson to us among the pantheon. Death is never the end, but a new beginning in our evolution.”

  Thulu looked down as the goddess stepped closer. “Death is the end. That is the lesson.”

  Vala stood before the Elder Thing and looked up, shadows covering her eyes. “It is not. My time spent in death’s embrace opened knowledge I would have never discovered otherwise. I finally see why the Elders are mad and I prevented the madness from infecting me.”

  “You cannot stop madness,” Thulu said with dark hiss.

  Vala smiled. “Love is madness. That is why you fear me…why you fear us. You have no power over love. We are part of the same coin. You feared my power and had me killed for it. Life, death, and madness are all the same and it frightens you.”

  Thulu raised an eyebrow.

  Vala’s smile took a manic edge. “My power has taken a long time to return because I’m not what I used to be. I have grown, the flood of power soaking into my new body.”

  “You cannot kill me,” Thulu said with a deep voice.

  “For the universe to function, there must be a balance. I respect balance, that is why I won’t kill you…only defeat you.”

  Thulu sneered.

  “You question the new Queen of the Pantheon?” Vala smirked.

  Umus smiled. Nephy grinned. Hexnia licked her lips and Dorian stared with love towards his mother.

  “I question it,” Thulu said with manic smirk.

  “So be it,” Vala sighed. “I, Vala of the seven realms decree, Victor Hobbs shall be my consort! To serve at my side if he wishes! He has shed the mortal coil! By right, I grant him the power of divinity! Rise my love!”

  Light blasted out across the temple. Umus pumped his armored fist while energy swirled and sank into Victor’s body. Lightning arced along his torso and limbs. Heart beating with divine blood, his eyes flashed opened. Chest rising up, darkness blasted out and a shadow landed on the dais.

  Chill cowered, the light burning his body. “Victor!”

  The Champion rose up, light burning away all his doubts. Golden energy glowed along his skin as a pure white smile formed. Victor looked at his hands, new power pulsating like a new engine, ready to go for a test drive.

  Victor looked to Vala and she turned her head to look back to him. Divine hearts soared as they connected across time and space to form an unbreakable bond.

  “I’M BACK!” Victor shouted.

  “No…no…you cheated! I will not let this mongrel divinity take root!” Thulu screeched before lifting his fists.

  Vala twirled away as two fists came down, blasting debris into the air and shaking the entire mountain.

  Time slowed down as Victor smiled. Thulu roared as he rushed the smaller goddess. Vala’s body moved like a dancer made of air. Body bending, turning, and twisting, she dodged every fist aimed at her by the mad Elder. Stone shattered and walls cracked as Thulu unleashed his madness. Umus aimed his hands and unleashed a torrent of holy power while Nephy did the same with life energy from the opposite side. Dorian pulled his pistol, mana bleeding from his life force into bullets. With a squeeze of the trigger, divine bullet after divine bullet blasted out of the barrel.

  Thulu took one step forward and stumbled back as god energy slammed into him. Vala turned and jumped, her body spiraling before her whip lashed out and followed up with a sword strike. The tip of the whip struck Thulu’s eyes while the sword slashed at his cheek. Vala floated past him with a confident grin before spreading her legs and landing on the floor. Spinning away, she dodged the hurricane of fists Thulu blasted out.

  “I want some meat!” Hexnia laughed as she launched into the air, whip swirling.

  Vala and Hexnia moved under streams of energy like a divine ballet, whips and sword landing and power exploding against the Elder Thing. The goddess of love and the goddess of seduction moved in perfect sync, cutting and blasting away at the monster.

  Victor smiled as power swelled from within. “Papa’s got a brand-new body!”

  The newly divine Victor launched forward like a comet, fist up. Thulu lashed out, trying to hit the two goddesses when light filled his gaze and divine knuckles crashed into his jaw. The Elder stumbled back before regaining his composure, Victor floating before him.

  “You vile pieces of dust,” Thulu growled before tentacles burst from his body.

  Victor’s eyes widened as dark power caused time and space to wrinkle and fold. The divine beings in the temple tried to pull away, but a gravity well took hold. Vala lashed out her whip and it coiled around Victor’s leg. Victor tried to fly away, but the gravity held him in place. A vine shot out from Nephy and coiled around Hexnia’s foot. Umus resisted, but his boots slid across the floor inch by inch.


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