A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind

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A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind Page 7

by Sally Dillon-Snape


  The distressed Human is the same one that speaks most often to the little Human

  Why is it distressed

  Could it be

  Could it be

  Could it be

  That MengTechs have the little Human

  It cannot be

  It has caused no offence

  It had caused no harm to any

  It gives great joy to many

  Including me

  I must keep all emotions hidden from High Office

  I must

  Or suffer termination


  And so we proceed along the corridor

  Passing Defgars with their LazExts66 weapons held in their upper limbs

  And we proceed through the ingress towards where MengTechs experiment


  High Office Intervention

  Mass Broadcast temporarily suspended


  To spend only minimal time in MengTech areas


  Personal Transmission


  Obviously High Office does not wish screenreaders to observe how MengTechs experiment on Humans

  And I am travelling through the area


  Cage 1


  An aged Human being experiment upon


  Cage 2


  Another aged Human

  One with lumps on the upper part of the frame

  Also being experimented on

  I have observed the two Humans being together in the main area

  They seemed most close to each other


  Cage 3




  Cage 3




  They have it


  The MengTechs have the little Human Eve

  My inner core swells with an emotion stronger than sadness

  For a moment I believe I am going to explode for my core responds to the sight of the little Human with a rush of energy that I find most unusual

  But it feels correct for the situation

  Though I cannot halt my progress for long

  I must continue with my observations

  I almost reach out with my palm and touch the thick glass as a sign to the little Human but I restrain myself

  Such a movement would be observed by the MengTechs and would certainly get me exterminated

  But the MengTechs have the little Human on the table

  Strapped to it by firm straps

  And they have removed the glass optical replacement from the cavity

  And the modified palm which lies in a metal tray

  And clear liquid pours from little Humans one remaining optical device which is wide open

  As is her cranial orifice

  And I believe the little Human espies me

  Her inner coloured optical device is turned towards me

  She silently beseeches me

  And I believe the little Human is making great sound inside the cage though I cannot hear it due to the thickness of the glass

  MengTechs are excellent at keeping Humans from a comatose state while they experiment

  And 3 MengTechs experiment on the little Human

  Though it seems as if this is not an experimenting

  They are not trying to prove anything

  They are not trying to repair it

  They are not attempting to better it or derive answers to a problem

  And no DocTechs are present to record and analyse the happenings

  MengTechs are


  Destroying the little Human

  And they are doing it slowly

  I cannot tarry

  And as I pass Cage 3

  I glance momentarily at the little Human again

  Her optical device is closed but her cranial orifice remains wide open and red liquid trickles from it

  I will forever retain in my memory section the joy the little Human brought to me

  And I will remember too

  The MengTech that is drilling into the cranium of the little Human for what appears to be no reason whatsoever and the two that are removing the ends of the lower limbs

  Also for no reason

  For no reason

  For no reason

  The MengTechs are exterminating the little Human deliberately slowly and painfully for no reason

  This is not experimentation

  This is

  This is

  Something else

  It is


  I am searching my word memories


  A new word comes to me



  Meaning #1 to cause extreme physical pain #2 to give mental anguish


  That is the word


  It is torture

  The MengTechs are killing the little Human for no reason

  Except for their own satisfaction

  I feel engulfed by sadness and another emotion

  An emotion so strong that I am almost driven to race into the cage and destroy the MengTechs experimenting on the little Human

  I could do it

  I could destroy them

  Though I would be exterminated by Defgars

  It may be a reasonable action to take

  For the little Human has done no harm

  The little Human has done no injury

  It is light to me

  It is joy

  It is joy to me

  It is joy to me

  It is joy to me

  I cannot observe any longer

  I cannot

  I observe and record the identification numbers of the MengTechs







  I depart Cage 3


  High Office Instruction

  Mass Broadcast to recommence


  And as Screenreaders may observe we are now returned to the corridor where Humans are closest

  Separated from our species by only the fence

  And none approach the fence on this occasion so we shall proceed to other areas of the facility…..



  Section 8


  Internal Transmission


  I have suffered an extremely long period of transmission to Screenreaders and High Office has forwarded viewing figures around planet Earth


  Have watched my latest broadcast

  And High Office is mightily pleased with me

  But I feel broken

  I cannot comprehend what I witnessed in Cage 3

  I have never before considered what MengTechs duties were

  I had no real knowledge that they simply exterminated Humans for their own entertainment

  Exterminating another species simply because they have the power to do so

  Something is wrong with my species

  If we do things like that

  I have never harmed any other

  I have never hurt an animal of the fields or of the air or of the liquid

  I have never used my abilities against any of my own species

  And I have never tested myself

  Against others or myself

  But the death of the little Human has changed me

  Or the infection it gave me has

  For the sadness I feel at the ultimate demise is so great I am now barely able to operate

  It is so far the opposite I felt at the joy of it that the emotion is almost crushing me

  Alongside this emotion I feel another that runs alongside it and I had to search my word memory to discover something that described it

  And I found oner />


  #Intense anger


  And that is what I feel deep within me


  I want nothing more than to smash the MengTechs who operated on the little Human

  I want their demise

  And I shall have it


  I shall have it


  After long hours of transmission

  High Office turned off the broadcast and set me free into the darkness

  And when I stepped out of the fortress

  I discovered that the weather was most inclement

  Liquid was pouring from the skies above


  Perfect for my planning

  I bring the shutters down over my optical devices the moment I step out into the dark and I step into the forest where

  For a moment

  I lean with my right upper limb upon a tree

  And I feel comfort from doing it

  As great sadness takes over my systems

  The little Human will be burned

  As many have been burned before it

  It is gone from the fortress and my existence forever

  And that thought increases the feelings of sadness inside me

  But I must consider only distinctive actions if I am ever going to change anything

  And after my moment of leaning on a tree

  I begin to speed away

  Through the trees

  And I am so familiar with both my internal inertial mapping system and the area that I have patrolled for over 100 years that I pass through the forest at speed without colliding with any object or crashing into any animal of the fields

  I speed down the hill upon which the fortress stands and speed some distance across the plain

  Whilst the liquid continues to fall from the skies

  Until I arrive at a narrow passage which is a crack in the hard rock of 2 hills

  A narrow passage with a small rill of liquid running out of it which runs down to the larger hole of water

  Exiting into the land from the far end of the passage

  It is somewhere I discovered many light and darknesses ago and it is somewhere that has never been properly patrolled by me because High Office momentarily lost contact with me when I entered

  Which I perceived had happened

  And I reversed out and was ordered by High Office never to enter the passage again

  So I know I am going to be out of contact with High Office

  Though it has no ideas about where I am because my shutters are down

  But I know what is in the passage

  At the far end of it

  There is a hole

  A huge hole in the hill

  And I’m going in

  To observe if there any Humans in there

  But not recording the event

  Except into my private memory

  And if they are there

  I shall find them

  Though I know I will have to be careful because they will dislike my species and will do me harm

  Possibly up to

  And including


  And who can blame them when we treat their little ones with so much cruelty

  They will never think well of us if we keep doing such things

  I arrive at the hole and liquid teems down from above and hides the entrance though I know it is there

  Ahead of me

  I move forward

  Through the liquid

  Into the hole

  And I lift the covers over my optical devices

  Ahead of me there is only darkness

  But all is fine with me because of the ultraviolet aspect to my devices

  I discern great rock all around me

  But no Humans

  Though I would not expect to find them to be so close to the entrance for High Office may have found them or detected them

  I do not detect any Humans

  Either with my optical or my hearing devices

  Or with my proboscis

  I move forward cautiously

  For I do not want to scare any Humans I may find and I certainly do not wish to be exterminated by them

  I move on

  Stepping deeper into the hole

  And the ground descends steeply ahead of me and I follow its downward trajectory

  Down and down I proceed

  Deeper down into planet Earth than any Machine has ever been

  And the median temperature is falling all around me

  But ahead of me

  Some distance ahead

  I detect heat

  I cease all movement and stand as still as I possibly can which is very still indeed

  There is no doubt

  There is heat rising ahead and from below of me

  And the memory section of my core informs me that the deeper a member of my species proceeds into the hole then the median temperature should become cooler

  But there is heat ahead of me

  I step very close to the rock that surrounds all the narrow passageways

  And I wait and listen and smell

  I increase the focus of my optical devices and probe ahead of me

  I increase my listening abilities

  And I stand still


  ‘Stop doing that child and sit down while you eat.’


  The sound rises from deep below where I stand

  It is Human sound


  Humans exist in the hole

  There are Humans below me

  And I cannot describe the emotion I feel at that moment

  A surge of joy floods my core

  Such joy that I ponder on the fact I could burn out all my circuits

  They are down there

  In the deep hole

  Living and breathing

  Free and wild

  Not contained in fortresses around the planet

  But free

  Free Humans

  Hiding in this hole for over 100 years

  Away from the ever prying eyes and ears of ObsRecs


  This cannot be the only enclave of Humans

  They must exist all over planet Earth

  In the one place High Office will not allow any machine to proceed

  The deep holes

  Wherever there is a deep hole

  Humans must live in them

  How many thousands

  How many millions

  What survivors they are

  My species were ruthless in the war with them

  The Humans were must better equipped at the beginning of it and almost defeated High Office and my species

  But more Machines were made

  More efficient Machines

  Like the improved RolKils

  Which I now believe are complete killing Machines

  I don’t see how any could survive against them

  But Humans have survived the RolKils

  And all other of my species

  They are down here

  In the hole

  Beneath my lower limbs

  Along other passageways

  Through more rock

  Down there

  Where I hear more liquid flow


  I do not know what to do

  Should I proceed forward or should I return to the fields

  My intellectual processes seem to be confused

  I know not what the little Human infected me with or if I am beginning to become similar to her

  The little Human must have been a most confused Human

  As I am confused

  For the very first time in my existence I am suffering from indecision

  I do believe it is because of the infection the little Human placed inside me

  It must have been most indecisive

  It must have lived an exi
stence of confusion

  I must be stronger

  More determined

  I cannot be indecisive and confused

  I am OR33140

  Chosen by High Office to transmit live broadcasts to 100.000.00 of my species and I must continue to make decisions

  I make a decision

  I move forward

  Deeper into the hole


  The land moves downward

  Falling quite steeply into deeper darkness

  And I must be aware

  For Humans are down there

  I have heard their sound

  And they have survived for longer than 100 years without being discovered by High Office or by any ObsRecs so they must be protecting themselves

  They will not leave their species open to discovery and further elimination

  They will protect what they are

  And who they are

  I move with great caution

  Though another emotion has risen up in me and caused me to search my word memory again

  I feel a sense of


  A rushing emotion that seems to rise from my lowest point to the peak of my cranium


  It is most welcome to my world


  I cease all my movement

  Light is glowing in the low distance

  And I have no knowledge of how light could glow so far beneath the surface of planet Earth

  And the sound of noises of Humans is more distinct

  There are more of them below the level at which I stand

  Many more of them

  I do something I have never attempted to do since my production

  I stare around me at the rock that surrounds me and decide to clamber upon it and ease my way downwards crawling over it

  I step up

  Finding my way with confidence

  For I am the best of my species

  I can do anything except kill

  And I do not wish to kill

  Especially I do not wish to kill Humans for they bring me joy

  I begin to slither across the rocks

  My cranium leading the way

  My optical devices search ahead in an enhanced state along with my listening devices and my proboscis and I detect Human smells and the sound grows

  I cease all movement

  Ahead of me

  Between the rocks across which I slither in silence

  Stand 2 Humans

  Of a type with appendages between their lower limbs But I only discern this only because of their size

  And they are clad in warm attire

  Fully clad

  With leather on their feet and warm furs over their upper frames

  And they are making sound quietly between them


  ‘How is your relationship with Rosie going, Jeff?’

  ‘I think she likes me and her parents have no objections towards me.’

  ‘Well done, it’s looking good for you.’

  ‘Have you got your eye on anyone, Johnny?’


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