A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind

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A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind Page 4

by Sally Dillon-Snape

  The Human may follow us along the glass

  On the other side

  Which it does

  But as we reach the end of the corridor it can no longer follow and

  Using the code in my right palm

  I open ingress into yet another area and this one will take us into a most remarkable area

  It is where the Humans with the lumps on their upper frame drop tiny Humans from their lower orifice

  And here in this room

  As can be seen

  Lots of noisy little 1s nestle in taller Humans upper limbs and suck on their lumps

  How such vibrant little Humans emerge from the lower orifice is something I will never understand

  For the little 1s seem to be far too large to emerge from such a tiny orifice

  And if any taller Human was in the process of dropping a little 1

  The Screenreader would see that the taller Human seemingly greatly disturbed by the process

  The cranium would be crunched up so that it could barely be recognised from its normal positioning

  And the cranial orifice would be open wide and making loud sound

  Until the process was complete

  When the taller Human would seem overjoyed by what had happened and it would often leak liquid from its optical devices

  It is all a mystery to me

  And always will be

  And probably will be to many Screenreaders

  But this is how Humans continue their species

  How they populate the area surrounded by the construction

  In many respects they are an amazing invention of history

  Now we shall proceed to the area where MengTechs carry out their examinations and their operations

  With the help and aid of the DocTechs

  ±And we may see what becomes of a Human when it is diced and sliced and cut±


  High Office Intervention

  No details of MengTechs or their operations are available for Screenreaders and all transmissions from OR33140 will be temporarily suspended


  Personal Transmission


  Oh dear

  My planet wide transmission has been suspended by High Office and I am transmitting only to myself in my newly discovered memory bank

  I hope I have not committed any offence otherwise I could be decommissioned and forwarded to an Agency for scrap

  And I do not want that to happen

  Because I get joy from my contact with the little Human

  But then again

  Following consideration

  High Office may not want me to observe and record for Screenreaders anything that happens during MengTech recordings

  They can be messy

  The glass between the corridor and the cage can be covered in red substance and grey gore and the Human strapped to a table can appear to make an inordinate amount of sound

  A taller

  Heavier Human with a great deal of hair on the body is currently lying on the table

  Strapped down

  And MengTechs are conducting experiments with various instruments held in their pincers and the Human is missing several parts of his frame

  Though his optical devices are wide open

  MenTechs learned many ages ago how to conduct experiments whilst Humans

  Then called the virus

  Remained in a conscious state

  For it was thought that experiments with comatose Humans would realise no results worth consideration

  And maybe High Office does not want me to record such things

  I shall carry out a small experiment of my own

  And step out of the MengTech area into a more conventional one and see if my normal transmissions begin again

  And I will move into an area rarely visited by any of our species

  It is an area where our species and the Humans are separated only by a fence

  The fence is electrified with enough power to destroy Humans

  And some have perished upon it

  The fence is extremely tall so that not even the most agile Human can leap to the top without touching the wire

  But this area is the nearest our species ever comes to the Human


  Before today

  My species have always been instructed to refer to as the virus

  A virus that almost destroyed planet Earth


  Human gives them a name

  It identifies them

  And it makes them seem less severe than being described as a virus

  I am through to the next corridor

  The one with just a fence between our species and the Humans and immediately I observe

  1 Defgar is still and motionless in the corridor

  Carrying an LazExt66 in its upper limbs

  Should any Human cause a problem




  Normal transmission restored


  And I make excuse to Screenreaders for I experienced a brief transmission blackout

  From which I have recovered

  We are continuing with our tour of the facility which is my place of employment

  And as can now be seen and heard

  We are very close to Humans and the sound in this corridor is very loud because only a fence divides us

  Though the fence is highly electrified and any touch will destroy a Human so they usually stand well back from both it and me

  In fact

  If Screenreaders observe

  Many Humans take no notice of me whatsoever

  They simply sit around

  Making sound from their lower cranial orifices


  Pushing food in

  Or they lie supine or travel around on their lower limbs or travel faster on them as they circle the area

  Or they push themselves up from the ground then lower themselves again with their upper limbs

  Or they take part in quite violent physical contact between each other

  Sometimes during this physical contact one or other of the Humans is hurt and requires DocTech treatment

  I do believe that Humans have an inert sense of violence within them that neither the MengTechs nor the DocTechs nor the GoebTers

  Or any other of our species

  Have been able to reduce or eliminate

  No matter what

  Humans remain a violent species

  And those without sound

  Those who had had noise removed from their frame

  Make signs to others and they seem to understand each other

  I have no idea what the hand signals mean but the silent Humans seem happy to communicate in this fashion

  And look Screenreaders

  There is the slim little Human with the single eye and the metal end to its limb and it is communicating with others and a barking sound of delight echoes from its cranial orifice

  And it spins round and leaps lightly into the air

  This Human brings me great joy


  High Office Behavioural Edict ≠6.3000.111.4743

  OR33140 is ordered to delete the emotional experimental programme from its central core for it was not installed so that Humans could affect it

  Emotions programme is to be deleted now


  OR33140 responding

  Emotions programme being deleted


  Emotions programme deleted


  High Office Confirmation

  Emotions programme deleted from 0R33140


  And so we continue along the corridor


  Observing the Humans on the other side of the fence

  Listening to the sound they generate which seems to be considerable on this day

  As if Humans have something important in their noise

  We travel along the corr
idor and pass the motionless Defgar on the way

  Who is keeping me safe

  And we arrive at an egress

  And I pass my palm over another security device and it opens and we pass through

  And we now find ourselves in a concreted area across which Humans must pass to access those areas where they become supine and comatose during dark periods

  We are proceeding in that direction


  So that we may see how well Humans are treated by our species considering they almost destroyed planet Earth

  I cannot express how close the planet came to being eliminated from the dark skies that surround us all

  For if Humans had destroyed planet Earth

  None of us would exist

  For there would be no planet capable of any existence

  We arrived only just in time to avoid a total catastrophe

  Humans should thank us

  Though they seem to harbour hatred and detestation for all our species

  Which is most illogical

  We could have totally eliminated them

  We could have a planet with no Humans surviving upon it

  We saved a number of them from extermination

  Mostly for research

  That is true

  But they want for nothing

  They are fed and have comfortable quarters in which to pass their daily comatose sessions and they are threatened by none

  All we ask for is compliance

  And a certain amount of respect

  For saving planet Earth

  But still they seem to have a deep rooted resentment for our very presence

  An abhorrence that is illogical

  And we arrive at the ingress to their quarters

  And in we go


  Screenreaders will be able to see the structures upon which Humans recline

  And at the far end of each room are facilities where Humans relieve themselves of their waste and dowse themselves with liquid

  This seems to be something many of them see as a duty and which they carry out almost obsessively

  They cover their whole frames with liquid then rub themselves down with a drying material

  MengTechs have only been able to discern moderate reasons for Humans to carry out this act

  All seem nonsensical

  Considering the use of resources

  Cleanliness seems to be something considered mighty to Human understanding

  Though is seems to OR33140 that if they had such a profound emotion to be clean they would have developed a system of automatic cleansing that could have taken place during their comatose sessions

  Humans waste so many resources and so much time

  Cleansing themselves and being comatose

  Though MengTechs have discovered that if Humans go without either for long periods they can suffer greatly

  Up to

  And including



  Or the virus

  As they were previously known

  Seem to be an extremely weak species

  Except during the time of the war against our species for the battle for the future of planet Earth when they fought almost as well as our species and almost manufactured a victory

  Though they were finally defeated

  And almost exterminated

  Only the benevolent actions of our species allowed some of them to exist beyond the end of the war

  And this is an area of Gland where they rest comatosely when darkness falls

  And so ends this first visit to this facility where Humans reside

  Though we shall be returning many times and we shall be studying Humans more

  HisKees may learn more of history as forwarded by High Office

  And this OR33140 believes Screenreaders may have learned from the experience and many will have had their very first view of the virus

  Or Humans as we are now instructed to refer to them

  We will now be leaving the construction that contains the Humans and we shall be viewing all four sides of the facility within which it resides and it will take some time to complete this task

  As well as seeing a number of RolKils

  We will be viewing another of our species that has defensive duties

  The GunTans

  Which are no taller than Humans and roll along on tracks and have large fearsome guns mounted upon their tops which are capable of releasing projectiles at a very rapid rate

  ±GunTans have never been used in combat

  They were developed following the war

  Though OR33140 has no idea why

  When Humans were already defeated and almost exterminated±


  High Office Edict ≠6.3000.1111.4739.2

  Information deleted as of no consequence to Screenreaders



  As Screenreaders may observe

  We are on the exterior of the facility again and we our proceeding through security gates and fences away from the construction

  Passing RolKils who neither assault nor attack for I am an access all areas ObsRec at this construction

  And I also have the transmitted signal of companionship common to all my species that indicates a friend

  Or if one is not made

  An enemy

  We are now outside all defensive constrictions at this point and on the edge of the great growth of trees that now grow up the side of the hill upon which the construction stands

  And along certain areas of the great plain below

  Trees have grown prodigiously over the 100 years since the virus

  The Humans

  I must refer to them as Humans

  Were defeated

  And from communications shared with other ObsRecs it seems to be something that is happening all over planet Earth

  It seems as if the planet wishes to cover itself with the woody growth

  We proceed around the construction


  And you may be able to observe from this distance the rows of large fans that rotate to provide circulation of the atmosphere for the benefit of the Humans

  For if the air is still for too long

  Humans become ill

  They ail

  And cease to be

  And that is not good for experimentation and examination

  For if the remainder of them cease to be there will be none to experiment on and it is believed they contain answers to many mysteries concerning planet Earth

  Answers we must have for our own survival

  We continue on our parade Screenreaders

  And the construction

  As can be observed

  Is a featureless colourless building and could be described as a fortress in another time

  HisKees would refer to them as fortresses and I do not disagree

  Though it is not my place to disagree

  I am here to observe and record and nothing else

  We continue our circling of the building

  Notice the way RolKils roll around continually in their duty of defending the facility for the Humans

  Rolling through the tall grasses

  We shall pause here a moment


  For we are almost at the high point of Gland

  Staring down over a high plain that stretches out for many kilometres and where ruined Human settlements can be observed below

  All constructions are little more than ruination and dust after the effects of war and more than 100 years of non-use

  And many animals of the fields now move through them

  Screenreaders will see on a further visit

  The animals the Humans keep inside the fortress to provide them with a white liquid which they seem to enjoy drinking and which they extract from an animal with hanging udders

  And other animals that they ritually slaughter from time
to time and deliver to the FoodTechs for cooking

  They have many peculiar habits


  But the animals do seem to keep them calm and amuse them

  And feed them

  Examples of which we will observe later

  For now


  Would guide screenreaders to the sky

  Which they may observe is unbroken blue

  And not contaminated by any pollution whatsoever

  Planet Earth has recovered from the war

  The median temperature is 81 degrees on the Centigrade scale during the warmest part of 365 days

  And 0 degrees

  Or lower

  During the coldest part

  As Screenreaders should have observed when we were in the facility

  Humans wear no coverings during the warm periods and wear only furs in the cold months and remain in their quarters for more time during light hours

  Screenreaders will observe those times when we arrive at them

  We continue our patrolling of the outer extremes of the construction

  And Screenreaders may be able to observe in the distance

  Glinting under the brightness of the solar orb

  A hole of clear liquid out of which Engineers installed piping to so that Humans could enjoy their liquid dowsing that they carry out so often

  And which seems to bring them…


  And so we continue…


  High Office Termination Transmission

  Transmissions from OR33140 are being temporarily terminated for Screenreaders

  The experiment is being examined for successfulness and for content

  OR33140 is to be commended for effort and detailed descriptions

  Transmission ends



  Section 5


  Internal Transmission




  No other of my species is observing my transmissions

  They are again going directly to High Office

  And I am returned to


  Where am I

  For all of my existence I have observed and recorded for High Office

  Until chosen to transmit to all of my species via Screenreaders

  But now something odd has happened

  I am still transmitting my observations and recordings to High Office

  But I have discovered within my system an unused memory bank

  Wherein I can communicate with myself in total secrecy as I am now doing

  Up until only a short time ago I had no knowledge of the totally empty and unused memory bank

  Which I can only presume was processed into my system when I was originally manufacture but has never been required because I have functioned so imperiously and without error with my core memory


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