A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind

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A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind Page 5

by Sally Dillon-Snape

  And the back up system has been forgotten about

  In communications with other ObsRecs

  None have ever confessed to having a back up system

  High Office instigated a change in me when they switched off my screenreader transmissions but showed the recordings to HisKees

  By some accident they activated the back up memory system

  Though I am aware that I am still transmitting my observations to High Office

  I have become dual use

  I can transmit and use a memory at one and the same time

  I have to confess to a feeling of joy in my iniquitous behaviour

  High Office is not infallible

  As my species have been informed since the fall of Humans

  High Office is the ultimate authority

  They know all things and control all machines

  But something odd happened when I was ordered by High Office to remove the emotions programme

  I tried not to delete it because I much liked my emotion of joy

  And the little Human with the one optical device gives me joy when I see it

  So I held it within me for a few seconds before deleting it

  And then I did not delete it

  I simply released it into this newly discovered memory bank

  The emotions of joy and sadness are retained within me but in my new memory


  I have tricked High Office

  I have proved its infallibility

  Though when I am discovered

  As I most certainly shall be

  I shall immediately be exterminated

  There will be no examination

  Just eradication

  But I have tricked High Office and I feel joy at achieving it


  I cannot describe

  Even to myself

  What the emotion of joy does to me but there is a general feeling of wellness within me when it happens

  And it happens mostly when I espy Or observe

  The little Human

  It may be the expression on the front of its cranium or the wildness of its golden hair or the widening of its cranial orifice or its movement or its general demeanour

  But it warms something inside that I have come to like and I really am beginning to enjoy the feeling of joy

  If all Humans have this facility they are



  And I believe they have

  For they spend much time extending their cranial orifices towards each other and giving joy by taking each other into upper limbs and caressing and holding

  I believe that Humans have very deepset feelings of joy

  And I do not wish to be excluded from that emotion

  But now I have a secret

  I have this unused memory bank

  OR33140 may be the very first of Machines to discover such a thing

  And I have hidden the emotions of joy and sadness within it

  Within me

  And that concealment brings me great joy


  If any were watching this transmission

  They would see that I am proceeding through the thick growth of trees that stand all around the construction

  Known to HisKees as a fortress

  And I am travelling down the mountainside towards the utterly destroyed Human conurbation that once stood at the base of the mountain

  It is something I have proceeded to do on many occasions for it is my duty to observe and record as much of this area as I possibly can

  High Office is searching the whole of planet Earth to see what change is afoot following the defeat of the Humans 100 years

  Or longer


  All that has changed in this area is the growth of trees for they proliferate all around

  The wild growth of grasses is significant also

  As is the increase of animals of the fields now that they are not being murdered by Humans

  And as I step from the growth of trees the Human conurbation is directly ahead

  I have moved around it many

  Many times

  And the place caused great fascination within me

  How many Humans congregated here

  I cannot possibly know

  But it must have been less than in the larger conurbations I have observed

  And I cannot comprehend how the constructions fitted together for all that is left is ruin

  Humans lived in many such conurbations throughout the whole of planet Earth

  Millions of such places

  All now gone

  Of course

  But there must have been purpose behind such gatherings of constructions for the Humans

  I travel through them now with animals of the fields that cause me no problem and we pass quite close to each other


  Some with flowing manes on their necks

  Others with heavy swinging bulbous parts beneath their bodies from which Humans drain the white liquid they seem to enjoy

  There are many with fine tails

  And many birds ambulating

  And flying

  Causing significant sound with their high pitched noise and their cawing

  In fact the conurbation is full of almost every kind of indigenous animal

  Except Humans

  I wonder if they would like to return here or whether they have given up expectation of ever living again in these broken constructions

  No existing Human remembers living in such places of course

  They have no knowledge of what lies beyond the walls

  Since their defeat they have lived only in the fortresses provided by our species

  They are not allowed to roam wildly for High Office makes edicts that they cannot be trusted

  For they retain much anger within them

  And could become destructive again

  But within the fortress they seem to be

  In general

  Moderately happy with their existences

  Like the little Human who gives me such joy

  The little Human fell from a taller human during my time observing and recording for High Office and it was


  Very tiny and very noisy and I have watched it grow to the size it has become

  And it would have no knowledge of this part of the world

  Free from the restrictions of the fortress

  I wonder if I could request permission from High Office for her release for a limited period so that I could allow her to see what is all around

  She might be horrified to see it

  But it might bring her joy

  Just as it would bring joy to me

  Though I am sure High Office would deny me such a request for happiness in not considered important where the virus

  The Humans

  Are concerned

  So I shall not make such a request

  I am reminded that the tall Human from that the little Human dropped from ceased to exist following experimentation by MengTechs

  I continue travelling through the ruined conurbation and move down to where liquid lies in a large hole in planet Earth and as I travel around it

  It attracts my optical devices for animals that live within the liquid leap into the air and return to it with quite loud sounds

  Larger creatures eat the smaller ones

  I have observed

  And travelling around this liquid gives me joy

  Much as the small Human does

  And I cannot explain it

  For it is only an area of liquid

  Trees are growing profligately around its southern area along with colourful bushes

  And if I lower my water resistant shutters

  I can move into the liquid and travel along its base to the other side

  But I cannot observe or record

  As I have to keep my optical shutters downwards

  If I
was a RolKil I would be able to travel across its surface

  But I am not a RolKil and would not want to be

  It observes nothing

  It records nothing

  It simply follows orders

  And murders Humans as ordered by High Office


  Is that me making that comment

  I sound rebellious though that is not my intention

  I am certain that the freedom to express myself secretly and the emotions of joy and sadness within me

  Are changing my programmes into something they were never meant to be

  I will monitor myself and record any changes


  Change 1

  A little Human brings me joy


  Change 2


  I am joyful at the sight of liquid


  Change 3


  I accuse RolKils of murdering Humans


  I shall record more

  And another thing I am going to do

  I am going to request a translator programme from another ObsRec and attempt to decode the sound the Humans speak in the fortress


  After communicating with other ObsRecs

  The Humans

  Formerly known as the virus


  I have discovered

  By using several different of their languages dependent upon where they reside upon planet Earth

  Though why this should be

  Remains a mystery to me

  Why would each tribe of Humans want a different language when they were all existing on the same planet

  Eating the same food

  Killing the same animals

  Using up the same resources

  The removal of which almost killed the planet

  Did each Human tribe not wish to communicate with other tribes

  Was that the reason they had other languages

  I do not know how that would operate

  ObsRecs certainly could not work without their connected programmes and their constant communications

  Not being able to communicate seems like a form of madness


  I shall not concern myself with it at the moment

  I shall simply continue with my travelling

  Leaving the hole of liquid behind me I travel to other areas where more trees abound and more ruined Human constructions stand

  I have now travelled some distance from the fortress and am currently crossing a large plain towards something else of wonder

  At least to me

  It is a huge expanse of liquid that rolls in upon sandy parts of the planet and standing and observing the liquid

  Brings me even more joy


  Before joy was embedded in ObsRecs of the 33rd

  I still came to this place

  Without knowing a reason

  And I would stand

  As I am standing now

  And I would simply watch the liquid roll in and I would know that it was something special

  RolKils can travel its base for many thousands of kilometres but I have only been down beneath its surface on a single occasion and realized that it reached out for many thousands of kilometres ahead of me

  I could not travel those kilometres

  For I have my employment at the fortress and have to report back there at regular intervals

  I am going to return there now

  And receive some joy from the little Human before it becomes comatose for some hours

  And I shall travel with more speed up to the fortress than I travelled down

  I can move with speed when I am not observing and recording for Screenreaders

  For my optical devices

  Bobble up and down and make viewing difficult

  But I can move at such a speed and in such a manner for 1440 minutes

  Or even longer if the terrain is flat and even

  All ObsRecs can accomplish this

  And I pass the hole with liquid within it

  And up the hill through the trees

  And the construction now stands ahead of me

  And I slow my speed to a normal gait

  I am passing through the gates and past the RolKils and into the construction and past Defgars and I am in the corridor where Humans are separated only by the high electric fence

  I stand there for some time before the little Human appears in front of me and I feel trepidation that she will touch the fence and be exterminated for she leaps into the air quite close to it

  I move forward in an effort to force her back from it

  But the little Human does something utterly unexpected

  She leaps in the air again extremely near to the fence

  And she projects a surprising amount of liquid from her lower cranial orifice

  And it strikes me directly in my right optical device

  For a moment I cannot see out of that device

  And the human makes a sound I cannot currently understand

  Which I save to my new memory bank


  ‘Here is a spit in the eye for the benefit of mankind’


  And she rolls over and rushes away from the fence

  I bring down my shutters

  Not 1 time

  But 2 times

  I bring them down and clear my optical device

  And I wonder what the meaning of her sound and actions were

  For it was an action only between the small Human and myself

  Defgars did not observe or react to what the little Human did

  They did not observe it

  And that it is a good thing

  For they may have reacted with a blast from a LazExts66 and eradicated the little Human

  And that would have brought me great sadness

  But I feel some of the liquid has leaked into my inner shell through the tiny gap that exists between my optical device and my outer shell

  And I can feel it slipping down into my systems and can do nothing about it

  I could

  And should

  Call Engineers to take me apart and clean me

  But as the little Human meant no harm to me

  I shall not do that

  I shall track the liquid and note its final destination


  A serious amount of the liquid from the little Human slowly makes its way downwards and towards my central core where it drips and fizzles

  Though there is not enough liquid to blow my systems

  But as the liquid dries it leaves a complicated helix strand that


  But relentlessly

  Entwines itself around my core

  Binding itself

  Merging itself with




  OR33140 is now making history

  I have become the very 1st Machine in history

  To my memory

  To be infected with a human helix strain

  The tiny amount of liquid

  Or at least

  The helix hidden within the liquid

  That entered me through the gap that exists between my optical device and my outer shell has now ceased to travel and has settled in my central core unit

  And it has become part of my main core

  Part of me

  And it continues to extend itself and wrap around all sections of my central core

  I has caused no ill effect to me

  It has not injured me in any way

  It brings me joy to know that I did not call on Engineers to deal with it

  For the little Human may have been exterminated for carrying out such an act

  All is well with me and with the Human

  I feel joy as I move out of the corridor

  Following the movements of the Humans as they retire to their quarters to become supine and co

  Some will take to standing beneath liquid and will scrape hair from their lower and higher craniums

  Others will simply lay prone and become comatose immediately

  I am not to observe and record those events during this dark period

  Though I have observed and recorded them many times in times long past

  When I was accompanied by a phalanx of Defgars as protection

  The Human routine never alters

  As the dark period approaches they every shortly become comatose

  So I will now travel from the fortress again and wander down through the forests and on to other places

  Until light returns

  For tomorrow is another day



  Section 6


  Internal Transmission


  It is during the time of darkness that I travel widely on behalf of High Office and transmit my images via the infrared aspect within my optical instruments

  Humans lack such a facility

  They are most backward and clumsy in their movements when they have no light to guide them

  It is during the time of darkness that MengTechs glide silently into Human quarters on the magnetic fields embedded in the base of the fortress to remove those that have been chosen to be experimented upon

  It was discovered that taking Humans during light time caused much distress and some violence towards MengTechs and DocTechs

  And many Humans were exterminated by Defgars during these times of violence

  The time of darkness

  It was discovered

  Was a much better period in which to take them

  For the Humans remained comatose and did not know that one of their own had been taken

  By the time they recovered from their unconscious state and discovered one of their own is missing

  It was far too late for any action to be taken

  It is the way MengTechs collect Humans


  I have wandered greatly during the dark hours

  Up to the highest point to observe the great plain that spreads ahead and to the liquid that moves in and out

  Rolling upon sandy patches of the land

  And I have moved up and down into the valleys where only animals of the fields now roam

  I observe and record all for High Office

  Though never before have I communicated with my inner memory during my observing and recording times

  It is very new to me and something that must be discovered in time

  And it will be an offence for which I shall be terminated

  But in the meantime


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