Fate and Dreams

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Fate and Dreams Page 30

by Erik Weir

  “Now you see my true power! Madness will consume me, but it will be worth it to take you all with me,” Thulu cackled darkly.

  A shadow appeared above the Elder Thing. Thulu looked up as a spear point stabbed into his damaged eye. Baaldir grunted as he twisted the spear, the point barely breaking through a half an inch.

  Thulu laughed as dark power swirled around his body. Baaldir’s feet were on the Elder’s shoulders, throwing power into his shoulders and arms, driving the spear point in another inch.

  “Your pathetic attempts will do nothing, NOTHING! The Black hole will consume you all you!” Thulu laughed as his face looked up.

  Tentacles wrapped around Baaldir’s legs and he struggled.

  Umus looked to Victor, “We have to hold him in place! Remember on Valis! Make a big one!”

  Victor fought against the gravity’s pull as he understood what Umus meant. Vala looked to Victor, holding on for dear life. Hexnia screamed as divine skin along her legs began to rip and tear. Baaldir grunted as flesh peeled off and sucked into Thulu’s form. Stone cracked and flew toward the orb of darkness beginning to surround the Elder Thing.

  Victor turned his body and held out his hands. He had no idea if he could use an ability he used before when he was mortal. Focusing his mind, a black and purple portal swirled into being behind Thulu. It grew larger with every second until it nearly filled one side of the temple.

  Energies continued to blast at Thulu, but he stood fast, his body not moving. “You cannot stop MY POWER!”

  Victor readied to add his energy to all others when a lilac-colored succubus soared through the air and landed on Baaldir’s shoulders.

  “Lily!” Victor shouted.

  “I will never abandon my Blade,” the succubus smiled before leaping into the air and letting gravity pull her down.

  Thulu stared up as the succubus fell toward him, Baaldir’s spear still in one eye. Lily took a breath as she came down, slamming a boot on the Elder’s nose. Staff sideways, she broke it over her knee and flipped the ends around. Energy exploded, filling the succubus with divine power as she roared. Taking a jagged end of her destroyed staff, she plunged it into Thulu’s other eye. Baaldir raised a damaged foot and stomped on it, forcing the divine power into Thulu’s celestial skull.

  Thulu screamed as power exploded. Lily and Baaldir were thrown from the explosion, but the demoness didn’t make it far before she was caught in Thulu’s gravity well.

  “Now!” Vala shouted as she pointed her hand.

  Victor did the same and red power curled and exploded forth. Their streams of energy slammed into Thulu’s chest, adding to Umus and Nephy’s power, the Elder Thing stumbled back toward the portal. Power caused the temple to shudder and tremble as gods and goddesses poured all their energy at the Elder Thing.

  Thulu’s hands lashed out and clamped onto the edge of the portal, holding him. The power blasting at him cracked his skin, but he did not fall into the portal. Lily spun, falling towards the Elder’s gravity well.

  “Lily!” Victor shouted as he was ready to go after her when a shadow shot past him.

  Chill’s shadow arms were out. Lily fell toward Thulu with wide eyes when the shadow grabbed her, turned slightly and threw her. Energies rippled along his body, resisting the black hole’s power just enough for Lily to hit the ground. Xull was already moving, her mechanical body jumping on the succubus, taking hold and dragging her away.

  Victor watched as Chill fell toward Thulu, glowing blue eyes wide and heart leaping in his chest.

  “I was tired of saving you. I had to save someone else,” the shadow smiled before touching Thulu’s power and slipped away to nothing.

  “No!” Victor screamed as his power tripled.

  Energy slammed into Thulu and the Elder grunted. Fingers slipped one by one from the portal edge. Feet sliding, the monstrous thing with tentacles gave Victor a hard gaze.

  “The war is just beginning…” Thulu grinned before he let go.

  The Elder Thing fell into the portal. The gravity well died and Victor shut the portal closed. The black and purple swirling collapsed on itself and winked out of existence. Bodies fell to the destroyed temple floor and heavy breathing filled the air.

  Victor turned onto his stomach, his body already regaining energy it had lost. Seeing Vala on her back, Victor began crawling through the rubble to her side. Umus sat up and shook his head. Nephy groaned, as did Hexnia. Baaldir stirred as Dorian walked toward them, the wound to his side fading away. With one arm, Xull helped Cassandra sit up and then Lily. The succubus and Keeper blinked, looking on the destroyed temple and a small smiled forming as Victor crawled to Vala’s side.

  Victor crawled until he reached out and touched Vala’s cheek. The goddess was still as a statue. Victor pressed the back of his fingers to her cheek, giving her gentle strokes as he moved to her side and pressed his body to hers. Energy rose up, a fire blooming as the goddess turned her face to him and smiled, darkness covering her eyes.

  “Vala…” Victor whispered.

  “Kiss me you fool…my love,” Vala smiled with full lips.

  Victor pressed his lips to Vala’s, energy swirling against their bodies as their hearts became one.


  Plumes of smoke rose from craters along Vala’s Mountain. Some acolytes sat and stared at the bodies littering the ancient stairs and sloping land. The suns shined brightly, casting light on carnage of battle in all its terrible truth.

  Destroyed ships lay in large pieces along nearby, smaller mountains. Drones and dead wolf shifters lay, some in heaps and others by themselves, eyes staring at nothing, their souls long gone. The dead sank back into the ground, their love glowing as they returned to the soil whence they came.

  Buk pulled parts of a damaged battle suit while her suit lay a few feet away. The ram-woman moaned in sadness as she opened the torso and then pulled off the helmet. Diz stared up at nothing, her body cold and unflinching. Buk reached in and pulled her from the damaged suit. Blood covered her from Diz’s wounds as she clutched her dear friend to her chest and cried out in weeping sorry.

  Szura opened her eyes but could not move her limbs. The power she exerted was too much for her even her undead body. Anima floated by her, looking down with sad eyes. The lich looked to the ghost and gave her a weak smile before she closed them again and rested, waiting for her energies to replenish themselves.

  Nerin, Halisa, and Lix sobbed by Ida’s body as she lay. They touched her, praying to Vala and wishing their fellow War Maiden a safe passage to her next life.

  Wynn and Ema walked up the stairs, seeing Buk sobbing and holding Diz. The fox and cat moved to her side and sat down, tears running down their furry faces as they all held each other.

  At the top of the mountain, bodies moved among the ruined temple. Xull stepped along, picking up her damaged arm and touching it to the metallic stump. Wires and circuits joined, internal systems beginning their repairs. Umus was up and helping Nephy to her feet. Hexnia sat, tail curled around herself as her eyes gazed like daggers to the antlered God of the Hunt.

  Baaldir stood, eyes heavy and shadows covering part of his face. The god was silent as he stood, his mind a million miles away. Lily was up and walking toward Victor and Vala. The succubus gave a warm smile as she approached. When Victor and Vala looked to the approaching succubus, Lily noticed the heat between them and it grew with very step closer. When she stood before them, Victor took her hand and kissed her. Vala watched before she took Lily’s other hand. When Victor and Lily parted, the goddess leaned in and kissed the succubus deeply.

  Dorian stood, watching the trio and smiling behind his mask.

  Dawn and Night entered the temple, stepping over rubble, but their gazes firmly on Baaldir. Dawn hefted up her rifle while Night prepared spells. They approached on either side of the god, Dawn aiming her plasma rifle at his head and energy bleeding into Night’s hands. Umus looked to the elves and stared hard at Baaldir. Stepping closer, he t
oo gave the God of the Hunt a stern gaze, mace at his side.

  Baaldir looked down and saw his spear twenty feet away, but didn’t make a move toward it. Instead he simply stood, eyes lost once again.

  Cassandra was to her feet, cuts along her skin and some of her fiery red hair slightly disheveled. The Keeper smoothed it down as she looked to Vala, Victor, and Lily. Making her way closer, she stood at their side. Vala turned to the tall Keeper and hugged her. Cassandra held her small goddess with loving care and affection.

  Umus kept his hard gaze on Baaldir. “You may have turned at the end, but you cannot be excused for what you did to bring us here. Despite Thulu’s influence, you still had the power to resist. We all do.”

  Baaldir raised his head and stared at Umus before turning his gaze and looking past the god’s shoulder to Vala as she looked to him.

  “I’m sorry,” the god said with subdued sorrow.

  Umus squared his jaw and hardened his brow. “Sorry isn’t going to cut it.”

  Vala moved from the small group and when she reached Umus, she touched his shoulder. The god of light looked down at her hand before stepping to the side, but staying close. Nephy, Xull, Victor, Lily, Cassandra, and Dorian moved closer standing behind the goddess as she looked to the taller God of the Hunt.

  Baaldir lowered his head in shame. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did. I’m sorry I killed…our boy.”

  Vala stepped closer, hand rising up and touching the god’s cheek. Baaldir stared at the darkness of her hood before the shadows began to part. Eyes glowed with loving brightness and the god’s eyes widened. All watched as tears slipped down from Baaldir’s gaze and he fell to his knees before the goddess.

  Vala placed her hand on his shoulder as she spoke, “There is no punishment I can administer that will wash away the pain you feel. You must forgive yourself before any healing can begin. For such healing, I exile you from the realms so you may search for your own forgiveness. When you find it, only then may you return to us so we can heal the rest together.”

  Baaldir nodded as tears flowed. The God of the Hunt stood up. Not looking at anyone, a portal appeared behind him and he stepped back into it. Vala watched as the swirling purple and black energy closed in around him, the god giving her one last long gaze before the portal sealed shut and he was gone.

  Umus nodded before he turned his attention to Vala. “Did you mean it when you said you were the new Queen of the Pantheon?”

  Vala looked to the taller god and nodded. “I discovered when I died, Drogoss was long gone. Even from my celestial grave, I saw that if it was ever discovered, the pantheon would turn on each other and the realms would fall into chaos. We need a new leader and I wish to take the mantle, if you will have me?”

  Umus rubbed his jaw, “I don’t know. A sexy goddess in charge could be distracting.”

  Vala smiled.

  Umus clapped his hands and rubbed them together, “I’ll follow you, my goddess.”

  Nephy smiled. “I’ll follow you, my goddess.”

  Xull stepped closer, “I’ll follow you, my higher being.”

  Hexnia lazily stood up, lifted up her heel and brushed debris from underneath. “Yea, yea, I’ll follow you.”

  Vala nodded. “This is a beginning to bringing balance and love back to the realms.”

  Bodies entered the temple. Vala looked to the large group coming in. Acolytes and the human forms of Anubis and Kali stepped in. Victor smiled as he moved to Vala’s side, his eyes on his mother and Astor as they walked alongside the ruling King and Queen of the dead. Beverly looked to her son with proud eyes. Victor smiled at her, seeing she had regained some of her youth, enough to fight.

  “We felt your return and your new power. We wished to add our kingdom to your growing rule,” Anubis said with diplomatic ease.

  “I welcome the King and Queen of the dead with open arms,” Vala smiled.

  Anubis and Kali bowed before the goddess before standing up again.

  Astor gazed past the crowd to Dorian. The Slinger lifted a hand, touched the edge of his hat and give it nod. Astor’s face melted into a bright smile before looking away, new life filling her undead heart.

  Vala turned, looking to all those who surrounded her. “I know the battle is won for now, but there is still much to do. We must bury our fallen and provide some repairs to the mountain before we celebrate tonight. I ask everyone here to stay and help before we rejoice.”

  Heads nodded before bodies began to move toward the entrance.

  Victor stood, as did Lily and Cassandra. The temple began to empty out, Dawn and Night staying behind and guarding the temple. Vala turned and sauntered toward Victor. Arms rising, they glided over his shoulders and wrapped around his neck. Lily and Cassandra eyed them with loving amusement.

  Victor smiled as he looked to his goddess. “So, I’m a god now.”

  Vala let a small giggle filled the air before she spoke. “A demi-god. You have risen above the mortal coil, but you still have a long path before you can reach godhood. It’s a path only the strong or most cunning can survive.”

  Victor raised an eyebrow, “Even as a demi-god, I can still die?”

  Vala nodded.

  Victor held her close and began to laugh. Mirth rose up as a slight madness took hold. When the laughing fit died down, he pulled back and gazed on the darkness of Vala’s hood.

  “Okay, I’m over it,” Victor grinned.

  The two held each other before Victor’s lips parted again. “Consort, like a husband?”

  Vala nodded. “Like a partner from now on.”

  Victor’s smile faded as his mind worked. “Does that mean no hanky panky with anyone else,” the demi-god said before he glanced at Lily.

  Vala’s lip wrinkled in amusement. “I’m the goddess of love and lust. Do you think I would stand in the way of love, no matter where it comes from?”

  Victor and Lily smiled to each other before Victor turned his attention back to the goddess.

  “No, I suppose not.”

  Vala kissed the demi-god before pulling away and addressing her loyal few, “There is much to do before sundown. Let’s bring our light back to the realms.”

  The small group agreed before they began walking toward the temple entrance. Victor held Vala’s hands as they walked. The aches and pains of living were gone and energy flowed through his new body. It all paled in comparison as he looked to his goddess, heart lifting to a heavenly glow.


  The twin suns set behind the mystical horizon. Lanterns and torches burned brightly, along the base town of the mountain, the temple at the top and the middle village next to the springs. Some acolytes stayed in the base town, unable or unwilling to stray far from the graves of their fallen sisters. Others felt the pull of divine love and moved toward the springs.

  Food and wine were brought out as naked bodies slipped or splashed in Vala’s springs. Excitement and relief filled hearts as they enjoyed the heat of the springs and warmth of bodies.

  Victor, Vala, Lily, Dawn, Night, and Cassandra took one of the higher pools. The group looked down as their bodies soaked in healing steamy waters. Umus sat in a pool, acolytes surrounding him as he told stories. Nephy lay in a pool, her head back and staring at the starry sky. Xull had departed an hour earlier, taking the Avatar and the Sword Dreadnoughts back to Valis so they could supervise the terraforming. She was optimistic that the realm would be repaired in a few years and gave her goodbyes.

  Dorian and Beverly sat at a table not far from the springs, talking about the Earth Realm and Victor’s mom schooling the Slinger on old cowboy movies. Anubis and Kali sat at another table, the King of the Dead poking a piece of fruit on a fork and feeding it to his smiling Queen.

  Victor looked to all those gathered with a loving gaze before turning to the women in the pool with him. Dawn and Night talked, the dark-haired sister laughing while Dawn told her about her adventures. Gaze turning, he caught Cassandra and Lily eyeing him like a piece
of meat, but remaining respectful as Vala’s hand caressed his chest. The demi-god could read their minds and before he knew it, he connected with them.

  “I love you,” Victor said to Lily and Cassandra.

  “I love you,” Cassandra said through the connection.

  “I love you,” Lily said with her mind and whispered between lilac-colored lips.

  Vala kissed Victor’s neck and the demi-god turned to his goddess.

  “You still don’t know how to use all of your powers. Do you wish to step away for a little while?”

  Victor smiled. “I’m all yours.”

  Vala grinned. “I know.”

  The goddess stood up and took Victor’s hand. The others watched as the goddess and demi-god floated up out of the pool and soared upwards. Clouds drifted by in the cool night air. Victor was light as a feather, barely holding onto Vala as his own power allowed him to float further and further upwards.

  The couple reached a thick cloud and flew threw it. When they emerged above it, starlight dazzled senses as a crescent moon glowed with mystical beauty.

  Vala let go and floated down to the cloud. Victor followed. Naked bodies touched as they floated on the puffy cloud, arms encircling and each one holding the other. Despite his new senses, things appeared differently as he touched the naked goddess. Her hood gone; a simple blindfold wrapped around her head. Luscious lips parted as her divine body glowed in the moonlight. Energy bloomed between them as they matched in intensity.

  Victor could not resist himself, his divine member hardening to the goddess’s touch. Vala gave a wicked smirk, touching his hip and guiding him to her. A connection formed, blissful wetness and hardness meeting. The power from their bodies was overwhelming, but they could not stop what they both desired.

  Love flooded their bodies, their embrace blazing bright as a new sun formed amid the cosmos. Victor never knew such delight and Vala moaned her wanting and approval as the couple continued with their embrace. Time lost all meaning and when arching backs slowed and divine seed filled tight spaces, the couple let out long moans before they held each other in the starlight.


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